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Amish Romance Box Set: Finding Home

Page 30

by Brenda Maxfield

  Ach! What was she to do?

  He laughed, a low quiet chuckle. “Oh, Naomi, if you could see your face. The emotions playing over it would do you well in Hollywood.” He laughed again. “May I sit?” He gestured with his head toward an empty rocker on the porch.

  “Jah,” she muttered, struggling to get herself under control. “Of course. How nice to see you again, Mr. Moore.”

  “Mr. Moore, huh?” He shrugged. “I’ll take it. Better than being called an ogre or a beast or a cheeky fellow.”

  She frowned, unsure of what he obviously meant as a joke. “Can I get you some lemonade?”

  “That would be lovely. Mighty warm today, isn’t it?”

  “I’ll be back in a moment,” she said and hurried inside. She practically ran to the kitchen in her haste to put some distance between the two of them. She grabbed the glass pitcher of lemonade from the refrigerator and snatched two glasses from the cupboard.

  He had something for her? What could it possibly be? And she couldn’t take gifts from a fancy man. What was he thinking? She poured the drink and taking a deep breath, she carried both glasses outside. He reached for one, and she was careful that their fingers didn’t touch. He took a long drink and sighed.

  “So good. Thank you, Naomi.”

  She sat in her rocker and raised her glass to her lips with a shaky hand. She took a small sip and then looked at him.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I can see that you’re still shocked to see me.”

  He looked at her with his gold-flecked brown eyes—that rare color which had intrigued her weeks ago when he’d first stayed at the Bed and Breakfast. Now, he was gazing at her again, his eyes telling her how much he’d missed her. How much he cared. She could see it plain as day, and she squirmed in her chair.

  “As I told you, staying here meant the world to me. I was trying to think of something I could do to help you. I have been singing your praises to anyone with half an ear.” He chuckled. “And there are people who will probably stay here in the next few months because of my bragging. At least, I hope so.”

  “Thank you,” Naomi murmured, her hands grasping her glass. She sat still, afraid to move, almost afraid to speak. Had she given the wrong impression to Justin when he was there last? Had she led him to believe…? She couldn’t continue her line of thought out of fear as to where it might lead her.

  Truth be told, there was something charming and magnetic about the man sitting beside her. He had a playful, curious spirit which she found refreshing and intriguing. She wouldn’t soon forget the time he’d helped gather the eggs. He’d been like a child tasting candy for the first time. Just thinking about it brought a smile to her lips.

  “What?” he asked, leaning slightly forward. “What’s funny? You’re smiling.”

  Her eyes widened in alarm. Was she so transparent? “Nothing,” she said quickly.

  He narrowed his eyes for the briefest moment and then grinned at her. “You look good, Naomi. Happy.”

  She nodded as discomfort tingled up her spine. She wasn’t accustomed to being analyzed publically.

  “I’m glad to see it. Very glad.”

  Before she could even begin to think about responding, she heard a clatter inside the barn. She turned, craning her neck to see if it was Ben. It wasn’t. Her breath froze in her throat as Zachariah appeared at the barn door. Even at that distance, she saw the look of shock on his face upon seeing her guest. She saw his shoulders rise, and he went completely still.

  Justin had followed her gaze to the barn, and he also went still. Naomi cleared her throat and searched for something to say.

  Her discomfort grew as the silence stretched, but just as she despaired about what to do, Justin relaxed and said in a casual tone, “That’s the man who leases your land, right? Isn’t his name Zachariah something or other?”

  “Zachariah King,” she answered.

  “So, he uses your barn, too?”

  Naomi quelled the flicker of irritation his question brought forth. “He fixes things for me,” she said. She had an inexplicable urge to enumerate all the different things Zach had done for her of late.

  “That’s nice of him,” Justin said, turning toward her. “I didn’t realize he did so much.”

  Naomi frowned. Justin’s mood had changed, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to go there with him. She straightened her posture and smiled. “It’s a farm. Things need doing all the time.”

  Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Zach move. She fully expected him to retreat back to the fields, knowing he wasn’t one for small talk, but she was wrong. He was heading directly toward them.

  Since Zach was coming from behind, Justin seemed unaware of his approach, but Naomi saw him clearly. She saw the dark angry-looking shadows on his face. She rose to her feet, and Justin turned around to watch Zach approach along with her.

  Justin stood beside Naomi. “Hello, Zachariah. How nice to see you again.” He took a step down the stairs and extended his hand.

  Zach closed the distance between them and shook hands, his eyes steady on the Englischer. “Mr. Moore.” There was censure in his tone.

  Zach looked up at Naomi, and she met his gaze. A thousand questions were in his eyes, but she hardly knew what to say. Justin coming hadn’t been her idea.

  “What brings you to Hollybrook again?” Zach asked, and there was emphasis on the word again.

  “I have something for Mrs. Byler,” Justin said, sitting back down and rubbing his hands over his thighs.

  So, I am Mrs. Byler when Zach is around.

  Zach’s expression darkened further. “And what might that be?”

  Justin turned from Zach to Naomi. “It’s coming tomorrow,” he said. “I do hope you like it.”

  “What’s coming?” Zach asked, his voice louder than usual.

  “It’s a sign,” he said. He looked at Naomi, and his eyes brightened. “I had a sign professionally made for you. I hope you like it.”

  “A sign?” She was stunned. How in the world did Justin know how much she wanted one?

  “Yes. For your business. Often signs for B & B’s are lit up, but obviously that isn’t going to work for you. I ordered one to be made of wood. It’s being delivered and installed tomorrow.”

  Naomi’s lips parted but no sound came forth. She was still gaping at him, her emotions a tangled mess as she realized just how far he had overstepped.

  He rushed on. “But I noticed you already have a sign. I saw it on my way in. If you don’t want a new one, say the word. I didn’t want to butt in.”

  “Butt in?” Zach asked. His face had gone completely white. Naomi had rarely seen anyone with such a pale expression. “Butt in?” he repeated.

  “A new sign is wonderful gut,” Naomi hastily remarked. A new sign? It still hadn’t fully registered. “I was wanting one so badly. Thank you, Mr. Moore.”

  “Your feelings wouldn’t be hurt, then, if the other one is removed?”

  “Hardly! Katy helped me with it, but we both thought it looked quite unprofessional.”

  “That’s wonderful.” Justin gave her a warm smile. “So it is all right.”

  Naomi took a quick intake of breath. Was it all right to accept a gift from an Englischer like that? But how could she turn it down? Wouldn’t that be rude? Wasn’t she obliged to accept a gift so freely given?

  Her gaze flitted to Zach, and her chest tightened. His paleness was gone, and his face had turned red. The man looked ready to explode.

  “I’d have to pay you for it, of course,” she said quickly, hoping that would calm Zach down. Her mind whirled. There was no way she would be able to find money to pay for a sign.

  “No.” Justin frowned. “No, of course not. The whole idea was to do something nice for you. I mean, something nice for your B & B.”

  “You came all the way from wherever to tell her about the sign?” Zach asked. “Why didn’t you write?”

  Zach’s words rankled Naomi. He was being downright rude. He was
n’t her relative. Nor was he her bishop or preacher. He didn’t have authority to be tossing out such questions.

  Zach glanced at her and surely he could see the irritation on her face, but if anything, he looked more determined than ever to pursue his line of questioning. His eyes turned back to Justin.

  “You’re right, Zachariah,” Justin said smoothly, but Naomi thought she saw his fists clench slightly. “Fact is, I had other business this way and wanted to deliver the news personally.”

  Zach didn’t respond. He simply stood, his shoulders raised, his gaze unwavering.

  “Would you like some lemonade, Zach?” Naomi asked, desperate to break the tension. “I’d be glad to get you some.”

  She snapped her mouth shut, stunned by the look on Zach’s face. His eyes had glazed over, and if she didn’t know better, he looked like he was in anguish. Something unfathomable in his eyes reached out to her, and she found herself wanting to move toward him, to step down the stairs and stand beside him. To put her hand on his arm.

  He moved back a pace. “No lemonade for me. I’ll be going. Gut day,” He turned on his heel and walked away, and his shoulders visibly lowered. They sank to the point of drooping, as if weighted down with an unimaginable burden.

  “Zach!” Naomi called after him.

  He paused and glanced back over his shoulder.

  “Thank you,” she said, wondering what she was thanking him for. He raised his hand in a wave and kept walking.

  “Nice to see you again,” Justin called to his retreating back.

  Naomi sank down to her chair, realizing she still clutched her nearly full glass of lemonade.

  “He’s upset,” Justin observed. “I don’t blame him.”

  A trembling started deep within Naomi’s stomach. Shaking, she raised the lemonade to her lips and took a sip.

  “Am I getting into the middle of something?” Justin asked, studying her.

  Naomi frowned, her stomach now aching. “Of course not.”

  “Good. Then, do you have a vacancy?” he asked with a smile.

  “Jah,” she answered. “You can have your same room again.”


  “No charge, of course,” she continued, swallowing past a metallic taste in her mouth. “Can you consider it a payment of sorts? For the sign, I mean.”

  He stared at her for a long moment and then smiled. “Yes. I would say a free night covers the sign very nicely.”

  Naomi knew it wasn’t true. A well-done sign would cost much more than one hundred dollars, but it was all she could do right then.

  “Let me grab my bag.” Justin nearly leapt down the steps and went to his car. His excitement was palpable, and the acid-like taste in Naomi’s mouth increased.

  Chapter Six

  “Why didn’t you bring Liz home?” Naomi asked when Katy appeared back home alone.

  “She couldn’t come. Her mother had her watching her brothers.” Katy shrugged. “It’s okay, though. She said she could come over tomorrow.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.”

  “Why’s he here? The Englischer, I mean,” Katy asked her mother as they worked together preparing a light supper of cold cuts, home-baked bread, pickles, glazed carrots, and fresh sugar cookies.

  Naomi set her bread knife down. “Katy girl, you won’t believe it.”


  “He’s gotten us a new sign for our Bed and Breakfast. Isn’t that wonderful?”

  “A new sign?” Katy’s forehead creased. “What do you mean?”

  “He’s having a new sign delivered tomorrow. You won’t feel badly, will you, if we take down the one we made?”

  Katy shook her head and smiled. “Mamm, it’s still ugly.”

  Naomi grinned, relieved that Katy didn’t seem upset, about either the sign or Justin’s presence.

  “But why is he giving us a sign?”

  “I think he was so happy to be our first guest last month.”

  “But doesn’t he live a long ways from here?”

  “He lives in Texas.”

  “He sure came a long way to bring a sign.” Katy shook her head.

  “That he did.” Naomi picked up the knife and continued slicing the bread. “But it was a nice thing to do.”

  Katy pursed her lips as if she was giving that a bit of thought. Then she shrugged and picked up the bowl of pickles to set on the table.

  “Mamm!” Ben called, zooming into the kitchen from the washroom. “Where’s Mr. Zach? He ain’t in the fields.”

  Naomi turned toward her son, taking in his mussed hair and dirty trousers. “I think he went home.”

  Zach rarely left before suppertime. Truth be told, he often stayed well past mealtime, puttering about in the barn. She knew Zach hadn’t been happy regarding Justin’s presence, but it seemed odd that he would have left and not returned all afternoon.

  “I wanted to show him my rock.” Ben’s expression drooped. “It’s really a gut one.”

  “Your rock?” Katy asked, starting to laugh.

  “It’s not funny!” Ben cried. “Look!” He opened his fist and showed them a smooth gray stone with a copper-colored streak running through it.

  “That’s right pretty,” Naomi said, giving Katy a look.

  “Jah, Ben,” Katy played along. “It’s a nice one.”

  Ben’s face perked up. “But I want to show Mr. Zach. He likes rocks.”

  “He’ll be back tomorrow,” Naomi said. “Now go wash up for supper. We have a guest for the night.”


  “Mr. Moore. You remember him, don’t you? He stayed a few weeks back.”

  “Jah, I remember.” Ben wandered back to the wash room.

  “It’s six o’clock. Let’s get the food on the table,” Naomi said.

  No sooner were the dishes on the table, than Justin came in through the side door. “I’m here,” he called out, walking through to the dining area.

  “We’re ready,” Naomi said. “Won’t you sit down?”

  “Thank you.” He smiled at the children. “Hello again, you two. It’s nice to see you again.”

  “Hi,” Ben said with a shy smile.

  “Hello, Mr. Moore,” Katy said.

  “Shall we pray?” Naomi asked when everyone got situated. She bowed her head and felt at a total loss as to what to pray. Her feelings had been in complete turmoil since Justin had driven up to the door, and the guilt that was nagging around the edges of her heart wanted to wield its power. She gulped. Why should she feel guilty? She’d done nothing wrong.

  But she had.

  She had entertained thoughts of an Englischer. A fancy man. And she was feeling flattered that Justin thought enough of her to return all the way from Texas with a gift. An important gift. Something she really wanted. And she was accepting it, too.

  Had she really done nothing wrong?

  She became aware of Ben fidgeting beside her. She quickly prayed God’s blessing upon the food and cleared her throat. Everyone looked up, and Naomi started the food around the table.

  After supper, Justin went back to the daadi haus and Naomi finished redding up the kitchen. She stood at the sink and peered through the window at the darkening night sky. The long summer days would soon be a thing of the past, and it would be time to haul out the winter capes and coats. She spotted a firefly skimming above the cut grass and smiled. “I’m going to join you outside,” she whispered.

  She walked past the front room where Katy and Ben were playing a game of checkers, slipped outside to the porch, and settled into one of the rockers. She took a long slow breath and gazed out across the lawn. Her dat and husband had chosen well. The farm was beautiful, and the land was rich and fertile. The trees gracing the front yard had stood for decades, and their fluttering leaves sheltered birds and insects and provided shade when the summer temperatures rose into the nineties.

  She let out her breath. The night noises were quiet and restful. She heard the faint sound of a horse’s clip
clop on the road, and she wondered which of her neighbors was taking a night drive and why. For a moment, she forgot about her guest; she forgot about Zach’s earlier dismay; she forgot about the bills piling up on her husband’s oak desk.

  She closed her eyes and just let herself be.


  She jerked upright. Justin stood at the bottom of the stairs, smiling up at her.

  “Ach, Justin. I didn’t hear you.”

  He climbed the steps and sat beside her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  “Nee. It’s all right.” But it wasn’t. She wanted to forget he was there. She wanted to pretend that all was well again between her and Zach. She wanted to pretend that she could never have feelings for this man of the world who was sitting much too close.

  “I missed you,” he said, his voice low but tense.

  She sucked in a quick breath and wished with all her heart that he hadn’t spoken.

  “Will you look at me?” he asked, whispering now.

  She turned toward him and flinched at the passion reflected in his eyes. Every muscle in her body stiffened, and her throat went dry.

  “I know I shouldn’t say such things. Well, at least I think I shouldn’t. I’ve been studying the Amish on the Internet, trying to find out all I can about your way of life.”

  He had? To what end?

  “I find your culture and your belief system fascinating.”

  She stared at him, unblinking. She needed to stop this line of conversation and right quick. Nothing good could come of it.

  “The weather is cooling down these days, don’t you think?”

  He winced, and then he closed his mouth. His eyes searched hers, and she forced herself not to look away. She saw the torment revealed in the depths of his gaze. She saw the conflict there. His unrest appeared as deep as hers. A silence fell between them as they continued to stare at one another. Naomi’s heart contracted, and a sadness moved through her. Not the crushing sadness she’d carried since her husband’s accident. No, this was different.

  It was a reluctant sadness, a knowing sadness, a bittersweet sadness that filled her at once with both regret and gratitude. This man… This lovely man beside her was giving her more than a new sign. He was giving her hope. Hope that she could love someone again.


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