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Battle Group Titan: Beyond Warp ((Battle Group Titan Series Vol 1))

Page 21

by Michael Adams

  The Titan along with all the other ships in the battle group took up positions along the edge of the Silirc Fleet. Bo’s team energized the gravity shells located a mile in the rear of each ship while simultaneously engaging an opposing force in each of the fleets shell generators to free them from the gravitational pull of the gravity shells to their rear.

  “Engage the thrusters” Inman commanded.

  Every ship in the fleet accelerated at tremendous rates flying just above each plane of the Silirc Formation.

  In huge explosions, Silirc spacecraft were crushed together in a pile of rubble as high energy plasma sent in from the Star Eater turned the rubble into an ever growing molten graveyard.

  Will felt a firm hand tightening around his arm, as he turned he realized Evelyn was resting her head on his right shoulder, tears in her eyes as Will’s attack plan began to operate to perfection.

  The operation countdown clock was now at twenty seconds, clicking toward zero as the entire Silirc fleet approached annihilation.

  “Our shells are starting to weaken Commander’ Newman warned as the Silirc ships ahead of them continued to bombard the leading ships, unaware of what trailed them a mere mile to the rear.

  “Ships on the outer rim are starting to break formation sir” reported Cerro.

  “Stay on course; I don’t want to break formation until we have to” Inman commanded.

  “Will, if they penetrate our shells we will be sucked into the same ball of fire as the Silirc,” Evelyn warned.

  “Cerro, just before a shell goes down on any of our ships, have them disengage and get out of there” commanded Inman.

  “Aye Sir” replied Cerro.

  “Cerro, have everyone disengage and regroup out of range and between the Silirc fleet and earth” Evelyn shouted.

  Cerro looked at Inman for his decision.

  “Trust me” Evelyn pleaded with Will.

  “Do it” commanded Inman.

  Within seconds of completing their runs, the entire fleet headed toward earth.

  Crews on each of the ships watched from below as the huge fireballs traveled across the sky toward the end of the Silirc fleet, sweeping up ships in their path.

  “Kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy at this point” Evelyn offered. “Once we got the ball rolling, the collecting shells no longer needed our tow ships to complete their path.”

  “Sir, about one hundred Silirc ships on the outer rim of their formation have escaped the fireballs” reported Cerro.

  “Civilian or military?” queried Inman.

  “All but one appears to be civilian” Cerro reported.

  “Take out the military ship, stop the civilian ships and demand complete and unconditional surrender” commanded Inman.

  “Aye sir” Cerro responded with a smile.

  Evelyn looked up at Will with a surprised look on her face.

  “What” Will Inman exclaimed.

  “I was sure you would wipe them all out” Evelyn replied sheepishly.

  “They forced our hand, Evelyn. Now we can transport the civilian survivors to a Terran Class planet without any weapons or ships; they should no longer be a threat to anyone” Will responded.

  “How about the landing parties Cerro, were we able to stop them?” Inman asked.

  “Yes sir, they began retreating, and we are engaging them as we speak” replied Cerro.

  Terror struck Supreme Commander Schlickman as he realized his error. From his new vantage point, he could see the giant balls of fire did not represent the destruction of the human fleet as he had so confidently predicted, on the contrary, his entire fleet faced annihilation before his eyes.

  “Go to warp now!” commanded Schlickman.

  Schlickman was too late; his words faded in the confines of the brig aboard the Titan. Schlickman looked around at his surroundings to find himself, and the rest of his flagship officers locked up in cages inside of a large empty room resembling a cargo bay.

  “How about Supreme Commander Schlickman, do we know where he is?” queried Will Inman.

  “Yes sir, we have him in the brig with some of the others in his command as you requested” replied Cerro.

  Will Inman’s mind raced as he thought about the uncomfortable events set before him. The prospects of having to go through another group of memorial services and funerals instantly transported him to a place of dread. The thought of setting up an international tribunal to try the Silirc Commander Schlickman brought on a different set of emotions. Knowing most of his fleet and the human race were free from the scourge of the Silirc race gave Will great relief and knowing Evelyn and the kids were going to be ok was just what Will needed to calm his nerves.

  The mop up operations took a couple of days as the Eagle battle group under John Cerro’s command pursued some of the Silric brood which managed to escape Operation Clean Sweep.

  When the Eagle battle group returned from their sweep up operation, Will Inman requested the executive team meet to debrief the entire operation.

  The fleet had flawlessly executed a brilliant plan to save humans from the Silirc. The victory was hollow, however; it came at such a low cost and caused the virtual extinction of the Silirc race.

  Just as Will Inman was about to adjourn the meeting he received a page.

  “Sir, General Lockman is asking to speak to you” announced Newman.

  “Put him on the monitor in the conference room please” replied Inman.

  “Commander” General Lockman began.

  “Yes General, what can I do for you?” replied Inman.

  “Will, the Alliance of Nations has requested I meet with you in person and present their demands” began Lockman. “Can you transport me up to your ship please” asked Lockman.

  “Demands” Inman shot back. “After the miracle which just transpired here they have demands of us?” shouted Inman.

  “Newman, port the General to the conference room please” requested, Inman.

  General Lockman arrived in the conference room within seconds and took a seat at the conference table.

  “Will, the Alliance of Nations is demanding the unconditional surrender of yourself and your crews to stand trial and to turn over your fleet to them” General Lockman began, “Will, they are out of their minds, but it is my duty to relay their demands.”

  “I understand General. However, in the tradition of Brig. Gen. Anthony McAuliffe at the Battle of the Bulge, just send them this message for me, “Nuts” replied Inman.

  General Lockman let out a burst of loud laughter as he replied “I would be glad to deliver your message!

  Inman and his team began to laugh along with the General as the mood lightened up.

  “Things have not been right for us over many years” began the General, “life has gotten too easy. The Alliance has become corrupt and self-serving. We need a change.”

  “We saw no way forward when we commandeered the orbiter hundreds of years ago” Inman explained.

  “You mean a couple of days ago don’t you” interrupted the General.

  “In earth hours, yes, but it has been hundreds of years for us” explained Leo Bennett.

  General Lockman shook his head in disbelief, “I have a lot of catching up to do Will.”

  Commander, I have a request for you and your team. I and many of those in my command would love to join you and your team. I know there are people all over our great country who would like to join a defensive force, and many of the world’s greatest minds would be honored to serve with you and your talented team.”

  “I would like to discuss your request when we return” replied Inman, “we have thousands of Silirc civilians to drop off. In the meantime, would you mind delivering my message to the Alliance leadership?”

  “Of course not Commander” replied Lockman.

  “I would also be grateful if you would take our prisoners back with you and turn them over to the Alliance to stand trial” Inman continued. “We do not have the legal structure in place to p
roperly deal with them.”

  “I will arrange it and get back to you within a couple of days” replied General Lockman.

  “Thank you General” replied Inman as he and his team stood to wish the General well.

  Will Inman walked over to Evelyn, put his arm around her and headed for their quarters as he bid the General farewell.

  The End.




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