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Strong-Willed Cowboy (The Buckskin Brotherhood Book 5)

Page 3

by Vicki Lewis Thompson, Stephanie Bond

  “No, I won’t. And we’ll throw a party after it’s over. Out by the fire pit. Leo and Garrett picked up some awesome Adirondack chairs on sale.”

  “No more chummy stumps?”

  “You can use them as footstools. What do you say? Can we keep this issue in the family?”

  “Oh, Rafe, I don’t know. You and I have such a complicated—”

  “It has been. I’ll give you that. But everything’s out in the open, now. The gang will know why we’re staging this wedding. They’ll be in on it. We’re putting one over on your Aunt Lilith so Ginny’s dream will come true.”

  “I’ll admit it’s more appealing than my concept. Mine has major dreariness potential. You’re saying we’ll tell everybody? The Babes, too?”

  “My guess is they already know you asked me for help and I stormed out like a three-year-old throwing a tantrum. If we announce we’ve mended fences so we can pull off a decent wedding to fool your aunt, that will give me back some lost points.”

  She couldn’t help smiling. “So it is about you.”

  “In that sense, yes. I’m not proud of how I reacted to your request. I want a do-over so I can prove I’m a better man than that.”

  Her heart swelled. She didn’t know a better man than Rafe. “Then I guess we’d better get married.”

  “Excellent.” His chest heaved. “I’m off for a couple of hours tomorrow afternoon. We can drive over to Choteau and get the license during your afternoon break.”

  “Never mind. I’ll handle everything. You don’t have to—”

  “Might as well get the license together. Gather up all our paperwork. I can get you a list of what you’ll need.”

  “Okay. I guess that makes sense. Is two o’clock good for you?”

  He nodded. “Perfect.”

  “Is there a waiting period? I haven’t checked into any of this.”

  “No waiting period.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Let’s just say I prepared for something that didn’t work out. If we get right on this, we can get married on Saturday.”

  She blinked. “This Saturday?”

  “Wait. You’re scheduled to work. Would Sunday be better, since you’re off?”

  “I guess it would. Wow, this weekend, then. That’s fast.”

  “The sooner you produce a husband, the sooner Ginny gets her money, right?”

  “Good point. That’s a definite advantage of going this route. With both of us planning it, we’ll have it organized in no time.”

  “Not to mention the magic that happens when you call in the troops. One of us should contact Henri and—”

  “Oh, no, Henri! She’s expecting me. I asked if I could come and see her right after work. I wanted to lay out my new idea.”

  “We could go see her now.”

  She glanced up the hill. “Aw, look at that. She and Ben must be enjoying the new fire pit.”

  “Think you should text her before we tromp up there?”

  She laughed and pulled out her phone. “Might not be a bad idea.”

  “God, I love that sound.”

  “What sound?” She composed a quick text to Henri and sent it off.

  “You laughing.” His voice was gruff with emotion. “Haven’t heard it in a while.”

  She glanced up, her throat tight. “Are you sure about this? You can still back out. It’s one thing to talk about it, but I’m still worried that when the time comes, you’ll….”

  “Lose it?”

  “Yes.” And that would break my heart.

  “I won’t. I promise.”

  Her phone pinged. After glancing at it, she took a shaky breath. “Then let’s go tell Henri and Ben. They’re waiting for us.”

  Chapter Five

  After ten years of working with Henri, Rafe could read his boss and stand-in mom pretty well. She didn’t believe he could pull off this wedding. That little crease between her brows was a dead giveaway.

  But she didn’t say so. If she thought he was insane and headed for disaster, she’d tell him privately. Ben didn’t look totally convinced, either. Rafe would just have to make believers out of them this weekend.

  “So.” Henri, seated cozily next to Ben in matching lawn chairs, leaned forward. “You’ll have a brief ceremony, which you’ll arrange, and a limited guest list, which I’ll handle from the names we just discussed. Have you chosen a venue?”

  “If you’d be willing,” Kate said, “right here would be perfect.” She glanced at Rafe. “Unless you’re thinking of something—”

  “I’d like to have the ceremony here if Henri’s okay with it on short notice.”

  “Of course I am. Millie and I will put our heads together and come up with some tasteful decorations.”

  “I’ll help with that,” Ben said. “We have the decorations from Matt and Lucy’s reception.”

  “Thank you.” Kate looked relieved. “I realize that’s extra trouble, but we’ll need authentic looking pictures to convince Aunt Lilith the wedding is real.”

  “I’ll ask Ed to take those,” Henri said. “And video. She’ll put together a digital montage that you can send straight to your aunt’s inbox. It’ll knock her socks off.”

  “That sounds wonderful. Is there something I can do for Ed? I’d bake her something, but since she has a live-in cook, that makes no sense.”

  “Invite her for afternoon tea sometime and serve it with your grandmother’s china. She’s dived into genealogy and it turns out her ancestors are from England. She’s all about tea and old cups, now.”

  “Then I’ll do that. Great idea.”

  “Speaking of receptions,” Rafe said, “Kate and I would like to have ours out at the fire pit behind the bunkhouse.” Damn, that sounded exactly like a bridegroom talking. In name only, dude. His chest tightened.

  Henri nodded. “I like that plan. Listen, are you sure you want to do this on Sunday? Saturday feels more celebratory.”

  “Sunday’s fine,” Kate said. “I don’t want to disrupt things any more than we have to. We can make Sunday work.”

  “I’m sure you can, but I’d like to ask Gloria to cover the whole weekend so you can switch the event to Saturday.”

  “Only if you’ll dock it from my vacation time.”

  “We can talk about that later.”

  Rafe smiled. That was Henri-speak for nice try, but I’m not doing that.

  “I’ll take you off the Sunday work schedule, too, Rafe. Then you both can party all you want on Saturday night.”

  “That’s generous.” He glanced at Kate. “Are you okay with switching to Saturday, then?”

  Her expression was hard to read. “Seems like a better choice.”

  “Good.” Henri gave a quick smile of satisfaction. “You two can relax on Sunday, catch your breath.”

  Together? Nope. Saturday night he’d go back to the bunkhouse like always and she’d head home to the cottage. If he wanted to see her on Sunday, he’d have to create a reason.

  Maybe she’d like to head into town, see a movie in the afternoon and grab a bite at the Moose for dinner. Or not. They’d never done that sort of thing by themselves, only with the gang.

  “Do you have a dress, Kate?”

  Henri’s question redirected his attention. He’d need something special to wear, too. Didn’t own anything that qualified.

  “Not exactly. I have the one I wore for Lucy and Matt’s wedding, but I’d rather not—”

  “I agree. It’s clearly a bridesmaid’s dress. But we don’t have much time.”

  “Rafe and I are going to get the license in the afternoon.”

  “Would you let me take you shopping in Great Falls after breakfast tomorrow?”

  “Would we have time? I need to be back to serve lunch in the dining hall.”

  “Unless I put Garrett in charge of lunch for the guests. Would you be comfortable with turning the dining hall kitchen over to him?”

  “Of course. But it’s my job, so I should—”

  “Unusual circumstances call for flexible plans. Let’s do that. I know just the shop we’ll go to. When are you guys going to the courthouse?”

  “We’d planned on leaving at two,” Rafe said, “but it could be a little later than that.”

  “Two is doable.”

  “Just so I know what to expect…” Kate looked uncomfortable. “What’s the price range at that shop?”

  Henri’s expression softened. “I was planning to treat you.”

  “That’s a very sweet offer, but I can’t accept. You’re already doing so much, considering we’re springing this on you at the last minute.”

  “Here’s the thing. Your Aunt Lilith makes my blood boil and it would calm me considerably to see you two looking amazing in the pictures you send her. While I suspect Rafe has enough squirreled away to rent an appropriate outfit, I doubt you can afford the sort of dress I have in mind. Please let me get it for you.”

  Ben chuckled. “Run up the white flag, Kate. When Henri takes that tone, it’s best to just go along.”

  “Okay, I will.” Kate faced her. “I want to look amazing, too, and you’re right about my budget. But I’ll be delivering brownies to your doorstep for the next year.”

  “And I’ll gladly accept them. Then that’s settled. One more detail. Are you going to have anyone stand up with you?”

  “Oh! I didn’t think of that. Rafe? Should we?”

  “I guess so, but… maybe just a best man and maid of honor.”

  “That works,” Henri said. “It’s a small, intimate wedding, so a best man and maid of honor are plenty.”

  “Then I’ll ask Nick.”

  “And I’ll ask Millie. She could wear her dress from Matt and Lucy’s wedding. She looks fabulous in that pale green.”

  “I’ll need to contact the tux rental place in Great Falls in the morning.” Rafe’s head was spinning. Should he have suggested next weekend, instead? No. The sooner this was over with, the better… for everyone.

  “Since Kate and I will be in Great Falls, anyway, let us take care of the tuxes for you and Nick. I’ll bet they could pull up the data from Lucy and Matt’s wedding. If you’re okay with what you wore then, we could bring it back with us.”

  “That would be great.” He reached in his hip pocket. “Let me give you some—”

  “We can settle up later.”

  “Okay.” She’d try to pay for those outfits, too, but he wouldn’t let her. This wasn’t the time to hash it out, though.

  Henri glanced at Kate. “Do you want someone to walk you down the aisle?”

  She hesitated. “I suppose I could just go by myself.”

  “If that’s what you want. But if you’d like me to—”

  “Oh, yes, please! That would be so special, if you wouldn’t mind.”

  Henri’s gaze was tender. “I’d be honored.”

  “So would I.” She took a shaky breath.

  She had to be as bush-whacked as he was. He caught Henri’s eye. “How about we leave the rest of the details for tomorrow?”

  “Sure thing.” Her expression filled with sympathy. “There’s not much more. We’ve covered the main points.”

  Kate stood, which prompted everyone else to do the same. “I don’t know how to thank you, Henri.”

  “Hey, that’s what families are for.”

  “That’s what Rafe said.” She sent him a look of gratitude. “I haven’t been here as many years as he has, and I suppose I didn’t quite get it.” Her voice trembled as she faced Henri. “Now I do.”

  “Aw, sweetheart.” Henri gave her a hug. “I’m glad we could be here for you.”

  “M-me, too. And we’d better head home. Tomorrow will be a busy day.”

  “Yeah, let’s vamoose.” Rafe met Henri’s gaze as he touched two fingers to the brim of his hat. “Thank you.”

  She smiled, although the tiny crease between her eyebrows remained. “Anytime.”

  Turning, he followed Kate down the hill and caught up with her in a couple of strides. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded. “It’s a lot to take in.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “I’m going to call Millie tonight.”

  “Thought I’d call Nick, too. When will you notify your aunt?”

  “I can take a picture of the marriage license tomorrow and text that. I’ll let her know the ceremony is Saturday and I’ll email pictures to confirm it. I want the money to start flowing to Ginny ASAP.”

  “When are you going to tell Ginny and your mom about the wedding?” He walked with her past the trucks and kept on going. Might as well see her to her door.

  “I’ll call Sunday. I’ll tell them how much fun we all had outwitting Aunt Lilith. And that we can’t wait for Ginny to start living her dream.”

  Regret tightened a fist around his heart. “I’m sorry I acted like a louse when you first asked.”

  “You acted like what you were—a wounded bear.” She reached the door and turned to face him. “No more recriminations, Rafe.”

  The porch light created the halo effect again in her short blond curls and her eyes had turned a soft gray, which they did whenever she was over-tired.

  He’d let her down yesterday. Not one of his finer moments. “I just wish I’d—”

  “I mean it. You’re about to do me a favor I can never repay.”

  “I don’t get brownies?”

  “As many batches as you want, for as long as you want, but there aren’t enough brownies in the world to equal the sacrifice you’re making for me.”

  “Now who’s into recriminations?”

  She sighed. “You’re right, but I—”

  “Kate, I’m doing this because I want to. I’ll admit it’s a freaky situation, but we’ll handle it.”

  Her jaw firmed. “Yes, we will.”

  “I have a question about your mom and Ginny, though. Clearly you have no intention of having them at the wedding.”

  “There’s no reason. When I explain why we did this, they’ll understand why I didn’t include them. They don’t have money for a flight and it’s a two-day drive to Apple Grove.”

  “Will they come out eventually?”

  “Probably, when they can work it out, so they can express their gratitude to you. It’ll be fine, though.”

  “Okay.” It would be weird as hell, but no reason to debate something that would be far in the future. “Guess I’d better let you go in so you can call Millie.”

  “Right.” She didn’t move. “I just need to say something.”

  “No more recriminations, remember?”

  “I remember.” She squared her shoulders and lifted her chin. “I admire the hell out of you for stepping up to do this. I’ll never forget that you came through for me in the clutch.” Her voice softened. “You’re awesome, Rafe Banner.”

  He sucked in a breath and clenched his jaw against the response he wanted to make. He’d told her two months ago what was in his heart. No point in repeating it now. “Thank you.” He tipped his hat. “Have a good night.”

  On the drive home, he almost called Nick. Changed his mind. That call would go better if he had a cold bottle of cider in his hand. Leo and Garrett might have turned in by now. No problem. A little peace and quiet would be—

  Holy hell. He stared at the row of pickups in front of the bunkhouse. He barely had room for his. And he’d never been so happy about that. The Brotherhood had gathered. For him.

  Chapter Six

  Kate convinced Henri to let her buy lunch since it was an inexpensive fast-food option. They ordered their sandwiches and drinks to go and had their meal in the truck on the drive home.

  “I love that dress on you.” Henri was an expert at eating and driving, clearly a veteran of road trips to Great Falls that involved consuming food on the way back. “The silver threads in the fabric look so great with your blond hair and your gray eyes.”

  “If you ask me, they used sterling silver threads. I’ve never owned a piece of c
lothing this pricey.”

  “The way I figure, if you need to do something tough, you might as well do it in style. You look like royalty in that dress. And the vest we added to Rafe’s tux will go great with it.”

  “I wonder how he’ll feel about silver brocade. He’s such a down-to-earth guy.”

  “He won’t even notice.”

  “How could he not notice? He’ll be wearing it.”

  “He’ll be so keyed up over this ceremony that we could give him a purple spandex work-out suit and he’d put it on.”

  “He probably would, poor guy. We talked last night about ditching the recriminations, but I still feel guilty. Ginny is my baby sister and I’d do anything for her, but he has no such allegiance.”

  “Only to you.”

  “Am I trading on that right now?”

  “No. When he turned you down, you came up with an alternative. He talked you out of it, so this is on him.”

  “You know about my plan to put an ad in the paper?”

  “Everybody knows. When Rafe walked into the bunkhouse last night, the entire Brotherhood was there. Matt and Jake put out the call. All was revealed. Much cider was consumed. I heard about it first thing this morning.”

  Relief flooded through her. “I love them for doing that for him. Makes me feel a hundred percent better to know they’re giving him moral support.”

  “You have their support, too.”

  “I do? Even if I’m the source of the—”

  “As I said, he’s a grown man with the right to make his own decisions. Nobody’s holding a gun to his head. If he didn’t want to do this, he could have let you go ahead with your Plan B.”

  “Yeah, he really hated that idea.”

  “I’m not surprised.” Henri set her drink in the cup holder. “Okay, let’s take stock. We have the clothes. Ed’s bringing folding chairs and an arched trellis. We’re using whatever fall decorations Millie has and whatever Ben has stored at the Moose. Garrett and Jake have the food under control for the reception around the fire pit. Have you gathered up what you need to take to the courthouse?”

  “I have. Rafe texted me a list this morning.”

  “What about flowers?”

  “Flowers. That’s like a wedding staple, isn’t it?”


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