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Strong-Willed Cowboy (The Buckskin Brotherhood Book 5)

Page 10

by Vicki Lewis Thompson, Stephanie Bond

  “Please do. I’d forgotten how much I love this role.”

  Kate glanced at the velvet pouch. “Would someone please take out Rafe’s ring so I can see it? I’m not touching anything for the next hour except the stem of this champagne flute.”

  Eva capped the bottle of topcoat. “I will. I’m dying to see it.”

  “Me, too.” Henri came over.

  Loosening the top of the pouch, Eva tipped the ring into her hand. “Ooo, nice.” She held it out so everyone who’d gathered around could see.

  Kate’s breath caught. The wide silver band with the gleaming black stone created a visceral reaction that shocked the hell out of her. It was so… masculine. Rafe’s hands were big and very strong. But gentle, too. This afternoon she’d slide this ring on his finger. With this ring, I thee wed.

  Henri peered at her. “Do you like it?”

  “I do. It looks just like him.”

  “I know what you mean. I don’t think he’s ever worn a ring before. But I can picture him wearing this one.”

  She could, too. But would he? Or would he take it off tonight and tuck it away somewhere before he went to bed? Alone. In the bunkhouse. On their wedding night.

  “Hematite’s perfect for a guy,” Eva said. “Very sexy.” She examined it more closely. “What’s etched on the sides, Red?”

  “Fertility symbols.”

  Kate’s head snapped up and her gaze met Red’s. “Does he know that?”

  “He does.”

  “And he chose it anyway?”

  “Yep.” Red exchanged a glance with Henri.

  Kate gulped. “Does mine have—”

  “No. Yours is completely different. Different stones, different design, no symbols. Well, the ring itself is a symbol, of course.”

  “Of course. I’m… I think it’s probably better if our rings don’t match, though. I mean, under the circumstances.”

  “That would have been impossible. I never make the same design twice.”

  “Well, this one is beautiful.” And scary. What was he thinking, choosing a ring that celebrated procreation? His decision alarmed her. And—to be honest—excited her. She took a hefty swallow of champagne.

  “I’ll need to take that ring at some point,” Millie said. “I haven’t figured out how to keep from losing it or forgetting it. Henri, you were put in charge of Matt’s ring for Lucy’s wedding. How did you keep track of it?”

  “I don’t remember.”

  Kate rolled her eyes. “You two aren’t exactly inspiring confidence.”

  “I’m kidding,” Henri said. “I know exactly what I did. I kept it inside my bra until right before I walked down the aisle. Then I took it out and put it on my thumb until I had to give it to Lucy.”

  “Yes, you sure did,” Lucy called from the kitchen. She came to the doorway, wiping her hands on a towel. “That bra and thumb routine was nerve-wracking. I just knew you’d forget to take it out and you’d end up fishing in your bra while we were standing at the altar.”

  “But the point is, I didn’t forget. And Millie won’t, either, because I’ll be right there before she starts down the aisle and I’ll remind her.”

  “I feel slightly better, now.” Kate polished off her champagne.

  “Have another glass of champagne and you’ll feel on top of the world.” Ed took her flute.

  “I believe you, but first I want to confer with Red-slash-Anastasia about the vows. Did you discuss them with Rafe?”

  “A little.”

  “Did he have anything he wanted said? Not that it matters, I guess, but—”

  “He trusts me to say the right things.”

  “Like what?”

  “The food is ready!” Pam came to the kitchen door. “Time for all you lovely ladies to have a seat at the dining table while Peggy, Lucy and I serve you the most amazing lunch you’ll have today.”

  Kate glanced at her fingernails. “I wonder if I should have someone feed me.”

  “I’ll do it.” Isabel pushed herself up from the sofa. “I’m one of the few sober ones here and I can use the practice before Cleo Marie’s born.”

  “I was sort of kidding,” Kate said. “I’m sure I can at least—”

  “Let her feed you, girlfriend,” Eva said. “The time for making repairs is getting shorter and shorter.”

  “Oh, yeah, definitely feed her, Isabel.” Millie sounded gleeful at the prospect. “So Ed can take pictures.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Saturday’s usual schedule had been adjusted to allow time for wedding preparation and the ceremony itself. Other than early morning barn duty, Rafe had the day off. Henri had also rescheduled the afternoon trail rides and hired Ed’s wrangler Teague to handle the evening barn chores.

  The Brotherhood’s time was freed up and Rafe needed every single one of those guys around him today. Garrett and Jake prepared what looked like a great lunch, although he didn’t eat much and couldn’t taste what he did eat. Nobody commented on his lack of appetite.

  The wedding wasn’t discussed, either, for which he was grateful. Instead, reminiscing over bottles of cider seemed to be the order of the day. Since Garrett hadn’t been at the Buckskin long, he couldn’t reminisce. He was a champion listener, though. And an appreciative audience.

  Eventually, inevitably, Nick’s phone alarm chimed. He glanced across the battered dining table at Rafe. “Time for us to get cleaned up and into our duds, bro, since we need to be there ahead of these jokers.”

  “Yep.” His stomach clenched.

  “That silver brocade vest is stylin’,” Leo said.

  “What vest?”

  “The one you’ll be wearing today. You didn’t check out what’s in the garment bag?”

  “Nope.” He’d hung it in the small closet at the far end of the bunkroom yesterday afternoon and hadn’t touched it since.

  “Hope you don’t mind that I looked.”

  “Not at all. It’s just clothes.”

  “I was curious if it would be the same outfits we wore for Matt and Lucy’s wedding. They’re the same, except for the vest.”

  “Silver, huh?” The velvet pouch holding Kate’s ring had been in his jeans pocket, along with the hematite, ever since he’d left Red’s house. Red had started to say the silver ring would match something. Likely his vest had been chosen to match something, too. Kate’s dress would have silver in it.

  A lot of folks were putting in plenty of effort to make this event nice. He’d rather take a whipping than go through with it, but he’d promised, and Kate was counting on him. He stood. “Let’s do it.”

  He left the kitchen, Nick right behind him. “I probably should have checked to make sure the sizes were right.”

  Nick laughed. “Yeah, it’s a little late to worry about that now.”

  “The tux shop kept our measurements from last time, so they should fit, but might as well look before we hit the showers.” He opened the closet door, hauled out the garment bag and twisted the hangers so he could hook it over the top of the door.

  “Did Matt have a vest? I don’t remember a vest.”

  “I don’t think he had one.” He unzipped the garment bag. “But Henri’s in charge this time and I’ll bet she wants to show Kate’s aunt a thing or two. If I’m right and Kate’s dress has silver in it, then we’ll look coordinated.”

  “How do you know about Kate’s dress? I thought that was a closely guarded secret.”

  “When I got the rings from Red, she let something slip.”

  “Speaking of Kate’s ring, where is it? I’m supposed to keep it for you until the critical moment in the ceremony.”

  “Right here.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out the velvet pouch. “I don’t know if you should keep it in here or what.”

  “I asked Matt how Seth handled it. Seth kept Lucy’s ring in his pocket, but that makes me nervous.”

  “Yeah, me, too. You could keep it in the pouch, I guess.”

  “But then I’m fumblin
g around with the pouch and I could drop it. We’ll be standing in the grass, too, so it could get lost in the grass, or fall into a gopher hole, or—”

  “A squirrel could come romping by and steal it.” Rafe grinned. Good to know he hadn’t entirely lost his sense of humor. “Could we possibly be overthinking this?”

  “I have an idea. Let me see it.”

  “Okay.” He opened the pouch and dumped it into his hand.

  “Hey, that’s pretty, bro.” Nick picked it up carefully. “I recognize the turquoise, but what’s the green one?”


  “I’ve heard of that, now that you say it. Anyway, what if I put it on my pinky finger?” He slid it on. “It fits and I won’t lose it that way.”

  “You’re gonna wear it from now until the ceremony?”

  “No, that’s a bad idea. Since we’ll all be at Henri’s place, I might accidentally let someone see it, and nobody should see it before Kate does. I could keep it in the pouch in my pocket and put it on my pinky finger once we’re at the altar waiting for Millie.”

  “That could work.”

  He turned the ring so it caught the light. “I wonder if Eva would like a ring like this. Everybody talks about diamonds, but this is cool. Was it expensive?”

  “I don’t know. Red wouldn’t let me pay for it. Or mine.”

  “That sounds like her. Maybe she needs something done around her house.”

  “I thought of that. When this is all over, I’ll see if she has any jobs she needs handled.”

  “Perfect.” Nick handed back the ring. “Kate will like it.”

  “Even if she does, she doesn’t wear rings.”

  “I predict she’ll wear this one.”

  “And I predict she won’t. Even if she normally wore them, which she doesn’t, it’s a wedding ring and she hates that idea.”

  Nick gazed at him. “Then sometime, like maybe at the party tonight, tell her it’s a friendship ring. She can’t hate that idea. And you’re being a hell of a friend.”

  He took a deep breath. “So are you, Nicholas. So are you.”

  As instructed by Henri, Nick drove Rafe over to her place thirty minutes before the ceremony. Eva was waiting on the front porch when they pulled up.

  She came down the steps to meet them. “I’ve been assigned to escort you two handsome gentlemen upstairs to one of Henri’s spare rooms until we’re ready for you.”

  “Are you having problems?” Nick glanced toward the backyard. “Because if you’re having problems, I’d be glad to—”

  “Everything’s fine. We’re just putting the final touches on the arched trellis. It’s under control. Your job is to keep Rafe calm and relaxed.”


  “I’m calm and relaxed.” Or so he’d been telling himself. He shoved his hand in the pocket of his Western-cut tux pants to make sure the hematite was still there.

  Nick gave him a quick once-over, as if trying to judge his condition. “Maybe we should just wait in the truck, sweetheart. I don’t think sitting in one of Henri’s spare rooms is going to help my brother relax.”

  “I put a couple of cold bottles of cider up there. And a deck of cards.”

  “That was thoughtful.” Nick turned to him. “You tell me, bro. Want to go hang out in one of Henri’s spare rooms, drink cider and play cards?”

  “Can’t say I do. I haven’t eaten much today and I’ve already had plenty of cider. I don’t think drinking more is a good idea.”

  Eva looked distressed. “I could get you a sandwich if that would help.”

  “No, thanks, ma’am. I appreciate the trouble you’ve gone to, but—”

  “It’s no trouble, Rafe. What you’re doing is… above and beyond. Leaving you to sit out here in Nick’s truck doesn’t seem right.”

  “I’m rather fond of Nicholas’s truck. We go back a long way.”

  Nick smiled. “She has a few miles on her, but she gets me where I need to go.”

  “Mostly. Unless you leave the lights on and I have to give you a jump in the middle of the night.” He winked at Eva, who had been involved in that debacle.

  “Well, it’s broad daylight now, so no worries.” Nick turned back to Eva. “We’ll wait in my truck. Just come get us when you’re ready. We can go straight from here to the backyard.”

  “Want me to bring you some water?”

  “Not for me,” Nick said, “but if Rafe—”

  “No, thanks. Might spill it on my outfit.”

  “All right, then.” She patted Nick’s chest. “You look amazing. You, too, Rafe. Nice vest. I’ll go tell Henri you’re staying out here.” She climbed the steps to the porch, her skirt swishing around her knees.

  “Thanks again, sweetheart!”

  “You’re welcome!”

  Deep in his Eva trance, Nick watched her cross the porch. Rafe got a kick out of the guy. In this condition, Nick was oblivious to everything but the woman of his dreams. Poor lovesick slob.

  When she went through the door, he snapped out of it. “Sorry. It’s just—”

  “I know.” Rafe smiled. “I’m happy for you.”

  “And the great thing is, I believe you are happy for me. You don’t do envy.”

  “Sure, I do. I envy you and Leo because you’re both younger than me and your sperm has greater motility than mine.”


  Just the sort of reaction he was looking for. Perfect topic to keep them distracted. “I’ll tell you once we’re in the truck. You need privacy for a subject like that.” They were still hotly debating the issue when Eva walked down the porch steps again.

  Until that moment, his reason for being here had slipped into the background, overshadowed by the riveting topic of sperm speed. The truck cab had become a comforting and familiar refuge.

  But when Eva reappeared, his heart shifted into high gear and breathing became a chore.

  “Looks like they’re ready for us.” Nick reached a hand over the console, forearm up and palm out. “Good luck, bro.”

  Rafe grasped his hand. “Couldn’t do this without you, Nicholas.”

  “Wouldn’t let you.” Nick had a grip like iron. When he put his heart into it, he could cause pain.

  Fine with Rafe. His brother was communicating loyalty and love. He squeezed hard, too, and let go.

  Taking a ragged breath, he exited the truck and stepped back into reality. Was that CJ playing or a recording? Yeah, it was CJ, strumming his guitar, creating ambiance.

  Eva escorted them around the house to the backyard. She chatted with Nick, but Rafe’s rapid heartbeat and tortured breathing temporarily deafened him.

  Henri’s backyard had been transformed into a simple wedding venue. An arched trellis decorated with fall leaves and mums stood at the far side and white wedding bells dangled from several wires strung between the house and the trees at the edge of the yard.

  CJ sat on a bar stool off to one side of the trellis. Three short rows of white folding chairs were set up with an aisle down the middle.

  His brothers were already seated in the chairs. They must have driven up and hiked back here while he was engrossed in his conversation with Nick. The Babes were here, minus Henri. Isabel was with them. Ben, too.

  Ed roamed the area with her video camera in her hand and her regular one on a strap around her neck. Red stood by the arched trellis, eyes closed, maybe listening to her guides. Henri would be in the house with Kate and Millie, waiting for their cue.

  Damn, his chest hurt. Red would tell him to breathe, but he was afraid if he tried to suck in more air he’d start coughing. That hematite in his pocket was supposed to help in situations like this. Time for it to kick in. Past time.

  CJ looked up, caught sight of Rafe and Nick walking in and switched gears. The gentle melody gave way to the intro for Keith Urban’s lively Somebody Like You and CJ began to sing.

  The mood of the gathering swung from mellow to joyful. Red’s eyes popped open. She glanced his way and
sent him one of her mega-watt smiles.

  Rafe’s chest pain eased with every note of CJ’s happy tune. He was getting married, damn it. Kate had chosen him for this adventure, not some other schmuck, and he’d view it as a positive step on their journey.

  As he took his place with Nick by his side, CJ moved into his next tune, Kelsea Ballerini’s Unapologetically. No telling who’d decided on these songs. Music was another thing he and Kate hadn’t discussed. Whoever had been put in charge of it, he approved of the choices.

  Millie stepped out of the back door of Henri’s house and came down the porch steps. Her copper-colored hair was piled in a fancy arrangement on top of her head and she wore the same leaf-green dress she’d had for Lucy and Matt’s spring wedding.

  Her bouquet of yellow and orange mums plucked from Henri’s yard signaled fall. She executed a cute little dance step as she moved toward them. Nick gave her a subtle thumbs-up.

  She returned the gesture, and Rafe’s silver and hematite ring caught the light. He choked back a laugh. She’d put it on her thumb.

  Nick leaned toward him. “Great minds.”

  “Kate’s is on your pinky?”

  “Yes, sir, safe and sound.”

  Once Millie was in position, CJ changed the tempo to something slower, a gentle waltz. He began to sing I Won’t Let Go by Rascal Flatts. Had CJ picked it? Kate? If Rafe could have chosen one song to tell her what he wanted to say, this would be it.

  As the music gained momentum, she appeared, a vision in a silvery, fluid dress with a skirt cut to reveal her white boots stitched in silver. Sparkles in her golden hair completed the effect. An angel.

  He gulped. He’d promised not to lose it, but dear God, she was incredible. He ached for this woman. And this song, filled with all the unspoken words in his bruised heart… it was almost enough to break him.

  Everyone stood and turned in her direction. Looping her arm through Henri’s, she grasped her bouquet of mums in both hands, trained her gaze on him, and started forward.

  Henri gave him an encouraging smile, but Kate’s mouth was set in a grim line. She looked neither right nor left. Her gray eyes focused on him with laser-like intensity. The closer she came, the more resolute her expression. Her throat moved in a slow swallow.


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