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Men of Mayhem

Page 37

by Anthology

  Maybe if Alex had shown up in my life in six months, a year, a year and a half later, things may have turned out differently.

  No, they wouldn’t.

  The obstacles between us rival mountain ranges. There is absolutely no way it could work, and I question what is really going on at La Bella Regale. I’m broken. Alex needs someone in his life without the baggage I come with. There has to be a young, sweet girl out there to make him happy.

  Alex’s presence sucked up the loneliness, but it didn’t last long, thanks to my reading the results of my blood work. And the guilt weighs me down, and now I have new worries. Even though everything with Alex came to an end, it is unfinished. It’s my fault.

  Jim’s gone and there is nothing I can do to change that, but it is still a raging sore that no ointment can heal, no doctor can fix, and no person can close to seal it away. Not even Alex.

  I’m not the same person I was when I got on that plane to Chicago last month, and I am not even the same person I was four hours ago when I called to have everything packed again and jumped on this plane for New Jersey. If I’m not careful, I’m going to run out of fragments of the country to run to.

  The landing gear shuffles beneath the floor of the 747 and the plane tips up as it speeds forward on the runway. The fasten seat belt sign is lit.

  There is only a small bit of my family I can tolerate. My cousin Lisa. I’ll have to make a home now. I have no choice. This is mentally exhausting, and I beat myself up for all of the drinking I have been doing.

  The flight attendant appears by my seat. I slip out of my thoughts, noticing the shuffling of people, standing and getting their laptops and e-readers out from the overhead compartments.

  I’m on an end, near the toilets. The attendant is studying me, smiling. Her lips have the perfect shade of lipstick to match her scarf. She’s grasping a white clipboard in her hand and a shiny red pen.

  “Would you care for a cocktail?”

  “No, just some water.” I think better of it. “Juice would be great if you have it.”

  “Of course.” She jots down a note on her pad. Shifting her hand to grip her clipboard on the front, she adds, “If you don’t mind me asking, how many months?”

  How can someone I met two seconds ago notice something about me that I didn’t even know until a few hours ago? The surreal essence of not believing what is happening to me spills over me again like it did two months ago when Jim died, collapsed and lifeless, leaving me alone. Not only am I a widow, but I am going to be a single mother. How am I going to raise a child by myself? I’m angry at Jim. No, I am flipping pissed. He left me here, and I couldn’t go with him. I’m stuck in this world apart from him.

  “I have eight younger brothers and sisters. So my mother was pregnant for most of my childhood. I have a gift.”

  She observes me and her beaming face collapses.

  “You didn’t know, did you?”

  “I just found out.”

  “You are going to be fine,” she reassures me, nodding her head in encouragement. This newest development is another life-changing event in the past sixty days I have to face.

  “No, I’m not.”

  About the Author

  Amy Rachiele is a widowed military spouse who spent many years volunteering and on staff for the Army National Guard and Department of Veteran Affairs with family support, family readiness, as well as, families of the Fallen. Amy devoted 10 years to teaching at-risk students in the Providence School System. She holds a Master's degree from Rhode Island College in English and Secondary Education. Besides writing, she is a reader, tea-er, shifter-lovin’, Sci-fi junkie, who enjoys scrapbooking, sewing, and traveling. Amy lives in Massachusetts with her son.

  Follow Alex and Meryl’s Story in:

  Mobster’s Fate.



  Elle Raven

  A Calabrian Mafia Novella

  1992, Reggio di Calabria, Italy


  I was born and bred to be mafioso. My upbringing and the way I live and conduct my life has had numerous ramifications. There are certain things I’ve done which will forever be embedded in my mind. Never erased. There’s nothing dignified or sublime about what I’ve done. The pain I’ve inflicted and suffered creates havoc on me daily. An abominable and unimaginable pain, which fucks with my head.

  There is, however, one thing which has been my saviour—my famiglia. Without my family, I would be nothing. I’ve been saved and redeemed. Internally I was empty and full of nothing but anger and racked with so much animosity I never thought I’d be able to climb out of the bottomless pit I lived in. Life can be cruel and full of hatred. There’s no love in the world without family. Family is love. The world outside my family is evil.

  So here I sit in my glorious home in Reggio di Calabria, Italy, watching my children playing together in my backyard and praying their adolescent years will be carefree and harmonious, unlike mine. I’m filled with so many emotions as I reflect on my journey through my own life so far. The good, the bad, and yes, the ugly. I cast my mind back to the day my mobster father, Don Enrico Candetti, announced how my life was all mapped out for me. Even choosing my wife. Being twenty-five, young, and naïve, I took it for granted and readily accepted the fact I was being sanctioned to lead a mobster life. I became one of the most infamous and influential Calabrese mafiosos in Italy.

  I am Fabrizio Candetti, married to Allegra Candetti. Through almost a lifetime together we have endured the true meaning of hate, sacrifice, and most importantly, love. The day I met her changed my life and my destructive path.

  This is our story.


  As the daughter of Gio Firone, a Sicilian gangster, I had heard all about the Candetti family. Although I’d never formally met Fabrizio Candetti, the son of the notorious mobster Don Enrico, I had seen him. The first time I saw him was the summer I turned eighteen, at a nightclub celebrating with my friends. From the first moment I laid on eyes on him, I was enthralled.

  Fabrizio was twenty-five, and he was dark, built, and so tall he towered over many people. The suit he wore was strained against his back and arms, hinting at the solid muscles beneath it. His black hair was so sexy; he kept the back short and the top long and pulled back into a ponytail. There were many stories about him, but I refused to believe them all. I wanted to make up my own mind. At first glance, I was attracted to him. I’m not sure if it was because I’d never been with anyone, or if it was the thrill of what he represented that had me weak at the knees.

  Everything about him represented potential chaos. But I didn’t care, because it was all part of my attraction to him, mainly because of who he was. Fabrizio was the son of the mobster my father worked for. Rumour had it, Fabrizio was dangerous and he had already killed several people under the order of his father, whom he was set to take over for as head of the famiglia very soon.

  He turned heads everywhere in the nightclub, not because of who he was but because of his rugged good looks and piercing black eyes. Despite the danger I saw and sensed about him, I couldn’t help but be insanely attracted to him. Never in a million years would a man like Fabrizio look at me. At eighteen, I never thought my fantasies would ever become a reality.

  “Well, if it isn’t the Calabrese man himself!” Fabrizio turned to see Roberto Spisso standing there. Spisso was one of his archenemies, part of a local gang, and despised Fabrizio and all he stood for. It was a case of jealousy, and Roberto was annoyed Fabrizio would one day be the Don and in charge of organised crime in Calabria. In comparison to Fabrizio, Roberto was no match, thin and physically no threat if he were to fight him.

  “I’m not in the mood, Spisso.” Fabrizio scoffed at him and turned back to his conversation amongst his men. There were a number of people hustled inside the nightclub, but Roberto had kept his eyes on Fabrizio all night, stalking him.

  I only noticed because I had been stalking Fab
rizio myself, but for other reasons. My father spoke highly of the Candetti family, but I was careful to keep my distance.

  Roberto didn’t let up. He sneered back at Fabrizio and slammed his glass on the bar, shards splintering everywhere. The band had taken a break and the sound of the broken glass echoed through the room. Everyone turned to face Fabrizio, awaiting his reaction and expecting an explosion of fireworks. Instead of anger, Fabrizio remained calm, but I could see the pulses in his neck twitching. Everyone knew not to mess with the Candetti family, all except Roberto.

  With a nod to his men, Fabrizio turned to face Roberto, who looked quite smug by the fact that he’d finally gotten the attention he was after. Although Fabrizio looked sinister when he faced Roberto, he smiled, but it sent shivers down my spine. Whatever was about to happen scared me.

  Without any words or threats, Fabrizio nodded to two of his men and in an instant I saw them stand either side of Roberto as Fabrizio head-butted him in the face and kneed him in the groin. Roberto screamed in agony, not knowing whether to clutch his crotch or cover his bleeding face. With blood oozing from his nose, Roberto dropped to the floor while his friends gathered around him.

  “What the fuck did you do, you sick fucker?” One of Roberto’s friends wailed. “I think you broke his jaw.”

  “Consider yourself lucky that’s all I broke. He’ll survive, for today,” Fabrizio threatened, calmly wiping the blood from his own face. “Next time he may not be so fortunate.”

  So, that was the first time I ever saw Fabrizio Candetti. He frightened me, yet he excited me all in the one breath. It wasn’t until three years later, when I turned twenty-one, that I met him face to face for the very first time. The day my future was sealed.


  “Allegra, it’s time,” my father announced.

  Staring at the patterned carpet of my bedroom floor, I breathed a deep sigh and the thought of bolting crossed my mind several times. I couldn’t even think rationally anymore. Ignoring my father, I clutched at my heart as it thudded like a galloping racehorse.

  “Did you hear me, Allegra?” my father repeated. “Why are you making it worse for yourself? I really don’t understand all the theatrics. It’s not like you weren’t warned. It’s a business deal, which will work in your favour.”

  I stood and faced my father, wanting to push past him, out the door, and flee. “You mean it will work in your favour, Papa, not mine.” I lashed back at him. “To you everything is always about business. What about me? What about what I want?”

  My mother chose that moment to enter my room. “Oh, Allegra, don’t be like that, cara mia. Your father knows what he’s doing and what’s best for you.” She reassured me, and for a split second I actually thought I witnessed a flicker of compassion cross her face. But it was gone before I could catch my next breath. “You shouldn’t complain, he’s the most sought after bachelor in Reggio Calabria, so suave and so ru—”

  “Ruthless?” I interrupted her, with disdain. I don’t know why I was so upset. After all, I had secretly fantasised about Fabrizio for years. Even though my father worked for the mob, I never expected him to hand me over to them like a trophy. To be the property of the Calabrian mafia was not how I had envisioned my future.

  “Rugged is the term I was going to use, Allegra. Stop your complaining and be thankful the Candetti famiglia have agreed to this arrangement.” My mother spoke as if it was a simple transaction made on a daily basis.

  “So, I have no choice in the matter? I don’t even get to date him or formally meet him?” I argued, gritting my teeth so hard my jaw was aching. “I don’t know him, Mama. How can you make me marry him?” I asked, my distress gradually beginning to metamorphose into fury.

  “Allegra.” My father shook his head and took me by the shoulders. “You will marry him. You have no choice. I made this arrangement with the Don many years ago, as part of a debt I owe him. We cannot change it.” He stepped closer and looked into my eyes and smiled. “Marrying Fabrizio will give you protection and you will live a life of luxury. I cannot give you that, not like the Candetti family can.” He reached up and ran his hand down my cheek. “You are my only child, my precious princess. I want what’s best for you. I cannot risk any of my enemies threatening my family. With Fabrizio taking over as the Don, our family will be safeguarded.”

  If they thought their words were comforting in any way, they were wrong. I felt worse. They were using me as a pawn to pay off some stupid debt. “Does Fabrizio even know what I look like? What if I’m not his type or he doesn’t approve of me?” I questioned, feeling the sting of tears at the corners of my eyes. “Please, Papa, there has to be another way. This is so archaic,” I said, cupping my face in my hands and shaking my head.

  “No. It is the Calabrese way. You will marry him and you will make it work,” he said with a determined look on his face. “As for your looks, Fabrizio will adore you. You’re beautiful, Allegra.”

  “Please, Papa, I’m begging you. At least allow me to get to know him before I marry him,” I said in desperation.

  “There’s no choice, bella mia,” my father replied, with no sign of surrender in his eyes, no hint of compromise in his voice. “Be warned, this is a lifetime marriage, with no divorce. Ever.” His eyes flared, displaying his Italian temper. “By no means will you dishonour our family or disrespect the Candetti family in such a way.”

  I was floored. How dare he say something like that to me? I gave up because I saw no way out. My father had signed a deal with the devil, and as much as I wanted to run, I knew I had to honour it. From a very young age, my parents had instilled the motto and importance of ‘la famiglia e tutto’ in me.

  “I understand, Papa, family is everything,” I said, sitting down on the bed in defeat. There was nothing I could do. Being born Calabrian and having a strict upbringing made me somewhat rebellious. I was normally defiant and always fought for my freedom to be able to go out and socialise with my friends. But I had begun to lose my rebellious spirit. “When is this happening?”

  “There’s a car waiting for you and me downstairs. Your mother is staying behind,” my father said. “I will come with you for this first initial introduction. Don’t take too long. I don’t want to keep them waiting. You won’t need much. Everything you need will be provided.”

  I sighed and nodded. This situation was only beginning to get worse. “I…um…just need a few minutes to collect a few personal things.” I felt so defeated. There was no way I wanted my personal things provided for me by strangers. My only hope was that my lust for Fabrizio would make this easier for me.

  The sleek, black limousine drove slowly around the sweeping roads and I stared out the window in a trance, my mind churning negatively. My thoughts were on this first formal meeting with Fabrizio. How am I going to explain this to my friends? But my mind centred on far more important things, such as pleasing Fabrizio. What if he doesn’t find me attractive or I can’t please him? I had no idea how to handle a man of his calibre.

  With my future in the mafia’s hands, I was in a state of panic and my self-confidence failed fast. Being Italian, I wasn’t a stereotypical looking Calabrese girl. I was tanned with dark blonde hair and blue eyes. I feared Fabrizio would be expecting a dark Italian girl with a wafer-thin body. He would be sorely disappointed, as I was the complete opposite.

  Not that I’m overweight by any means, but I’m filled out in all the right places. Curvaceous would be a better word to describe me. Although I’ve never gone all the way with any man, I do know they find me attractive as the last couple of dates I’ve had, they tried to have sex with me, but I never allowed it. It never felt right.

  There was no telling what would happen if Fabrizio wasn’t attracted to me. Would the deal be broken? Or would my family, in particular my father, be in danger? Thoughts of opening the car door and jumping out onto the road flashed before me. I was agitated. My palms were sweaty, my legs shaky, and my stomach churned like a turbulent storm.r />
  Sighing, I laid my head back and closed my eyes, hoping my nerves would calm down. At some point, I fell asleep. My eyes snapped open and I had a few disturbing seconds of disorientation over this morning’s conversation with my parents. I leaned back, looking at the scenery, as we headed toward the Candetti villa.

  We pulled up to the high cast iron electric gates and then drove down the long cobblestone driveway. The car stopped at the front of the house and I waited for my father and the driver to get out, prolonging my agony. With a frustrated sigh, I opened the door and climbed out of the car.

  “Allegra, you will meet Don Enrico first. He’s unwell, so try to remain calm and respectful. Hopefully, Fabrizio is already here. He had some business to take care of first.” My father narrowed his eyes at me, warning me to be on my best behaviour.

  “I’ll bet,” I murmured to myself. He most probably had to go murder someone or ditch them off a cliff or something. I turned toward the double oak doors of the villa, thinking the worst.

  This villa would be my home. Forever.


  My father was dying. He had many enemies, and a lot of unfinished business to take care of before he died. He wanted me to expand the family business to all of Europe and possibly Australia and the States. The family business involved all sorts of illegal activities, from drug trafficking to casinos, to setting up World Cup Soccer Final and Football matches in all of Europe. We also owned many legal clubs and bars, which all worked as a smokescreen for our illegal activities. And of course, there was murder.


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