Page 8
“You have to inhale the Tourmaline, so it becomes a part of your body. It confuses the wards as they can’t understand whether you’re man or mineral.”
“Oh. You could have said that before blowing it in my face.”
“When you get to the wards it’ll be uncomfortable as they check you, but don’t move or breathe, otherwise you will set them off. Once you’re through, before you leave the tunnel, blow the Night Dust into the archive room and it will cover everything in darkness.”
I pull out the small vial and eye it warily. “Are you sure there’s even anything in here?”
“You only need one miniscule speck of Night Dust to blanket a whole field, so, yes, I’m sure,” he says, a little miffed at my wariness.
I get on my hands and knees in front of the tunnel, ready to start crawling in.
“If you get caught, Scarlet, I can’t help you,” Adam tells me before I set off.
Part of me hopes I do get caught. At least then I wouldn’t be in Rozen’s clutches anymore. I would be in a lot of pain, though, so probably not the best of ideas.
I start crawling through the tunnel. I’d discovered, when I’d been held in the caves, I hated small, enclosed tunnels. Especially when crawling through them, not knowing where they lead. My body tenses, waiting for the irrational fear to creep up on me, but, this time, it doesn’t. I wonder whether it’s because I know Adam isn’t far away. I move forward until I see a soft glow emanating a few feet ahead.
When I’m almost about to crawl out, I feel a sharp sting on my skin. I freeze, realizing I’ve just triggered the wards and hope they let me through. I have no idea what they can do to me if they don’t let me through. I inhale my last breath as the atmosphere in the tunnel suddenly changes, the air itself becoming a force against my skin. It is like I have a lot of snakes slithering along my skin, tightening and sliding as they go.
The minute I think my breath is about to burst out of me, so I can inhale again, the wards dissipate, and my body is free. I emerge from the tunnel behind a set of shelves. I slide them away from the wall enough to let me through. I empty the Night Dust into my palm, instantly blowing it away from me. In seconds, the whole chamber is magically covered in darkness. A few more seconds later, the necklace I wear starts to glow, just like a torch at night.
From my previous visits I know the layout of the cavernous room by heart. If I have emerged where I think I am, I will find employee files to the left, case files to the right. Mostly these files are now stored in filing cabinets, just like we use back at home. As you move further into the room, though, the cabinets turn back to wooden racking, holding nothing but thousands upon thousands of scrolls and parchments.
So archaic.
I move over to the employee filing cabinets, the light of the necklace guiding my way. I easily locate Adam’s file, it is a hell of a lot thicker than what mine had been. I realize as I hold it in my hand that I haven’t brought the backpack with me, so I lift my shirt and shove the file in the waistband of my trousers, hoping it doesn’t fall out.
Now for the difficult bit, locating information on the stones. I start at the nearest rack, thankful they are at least in some sort of order. Each shelf holds a title like, curses, Vyr, years, The Enduring Tournament. I scan the endless shelves for relics, unsure where else to start. As I find the shelf I need, I notice I’m quite far in the back. I hear scraping and scratching sounds and hope they are just large rats. As I find an area of scrolls that looks promising I hear the door scrape open. It is faint but distinguishable to the other sounds.
A shout follows, so I quickly grab as many of the scrolls as I can carry and make my way back to the tunnel, heart pounding. I move back the way I came, hampered by carrying the large scrolls, whilst trying to crawl rather quickly.
Adam helps me out once I reach the end. “Did you get it?” he asks, taking the scrolls from me and setting them on the floor.
I lift my top and he raises his eyebrows. I pull the file from my waistband and hand it over. Part of me wants to ask questions and see the file for myself, the other part wants the trickster to keep his secrets.
“We need to leave; The Guild will have been alerted now to a break-in. Someone came in whilst I was in there,” I state, moving to pick up the scrolls.
“They won’t be able to find the tunnel; the wards cover it.” While his words give me confidence we wouldn’t be caught, his actions didn’t. He grabs my arm and starts propelling me back the way we came.
Once we are back on the street, Adam leads us back to the bar. He leaves me in the alley outside to make my own way back, muttering his thanks as he walks away. I walk to the end of the alley and find myself surrounded by six men with swords, wearing grey and sky-blue tunics adorned with the royal emblem.
“Can I help you?” I ask innocently, as they crowd around me penning me in.
“Scarlet Dawson of Earth Realm, you need to come with us.” I don’t see which one has spoken, but the nearest guard to me catches my arms as I make a meagre attempt at fleeing. Dropping the scrolls, I say Neria’s name under my breath, and she appears in my hand, pointing directly at the midsection of one of the guards.
“Move it or lose it,” I say, pressing forward with the sword as my arms are released.
I swing my head left then right, noting there are now only five. I feel something slam into the back of my skull, and the day light dims to black as I crash to the floor.
Chapter Twelve
I awake on a plush bed, surprised I’m not locked in a cell, I had, after all, arrested the queen’s children. I push myself up slowly to survey my surroundings. The bed I am on has fine silk covers and pillows, all in the pastel colors the Seelie love so much. The room is opulent with cream-colored walls all adorned with gold filigree moldings. The light spills through the open, heavy, velvet curtains and bounces off the gold, making it garish and too bright.
I touch the back of my head tentatively where a dull headache still throbs, and I’m surprised to find no blood or bump. The mating bond did have one use, I loved this instant healing. It was a little hard to get used to though. It would be better if I could instantly heal and not feel pain at all, but I suppose you can’t have everything.
As I shuffle to the edge of the bed a guard enters. I shoot straight to my feet and shout “Neria”
I stand there for a few moments before realizing nothing is happening.
The guard laughs before moving through the door to stand in front of me. “Your sword is Fae, so it’s been deposited in a null box. We will keep it until you are done here. The queen wishes to speak to you immediately.”
He turns and walks to the door. I have a moment to take in his willowy frame and perfectly straight, golden hair before he turns to me and says, “I suggest you follow, she doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”
I hurry after him as he exits through the door, hoping she doesn’t want to kill me for arresting her son and daughter. I’ve heard just how ruthless she is numerous times, it is why she’s managed to keep the throne for centuries, without question or challenge.
He leads me down a corridor and to a huge set of doors, ornately carved with the tree of life. A favored Seelie symbol, if I wasn’t so afraid, I’d stand and admire its beauty.
The door we walk through leads to a hall that could easily be a throne room, albeit a small one. The room itself is circular, and dead center stands a dais holding a golden throne. The dais is covered with hanging gauze that billows softly in a breeze I can’t feel. Guards are stationed around the room; all their eyes are on me.
As we move to stand in front of the empty throne the guard announces. “Scarlet Dawson of Earth Realm.”
I look around, seeing only one door, which I’d just come through, when the queen suddenly appears in front of the throne. Teleporting must be one of her Fae gifts. I expected her to be very similar in looks to Bryn and Bronwyn, but what stands in front of me is the exact opposite. To look at her, you wouldn’t even realize she i
s related to them. While their hair is black-blue, hers is a pastel-blue that hangs in thick waves down her back. Her eyes are a vibrant cornflower-blue that are somehow lit from behind. Her skin practically glows it is so pale, but almost luminous in its beauty. I’m almost in awe of her beauty, but then I remind myself who she is, and what she has birthed. She is tall and willowy, like most Fae. Her head held high, she more than towers over me standing on the dais.
“Scarlet, why do you not bow before your queen,” she asks, her eyes narrowing towards me, her voice harsh and firm, contradicting her looks completely.
“I bow to no one, especially the Fae.” Hell, I’m probably going to die anyway, at least I’ll do it on my own terms.
The queen laughs softly. “I have been told you don’t appreciate your heritage. It is quite refreshing to see someone who doesn’t cower at my every command.”
I raise a brow but keep silent.
“However, I would suggest you change your attitude quickly, because I won’t take your insolence very well going forward,” she pauses, stepping back to sit on the throne. “Now, tell me why you have in your possession some of our ancient scrolls?”
“Research,” I answer, unsure if she will know if I am withholding. I clasp my hands behind my back to stop the nervous shake that has started in them. A dull ache starts in my skull warning me not to reveal too much.
“If you help me with a small task, I will tell you everything I know about the stones you are obviously … researching. Do you agree?” She stares at me, waiting for an answer. I just gape at her, wondering why she hasn’t had me taken to her cells to await torture and death.
“Why would you help me?” I ask, astonished.
“You are the only person that can help me right now, and I am the only person that knows who has two of the stones you are researching,” she says with a smile. It’s like she can see the cogs turning inside my brain and knows the exact moment she’s lured me in. “You should think yourself lucky, I could just demand this act of service from you and not offer you anything in return.”
“Well, I clearly don’t have a say in the matter, so let’s get to it then. What do you want?” I eye her a little curious as to why she needs me, the only reason I should be on her radar is because of the twins.
She flicks her wrist and we are both transported to what I assume is another part of her castle, a large room overlooking a perfectly manicured garden. The light hitting the room makes the walls glisten and shimmer, which makes me wonder what they are made from. I look behind me and notice we are now alone. There are two chairs positioned opposite one another but at an angle, so that once occupied, you can enjoy the view.
“Sit, and I will begin my story.” She motions, and I follow.
She looks out at the gardens, so I clear my throat. She needs to hurry this along because I need answers, and I’m not the most patient of people. Startled from her musings, she looks at me and begins. “I believe you are acquainted with my son and daughter.”
I knew this was to do with them. I am definitely dead. “Yes,” I answer, trying not to give too much away, just in case.
“There’s no need to hold back your answers, I know you had the Lycans arrest them. I’m not bothered about this. In fact, I’m quite pleased.”
“Really?” I ask, arching a brow. “You’re actually pleased I had your own son and daughter held captive by the Lycans. I find that a little hard to believe.”
“I’ll start by explaining to you exactly why I’m not having you arrested for your part in my son and daughter’s arrest. You’ll also find that part of this story will help you with the stones you are looking for. But, before I begin, which stone are you after, and whom is it for?”
“I can’t tell you who it is for, but I’m looking for Elias,” I answer, the dull ache in my head doesn’t intensify.
“Ah, the stone of life. I’ll start by telling you something not many people know about me, I’m not the original Queen Shea. I’m her identical twin sister. Shea had me banished many centuries ago for taking an interest in her first love. She was a cruel queen and, while I try to emulate her as much as possible, I find I am a little laxer in my punishments than I probably should be. If you tell anyone this, or anything else I’m about to tell you, I will hunt you down and skin you repeatedly until you die an agonizing death.”
I just stare at her, shocked to the core at this revelation. I’m not sure I want to know this truth she wants to share so much.
Chapter Thirteen
“Don’t look so shocked, I can assure you it gets worse. The queen actually died giving birth to her triplets, Brae, Bryn, and Bronwyn. Now, what most people don’t know is they were created when my sister was wearing one of the stones, Moros. I still wear that stone today, but its power has dimmed considerably. Without it, I would be unable to imitate my sister so well.
“I believe my sister was wearing the stone and using it to manipulate the emotions of her lover when she became with child, with the triplets. I think the stone’s power somehow determined what direction Bryn’s Fae power would take—”
“Why Bryn, there were two other babies in that womb?”
“I’m not sure why him and not the other two.” She shrugs awkwardly, like the motion is completely alien to her. “The power he wields is complete control over all emotions, and with that, he can control what people feel. If he wants you to feel pain, joy, sorrow, you will. He’s also perverse enough to not use the nice emotions. He has used this power on everyone, including me, since the day he was able to control it.”
“But he didn’t show any powers like that when I saw him,” I state.
“That’s because the power he has from the stone is linked to his Fae power. Not all Fae powers work in a world without magic.” She looks out the window and carries on. “He has used his power repeatedly on his sister Bronwyn. I’m unsure as to the exact reasoning. I believe it’s because of this that Bryn and Bronwyn have formed an unnatural relationship. One that has led to the creation of Brook.” She looks at me now, gaging my reaction.
“Are you saying Brook is Bryn and Bronwyn’s love child?” What the hell! That is wrong on so very many levels. It does explain why Bronwyn was so skittish around her brother all the time, especially if she didn’t want to feel those kinds of things for him.
I shudder at the thought of them together.
“Brook doesn’t know this, she believes she is my daughter, and I made sure to blood oath Bryn and Bronwyn, so they could never tell her. I need Bryn and Bronwyn taken in to custody. Both this transgression, and their continued association with the Demons, is unacceptable. They are to be stricken from the register, like their brother Brae, and my heir will be announced as Brook. She is currently being groomed to take my place. Which may be many centuries away.”
I actually cannot believe everything she’s told me. I sit for a few moments and mull over the information before speaking. “So, you need me, why?”
“My informants have told me of your interactions with my niece and nephew. They also inform me Bryn will stop at nothing to get his hands on you, because he seeks his revenge. I wish to use you as bait, so that he can finally be taken in to custody.”
I smile. I cannot believe I’m about to say this to a Fae. “After what they did to me, I would be more than happy to help you bring them down, as long as it doesn’t cost me my life. How do you plan to use me as bait?”
“I have acquired a ticket for you to attend the Court of Dreams Masquerade Ball. It’s in your name, so that alone should pique Bryn’s curiosity. My sources say he was informed the minute you were spotted in our realm, so he is already looking out for you.
“Once he arrives at the ball, I need you to make contact with him, and lure him to a room in the hall where it’s being held. The room number will be designated on the back of your invite. My guards will have already infiltrated the room, ready to arrest both Bryn and Bronwyn,” she says as she stands to walk over to the window.
sp; “Sounds simple enough, but what’s to stop Bryn using his evil emotion power against me?” I ask, moving to stand at the window, so the queen’s gaze shifts from the view to me.
“There is always a risk, but then you risked your life earlier today breaking in to The Guild archives for the scrolls that are no longer in your possession,” she pauses and flicks her fingers, the scrolls instantly appearing in her arms. “I cannot tell you how important it is that they are brought to justice. Their dalliance with the Demons is what has literally been causing a lot of the fighting for the past century. If not for their hatred of me for taking their mother’s place, we would have formed a peace treaty with more than ten of the Demon Factions by now. Their link to the Lazarus, especially, must be stopped.”
I grimace, knowing I’m now also helping that cause. I nod my agreement then say, “You told me of the stone, Moros, what about the others?”
“When the stones were created, their full power was locked away inside. A small amount seeps through and can be used by anyone. However, it was once said that only the chosen one from each line could access the full potential of their stone. My family can trace the passing of Moros through each generation to the God that created it. Which is why we believe it’s true power passed onto Bryn, perverting his Fae gift. We believe he is the chosen one from our line.
“My line also chronicled the history of the other stones, even though we could not wield their full power. We believe, at some point, your father had the stone, Necros, in his possession. Which makes us wonder if your brother is the chosen one for that stone—”
I gulp in a breath at this revelation, but she ignores me and carries on.
“No one has seen or heard of The Element Stone, Elimos. Since the stones were created by the Gods, it has neither been seen nor documented. Now, the stone you are looking for is held by an Elder Fae named Lykos. He’s pretty much a hermit nowadays, but his name is also on the attendance list for the ball. He has long, white hair and tanned skin, this combination of coloring hasn’t been documented since his line began, although I am told it’s rare to see him in his true form.”