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Clint [Grizzly Ridge 1] (The Lynn Hagen ManLove Collection)

Page 5

by Lynn Hagen

  “Yeah, that’s been my father’s complaint my whole life.” Dane pushed in next to Clint and extended his hand. “I’m Dane.”

  The blond simply stared at his hand, then looked at Clint, as if he had no clue what a handshake was.

  “You’re supposed to take my hand and shake it.” Dane reached for the man’s hand, but stopped short when Clint gave a menacing growl. He ignored Clint and took the brother’s hand, shaking it.

  “I know what a handshake is,” the guy said with a wide grin. “I’m Bobby Ray.” He sniffed the air. “Damn, you smell like you’ve been dipped in Clint’s odor.”

  Dane had no idea what that meant. He sniffed under his arms, but they didn’t stink. Bobby Ray chuckled as he shook his head.

  The men called out their names as they gave a nod.




  “Nice to meet you guys.” Dane smiled.

  Clint jabbed a finger toward Bobby Ray. “Let his fucking hand go, you grinning idiot.”

  Bobby Ray shrugged, apparently unfazed by Clint’s surliness. “He’s cute. I like when cute men touch me.”

  Dane hid his grin as he lowered his hand.

  “Where’s Trigger?” Clint asked. “Why isn’t he with you guys?”

  “He went off on his own to track the wolves down.” Bobby Ray glanced at Dane again, his smile never fading. Dane could tell this one was a troublemaker. Mischief sparkled in his gray-green eyes.

  Clint popped Bobby Ray on the back of his head. “If you don’t stop giving my mate that goofy grin, I’m gonna kick your ass.”

  Dane slapped Clint’s arm. “Be nice.”

  The men stared wide-eyed at Dane—except Bobby Ray. He was still smiling like a loon. Dane’s attention strayed to the one who called himself Wade. He looked as if he’d gone three rounds with a truck and lost, but he was still handsome under all that bruising.

  “Why don’t you invite them in?” Dane was dying for more company. There wasn’t much to do alone in this cabin, and having company thrilled him.

  “Naw, we got things to do,” Walker said.

  “Gotta wash my hair,” Duane said.

  “Don’t wanna die,” Wade added.

  Bobby Ray tried to step past Clint, but Clint held up his arm, stopping him from entering.

  “You don’t let your brothers into your home?” Dane was confused. They seemed like a nice enough bunch.

  “Not when my pregnant mate is inside,” Clint answered.

  Dane doubted that what Clint had told him about pregnancy was true, and doubted even more that he had a bun in the oven. “They’re family.”

  Clint scowled again, looking as if he’d kill every last one of them, but finally, reluctantly, stepped aside. His brothers just stood there, as if they were being set up and if they came inside, Clint would massacre them.

  With a roll of his eyes, Dane grabbed Bobby Ray’s arm and yanked him through the door. The others slowly followed.

  “You’re cute, but not cute enough to die over.” Bobby Ray removed his arm from Dane’s grip. “I wouldn’t advise touching any of us. Clint’s bite is worse than his growl.”

  Dane glanced at Clint, who stood there glaring at his brothers. Dane sauntered over to him and kissed Clint’s bearded jaw. “Thank you.”

  Clint’s features relaxed.

  The brothers stood there staring at everything but Dane, except for Bobby Ray. He still grinned as if he were about to be handed a Christmas present.

  Dane went to the fridge and grabbed bottles of beer, which he handed out. He knew how to be a host, and he had manners.

  The brothers gaped at the bottles, then at Dane.

  “For fuck’s sake,” Dane said. “Now what did I do wrong?”

  “He’s got a mouth on him.” Wade chuckled. “I like that.”

  “You’re taking care of us, handsome.” Bobby Ray twisted the lid off his bottle. “It’s a great honor to be served by a mate.”

  “You’re my family now,” Dane said. “Family should argue all the time, get on each other’s last nerve, and defend one another.”

  “Yeah, we know that.” Duane glanced toward Clint. “Just tell your mate not to kill us for being near you.”

  Clint looked as though he would attack his brothers at any second. Dane wasn’t sure how bears did things, but Clint needed to pull the stick out of his ass and learn to chill.

  Dane opened the last bottle, and Clint snatched it from his hands. “You can’t drink that. You’re pregnant.”

  Dane narrowed his eyes. “First of all, I was about to give it to you, Mr. High-handed. Second, I don’t believe a man can get pregnant, so enough with that.”

  Bobby Ray snickered. “Then you’re in a for a big-ass surprise.”

  “A huge eye-opener,” Wade said before he took a swallow of his beer. “I like him, Clint. Can we keep him?”

  Clint groaned. “You’re all fucking idiots.”

  The room filled with growls when someone knocked at the door. Clint’s brothers surrounded Dane as Clint went to the door. When he opened it, another handsome man stood on the other side. The guy had smoky-gray eyes and dirty-blond hair.

  Dane noticed that some of the men had gray eyes, some green, and some had a combination of both. It was the same with their hair. Some had black hair while others had varying shades of blond.

  “Trigger.” Clint stepped aside.

  Trigger looked past him. “You seriously let those clowns in while your mate is here?” He smiled. “And they’re not dead?”

  “He got me a beer.” Bobby Ray raised his bottle.

  “No shit.” Trigger skirted past Clint, then joined them. Dane went to the fridge and got their latest guest a bottle. He held it out to Trigger, hiding his grin at Clint’s glower.

  “Well fuck me.” Trigger took the bottle. “Thanks, doll.”

  “Mind telling me why you were late getting back here?” Clint asked as he closed the door.

  With his back to Clint, Trigger winked at Dane, his smile just as goofy as Bobby Ray’s. It faded as he turned toward Clint. “I went to Howling Cavern.”

  Clint’s features darkened. “Why in the fuck would you do something so stupid?”

  Trigger dropped into the chair and kicked his feet up onto the coffee table. “Go to the source if you want to find out what’s going on.” He took a swallow of his beer. “Jesse was there. So I ask myself, how can the alpha be home, and running through our territory at the same time?”

  Dane sat on the couch, curious to know the answer. “And?” he asked.

  Trigger sat forward, placing his beer on a coaster. “And he had no flipping clue what I was talking about. Says he hasn’t been in our parts in a long while.” Trigger looked at Clint. “But he’s still pissed at you for the argument the two of you had.”

  “And he didn't tear you apart?” Clint asked.

  “Nah.” Trigger shook his head. “He looked like he had some heavy shit on his mind. I think that cousin of his is giving him problems again.”

  “What cousin?” Duane asked. “Since when does he have a cousin?”

  “He has a cousin named Elijah,” Clint said.

  “What argument?” Walker asked.

  “Nothing.” Clint shook his head. “Then if it wasn’t Jesse or his men howling, who the hell was it?”

  “That’s a damn good question.” Trigger picked his beer up and settled back. “A damn good question.”

  * * * *

  Clarence tucked the recorder into his pocket and moved through the forest. If Clint wanted to take over the clan, Clarence would make damn sure every step of the way was fraught with war. Now that he’d played the recording of the wolves howling, all Clarence had to do was kill a few people and drop their bodies in the neighboring territories and let male egos take care of the rest.

  * * * *

  After his brothers left, Clint carried his sleeping mate upstairs and laid him on the bed. Dane stirred b
ut didn’t wake as Clint stood there staring down at him. How had this slip of a man turned his world upside down? Clint should’ve killed his siblings for stepping foot in his house, but Dane had looked so pleased to see them that Clint didn’t have the heart to deny his mate the pleasure of their company.

  Except Bobby Ray. Clint was going to kill him if he didn’t stop looking all dopey-eyed at Dane. The grinning fool had a death wish.

  Clint eased Dane out of his pants and tossed them aside before carefully working Dane’s shirt over his head, trying not to wake him. Whether Dane wanted to believe it or not, Clint knew he had conceived, and as he stared at Dane’s bare stomach, he now had the proof.

  A faint line ran from Dane’s navel to his groin. As Dane’s pregnancy progressed, the conception line would darken. Once it turned red, he would be ready to give birth.

  Clint sat on the side of the bed and splayed his hand over his mate’s stomach. His cub was inside there, growing rapidly. A wild bear’s gestation was roughly one hundred and eighty to two hundred and fifty days. A shifter’s was a mere ninety days. In three months, Clint would be a father.

  He traced the tip of his finger over the faint line, excited at the image of his mate swollen with his child. He couldn’t wait. As he touched Dane, his mate’s cock thickened. Even in his sleep Dane wanted him. Damn if that didn’t stroke Clint’s ego.

  He moved his hand to Dane’s shoulder and brushed his palm over the healed bite mark. The faint holes were still visible, and when Clint touched them, Dane moaned. That spot would always be sensitive, would always either give Dane comfort when he needed it, or turn him on.

  Clint grinned, despite his earlier cantankerous mood. He wouldn’t admit it, but he loved seeing Dane and his brothers interact. It made him feel as though his clan could be a functional family—if they could remove the thorn in their sides.


  Clint pushed thoughts of his father away. He didn’t want them to spoil the mood he was in, the glow he was basking in.

  Clint stood, stripped, then slid into bed next to Dane. His mate instantly wriggled back against him, snuggling close. Clint laid his arm over Dane and spooned behind him, hugging Dane to him as he closed his eyes.

  Now this, he could get used to.

  * * * *

  Bobby Ray sat in the shadows by Clint’s home in bear form, keeping an eye out for trouble. Truth was, Dane had grown on him just from that one visit. He was still astonished that Clint had even let his brothers into his home to talk to Dane.

  Things were changing for their clan, and Bobby Ray liked that. He also liked seeing this more relaxed side to Clint. His brother carried a lot of weight on his shoulders and deserved happiness.

  It didn’t hurt that Dane was a cutie. Maybe not by modern standards, but bears liked their men thick. Bones were for dogs. Dane was a perfect fit for Clint, and his friendliness, his generosity, and the way he teased Clint made him all the more handsome.

  Bobby Ray just wished he could find his mate. Living on the mountains with his family was fine, but he wanted that someone special in his life who would give him a whole mess of cubs.

  He rested his head on his paws, scanning the area as the moon rose in the night sky.

  Hopefully one day he would find that person.

  Chapter Six

  For the next two weeks, Dane woke every morning and raced to the bathroom to get sick. He firmly believed the high altitude was at fault, not this nonsense about him being pregnant. His stomach was starting to grow, but he blamed that on Clint’s cooking, which was so good that Dane hadn’t passed up a single meal Clint had served him.

  Though none of that explained the weird line darkening on his stomach.

  Clint stepped into the bathroom and wet a cloth, just like he did every morning. He wiped Dane’s mouth and flushed the toilet before picking Dane up and carrying him back to bed.

  “Rest while I make you something light to eat.”

  “I think you’re fattening me up so you can cook me.” Dane rolled over, hugging his stomach. “Stop making me fatter than I already am.”

  With a deep chuckle, Clint headed downstairs. That was another thing. Lately, Clint smiled a lot, and even laughed. His smile made him ten times more handsome.

  Dane had finally told his boss that he’d decided to move back home. Thank God he’d never told Billy about his father, or Billy would’ve known Dane was full of shit. He had no clue what he would do for money, but at the moment his only concern was getting his stomach to settle.

  The smell of toast drifted upstairs, making Dane’s churning stomach rumble. “How can you think of eating when you’re queasy?” he asked himself. But lately, Dane’s appetite had grown.

  He pushed himself up and got out of bed, then made his way downstairs. The sight of Clint at the counter wearing nothing but his pajama bottoms would never grow old. Dane’s cock agreed.

  He pulled a chair out and sat at the table. “I thought I told you to stay in bed,” Clint said.

  “And I’m going nuts being cooped up inside. Can’t we go for a walk today? I need some fresh air.” Maybe that would help his sickness.

  “It isn’t safe for you to wander around outside.” Clint set two pieces of toast on a plate and buttered them.

  “It won’t be safe in here if I have to stay locked up for much longer.”

  Clint grunted.

  “I’m going outside today,” Dane argued.

  “No, you’re not.”

  “Watch me.” He stood and felt a bit light-headed as he walked to the front door. Before he could open it, Clint was there, pressing his hand into the wood.

  “Stop being an ass!” Dane yanked at the door, but Clint refused to move his hand.

  “I said it ain’t safe.”

  “Then you and your brothers can be my bodyguards.” Dane slapped at Clint’s hand. “I need fresh air.”

  Clint’s jaw clenched. “Then eat something first. And you need to dress properly.”

  The only clothes Dane had were the ones he’d been wearing when Clint brought him here. Clint had washed them daily, but Dane would give his left nut to go home to retrieve the rest of his stuff. Although he liked sleeping in Clint’s shirts, he wanted his own pajamas.

  “Fine.” Dane relented and went back to the kitchen. “How hard would it be to get my things from my house?”

  “Not hard at all,” Clint said. “I got your driver’s license from your wallet and sent Bobby Ray and Walker to your house last night.”

  Dane perked up. He was so happy to have his own clothes that he didn’t care that Clint had gone through is wallet. “Then where are my things?”

  “Still in my truck.” Clint handed him the plate of toast. “Eat while I go get them.”

  Dane wanted to do a happy dance. He was amazed at how a simple little thing like a change of clothes lightened his spirits. “Then we can go for a walk?”

  “Then we can go for a walk.” Clint headed out the door.

  Dane devoured the toast, then went to the fridge to see what else he could eat. By the time Clint returned, Dane had eaten the leftover spaghetti from last night and had a donut in each hand.

  “I see you’re feeling better.” Clint took the bags upstairs. When he came back down, he pressed a kiss on Dane’s shoulder, and Dane’s cock hardened.

  “Stop that.” Dane took a bite of the blueberry cake donut, chewed, then swallowed. “I know what you’re doing. We’re not having sex so you can distract me from going outside.”

  Too bad his cock disagreed. The shirt Dane wore tented as he polished off the blueberry donut and started on the glazed.

  “Are you sure about that?” Clint stepped behind Dane and slid his arm around until he palmed Dane’s cock. “I promise to make it a morning you won’t forget, Cub.” He ran his jaw over Dane’s shoulder and his beard scraped against Dane’s skin, making him shiver. Clint pressed a kiss against Dane’s neck and whispered, “I want to feel your ass gripping my dick.”
  Dane dropped the donut and spun, then tore the shirt over his head before climbing up Clint’s body. He had zero resistance when it came to his mate. Dane ground his erection into Clint’s washboard stomach, moaning at the friction.

  Clint moved to the wall and pressed Dane against it as he shoved his pajama pants down his legs. Dane sucked in a breath as Clint’s pre-cum wet his ass, making the band of muscles relax. Dane was still perplexed about how that worked, but he was too damn horny now to contemplate that amazing trick.

  He bit his lip, digging his fingers into Clint’s shoulders as his mate inched inside him. Clint’s hands were soldered to Dane’s sides as he captured Dane’s lips and kissed him until Dane ran out of air. He pulled back and whimpered as Clint sank into him balls-deep.

  “Damn I love this ass,” Clint growled. He eased back and then thrust in so hard Dane inched up the wall.

  Dane mewled as Clint fucked him with hard and heavy strokes. He slammed a hand against the wall on either side of Dane’s head, driving his cock upward as Dane held on for dear life.

  Without touching his own dick, Dane came, shouting Clint’s name. With a deep and sultry growl, Clint bit his shoulder as his cock throbbed inside Dane’s ass.

  Dane slumped against the wall. All he wanted to do now was take a nap. But he wouldn’t let Clint’s distraction stop him from going outside. Clint held Dane as he uncurled his legs, then helped him onto his unsteady feet.

  “I’m gonna shower.” Dane kissed Clint’s chest. “And then we’re going on that walk.”

  Clint grunted. “You have a one-track mind.”

  “Yep.” Dane sauntered away, but his exit wasn’t as smooth as he’d hoped. His legs felt like wet noodles, and he swayed slightly as he reached the steps. “So get ready, mate.” He’d thrown that name in there as an enticement.

  And it worked. The look of approval in Clint’s gray eyes was tangible. With a little smirk, Dane headed upstairs.

  * * * *

  The crisp fall air smelled wonderful, but then again, that could’ve been because Dane had been cooped up for weeks. Clint walked beside him, and his brothers were scattered close by. Dane knew he should’ve been disturbed to see them roaming in their bear forms, but with Clint next to him, Dane felt like the safest man on the planet.


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