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A Real Man: Limited Edition

Page 28

by Jenika Snow

  “Spread your pussy lips for me. Let me see how pink you are.”

  My hands were shaking, my heart thundering behind my ribs.

  We were both breathing so hard and had beads of sweat along our body.

  This might be my first time, but I didn’t want to go slow. I didn’t want gentle. All I wanted was Brendan to be with me.

  I heard my heart thundering in my ears, felt it in my throat. This was crazy, but in a good way.

  “Pull them apart. Let me see, Meghan.”

  I had no doubt he could see exactly how wet I was for him. And when I pulled the outer lips of my pussy apart, the groan that ripped from him went right through my entire body.

  He reached out and ran his finger right through my center, and a gasp left me. A shiver took over, and I knew I wouldn’t last, that I could die right now and be the happiest woman on earth.

  “Do you want me here, Meghan?”

  “God, yes.” This felt so right.

  The he made quick work of getting his jeans off, and what was revealed was a massively impressive cock. He came back toward me, now only inches from my body again.

  With his fingers still running up and down my slit, he used his other hand to grab his huge cock. His flesh was smooth, toned, and the monster between his thighs was obviously above average.

  He rubbed his palm up and down the huge shaft he sported, and I felt the heat and electricity coming from him. I felt my pulse beating wildly in my clit, and I wanted to beg him to skip all of this erotic torture and just fuck me already.

  I wanted Brendan right now.

  “I need you,” I finally managed to say, and the groan that came from him had this rush filling me. Lowering my gaze to what he was still doing to himself, I felt my heart jackknife in my chest at the sight of the clear fluid dotting the tip of his cock.

  Then I found myself reaching out, pushing his hand away, and taking his huge dick in my hand. He grunted, his pleasure clear. He was hard and big, and my fingers couldn’t wrap fully around his girth. God, what would he feel like thrust deep in me? What would it feel like to be stretched to the max by Brendan?

  Obviously, he would fit in me, but I couldn’t help thinking it would be a tight fit, one where he’d really have to work himself inside of me.

  I started stroking him, up and down, steady and slow. He groaned again, the muscles in his neck standing out in stark relief.

  “You keep this up and I’ll come before I’m even in you, baby.”

  “Maybe that’s not a bad thing.”

  He grunted after I spoke.

  “Stroke me faster, add some pressure.” His voice was thick, his focus on me.

  I curled my hand tighter around his cock and started rubbing my palm up and down his length.

  “Fuck, I don’t want you to stop,” he said low and leaned forward to rest his hand by my head. His big body was bowed over me, his eyes locked with mine. “But if you don’t stop, I’ll lose it before this even starts.”

  Before I could pick up my speed on jerking him off, Brendan had my hand off him and had his body resting fully on mine. We kissed for long seconds, and as much as I loved having his mouth on mine … I needed more.



  I was about to come right then, and I hadn’t even been inside of Meghan. I wanted this to last so fucking badly, wanted to get her off several times before I let myself go over, but fuck, I was having a hard time getting control.

  I broke the kiss and stared down at her for long seconds. She was so fucking gorgeous, so sweet, so genuine, and she was all mine. The fact she hadn’t kneed me in the balls after I told her I’d watched her at school and scared off the pricks sniffing around her, made me feel good, like she liked that I’d looked after her. I admitted it was wrong, but I was too possessive and territorial of her to back off.

  I adjusted my much larger frame over her, not wanting to crush her body. My cock decided to jerk at that moment, and the soft little sound she made was nearly my undoing.

  “Are you ready?” I asked and moved my thumb over her bottom lip.

  “I’ve been ready.”

  I rested my forehead on hers and closed my eyes. My entire body was so damn tense, my muscles straining under the skin. Did this woman know what she did to me, that I’d fall to my knees and worship her if that’s what she wanted? Did she know how much I really wanted her in my life, that I’d do anything to make sure she was happy with me?

  Probably not, but I’d use the rest of my life to prove to her that I was worthy of calling her mine.

  My cock was so damn hard, and pre-cum was a constant at the tip of my shaft. I’d never been this worked up, not even when I thought about Meghan and jerked off. No, this went above everything or anything I could have ever imagined.

  God, I could have stared at Meghan all fucking night. Her face was flushed and her cheeks tinged this rosy color. Her pupils were dilated, and her mouth was red and swollen from my kisses.

  “I’ll never get enough of you, Meghan.”

  I wanted to go all caveman on her ass, all barbaric because I wanted her to know—everyone to know—she was all mine. Feeling all kinds of crazy in love for this woman, I reached down and placed my hand on her pussy, but held eye contact with her.

  “Who owns this, Meghan?” She started breathing harder, and I added more pressure right up against her slit. “Tell me who owns this pussy.”

  She licked her lips, and I slid my finger up and down her center.

  “You do, Brendan.”

  I growled low, like some kind of fucking animal.

  “Yeah, I fucking own it, Meghan.” I teased her clit, rubbed that bundle back and forth, and watched the pleasure move across her face. “No one will ever have this but me. No one will ever know what you feel like deep inside but me.” I rubbed her clit faster, and she gasped. “And I’ll make sure you know exactly why you’re mine.”

  Her pussy was hot and soaking for me, and while I rubbed her clit, I moved my thumb down to her pussy hole. I didn’t penetrate her, just rubbed the digit back and forth over the opening, letting her know I was there.

  “God, that feels so good, Brendan.”

  My chest tightened and my cock jerked at hearing her softly spoken words.

  She placed her hand on the center of my chest and moved it lower until she was right above my stiff dick.

  I needed her to touch my cock, but at the same time, if she touched me I’d be liable to come all over her belly.

  And when I finally came, I wanted to be buried deep in her.

  “Baby, as much as I want your hand on my dick, if you touch me, I’ll come, and I don’t want this to be over before I’m even inside your body.”

  I leaned down again, took her mouth in another hard, deep kiss. Meghan opened her mouth wider for me, and I plunged my tongue inside, tasting her sweet, addicting flavor. I was done prolonging this.

  I removed my hand from between her thighs, licked the digits that had been touching her, and groaned at her flavor.

  I needed my cock in her pussy now. I needed to take her virginity, and I needed her to take mine.

  “Spread wide for me, baby,” I moaned against her mouth, felt her do just that, and then I reached between us once more to grab my cock. “I need to be raw in you, Meghan. I need to be able to feel every part of you bare.”

  “God. Yes, Brendan.”

  Maybe I should have been worried about a baby, but the truth was the very thought of her big with my child pleased me. But that didn’t mean she was ready for all that. “But I can wear a condom if you want.”

  “I’m good. I just finished my period so we should be okay in that regard.” She chuckled softly. “Is that a mood killer or what?”

  I pressed my hips tighter against hers, showing her this was most definitely not a mood killer.

  She was making me lose my mind, but fuck, was that a good thing.

  With the tip of my erection at her entrance and my eyes focused on her
s, I knew I had to just do this. I hated that I’d cause her pain, and if I could have taken that away from her, I would have in an instant. But the thought of popping her cherry, taking it as mine, and knowing her virgin blood would streak my dick, had my entire body trembling.

  “Just do it, Brendan. Don’t worry about anything else.”

  And I did just that.

  I thrust all my inches into her and hated that she gasped in pain because of me. I couldn’t help the groan that left me at the tight, wet feeling of her pussy. She was so hot, so primed for me, I almost came right then. When I was fully inside her, my balls pressed right up against her ass, I stilled.

  She had her nails dug into the flesh at my shoulders, and her eyes were wide as she looked up at me.

  “I’m sorry, baby,” I said and leaned down to kiss her softly.

  “I’m okay, Brendan.”

  I started moving in and out of her slowly, gently. But with each passing second, my pleasure built to an all-consuming level, and I saw on Meghan’s face she felt it, too.

  My hands were curled into the sheets by her head, my shoulders hunched forward as I thrust in and out of her.

  My balls were drawn up close to my body, and my dick was so fucking hard it ached. I needed to get off desperately, needed to fill her with my spunk so she smelled like me … was marked by me.

  Fuck yeah. I needed to mark her up real good. Then I’d lean back and watch as my cum slid out of her pussy and made a wet spot on the bed.

  “Oh, shit,” I grunted, the feeling of her cunt squeezing my cock, and the images in my head sending me perilously close to the edge.

  I looked at her breasts, the large mounds shaking as I fucked her. Her nipples were rosy colored, the tips hard, slightly elongated.

  I dipped my head low and dragged my tongue over one stiff peak.

  “God.” She breathed out.

  I pulled one hard tip into my mouth and sucked, drawing the blood to the surface and feeling her squirm beneath me. She breathed hard, the soft sounds leaving her telling me she liked what I did.

  “I want to fuck you until we both get off and I fill you up with my seed, Meghan.” I couldn’t help the words that came out of me; I didn’t even try to stop them.

  She wanted me this way, and I’d make sure she enjoyed every fucking second of it.



  There was pain, and the discomfort was almost too much to handle at first, but with each passing second everything changed.

  That uncomfortable feeling started to heat inside of me, started to feel good, powerful. The fact he was so big, so long and thick, had tears pricking my eyes. It was sudden, the penetration like noting I could have imagined, but it felt good.

  So good.

  Knowing this was Brendan in me, that he was the one telling me he loved me, that I was his, made everything else fade away.

  I reached up and grabbed his shoulders, the muscles tight beneath my hands. I curled my nails into his flesh when he started pulling out. When he pushed back into me, the discomfort was there, but as time passed that pain left, and in its place was this euphoric feeling.

  We didn’t speak for long minutes, and that was okay, because feeling Brendan in me, seeing how much he was trying to control himself, to go slow for me, made this moment mean so much more than he’d probably ever know.

  And when he started moving in and out of me at a steady pace, I couldn’t help but open up and let all the emotions and sensations move through me.

  We were sweaty, his body moving fluidly over mine, the massiveness of his form hovering above me, using his power to show me how good it could be.

  “You like this, baby?”

  A flash of pleasure slammed into me. “Yes,” I moaned.

  “You’re so fucking perfect.” He thrust in and out of me slowly, and then he leaned down to kiss me, never stopping his motions.

  Brendan was slow and easy, but I knew that wouldn’t last.

  And that was okay, because I didn’t want it to be prolonged. I wanted to explode for him and watch as he let go, too.

  This feeling of being filled, stretched, and consumed by Brendan was something I’d always wanted, but not like anything I could have ever envisioned. The feeling of his hardness to my softness, of his masculinity to my femininity, made me so crazy with lust I couldn’t stand it.

  “Kiss me,” I said on a whispered moan.

  And he did just that … possessively, wildly, and like a man who knew what he wanted.

  I couldn’t help that my inner muscles clenched around his cock, but it felt so good.

  “Yeah, that’s so fucking it, Meghan, baby.” He started really moving then. Gone was the slow and easy, and in its place was fast and hard. “Fuck. Yeah.” He pulled out of me an inch, only so the broad head was now lodged in my pussy. Looking into my eyes, I could see he was fighting with himself, and I placed a hand on his hard, sweaty chest.

  “I won’t break.”

  It seemed that was all he needed to hear.

  He thrust back into me, harder, with determination. I gasped, loving every second of it.

  “The fact I finally have you…” he said in a strained voice. “Damn, it’s so fucking good.” He thrust deep in me again, pushing me up on the mattress. “You feel so good, Meghan.” He leaned in and kissed me, his breathing harsh, his motions almost frantic. “I fucking love you. I’ll always love you, and nothing will ever change that.” He pulled back and looked into my eyes. “You understand me? You understand how much I mean every single word I say?”

  I nodded, feeling the truth behind what he said, knowing this was the real deal.

  This was my life.

  With every inch he sank into me, I felt claimed … owned.

  “I’m going to watch as I fuck you, as I make you mine, Meghan.” He pushed up slightly, and leaned back, looking between my legs. He watched as his cock moved in and out of me.

  “Watch me, Meghan. Watch what I’m doing to you.”

  I lifted up, braced my weight on my elbows, and gasped at the erotic sight before me.

  I saw blood coat Brendan’s length, my virginity in a physical form.

  He was huge, his thick dick plunging in and out of me, stretching me.

  “You like watching what I do to you? You like watching as I claim your virginity the same way you’re claiming mine?”

  I could only nod.

  He shifted a little more so he was on his knees, grabbed my hips, and pulled me down just a little so he was deep in me. He used his thumbs to pull apart my pussy lips, and the fact he had his hands there, as well as his cock buried in me, had me nearly coming right then and there. Then he slid his thumbs lower until he had them right by my pussy hole. He just kept them there, making me very aware of the fact he was touching the most intimate part of me.

  Brendan grabbed my hips and started pushing in and pulling out of me faster, harder. “This might be a pretty arrogant, and bastard thing for me to say, Meghan—” he said and slammed into me again and again. “But every part of you belongs to me.” He continued to slam in again and again, and I arched my chest, a gasp leaving me.

  “Your virginity will always be mine, the same as mine will always be yours.”

  “Yes, Brendan.”

  “Say my name again.”

  “Brendan,” I moaned.

  The play of his muscles as he thrust into me, fucked me like he’d been waiting his whole life, turned me on.

  He has been waiting for you, the same way you’ve been waiting for him.

  We were both so sweaty, but God it was the good kind, the kind I wanted to have all over my body because it meant we were so passionate.

  The sound of his cock moving in and out of my pussy filled the room.

  Brendan tilted his head back, his neck muscles straining.

  “God, I’m so close,” I cried out, not caring that I sounded high-pitched.

  He placed his thumb on my clit and started rubbing it back and for
th. He looked back at me, his focus on my face, like he was intent on watching me come.

  “Do it, Meghan. Come for me.”

  And just like that, I did.

  I exploded for him.

  My pussy muscles clenched around him, and he bucked against me harder.

  Grunts and groans left him.

  “Fuck, I’m going to come, Meghan,” he gasped out. “I want to get you off again, but fuck, I can’t hold off.”

  “Don’t stop.” I wanted to see him get off because of me.

  He groaned harshly again.

  “Fuck. I love you so much.” He thrust in deep. “I’ve been waiting for this moment, for you to be mine, for a long fucking time.”

  I was going to come again.

  As I looked into his face, I saw Brendan’s control slipping, and I knew his it wasn’t going to last much longer. “I’m coming again,” I said and cried out as the pleasure crashed through me.

  “God, so fucking good,” he said, his eyes closed, the strain on his face clear.

  My inner muscles clamped down hard, and we both moaned. He started fucking me faster, harder, and hit something deep in me. I arched my back and let that sensation consume me.

  “That’s it. Milk my cock like you’re dying for my cum.”

  I knew the moment he came right along with me. His huge body went rigid, and this deep sound left him when he buried himself deep inside me.

  It was long seconds before his body finally relaxed, and he rested his full weight on me. We were both sweaty, our skin pressed together erotically, and all I wanted to do was stay like this, but I did need to breathe, and Brendan was a big man.

  He rolled off me and pulled me in close. My back was to his chest, and he wrapped a muscular arm around my waist. Before I knew what he was doing, he had his hand between my legs, his fingers pressed to my pussy, and he pushed the cum starting to slip out of me back in.

  “I belong in here, always.”

  A shiver at his words and actions played through me. He removed his hand, and I turned in his arms so we were face to face. I leaned up to kiss him, wanting to be as close as I could because of the intimacy we’d just shared. I knew I’d never get enough.


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