A Real Man: Limited Edition

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A Real Man: Limited Edition Page 32

by Jenika Snow

  “I don’t think this is appropriate, Mr. Wright,” she said, but I kept my hand on her cheek and stroked my thumb along her jawline.

  “Appropriate? Maybe not. But it feels pretty fucking right, Harley. It feels really damn good to me.”

  “You’re my boss.” She tried to sound adamant, but I could hear the longing in her voice.

  I didn’t stop touching her jawline. I wanted to touch more of her … all of her. She slipped her tongue out and ran it along the swell of her bottom lip. And I lost all semblance of the self-control I’d been holding on to. I lowered my head, moved slightly toward her, and knew if I allowed myself to kiss her, I wouldn’t be able to stop.

  But I paused with our mouths only inches apart. “Tell me you want this, that you want me.” I stared right in her eyes. “We don’t have to fight this.”

  She breathed hard, and the sweet scent of her breath, laced with cinnamon and sugar, moved along my mouth.

  “I want you, and I know you want me, Harley. I can see it when you look at me, in the way you hold yourself in my presence.”

  “We shouldn’t cross this line,” she whispered.

  And that’s when I did what I’d wanted to do for the last two months.

  I cupped the back of her head and placed my mouth right on hers. She gasped instantly, and I used that opportunity to lick at her lips before delving inside her mouth. I felt the moment she gave in, her resistance leaving and breaking away into desire. I pulled her closer, tilted my head to deepen the kiss, and groaned at how good she tasted. She must have had hot chocolate before coming into the office, because her flavor was incredible.

  Harley panted against my mouth. I needed her so fucking badly. Her hair was loose around her face, and I gripped a chunk behind her head, pulled back, and broke the kiss. I immediately went to her throat and started sucking and licking at her soft, creamy skin.

  “Oh. God,” she gasped, and I instantly went back to her mouth, delving my tongue inside.

  A groan left me, my control right out the fucking window. All I could picture was tossing the shit off my desk and bending her over the glass and chrome. I took her mouth harder at the same time she had her hands on my biceps, digging her nails into my arms. The dress shirt was a barrier I wanted gone. I wanted that pain from her clutching at me.

  “Tell me this is so fucking good for you, Harley.” I used my hand in her hair to angle her head farther back and to the side. That’s when I really mouth fucked her.

  I was a man possessed, so consumed by her very presence I couldn’t even think rational thoughts.

  “It’s good,” she finally whispered, and I thrust my tongue in and out of her mouth, doing between her lips what I wanted to do between her thighs.

  “Since you walked into my office I have been unable to think about much else,” I admitted freely. “I haven’t been able to stop myself from wanting you, from obsessing about you.” Hell, I could have told her that I hadn’t been with a woman in a damn year, well before she’d come along. I had absolutely no desire for empty sex, and then she’d stepped into my office. Harley was my weakness, and as crazy as that might seem to the majority of the populace, I didn’t give a shit.

  Fuck them if they thought what I wanted, how I felt for this woman, wasn’t real.

  This was my life, and if she’d have me, I’d show her that I wasn’t this coldhearted bastard … at least not to her.

  I’d treat her like a queen. My queen.

  But then it felt as if cold water splashed on the fire consuming me. She placed her hands on my chest and pushed back.

  “This isn’t right. This is getting into dangerous territory.”

  I breathed in and out, trying to rein in my desire. Running my hand over my hair, I stared at her, knowing I might look feral. Hell, I felt fucking wild. Maybe we should stop, but she was so damned addictive.

  Stopping seemed wrong, but what Harley might not know was that she had the power here.



  “If that’s what you really want, then I’ll stop.”

  He seemed almost pained to say that. Although I knew he could tell this was hard for me as well, did he know exactly how hard it really was?

  “But I want you to tell me this isn’t right, that you don’t want this.”

  My heart was beating fast and hard, my hands were shaky, and beads of sweat lined the area between my breasts, and the length of my spine.

  “If you say you don’t want this, I’ll know you’re lying, but I’ll respect what you want.”

  I would be lying, but I also didn’t want to cross this line and become just a notch in his bedpost. I never heard about him with women, hadn’t read about it in the papers, he was successful, gorgeous. A man like that had to have sex to let off all that built-up sexual steam.

  “I’m not just some girl who’ll spread her legs because that’s what you expect, because that’s what you’re used to.” The shock on his face was evident, and I was surprised at the fact I’d actually had the nerve to say it out loud. But it wasn’t just that. Honestly, I wasn’t the type of woman that had flings. I’d had sex twice in my life, and both times had been less than memorable. Neither man had wanted anything more with me after it was all said and done, so I’d stopped allowing myself to give in so easily just because it was expected.

  But the power and arrogance I’d seen from Noah, the fact he seemed so distant with everyone around him, made me think I’d just be another commodity to him.

  I didn’t want that, and as much as I wished I could purge how I felt, the truth was I’d never felt this strongly about any man.

  Especially one who drove me insane with aggravation and intimidated me because of the control and the power he wielded.

  “It feels so right.”

  His words played through my head, over and over again, drilling it into the darkest part of my brain.

  “I don’t see you as a woman I want to use and toss away.” His brows were knitted as he spoke. He was still so close, and the scent of him had me weak in the knees.

  “Then what do you want from me?”

  I regretted the question as soon as I’d asked it.

  Do I really want to know?


  So she wanted to know what I needed? I’ll tell her so there is no doubt in her mind exactly what I want. I’ll show her until there is no denying it, no mistaking it.

  I moved closer, and without saying anything, I curled my fingers into her scalp, tangling her hair around them, and could have groaned when she made this little sound.

  Staring her right in the eyes, there were so many things I wanted to say, wanted to tell her. This was fucking crazy, and this situation was new to me. It was so unlike anything I’d ever experienced. I needed Harley to know that this wasn’t a passing thing for me, and that I knew without a doubt she was mine.

  “It’s so simple, Harley,” I whispered and started walking, using my body to press her backward until the wall stopped her from going any farther. “You’re what I want. Only you.” I looked at her mouth, wanting to kiss her but knowing I needed to say this. “It’s fast, makes no fucking sense, I know that, but I’ve never felt a desire as real as I do with my need for you.” I started massaging her scalp, wanting her to relax for me, to really understand what I was saying. “Two months I’ve wanted you. From the moment you walked into my office, it was only you.”

  “This is crazy,” she finally said, her voice almost inaudible.

  “Yeah, but it’s the good kind of crazy. It’s the kind that makes you feel alive, that makes you want to live on the edge and not look back.”

  She gasped at my words. They were raw, I knew that, but they were the truth.

  “This is the most real thing I’ve ever experienced. This is the most intense emotion I’ve ever felt.” I used my other hand to cup the side of her face, adding a little pressure so she was forced to tilt her head back, and leaned in just an inch. “I want you to give in to me, not b
ecause of any kind of power exchange, not because you think this is what you want.” I smoothed my thumb close to her mouth, not touching her lips but letting her know I could at any second. “I don’t want you as just a body to warm my bed. I don’t want to just have my cock in your pussy.” I was being crude, wanting her to know exactly the type of man I was. “I want you as mine, because that’s how I see you.” I leaned even closer until my mouth was right by hers. “And you are mine, even though I haven’t claimed you yet.” My lips brushed along hers as I spoke. “Aren’t you, Harley?” I leaned back just an inch; I could see her face clearly.

  She had her eyes closed; her lips were parted, and she was breathing harder.

  “Look at me,” I ordered softly.

  Slowly she opened her eyes, her pupils dilated.

  “You’re mine, aren’t you?” I kept rubbing her face, right beside her lips. “Because I know that’s what you feel. I know that’s what you want.” And then I did touch her lip. I rubbed my thumb along the bottom swell and gently pulled it down. I let the flesh go, and she made this sound in the back of her throat. I thought about all the things I wanted her mouth to do to me.

  “I…” She didn’t finish what she started to say.

  I slid my thumb into her mouth, forcing her to take it, making her want it. “You what, baby?” I felt her tongue move along my skin, and my already hard cock jerked. Moving closer, I pressed my dick against her belly, loving the softness of her body against the hardness of mine. “You feel that, baby?” She nodded and continued to lick at my digit. “You feel how hard I am? It’s all for you. It’s only for you.” I watched her mouth, so mesmerized by the sight of her sucking on my finger that I knew I could come right then and there if I let myself.

  I pulled my finger out of her mouth, despite loving it in there, because I wanted to know what she’d say.

  “I want so much more than a fling,” she finally said, and I groaned and rested my forehead against hers.

  “Yeah, that’s so what I fucking want, Harley.”

  “I can’t explain the attraction I have to you, and I don’t want to. I want to embrace it. I want to be consumed by it.”

  I leaned back, so pleased by what she said that I wanted to kiss her. “I am consumed by it,” I said. “You’re all I think about, all I want.” I was now cupping both sides of her face, about to be so damn honest it might scare the shit out of her. “Before you walked into my office, I had been celibate for a damn year, because I wanted something more, wanted someone to make me feel alive.”

  You make me feel that way.

  “Then you walked into my office and the world tilted. For two fucking months you’re all I have thought about. I’m obsessed, Harley, so fucking over the top for you nothing makes sense if I can’t have you as mine.”

  “God, this is so insane, but I don’t want to stop it.”

  Fuck. Yes.

  “I jerk off thinking about you, imaging all the filthy things I want to do to you.” Again a little sound left her, and I wanted to swallow it whole. “I picture you spread out on my bed, bent over my desk. Fuck, I picture you everywhere, filled with my dick, my cum deep in you.” I leaned forward again. “I picture marking you with it, your skin covered with the creamy whiteness of my spunk.” I ran my tongue along the seam of her lips. “I want to rub it into your skin until you smell like me, marking you like some kind of possessive animal.”

  “Oh. God.”

  I ground against her belly, groaning like a damn teenager who couldn’t control himself.

  “Kiss me,” she whispered, and I wasn’t about to deny my woman. But I was so far beyond trying to stop myself from having her in every way imaginable.

  I slammed my mouth onto hers, devouring her. I took what she was willing to give, but I wanted more. I wanted so much more.

  I fucked her mouth, made her mine, made her take my tongue, and when she was gasping for breath, I finally forced myself to back away. Her lips were red, swollen, and glossy from our kiss … from my kiss, my possession.

  “Are you wet for me?”

  She nodded without hesitation, and I grunted in approval.

  I leaned in again, let go of her face to hold on to her waist, and pulled her forward hard. Staring into her eyes, I ground myself against her like a filthy bastard, making her feel my stiff cock. “I want this in you.” I thrust forward. “I want your pussy contracting against my shaft, milking me because you’re desperate for my cum.”

  I didn’t wait for her to say anything. I just moved my hands lower until I got to the edge of her skirt. I wrenched the hem upward, lifting the fabric, and pushed it up to her hips. She gasped, but still I didn’t stop. I stared right into her eyes, watched as her pupils dilated even further at her arousal, and grinned.

  “The things I want to do to you, Harley.” I grabbed the top of her stockings and, in a powerful move, tore the thin article of clothing right from her. “Now tell me, are you fucking wet for me?”

  “Soaked,” she said, her eyes wide as she stared at me.

  “Jesus Christ.”

  I slipped my hand between her thighs, felt her saturated silk panties, and cursed again. But I didn’t rub her, and I didn’t add any pressure either. “You want me to really touch your cunt? You want me to make you feel so good your eyes are rolling back in your head?”

  “God, yes, Noah.”

  I groaned at the sound of my name falling from her lips.

  “Then ask for it. Beg me to touch your pussy.” God, I wanted her begging me for it. When she didn’t answer right away, I moved my hand back to the hem of her underwear. “Tell me to touch you; make me believe you want me to, Harley.” Running my fingers along the edge of the panties, I stared into her eyes, waiting for her to obey me.

  “Please, Noah,” she whispered.

  “Please what?” I lifted a brow and rubbed a little faster.

  “Please, touch me. Touch my pussy.”

  “That’s it, baby. I know you like it, like saying those things to me, giving me what I want.”

  She nodded.

  I pushed the material of her panties aside, and instantly my balls drew up tight to my body when I felt the smoothness of her cunt lips. “Fucking hell, baby. You shave down there, all nice and bare?”

  She licked her lips.

  And when she moaned and thrust her pussy against me, I used my hand on the wall beside her head to balance and steady myself. I started rubbing her pussy lips, slid my fingers toward her center, and ran the digits up and down her slit. I placed my head by her neck, I inhaled deeply, taking the very essence of her into my lungs. I worked my fingers along her pussy lips, the silky smoothness of her flesh so fucking hot I knew the front of my pants were wet from my pre-cum.

  I started dry humping her then, thrusting my dick against her belly, the friction feeling so fucking fantastic … too good, in fact, because I’d shoot my load before I was even in her.

  And I wanted to come for the first time deep in her body, making her take all my jizz.

  “How much do you like it, baby?”

  “So much.” The words were broken up when she spoke, a testament to how far gone she really was.

  Good. That’s what I wanted.

  When I moved my thumb to her clit and worked that bud back and forth, she threw her head back, her skull hitting the wall. I slid my hand behind her head, cushioning her, but still rubbing her clit rhythmically.

  “I want to be inside of you, Harley. I want to be so deep, fuck you so hard and thoroughly, neither of us can think straight, let alone walk the next day.” I started licking and nipping at her neck. “I want my cock in your cunt, want to feel your pussy milking me, strangling my dick.” I stroked her clit faster, harder, and sucked at her skin with more force, knowing there would be a mark.

  She started moving her hips, grinding her pussy on my hand, clearly wanting to get off.

  Fuck, I was hard as steel. Removing my hand, I lifted it so she could see how glossy my fingers were.<
br />
  “Open your mouth.”

  She did so without hesitation.

  “Suck them in your mouth, clean them off,” I demanded. I shoved my fingers between her lips, watching in this trance as she did what I said. She ran her tongue around my fingers, moaning softly.

  “You taste good, baby?” I took my fingers from her mouth.

  She nodded and licked her lips.

  I lifted my digits to my mouth and sucked on them, groaning. “Oh yeah, you taste fucking incredible.”

  I then grabbed her behind the head and slammed my mouth on hers.

  I was done with the foreplay. I needed to have my cock deep in her. I needed to make her mine.



  Noah had me crushed to his body, and then he spun me around and started walking us backward. I felt his desk stop us, and in a swift move he set me aside and cleared off his desk with a sweep of his arm. I gasped at the force of his actions, but I was aroused as well.

  He turned and faced me, sporting a feral expression. “Strip,” he demanded, and my heart raced. I didn’t obey right away, not because I didn’t want to, but because I felt this intensity coming from him, this power that wrapped around me like a cocoon of arousal. “Don’t make me say it again,” Noah said at the same time he removed his own clothes.

  I was slow moving as I adjusted my skirt from above my hips enough to unzip and remove it. I kicked off my shoes and removed the rest of my stockings, which were destroyed, thanks to Noah.

  God, that had a flush stealing over me.

  With every article of clothing coming off Noah, I felt myself growing hotter, my pussy becoming wetter, and my nipples stabbing through my bra and shirt.

  Before I had all of my clothing off, Noah was nude, his big muscular body on display and making me feel wholly female. The hair on his chest was dark, covering his pectoral muscles, and there was a trail starting below his navel and down to his cock.


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