A Real Man: Limited Edition

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A Real Man: Limited Edition Page 33

by Jenika Snow

  A huge, thick, and long dick.

  He gripped himself and stroked that massive beast. “Finish getting undressed and I’ll let you have this in your mouth, Harley.”

  My mouth dried, but I found myself unclothed only seconds later, my body seemingly on autopilot as I removed the offending articles.

  There I stood, nude, the air chillier than normal.

  “Put the heels back on,” he said in this husky voice.

  I’d kicked the heels to the side and slightly behind me, so when I turned and bent to pick them up, a growl came from Noah.

  “Don’t move,” he ordered, and only a second passed before I felt a breeze followed by the hard, stinging slap of his hand on my ass cheek. I gasped at the pain, but soon heat and pleasure followed.

  “Put them on,” he said, right behind me, his body heat spearing into me.

  I reached out with shaky hands, grabbed the heels, and slipped them on. I lost my balance slightly, but Noah had his hands on my waist, steadying me. He pulled me back so my ass slammed right against his stiff cock.

  “Fuck! That felt good.” He smoothed his hands over my spine, rubbing his palm up and down the length before finally settling on the curve of my bottom. “Your ass was made for me, for my hands, my mouth, my dick.” He gave my cheek a swat, and heat filled me, the blood rushing to the surface. “I need to fuck you. I want to go slow, to make this good for you, but shit, Harley, I need to fuck you.”

  I looked over my shoulder at him, knowing my cheeks were red because my face felt so damn hot. “Then fuck me, Mr. Wright.” I was playing with fire, but I wanted to be burned so badly by him.

  He growled low. “I love the sound of you being all formal and proper with me, but still so fucking filthy. I’m not going to try and control myself.” He was breathing hard. “I’m not going to go slow. I’m going to fuck the hell out of you, and you’ll take it all.”

  Right now that sounded like such a lifesaver.

  “I’m going to pound my cock so hard into your pussy, so raw, so possessively, you’ll feel it tomorrow when you sit down. You’ll feel that soreness, that tenderness from having my huge dick in you.”

  He didn’t waste any time and pushed me face-first onto his desk. Grabbing my ass and popping it out, he palmed the globes.

  “I’m so ready for this, for you. And as much as I’m all about being smart, I have to go raw in you. I’m clean, have always used protection, but with you I have to feel your flesh around mine, feel your muscles clenching around my dick.” He molded his hands along the curves of my ass. “I have to be bare in you.” He thrust his cock along the seam of my bottom.

  “I need you in me,” I finally managed to say.

  The sound he made was a mixture of animal and man losing what little control he had left.

  He parted my ass cheeks, slid his fingers between my thighs, and a gasp left me at the sensation of his thick fingers sliding through my soaked flesh.

  “Yeah, you’re nice and primed for me, all ready for my cock.”

  Then he removed his hand. A second later the feel of his dickhead pressed at my entrance had me reaching out and curling my hands around the edge of his desk.

  “You better fucking hold on.” He growled the words out. In one swift move he buried all of his monstrous inches into me. My eyes widened, tears pricked the corners of them, and I sucked in a breath. I was stretched fully. It burned, and the discomfort was instant, but when he slowly pulled out and pushed back in a second later, the discomfort ended up morphing into something fierce, something even crazier than the desire moving through me.

  “This is as slow as I can go, Harley.”

  I looked over my shoulder at him. Every muscle I could see on him was taut, and his face was strained.

  “I don’t want slow.” And I didn’t. God, I didn’t want easy right now.

  I felt his hands tighten painfully on my waist just then, and knew I’d get exactly what I wanted.

  He started fucking me then. Noah would pull out so just the tip was lodged in my pussy, then shove deep in me, so hard, so fast I felt the air leave me viciously. My inner muscles clenched rhythmically, as if it knew getting him off would make me explode right along with him.

  As the minutes ticked by, he increased his speed and the power with which he fucked me.

  “You feel so good.” He groaned.

  As this point all I could do was hold on as he claimed me like a man possessed. But before this could really escalate, he pulled out. I didn’t have time to complain, because in the next moment he had me turned around, lifted up slightly, and had my ass on the desk. The glass was cold, but it would heat up soon enough. With a forceful but still gentle push, he made me lie on my back.

  Noah smoothed his hands down my inner thighs, framed my pussy, and for a second just stared at me.

  “So gorgeous. Your cunt is nice and red, slightly swollen from my cock, and glossy because you’re primed for me.” He aligned his cock with my pussy hole, and while holding my gaze, he thrust in deep once more. He fucked me in and out, slow and steady, never once taking his eyes off mine.

  As the seconds moved, so did his motions, becoming more frenzied, more erratic. He was like a madman between my legs, fucking me with abandon, making these grunts and growls that reminded me of a wild animal.

  All I could do was hold on to the desk and let this powerful man fuck me like we weren’t in his office, and I wasn’t his intern.

  God, just thinking that turned me on.

  “You like knowing you’re on my desk, my big cock between your thighs, my fingers digging into you?” He slammed inside of me, and I gasped, my entire body pushed up on the glass.

  “God, yes, Noah.”

  He groaned. “Your cunt is so fucking tight and wet.”

  I didn’t want this to end, but I couldn’t control myself, couldn’t even try and stop myself from getting off. I needed this like I needed to breathe. I reached up, grabbed on to his forearms, which were now on either side of my hips, and dug my nails into his flesh. I needed to stabilize myself, and his huge, manly body was exactly what I needed to accomplish that.

  “I’m going to come.” The words were high-pitched as they spilled from me. I felt my eyes widen and held on even tighter when Noah started fucking me harder. The sound of his cock tunneling into my pussy was loud, erotic, and dirty in the good way. The scents were a mixture of our sex and sweat, and I moaned as all these sensations slammed into me.

  He didn’t say anything, but he did slow his thrusting, which in turn dimmed my erratic need slightly. I was about to come, but he leaned forward and licked a path between my tits.

  He tasted my sweat, and I couldn’t help but thrust my chest up, wanting more of what he was giving me. Noah continued to work his dick in and out of me.

  “As much as I fucking love watching my cock slide in and out of your cunt, I want to see your pleasure covering your face. So come for me, baby.” He leaned forward, pulled my bottom lip between his teeth, and gently bit.

  I came right there for him.

  Tossing my head back, closing my eyes, and feeling the sting of his teeth still at my mouth, I came for him.

  “God, fuck yes,” he grunted out against my mouth, pulled back, and started slamming his dick into me then.

  I came so hard, and it seemed to last forever. I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t even think straight.

  “Christ, you’re so fucking wet. My cock is soaked.”

  The sloppy sounds of our sex filled my head especially hard then.

  I felt like the world opened up, and I was swallowed whole.

  But I didn’t care in the slightest. I wanted to be consumed.

  He pulled out slightly and then slammed back into me hard enough to hit something deep and secret in my body. I cried out at how intensely good it felt.

  He slowed his thrusting when my high started to dim, but I knew he hadn’t gotten off yet. Before I knew what was happening, he had me in his arms and was striding t
o the couch. I looked over his shoulder and saw the desk.

  Sweat covered it.

  Papers were strewn all over the floor.

  The proof of the fucking we’d been doing was clear, erotic … filthy.

  We were on the couch only seconds later. Noah was on his back, I was on top of him, and the look on his face made me feel pretty powerful.

  “Take my cock, put it in that hot, sweet little pussy of yours, and ride me, Harley.”

  The air left me on a whoosh, but I did just that, partly because it was what Noah wanted, but also because it was what I wanted.

  Once I had his huge dick in my hand, I stroked all those inches from root to tip. His body was tight, and I saw him clenching his teeth together. Because I couldn’t seem to help myself, I rose up, placed the tip of his erection at my entrance, and then shoved myself down on him hard. I gasped, and he groaned something fierce. With our pelvises touching, his dick deep in me, I waited a second for my body to adjust once more.

  “Ride me; milk the cum from me with that tight cunt of yours.” His words were harsh, guttural. He lifted his hands and wrapped them around my waist, digging his fingertips into my hips. “Use me to get off again,” he ground out.

  I leaned forward, my breasts pressed to his hairy chest, the feeling incredible. I pressed my cheek to his. Scruff scraped along my bare flesh, and I moaned, my pussy contracting along his cock on its own.

  “God, do that again.”

  I rose up, his scent still washing over me, making me feel drunk. Placing my hands on his pectoral muscles, I did what he wanted, clenching my pussy on him over and over again. The sound of his teeth clashing together was strong. With his hands still on my waist, I felt him dig his blunt nails into me. The sting was there … and it was so damn good.

  He was breathing hard, his wide chest impressive as it moved up and down, his restraint clearly slipping.

  “I’ll never get enough,” he said, and although this was the first time we’d been together, I couldn’t help but believe him. “I want you to ride me until you’re bouncing on my cock, until you get so wild you’re sore tomorrow.”

  “Oh. God. Yes,” I whispered and started rocking back and forth on him. I pushed fully up now and rested my hands on his pecs, bracing myself. Then I started bouncing on him, up and down, harder and faster.


  His voice was rough, his hold on me fierce. I had to force my eyes to stay open, and I saw his muscles flex. I couldn’t help but close my eyes after only a moment.

  “No, you watch as we fuck, Harley.” His voice was so commanding that I couldn’t deny him.

  I wouldn’t.

  “Look down, baby. Watch as you fuck yourself on me, as you bring that sweet, primed cunt of yours down on my cock.”

  There had never been a time in my life when I felt this kind of chemistry or arousal. But then when it came to Noah, I’d never wanted a man more.

  I rose up but kept my focus on where we were connected. When his cock became visible, I saw how glossy it was from my pussy cream. Everything in me tightened at the sight. He’d stretched me so good, and the burn of the pleasure was still there; I never wanted it to end.

  “So damn hot.”

  My breath left me and my arms were shaking from holding myself up, but still I rode him.

  Up and down.

  My pussy sucking at his cock.

  Up and down.

  His big dick stretching me wide.

  Up and down, breath leaving me in uneven gasps, my tits bouncing, and my orgasm rushing forward once more. I sure as hell wouldn’t be able to stop the climax from crashing over me.

  I didn’t want to stop it.



  Watching Harley come was almost as good as getting off myself. The pleasure she showed me, gave me. The fact she was giving in to me, being mine so easily.

  I wouldn’t let her go.

  Looking down at her tits, I watched as they bounced erotically. I reached up, took the large globes in my hands, and squeezed them. And then she tossed her head back, her hair falling down behind her and her mouth parted. She came for me, her pussy squeezing my cock, the pleasure so fucking intense I had to brace my feet on the arm of the couch, trying not to get off.

  Only when she relaxed on top of me, still rocking back and forth, her pelvis pressed to mine, did I reach up and wrap my arm around her waist. I flipped her over easily until she was on her back, and I loomed over her. Grabbing the leg that hung off the couch, I lifted it and pushed it out, knowing her muscles had to be stretching. Then I shoved my big cock into her pussy again.

  The sound she gave me was a mewl, a plea.

  I pulled back and watched my dick slide in and out of her tight cunt. Her flesh was pink, wet, and swollen, and it was all because of me.

  I was owning every part of her right now, showing her with my body that she was mine. As time went on, she’d realize this wasn’t just a physical relationship, but one where it was me and her always.

  My orgasm rushed to the surface, and I didn’t want to stop it. I was so far gone I just wanted to submit to it.

  “You feel so good, Harley.” I pushed into her and pulled back out. My balls slapped her ass, and the sound added to my pleasure. I couldn’t stop looking at her big breasts or leaning forward and running my tongue along the stiff peaks.

  All things possessive slammed into me. I could tell her over and over again that she was mine, and it still wouldn’t be enough.

  “Touch me,” I ground out.

  She lifted her hands and ran her fingers over my chest, through the short hair that covered my muscles, and I fucked her harder. I breathed in and out raggedly as I watched her mouth part and her cheeks turn this gorgeous shade of pink.

  I lowered my gaze again to her pussy and watched my cock tunnel in and out of her.

  My cock stretched her wide. So damn wide.

  “God, that’s so fucking it. Get the cum out of me. Work for it.” I reached down and started rubbing her engorged clit back and forth.

  I loved the ecstasy on her face.

  And then I couldn’t hold back anymore. I fucked her good and hard until my balls drew up, and I surrendered.

  Once, twice, and on the third thrust, I buried my cock as far inside her as I could. I came so damn hard, filling her with my jizz, making her take it all. I couldn’t even see straight for how good this felt … for how good she felt.

  My orgasm went on forever, and I forced myself to watch her. I wanted her to see how much she pleased me, and I wanted to watch her pleasure, too. The little sounds she made, the gasps and her pleas for more fueled me on.

  And then she drained me dry.

  I collapsed on top of her, breathing hard. Our skin was slick, rubbing together, our sweat mixing. I pulled up from her, hearing her suck in a great lungful of air. All I could do for long moments was stare down at her. Seeing her in this postorgasmic high, her face flushed, her nipples hard, the tips red, and her chest heaving, had this heat moving through me that had nothing to do with having just claimed her.

  And I had just claimed the fuck out of her.

  Then I lowered my gaze to her pussy, saw my cum start to slip from her hole, and used my finger to push my seed back into her. “All of this belongs in you, Harley.” She shifted slightly, and I knew she was tender. I ran my finger around the edge of her pussy hole, keeping my cum in her body. I’d marked her, whether she knew that or not; Harley was forever mine now.

  “You feel that?” I asked, looking down at her. “You feel that chemistry, that electricity moving back and forth, sucking us in?” She licked her lips and nodded. “That’s how something real feels, baby.” I helped her to sit up and wrapped my arms around her. “That’s when you know something is right.” I pushed the hair that stuck to her temples away and cupped her cheeks. “I am not letting you go,” I said with this hardness in my voice, this determination to make her know this was exactly where I wanted to be. “This is cra
zy, I know, and maybe a little confusing, but this isn’t a passing phase for me. This isn’t something I’m willing to walk away from. You’re not someone I’m willing to walk away from.”

  I wanted her to say she wanted to be mine, that we needed to be together, but I knew this was fast, that it didn’t make sense in the way things had played out. But I held my breath regardless and tried to gauge what she was thinking, what she might say.

  “I don’t want to give this up, Noah.”

  Thank fuck.

  I felt everything shift, and I crushed her to me. “Good, because I don’t think I could have let go even if you wanted to walk away.”

  And that was the cold, maybe even frightening truth of it all.



  Several months later

  “You’re drinking both of those yourself?”

  The deep voice behind me had me glancing over my shoulder. The guy standing there looked like he’d just come out of the boardroom. He was young, but he had this air of confidence surrounding him. I found his ego unattractive. With Noah it was different.

  He was different.

  He held a bottle of vodka, and when he smiled, a flash of straight white teeth greeted me.

  “No” was all I said, but I offered a smile.

  “Ma’am?” the cashier said, and I turned back around. “Here you go.” He gave me my card back, and I thanked him before smiling and grabbing the two bottles of wine I’d gotten for dinner tonight.

  I gave the guy behind me a friendly smile before walking out. Noah was due to pick me up, and we’d head to his place, where I’d cook dinner. Our relationship had started off at a distance, then we’d had the explosion of passion in his office months ago, and since then we’d been getting to know each other. Although the chemistry and electricity between us was like nothing I’d ever experienced, and it consumed me so much I never wanted it to end, I knew taking it one day at a time was smart.


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