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A Real Man: Limited Edition

Page 48

by Jenika Snow

  I breathed out slowly, squeezed my eyes shut, and tried to stem off my arousal. I knew Gunnar would take me if I asked, but for some reason I was holding back.

  Why? Why not let Gunnar claim me, make me feel like a real woman? Why not let this fierce Viking take control like I know he can? Let him claim me, conquer me fully.

  The sound of him inhaling my hair had this tingle spreading through me. I felt it start in my pussy, racing up my body and settling in my lips.

  No, I didn’t want to wait anymore. I didn’t want to stop what was clearly moving between us. Maybe it was fate or the gods or just intense attraction that had this fire rushing between us. Whatever it was, I wasn’t about to stop it, hide it, or bury it inside anymore.

  I shifted, turning so I was facing him now, and inhaled deeply. The scruff on his face had my fingers itching to touch his square jaw. He was so masculine. His chest was bare, the tattoos and scars lining his golden flesh making every part of me want to surrender.

  “My Ingrid.”

  My breath caught at the way he said my name.

  There was no stopping this, because I knew once Gunnar had me, there really was no going back.

  But I don’t want to go back, and I don’t know if that should make me happy or incredibly scared of what my future holds.

  I wouldn’t stop this.

  I won’t. Can’t.

  The fire in the center of the room crackled, licking over the wood, heating the hut as well as my body. The small dots of perspiration lining my spine had nothing to do with me being warm and everything to do with my arousal. My nipples were hard, almost aching. I wanted Gunnar with a fierceness I’d never experienced before. And although I felt the hard rod between us, the evidence of his need for me, I knew if I said I didn’t want this right now, he wouldn’t push me. He’d give me the time I needed, no matter how long that might be. I knew that as well as I knew he wanted me. I felt that honesty in his touch, in the way he looked at me, spoke to me. He was a true warrior, a real man.

  But there would be no waiting. I wanted this now.



  If she told me she didn’t want this, I’d respect her wishes, even though my balls ached, my cock was hard, and I wanted her so fucking badly I could taste it.

  I looked down at her chest, her breasts the perfect size for me to cup in my hand. Her nipples were hard, ready for me, for my mouth. A harsh groan left me, my arousal like a beast rising up from the water that surrounded my village.

  I smoothed a hand down her side and saw the way her breathing increased, her chest raising and falling rapidly. She was a virgin, untouched. She’d be mine in all ways, claimed only by me.

  “All mine.” I didn’t bother hiding the possessiveness that came from me. If she hadn’t figured out already, she’d see soon enough that she was mine, and anyone who tried to take her from me would meet their death at the end of my sword. I lowered my head and inhaled at the base of her throat, her scent sweet, like the oils and dried flowers I’d used to bathe her. I’d wash her every night, make sure she was content in my arms, that she was pleasured in all ways. I’d be the one to see to her needs, to make sure she never wanted for anything.

  I rested my forehead against the side of her neck and groaned deeply. Fuck, I was so hard, my balls drawn up tightly to my body, the need to be buried in her pussy riding me strongly. I needed to push through her innocence, to claim her maidenhead, to make her fully mine. I moved my palm along the dip of her waist, along her outer thigh, then over her belly. I felt the heat from her pussy and clenched my jaw, trying to control myself. I wanted to spread her legs and plunge into her right now, but I wasn’t a savage. I could control this, make it good for her first time. My cock gave a mighty jerk, the bastard wet at the tip, pre-cum making an appearance.

  “Tell me what you want, my female.”

  She closed her eyes and made this soft sound.

  “Touch me,” she whispered.

  I wouldn’t make her wait, wouldn’t make either of us suffer. “Then spread for me, sweetness.” When she obeyed so nicely, I slipped my hand between her thighs, a guttural groan leaving me when I felt how wet she was for me. “You want me to make you feel good?” I said against the corner of her mouth.

  “Yes,” she moaned.

  But I shifted, turning her so her back was to my chest, her ass pressed right up against my dick. My cock throbbed painfully, making me close my eyes and grind my teeth. I slipped my hand between her legs once more and rubbed my fingers through her slit.

  Up and down.

  Slow and easy.

  Her hands had the animal furs in a tight grasp, her knuckles white with how fiercely she held them. I rubbed her harder, a little faster. Her arousal covered my fingers, and I growled in approval.

  “That’s it, Ingrid. Get nice and juicy for me. I want to slide right in once I claim you.” She gasped after I spoke, and I gently nipped at her shoulder as I continued to rub her cunt. “Tell me you’re mine, that you’re my wife, mine to fuck, to cherish.”

  She gasped for me. “I’m yours. I’m yours.” Her head was tossed back, her blonde hair scattered along the dark furs, a startling contrast.

  I growled again. I felt like this wild animal resided in me, wanting to be free, to devour Ingrid. “So soft.” I slid my finger faster up and down her slit. “So sweet.” I ran my tongue along her throat, following the path with my teeth. She shivered for me, reacting to my touch in all the ways I needed her to. She submitted to me but was strong in her own right. I needed that in my female, needed one who could be a match for me…a warrior.

  I moved my fingers from her pussy, sliding my hand along her belly and holding it there. “And one day soon my sons and daughters will grow in here. You’ll give me strong children, won’t you, sweetness?” Moving my hand up her belly, along the curve of her breast, and stopping on her neck, I whispered for her to look at me. She obeyed so nicely.

  “You want me to claim you, to break through your maidenhead and claim your virginity as mine?” She nodded slowly, her mouth parted, her breathing harsh. “Say the words.”

  “I want you, Gunnar.”

  “Show me where.”

  She took my hand and placed it right between her thighs…right on her wet pussy. “Right here,” she whispered.

  I cupped her cheek and kissed her, made her take my tongue, made her know I couldn’t wait anymore.

  I was going to take my woman, and by the end of it she’d be sated, content, and all mine.


  Gunnar had his big body over mine, the heat from the fire and him covering me, causing beads of sweat to line my body in the best of ways. He took hold of my face, his hands huge on my cheeks, his gaze on me intense, commanding. I watched as he looked at my mouth, his pupils dilating, his arousal written across his expression.

  “I’m never letting you go, Ingrid.”

  His words were fierce, his determination to hold that above everything else coming through like a chilled flash of air around me. He said something to me in his native tongue, some of the words familiar enough that I knew he called me beautiful, sweet, and so gentle.

  “Kiss me,” I whispered, wanting to feel his lips on mine again, the power, the passion that came from him and stole everything else away. There was nothing else that mattered except being with Gunnar and letting him dominate my body in only the best of ways.

  He didn’t make me wait, didn’t deny me.

  He kissed me like he owned me. He does own me, every part of me, and I need that like I need to breathe. Gunnar’s lips were firm, so full and powerful that I couldn’t help but surrender to him. I swallowed the deep sound he made, tasted the flavor of him on my lips, on my tongue. I grabbed his biceps, the muscle underneath my palm twitching, his power coming through clearly.

  “I’m going to devour you tonight, wife, so thoroughly you won’t be able to think about anything besides what I’ll do to you in this bed.”

  The feeli
ng of his hands on my face, of his fingers stroking my flesh, seeming to memorize me, had me arching into him. I felt the hard rod between his thighs prodding my cleft, a huge appendage that had me wet, needy. The feel of his hand skating up my arm, landing on my neck, holding me gently in place, told me of his strength. He could overpower me if he really wanted to, and that made me hotter, made me aroused even more.

  “So sweet, Ingrid,” he murmured, and started thrusting himself against me. He didn’t penetrate me, just kept a slow and steady humping motion against me, pressing into my slit, bumping the little nub that tingled at the top of my sex. I felt something building within me, felt this tightening at the base of my back, stars dancing behind my lips, and my body feeling like it was being swallowed whole.

  I dug my nails into his arms, holding him to me.

  “That’s it,” he groaned and went faster as he pushed against me, his shaft sliding through my folds, bumping that little bundle of nerves, making me gasp and writhe for him, under him.

  And then something snapped. I felt myself grow higher, felt the world rush around me, sweeping me away. I tossed my head back as the pleasure slammed into me. All the while Gunnar never stopped moving, pressing himself against me, making me cry out at the intensity of the pleasure.

  The fire running through my veins could not be ignored, could not be extinguished. I didn’t want it to be. I wanted to be consumed by it forever.

  He kissed a path along my collarbone, his voice low, growling in intensity. He’d slowed his thrusting, but I felt how hard he was. He was a steel sword between us, his need evident, physical. Despite the explosion that happened in me, I was so wet, so ready for him. He grunted, murmuring in his native tongue.

  “You’re primed for me, giving me all I want, all I need.” He ground his hardness into me a few more times before stilling, his breathing harsh and his body corded with strength, tense.

  But I didn’t want him to stop. He ran his tongue up the length of my throat until a shiver worked its way through me. Gunnar lifted his head and looked down at me, a fire behind his eyes.

  “I need you now, Ingrid.”

  I took a deep breath and licked my lips. “Then claim me.”

  He flared his nostrils, his eyes glazing over with lust, with the need to do what I’d said, what I desperately wanted. The way he kissed me stole my breath but made me want so much more. He groaned against my mouth and grabbed a chunk of my hair, tilting my head back, making my throat arch, bared.

  I gasped when he ran his tongue back down my neck and along my pulse. Wetness coated my inner thighs, a testament to how worked up I was, how ready I was for him. I felt his hand on my leg, moving behind to skate along the curve of my ass, and down lower until he gripped me behind my knee and pulled it up and out. I was spread wide, and he nestled in farther, resting his full weight on me, pressing me down onto the fur. I gasped, my sensitivity startling.

  He ground against me now, the tip of his shaft pressed right to my entrance.

  “Gods,” I whispered. He had his hand between my thighs, and I made this sound in the back of my throat at the sensations traveling through me. His big fingers found my soaking slit, and he started teasing me.

  “Wrap your legs around my waist. I need you closer to me.”

  I wrapped my thighs around his waist, my pussy coming in contact with his hand fully now. We both made deep sounds. The hot, hard length of him rubbed along my inner thigh at the same time he stroked me over and over again, teasing me, tormenting me.

  “So ready for me,” he groaned out. “So receptive, Ingrid, my wife.” He immediately took possession of one of my breasts with his mouth, moving his tongue along the stiff peak, biting at the tip gently. Shocks of pleasure slammed into me. His hot breath skimmed over my flesh, and I sucked in a deep breath, feeling dizzy, light-headed.

  “I’m going to fuck you, sweetness. I’m going to make you take all my hard inches, make you weak-kneed from the passion I have for you.” He moved his hand out from between my thighs. “And when you don’t think you can handle anymore, I’m going to make you ride me deep and hard, all night long.”

  He moved back slightly, lifting his hand, and I could see that his fingers were glistening from my arousal, from my need for him. My breath stalled when he sucked his fingers into his mouth, licking all my desire off the digits. The sound he made was like a wounded animal. His abdomen rippled, the muscles on his stomach clenching, the hills and dips coming out in stark clarity under his tanned, tattooed, and scarred flesh.

  He gripped himself, his shaft hard, so big and long my throat tightened, and stroked himself from root to tip. He was ready for me, and I worried that maybe he wouldn’t fit, maybe the pain would be too much even if I was worked up for him I couldn’t think straight.

  “You like watching me touch myself, needing you like a fucking beast?”

  I could only nod. He continued to watch me. With every stroke he made, the foreskin was pulled back, revealing the slit and clear fluid at the tip…a testament to how turned on he was, how much he wanted me. That was a heady, exciting reality, and one I clung to.

  This is all because of me.



  Ingrid was so innocent. She was mine, and I’d treat her right, make her happy, pleased…I’d make her know there wasn’t anyone else in the world for me.

  I’d been trying to keep my desires under control, to not frighten her or make her think I was a beast. But I couldn’t control myself anymore, not when she was ready for me, not when I was liable to come before I was even inside her.

  And that wasn’t going to happen. When I let loose, I’d be deep in her body, making her take my seed, making her smell like me.

  I’d mark her.

  I looked at her for a suspended moment, just watched as the firelight licked across her body, her curves. The scent of her was intoxicating, making me feel like I’d downed copious amounts of mead—I was drunk on her. I lifted a chunk of her blonde waves, smoothing the strands between my fingers, and brought them to my nose, inhaling deeply. I’d always know her scent. I’d imprint myself on her, take her very essence into my body for all time.

  I heard her swallow, saw the slender line of her throat work from the act. I didn’t want to torment her any longer, didn’t want to do that to myself either. As it was I found myself pressing against her, shoving my cock into her slit, feeling it slide up and down her slick heat.

  “I could devour you until there was nothing left.” I moved close again so our mouths were inches apart. “And still it wouldn’t be enough, still I’d be hungry for you.” I watched as she licked her red, succulent, lush lips. I’d have her mouth wrapped around my cock soon enough. Right now I needed to feel her quaking for me, needed to have her pussy clenching my shaft, bringing herself to that pinnacle.

  “This will be your first time, but I’ll make you scream with pleasure.” Her breasts rose and fell harshly, her breathing rapid, wild. “No more waiting.” I leaned forward and claimed her mouth in the only way I knew how, in the only way that mattered.




  She started kissing me back desperately, holding on to my shoulders with her little hands, digging her nails into my flesh, making me hiss in pleasure.

  “I am so hard for you, Ingrid, so ready for you, wife.” I knew it would always be like this. “I need to feel myself filling you up, need you to take my seed, to be marked by me.”

  “Gods, Gunnar.”

  I groaned in response.

  She made soft noises of desperation and need.

  I slipped my hand behind her nape, curled my finger into her soft flesh, and kissed her harder, more demandingly. When she lifted her hips, my cock slipping faster, harder against her cleft, a low growl spilled from me.

  I couldn’t control my breathing and felt my cock stiffen even further, the heavy sac beneath it drawing up tight to my body. I growled and dragged my other hand
up her slender hips, along her flat stomach, and cupped a large breast. Tweaking her nipple until she squirmed beneath me, until she made soft sounds, had been the goal. Thrusting my cock against her only made my need for her heighten.

  “Do I make you feel good, my female?”

  She nodded her answer. That was good enough for me. I started licking a path along the curve of her neck, into the hollow at the base of it, and panted against her throat.

  “You make me feel drunk.”

  “Gunnar,” was her response.

  “Part for me, let me see what’s mine, Ingrid.” My voice was rough, harsh from my arousal. I leaned back, giving her room, watching as she obeyed. The sight of her lips spreading, showing me her pink center, her wet slit, had me groaning like a ravaged beast.

  “Please,” my wife moaned. “I need you.”

  Resting my forehead on hers, I tried to control my breathing. I reached between us, took hold of my shaft, and stroked myself for a few seconds. My cockhead was wet from the constant pre-cum that came from the tip, and I knew I could come from this alone. She watched as I pleasured myself, and my whole body grew even tenser at that fact.

  “Spread your lips for me.” I stared into her eyes. “Let me see how pink your center is.” And when she did just that, and I saw her pussy opening, the place I’d soon dominate, I fucking lost it.


  I showed him the most intimate part of me, a place no one had ever touched, had ever seen.

  And Gunnar looked at me as if I was a feast and he was starving.

  I couldn’t help but stare at where he gripped himself. He was so long, so thick. My inner muscles clenched at the thought of him fitting himself inside of me.

  A warrior who was so brutal and beautiful.

  “Look at me, my female.”

  I forced myself to lift my gaze from his impressive, almost frightening manhood. His eyes watched me, regarding me with a blue intensity that had my heart racing. I wasn’t afraid of him, although maybe I should have been. Maybe I should have felt more fear, more apprehension for what he wanted from me…with me.


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