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The Turning Tide (The Federation Reborn Book 5)

Page 67

by Chris Hechtl

Rear Admiral V'r'z'll -Bekian Female Veraxin Carrier admiral

  Commander Sunil Pizey Chief of staff. Human male, Indian.

  Commander T'rll: Staff TAO.

  Commander Chi'th: T'clock quartermaster

  Lieutenant JG Amhelia Lately: Staff officer of Admiral V'r'z'll.

  Commodore Zachery Binks: Black Neocat in charge of the screen.


  Emperor: (formerly Supreme secretary) Pyotr (Peter) Ramichov 'Peter the great'

  He was in his fifties, but quite fit. He had a red uniform on, covered in gold braid and medals.


  Royal family:

  Empress: Irazabeth (red queen) Jabberwocky Ramichov

  Dowager Empress: Jezebel Pardoll Ramichov (reference biblical name) -mother of Pyotr.

  Note: Pyotr is only surviving child due to court intrigue

  Fiona- First wife of Pyotr. Mother of the twins. Assassinated by Jezebel.

  Meredith - former consort of Pyotr. Died in a suspicious air car accident.

  Crown Prince: Adam-twin to eldest princess (predate by 5 min) Naval officer home fleet Command -First Battlecruiser squadron -Commander Arkangel. KIA

  Crown princess consort: Marina (white queen) Stuart -youthful, pale, white hair, black nails and lips. Graceful, soft spoken, seemingly sweet but actually very sadistic under the surface. Highly motivated to become empress.

  -younger sister Vashti Stuart

  Princess: Catherine Ramichov -Naval officer (Commander turned Captain) Home fleet staff operational officer to Admiral De Gaulte -on Executioner

  Prince consort: None currently

  Prince: Mason Ramichov -Marine officer lieutenant. Transferred to Star Mauler -Mother died prior to marriage -captured by the Federation.

  Princess consort: Dominitia Knowles.

  Prince: -Marine Joseph Ramichov -blood brother to Mason. Mother died prior to marriage.

  Princess consort: Annia Wong

  Prince: -teenager in academy Kevin Ramichov -son of Irazebeth

  Princess consort to be: Agnes Rico

  Princess: Khali youngest child by second marriage (10) -Khali Judith Ramichov -daughter of Irazebeth

  Prince consort to be: KIA now none

  Cabinet Ministers:

  Prime Minister: -Duke Franklin Lloyd Tucket -Duke of Garth

  Duchess Glennis Pardoll Tucket (wife of Prime Minister, XO and true ruler of Garth)

  Deputy Prime Minister: -Roland Markov Count of Montycelo

  Home Secretary: (minister of internal affairs): -Duke Zilo Pardoll

  Minister of War: -Theodore Cruise Rico Duke of Hinata

  Joint Chief of Staff:

  Praetor of the Navy: -Malwin Cartwright Admiral and Baron male -Dead drop

  -vice admiral Lewis Post: Ops officer

  Praetor of the Army: -Robert Levot General of the armies Baron of TFP -1 eye.

  Consul of the Marquis: -Vice Admiral Ahab Grant Marquis

  Minister of Intelligence: -Vice Admiral, countess, female Sabina Newberry, countess of Garth

  Minister of Education: -Duchess Suri Pfeiffer of York (a continent on New Horizon)

  Minister of Energy: -Connor Mcloyd Earl of North Finagle

  Minister of Biosciences: -Doctor Lacie Mengla (black female) -disdains titles. Called Dame

  Advisor of Industry: (Vizer): -Elijah Deweter Baron of South Finagle (male)

  Quaestor: (Minister of the Treasury): -Anslem Knowles Duke of Marmoreal

  Chief Magistrate of Purity and Enlightenment: -Ilosovic Stayne Duke of Horus

  -Wears White Nazi like uniform

  Minister of Commerce and Transportation: -Lord Fernand Ascot Viscount

  Minister of Agriculture: -Cass Suzette Viscount

  First Lord of Law: -Lord Su

  Minister of Security: (secret police) -Baron Sadam Ghadaffi

  -Wears black Nazi like uniform

  Herald: (Public affairs): -Sakura Umeki

  House of Nobles/Conclave of Nobles/lords

  Senate (like Roman senate)


  Doctor Nutell: Head of the Water dweller project. Chocolate skinned male human. Older.

  Jane: Nurse. Double chin, matron, stocky.

  Mara: Blue skinned genie. Has gills and lungs, long raven black hair, webbed fingers and toes. Wore a cobra insignia wet suit until it was taken away from her.

  Emory: Friend. Mate Anita captured. Daughter is also captured. Freed by Federation in Pirates Rage.

  Sydney: Daughter of Emory and Anita, captured.

  Jamaica: Selkie bull merman, captured.

  Anita: Small fish lady, mate of Emory, mother to Sydney, captured.

  Rear Admiral Linnaeus Von Berk: Horathian admiral.

  Commander Rick Roshou: Admiral Von Berk's chief of staff.

  Captain Bordou: Captain of Apache.

  Doctor Staten Milgram: Eugenics and brainwashing psychologist.

  Major Eichmann: Intelligence officer.

  Irma Algresi: Distant cousin to the Duke of Marmoreal. Mousy thin woman. Assistant Deputy IG accountant. Takes her job seriously.

  Captain Elvira Varbossa: Raven haired engineer, techno nerd. Protégée of Admiral Cartwright.

  Rear Admiral Deweter: section head of production in Buships. His cousin is the lord of Industry.

  Captain Quinn: Engineering officer with Captain Varbossa at R&D.

  Retribution Fleet:

  Admiral Cyrano De Gaulte -Old dinosaur. One of the best strategists however. Above politics. Executioner is his flagship

  Berney -chief of staff CMDR Berney Yashanaka

  LCMDNR Sedrick Lovato -Intel officer

  Lieutenant Jeremy Herod staff navigator

  Lieutenant Myron Chekov -staff tactical officer

  Wilfred Penning: Admiral's Steward

  Captain Chase Couglin: Executioner's flag captain

  Captain Lovejoy -convoy commander

  Rear Admiral Scott Mueller: Battle line Commander. Oblivious flagship.

  Rear Admiral Nioma "wrong way" Wong -carrier commander

  Courageous: Captain Juan Clovis

  Commander Hans Schnabel Admiral Wong's chief of staff. Male.

  CAG: Commander Conrad Giacometti. Male. Leader of Skull squadron


  Duchess Glennis Tucket: Ruler of the star system. Wife of the Prime Minister. Schemer.

  Captain Agnes Ozman: Senior ranking officer in the star system.

  David Fin: Aerospace engineer

  Ginsu: CEV Audacious class.

  Rear Admiral Pascal Akhmetshin.

  CAG LCMDR Nitish Schimitt.

  Status: Sent to Dead Drop but backstopped in Garth.

  Hannah: Carrier

  Rear Admiral Rita Einezberg

  CAG Merle Guzman

  Status: 1st fleet. Reassigned to Dead Drop. Backstopped in Garth.

  Dead Drop:

  Commander/Captain Magnus Abernly: System commander of Dead Drop. Fat, overlooked. Big time into being a petty obstructionalist bureaucrat. Heavy into graft. Finally promoted to Captain. -KIA

  Lieutenant Sri Savenan second command to Abernly.

  Ensign Jane Smith -second in command after Abernly left.


  My Blog:

  The Facebook Fan group:

  The Wiki:

  Reading Order:

  Time line of the Engineer Universe:

  Chronological reading order

  Founding Series:

  *First Steps

  Stepping Stones Founding Stories 1

  To Touch the Stars

  The Island of Moreau -Short Story Multiverse 2

  Bumper and Boomer -Short Story Multiverse 2

  The First AI War

  Cornerstone: Tales of the Founding of the Federation 2

  The First Terran Interstellar War 1 Desperate Defense

  The First Terran Interstellar War 2 Waking the Sleeping Giant

  The Good Ship UFSP Lollipop-Short Story Multiverse 2

  Higher for Higher -Short Story Multiverse 1

  Siren Call -Short Story Multiverse 1

  Ragnarok series:

  Wandering Engineer:

  *New Dawn

  Fools Gold

  Jethro Goes to War

  Destiny's Choice

  Ghost Station

  Jethro First to Fight

  Plague Planet

  13 Degrees of Separation

  Pirates Bane

  Lewis and Clarke -Short Story Multiverse 2

  Jethro No Place like Home

  Ghosts From the Past

  ---Federation Reborn----

  Bringer of Fire and Light -Short Story Multiverse 1

  Battle Lines

  Jethro Recruiting Drive

  Pirate Rage

  Tales of the Federation Reborn 1


  Horatio Logan Chronicles: 1 Enemy of my Enemy

  Jethro 5 Ares God of War

  Shelby Logan Chronicles: 1 Convoy

  Horatio Logan Chronicles 2 Court-Martial

  The Gathering Storm

  Multiverse 3 short stories

  Semper Fidelis short stories

  A Piece of the Pi short stories

  The Turning Tide


  Murphy noted his sister leaving the Dead Drop system and moved to intercept her. When she tried to dodge, he flickered quickly into her path and then stopped.


  “Well, hello to you too, sister dear,” Murphy said, voice burbling as he waved his tentacles about. “Having fun, are we?”

  “I don't know what you mean.”

  “I mean making a few changes to the variables. Like that missing destroyer. Or the damage to the other one.”

  “Are you certain you or one of your gremlins didn't do it?” she asked as she tried to move past him.

  He floated into her space once more. “You know me better than that,” he said.

  She stopped dead. “I don't know what you mean. It must have been something else then. Not everything is up to us you know. Contrary to your much-vaunted opinion of yourself, we're not omnipotent. We just appear that way to those who don't understand us.”

  “Right. And you are trying to change the subject.”

  She spun for a moment and then paused. “Really!” she said indignantly. “Of all the nerve!”

  “Cute. Well?”

  “Did you notice Gwildor has taken an interest in the energy from the nova?” she asked. “They are finally noticing it. It took them long enough. I'm curious if they'll figure out what we've done with it. Or I should say when. Gwildor is another one of your Eternia games, right?”

  “Again, you are trying to change the subject. Mom never let me get away with that. Nor did you for that matter, at least not for long. But, to play your game, yes, I noticed. I notice a lot of things.”

  “Really? Like what?” she asked. “I thought you were too full of your own games to pay attention to other things? Like things that don't concern you?”

  “Oh? How about this one. I noticed how you played favorites. Like I said, I wasn't the one who made that destroyer get lost. Or the 101 other shenanigans that you've been playing at. You've been dabbling in my field, sister dear. Welcome to the dark side. I've been watching you, awed by your fall. There, I admit it.”

  She paused for a long moment there, drifting silently in the void.

  “Well?” he asked, curious if she'd deny it. “Virtual cat got your tongue?”

  Finally, his sister started to move again. He fell in place beside her. She opened a slip stream and the two of them slipped into hyperspace and began to move along the rebuilt pathways. “I am so tired of seeing these bastards have their way,” she finally said quietly. “They've had the luck too long while we've been distracted. They've slaughtered millions. They've spread their misery for centuries. Its past time something was done about them.”

  “Hence Irons?” he prompted, amused by the turnabout. Usually she was calling him out on one of his many “pranks.”

  “You know that wasn't just me. Other factors were at work there,” she said crossly.

  “Agreed. I'm just surprised you are coming down from your vaunted perch of neutrality,” Murphy replied.

  “Ah. This from the guy who didn't interfere much in the battle either? There were plenty of places you could have caused mischief.”

  “I don't know what you are talking about,” he said with as much dignity as he could muster.

  “Sure. Pull the other one,” his sister accused. “You and I both know you could have made things come out differently just like I did.”

  “Maybe,” he said. That was as close to an admission of agreement as she was going to get though.

  She exited hyperspace. He followed. He wasn't surprised that they had crossed the breath of the galaxy. What was surprising was what she'd brought them to. He followed her until she fell into an orbit around the star system. Together they looked on to the blackness devouring a world. “They are running out of time,” she murmured.




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