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The Normans and Their World

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by Jack Lindsay

  Ballard, A., (1) The Domesday Inquest, 1906; (2) EHR, 1915, 646-58.

  Barlow, F., (1) The Feudal Kingdom of England, 1961; (2) The English Church 1000-66, 1963; (3) transl. The Life of King Edward the Confessor, 1962; (4) William I and the Norman Conquest, 1965; (5) Edward the Confessor, 1966.

  Barraclough, G., (1) The Origins of Modern Germany, (2nd ed.) 1947; (2) History, 1954, (AS Writ); (3) ed. Germany and Western Europe in the Middle Ages, 1970; (4) Medieval Germany, 1938.

  Barrow, G. W. S., (1) Feudal Britain, 1956; (2) Northern History, iv, 1969; (3) BIHR xxix, 1956, 1-29.

  Bateson, M., (1) EHR, 1900, 73-8, 302-18, 496-523, 754-7; (2) ib., 1901, 82-110, 389-99; (3) Records of the Borough of Leicester, 1899.

  Baynes, N., with H. St L. Moss, Byzantium, 1961.

  Bazeley, W. TRHS, 1921 (Eng. Forest 13th c.).

  Bean, J. M. W., (1) The Decline of Eng. Feudalism, 1968; (2) EcHR, 2nd s. xv, 1962-3.

  Beard, C. A., The Office of Justice of the Peace in England in its Origin and Development, 1904.

  Beaurepaire, Fr. de, AN x, 1960, 307-12.

  Becher, P. A., Der gepaarte Achtselber in der franz. Dichtung, 1934.

  Becker, P. A., Zeits f. fr. Spr. lxiii.

  Bédier, J., Les Légendes épiques, 4 vols., 1914-21.

  Beeler, J. H., (1) Sp. xxxi 1956, 581-601 ; (2) Warfare in Eng. 1066-1089, 1961.

  Bell, A., (1) Mod. Lang. Rev. xxv, 1930, 56f; (2) PMLA lxv. 1950, 601-40; (3) Le Lai d’Haveloc, 1925.

  Bell, C. H., Sister’s Son in Med. German Epic, (Univ. Calif. Pub. in Mov. Phila. x, 1920-5).

  Benedict of St More, Chroniques des Ducs de Normandie, ed. F. Michel, 183444.

  Bennett, M. K., Econ. Hist. iii, 1953, no 10, 12-29.

  Beresford, N., MA iii, 1959, 187-215.

  Bertrand, S., (1) AN, 1960, x, 193-206; (2) in F. M. Stenton (2).

  Besnier, R., Rev. hist. du Droit, xxvii, 1959, 183-212.

  Bettenson, H., Docs. of the Christian Church, 1946.

  Beveridge, W., Econ. J. (Econ. Hist. Suppl.), May 1927.

  Bezzola, R. R. Romania lxv, 1940.

  Birch, W. de Gray, Cartularium Saxonicum, 3 vols. 1885-93.

  Birette, C., BSAN xlii, 1934, 146-200.

  Blair, P. H., An Intro. to AS England, 1956.

  Bliss, W. H., Calendar of Entries in Papal Registers, 1893 on.

  Bloch, H., Dumbarton Oaks Papers, iii, 177-86.

  Bloch, M., (1) Mélanges historiques, i, 1965; (2) Rois et serfs, 1920; (3) Seigneurie française et manoir anglais, 1960; (4) La société feodale: la formation des liens de dependance, 1939; (5) Ann. d’hist. écon. et soc., vii, 1935, 538-63; (6) Soc. féod.: les classes et le gouvernment, 1949; (7) Feudal Society, 1961; (8) Les caractères originaux de l’hist. rurale fr., 1955; (9) Rev. hist. du Droit, 1928, 46-91; (10) Le Rois thaumaturges, 1924 (1961).

  Blumenkranz. B., (1) ed. Disputatio Iudei et Christiani, 1956; (2) Juifs et chrétiens dans le monde occidental, 1960.

  Boase, T. S. R., Eng. Art 1100-1206, 1953.

  Boehmer, H., Texte u. Forsch. z. eng. Kultur (Festgabe F. Liebermann), 1921, 301-53.

  Bolin, S., Scand. Econ. Hist. Rev., i, 1953, 5-29.

  Bonnaud, Delamere, M. J., Bull. philos. et hist. du Congrès des travaux hist. et sc., 1955-6, 143ff.

  Bonnerm, G., St Bede in the Tradition of Western Apocalyptic Commentary, 1966.

  Bony, J., JWCI, xii, 1949, 1-15.

  Borges, J. L., Nouv. Rev. fr., June 1955.

  Bosl, K., in Barraclough (2).

  Bosquet, A., La Normandie romanesque, 1845.

  Boüard, M. de, (1) Guillaume le Conquérant, 1958; (2) BIHR, xxvii, 1955, 1-14; (3) AN, i, 1951; (4) AN, ix, 1959, 169-89; (5) Le Hague-Dickie, Cah. archéol, viii, 1956, 117-45; (6) Rev. hist. du droit, xxxi, 1953, 327f.

  Boulay, F. R. H. du, (1) The Lordship of Canterbury, 1966; (2) EHR, lxxvii, 1962, 504-11.

  Boussard, J., (1) Biblioth. de l’éc. de Chartres, cvi, 1946, 189-224; (2) Le Moyen Age, 1952, 253-79; (3) Rec. à M. Clovis Brunel, 1955, i, 193-208; (4) Les mercenaires aux XIII, S., 1947; (5) AN, viii, 423-440; (6) La seigneurie de Belléme, 1951, (Mél L. Halphen).

  Boutaric, E., Institutions milit. de la France avant les armées permanentes, 1863.

  Boutruche, R., Seigneurie et féodalité, i, 1959.

  Bratanic, B. Laos, ii, 1952, 56-8.

  Brawn, H., The English Castle, 2nd ed. 1943.

  Bréhier, L., Les Institutions de l’emp. byz., 1949.

  Breslau, H., Die Werke Wipos, 3rd ed. 1919.

  Bridrey, E., Bull. Soc. Antiq. Norm., xvliii, 1946-7.

  Brittain, F., Saint Giles, 1928.

  Brogger, A. W., (1) Ancient Emigrants, 1929; (2) with Shetelig, The Viking Ships, 1953.

  Bronsted, J., The Vikings, 1965.

  Brooke, C., (1) 12th c. Renaissance, 1969; (3) Bull. Rylands Lib., 1, 1967; (4) From Alfred to Henry III, 1961; (5) Camb. Hist. J., xii 1956, 1-21.

  Brooke, G. C., English Coins from the 7th c. to the Present Day, 3rd ed. 1950.

  Brooke, Z. N., (1) Cam. Hist. J., II, 213ff; (2) Eng. Church and the Papacy from the Conquest to the Reign of John, 1931. (3) Med. Castles, 1954; (4) Arch. J. for 1969 (1970), 130-48; (5) The Normans and the N. Conquest, 1969.

  Brown, Baldwin, The Arts in Early Eng., AS Architecture, 1925.

  Brown, R.A., (1) EHR, lxxiv, 1959, 249-80; (2) Eng. ii, 1965, 647-59; (3) EHR, lxxxv, 190; (4) Sp. xlv 1970.

  Bruce-Mitford, R.L.S., (1) ed. Recent Arch. Excavs. in Britain, 1956; (2) in Harden, 173-90. Brunet, P., AN, v, 1955, 120f.

  Bucher, (1) PP xlv, Nov. 1969, 3-18; (2) Ann. della Fond. Ital. per la scoria ammin. F., Comparative Studies in Soc. and Hist., iii, 1960-1, 89-105.

  Bullough, D. A., 1949.

  Burchard, Decretum, xix, ed. J. T. McNeill and Garner.

  Burne, A. F., The Battlefields of Eng., 1951.

  Butler, L. A. S., (1) Arch. J. cxxi (for 1964), 111-53; (2) Procs. Camb. Ant. Soc., I, 1957, 89-100.


  Cacheux, P. L., Mélanges (Soc. De l’hist. de Normandie), xi, 1927, 203-17.

  Cahen, C., Le régime féodale de l’Italie normande, 1940.

  Cam, H. M., (1) Liberties and Communities in Med. Eng., 1944; (2) Studies in Manorial History, ed. with M. Coate etc., 1938; (3) The Hundred and the H. Rolls, 1930.

  Campbell, A., (1) EHR, lvii, 1942, 85-97; (2) Encomium Emmae (Camden Soc.), see Mellows.

  Campbell, J. K., Honour, Family, and Patronage, 1964.

  Candidus, Hugh, Brooks, N., MA, viii, 1964, 74-90.

  Canton, N. F., Church, Kingship and Lay Investiture in Eng., 1958.

  Capgrave, J., Life of St Gilbert (EETS 1940).

  Carabie, R., La Prop. fonc. dans le très Anc. Droit Normand, 1939 (Bibl. Hist. Droit Norm., n.s. v).

  Carstan, F. L., EcHR, xi, 1941, 61-76.

  Carus-Wilson, E. M., (1) ed. Essays in Econ. Hist., 1962; (2) EcHR, xi, 1941, 39-60; (3) MA, xiii, 1969, 148-66; (4) Med. Merchant Ventures, 2nd ed. 1967, esp. ch. iv; (5) EcHR, xiv, 1944, 43f.

  Cauvet, Mém. Soc. des Antiq. de Normandie, xx, (droit du patronage ecclés. rel. aux paroisses des campagnes).

  Cauzons, T. de, Hist. de l’Inquisition en France, 2 vols. 1909-12.

  Chadwick, H. M., (1) The Nationalities of Europe and the Growth of National Ideologies, 1945; (2) Origin of Eng. Nation, 1907; (3) Studies on AS Institutions, 1905.

  Chadwick, N. K., (1) The Beginnings of Russian History, 1946; (2) Studies in Early British History, 1954.

  Chalandon, F., Domination normande en Italie, 1907.

  Chambers, E. K., (1) Arthur of Britain, 1927; (2) Med. Stage, 1925.

  Chambers, R. W., (1) England before the N. Conquest, 1926; (2) Beowulf, 1932; (3) Man’s Unconquerable Mind, 1939; (4) On the Continuity of Eng. Prose, 1932; (5) with Daunt, London English, 1931.

  Chaney, W. A., Cult of Kingship in AS Eng., 1970.

  Chantepie de la Saussaye, P. D., Religion of the Teutons, trans. B. J. Bos, 1902.

  Chanteux, H., Trav. de
la Sem. de Droit norm. de Guernsey, 1938.

  Charles, B. G., Old Norse Relations with Wales, 1934.

  Charles-Edwards, T. M., (1) pp, 1972, lvi, 3-33; (2) Bull. Board Celtic St., 1970-2, xxiv. 107-11.

  Chefneux, H., Romania, lx, 1934, 1-35, 153-94.

  Cheney, C. R., Studies in Med. Hist., cxi, 1966.

  Chenu, M. D., Nature, Man and Society in the 12th c., trans. J. Taylor, L. K. Little, 1968.

  Chew, H. M., (1) The Eng. Ecclesiastical Tenants-in-Chief and Knight-Service; (2) EHR, xxxvii, 1922, 321-6; (3) lb. xxxviii, 1923, 19-41.

  Chrimes, S. B., Intro. to the Administrative Hist. of Med. Eng., 1952.

  Chibnall, M., (1) AN, 1958, 103-18; (2) ed. Ordericus Vit., 1969.

  Child, F. J., ed. English and Scottish Ballads, 1882-94.

  Clagett, M., etc., Twelfth Century Europe, 1961.

  Clapham, A. W., (1) EHR, xxv, 287-93; (2) Eng. Romanesque Architecture before the Conquest, 1930; (3) E.R.A. after the Conquest.

  Clark, J. M., The Abbey of St Gall, 1926.

  Clay, C. T., Early Yorkshire Charters.

  Clay, R. M., The Hermits and Anchorites of Eng., 1914.

  Clemoes, P., (1) with K. Hughes, ed. England before the Conquest, 1972; (2) ed. The Anglo-Saxons. 1959.

  Cockayne, O., Saxon Leechdoms, (RS) 1864-6.

  Cole, H., Docs. illustrative of Eng. Hist. in 13th and 14th cs., 1844.

  Collingwood, Yorks. Arch. J., xxiii, 1915.

  Colvin, H. M., (1) in R. Graham, ed. V. Reiffer & A. Taylor, 1950, 15-38; (2) in Med. Kentish Society, (Kent Records xviii 1964).

  Conant, K. J., Cluny, 1968.

  Constable, G., Letters of Peter the Venerable, 2 vols., 1967.

  Cooper, C. H, Annals of Cambridge, 1842-1908.

  Copley, G., Conquest of Wessex, 1954.

  Corbett, W. J., CMH, v, 1926, 581-520.

  Corrain, D. O., Ireland before the Normans.

  Coulanges, F. de, La monachisme fran., 1888.

  Coulborn, R., ed. Feudalism in History, 1956.

  Coulson. N. J., A Hist. of Islamic Law, 1914.

  Coulton, G. G., (1) Med. Studies: Priests and People before Reformation, 1907; (2) Med. Village, 1926; (3) Five Centuries of Religion, ii, 1927; (4) Social Life in Britain from the Conquest to the Reformation, 1919; (5) Med. Garner, 1910; (6) Med. Scene, 1930; (7) The Meaning of Med. Money, 1934; (8) Med. Panorama, 1938; (9) Camb. Hist. J., v, (1), 1935; (10) Inquisition and Liberty, 1938.

  Cowdrey, H. E. J., The Cluniac and the Gregorian Reforms, 1970.

  Coxe, H. O., ed. Roger of Wendover, 1841.

  Cramer, A. C., Amer. Hist. Rev., xlv, 1940, 327-37.

  Crawford, 0. G. S., in Custom is King, 1936, 181ff.

  Crawford, S. J., in Speculum Religions, (to C. G. Montefiore), 1929.

  Crombie, A. C., Augustine to Galileo, 1961.

  Cromme, H. A., (1) The Reign of Stephen, 1970; (2) with Moody and Quin, Essays in Brit. and Irish Hist. in hon. J. E. Todd; (3) History, xxiv, 1939, 251-9.

  Cross, J. E., Vetenskaps-Societens i Lund Arsbok, 1956.

  Cross, S. H., Sp. vi, 1931, 296-9.

  Crossley, F. H., The Eng. Abbey, revised B. Little, 1962.

  Crossley-Holland, K., and B. Mitchell, The Battle of Maldon, 1967.

  Curschmann, F. Hungersnote im Mittelalter, 1900.

  Curwen, E. C., (1) Plough and Pasture, 1946; (2) Antiquity, xii, 1938, 135.

  Cusa, I Diplomi Greci e Arabi di Sicilia, 1868.

  Cutts, F. L., (1) Parish Priests and the People in the Middle Ages, 1914; (2) Dict. of Church of Eng., 1895.


  Daniel, W., Vita Ailredi, 1950.

  Darby, H. C., (1) ed. Domesday Geography of Eng., 1952 on; (2) Hist. Geog. of Eng. before A. D. 1800, 1936; (3) Geog. J., lxxxv, 1935, 439-43; (4) with R. W. Finn, The DB Geog. of SW Eng., 1967.

  Darlington, R. R., (1) EHR, li, 1936; (2) Anglo-Norman Historians, 1947.

  Darwin, F. D. S. The Eng. Med. Recluse, n.d.

  Daumas. H. ed., Host. gen des techniques, 1962.

  Dauphin, Dom., Le Bien-heureux Richard, abbé de S. Vanne de Verdun, 1946.

  David, C. W., Robert Curthose, 1920.

  Davidson, H. R., Ellis, Pagan Scandinavia, 1967.

  Davis, H. W. C., (1) EHR, xx, 1905; (2) Regesta Regum, i, 1913; (3) EHR, xxiv, 1909, 729f.

  Davis, R. H. C. (1) Eng. under the Angevins and Normans; (2) TRHS 5th s., v, 1955, 23-39; (3) EHR, lxxvii, 1962, 209-32; (4) ed. The Kalendar of Abbot Samson (Camden Soc.), 1954.

  Davison, B. K., Arch. J., cxxiv, 1967, 202-11.

  Deansley, M., (1) The Med. Church, 1969; (2) Pre-Conquest Church in Eng., 1961.

  Deck, S., AN, 1956, 245-54.

  Deforneaux, O., Les Français en Espagne aux xie et xiie siècles, 1949.

  Delaborde, H. F., Mélanges...à C. Bemont, 1913, 173-9.

  Delbruch, H., Gesch. d. Kriegskunst etc., 7 vols. 1900-36.

  Delisle, L., (1) Le clergé normand au xiiie s. (Bull. de l’Ec. des Chartes viii); (2) Litt. latine et Hist. de M.A., 1890; (3) Études sur les conditions de la classe agric. et l’état d’agric. en Normandie au moyen age, 1851; (4) reprint, 1903; (5) Mem Soc. des Antiq. de N., iv, 1852, xv-xviii; (6) J. Brit. Arch. Assn, vi, 1851.

  Delpech, H. La tactique du xiiie s., 2 vols., 1886.

  Demus, O., The Mosaics of Norman Sicily, 1949, (1950).

  Denholm-Young, H., (1) History, xxix, 1944; (2) in R. W. Hunt, 240-68.

  Dhont, J. (1) Annales econ., soc., Civil., xii, 1957; (2) Études sur la naissance des principautés territoriales en France, 1948.

  Dialogus de Scaccario, ed. C. Johnson, 1950.

  Dickinson, J. C., The Origin of the Austin Canons and their Intro. into Eng., 1950.

  Didier, N., Le droit des fiefs dans la coutume de Hainault au moyen âge, 1945.

  Digby, G. W., in F. M. Stenton (2) 37-55.

  Dimock, J. F., ed. Metrical Life of St Hugh, 1860.

  Dobb, M., (1) Studies in the Development of Capitalism, 1963; (2) in Transition; (3) Our History, xxix, winter-spring, 1963.

  Dodsell, C. R., (1) ed., Theophilus de diversis artibus, 1961; (2) Burlington Mag. cviii. Nov. 1966, 549-56.

  Dodwell, B., EHR, lxiii, 1948, 289-306.

  Doehaerd, R., (1) Le tonlieu d’Arras, 1945; (2) L’expansion écon. beige en moyen âge, 1946.

  Dolley, R. H. M., (1) ed. with D. M. Metcalf, A.S. Coins, 1961, 136-68; (2) Num. Chron., 1961, 151-61.

  Döllinger, J. J., Beiträge zur Sektensgesch, 1890.

  Douglas, D. C., (1) The Norman Conquest and British Historians, 1946; (2) with G. W. Greenaway, Eng. Hist. Docs. 1042-1189, 1953; (3) William the Conqueror, 1964; (4) Procs. Brit. Acad., xxxiii, 1947, 101-30; (5) EcHR, ix, 1939, 128-43; (6) The Social Structure of Med. E. Anglia, 1927; (7) EHR, xliv, 1929, 618-25; (8) EHR, 1953 526-45; (9) EHR, lvii, 1942, 417-36; (10) Feudal Docs. from the Abbey of Bury St Edmunds, 1932; (11) EHR, xlii, 1927, 245ff; (12) Oxford Studies in Soc. and Legal Hist., ix, 1927; (13) EHR, lxi, 1946, 129-56; (14) Cam b. Hist. J., xiii, 1957; (15) The Norman Achievement, 1972; (16) The Domesday Monachorum of Christ Church, Canterbury, 1944; (17) French Studies, xiv, 1960, 99-116.

  Drew, K. F., Medievalia et Humanistica, xv, 1963, 5-14.

  Drögereit, R., Mitteil. d. Inst. f. Osterreich. Gesch., lxx, 1962.

  Dubled, H., Le Moyen Age, 1951.

  Duby, G., (1) Rev. hist., ccxxvi, 1961; (2) Le Moyen Age, xlii, 1946; (3) La société aux xie et xiie s. dans la région mâconnaise, 1953; (4) Economie rurale et la vie des compagnes dans l’occident méd, 2 vols., 1962; (5) Rural Econ. and Country Life in Med. West, trans. C. Postan, 1968; (6) pp xxxix, 1968, 3-10; (7) Annales, E.S.C., xix, 1964 (les jeunes).

  Dudo of St Quentin, Re moribus et actis primorum Normanniae Ducum, ed. J. Lair, 1865.

  Dunning, C. G., in Harden, 218-33.

  Dupont, E., Recherches hist. et topog. sur les compagnes de Guillaume le Conquerant, 1907.


  Edwards, E., ed., Liber de monast. de Hyda, (RS) 18

  Ekblom, R., in A Philol. Misc. presented to E. Ekwall, 1942, 115-44.

  Ekwall, E., Scandinavians and Celts in the NW of Eng., 1918.

  Ellis, A. J., Y Cymmrodor, v, 1882, 173-208.

  Ellis, H., Intro. to DB, 1833.

  Ellis, H. A., Antiq., Sept. 1942, 216-36.

  Erdmann, C., Die Entsehung des Kreuzzugsgedanken, 1935.

  Espinas, G., Les origines du capitalisme, 1933.

  Evans, A. C., Antiq, xlv, (178), 1971, 89-96.

  Evans, J., Monastic Life at Cluny, 1937.


  Fagarlie, J. M., Late Roman and Byzantine Solidi found in Sweden and Denmark.

  Fahnestock, E., A Study of the Source...of the Old French Lai d’ Havelof, 1915.

  Faral, E., (1) in La technique litt. des chansons de geste, Actes du Colloque de Liège, Sept. 1957, 1959; (2) La Légende arthurienne, 1929.

  Farmer, D. L., (1) EcHR 2nd s., xxii, 1969, 1-16; (2) Ib., ix, 1956-7, 24-43.

  Farmer, H., Analecta Bolland., lxxv, 1957, 72-82.

  Farmworth, W. O., Uncle and Nephew in Old Fr. Chansones de Geste (Columbia St. Romance Philo. au Lit., 1913).

  Farrer, W. D., (1) Honours and Knights’ Fees, 3 vols., 1923-5; (2) Early Yorks. Charters, iii, 1914-6.

  Faulkner, P. A., Arch. J., cxv (for 1958), 1960, 150-83.

  Fauroux, M., Rec. des actes des ducs de Normandie, 1961.

  Fawtier, R., Europe occidental 1270-1328, 1940.

  Fehr, B., Archiv f. Stud. d. neu. Spr. u. Lit., cxxx, 1913, 381.

  Fest, S., The Hungarian Origin of St Margaret of Scotland, 1940.

  Finberg, H. P. R., (1) Lucerna, 1964; (2) The Early Charters of Wessex, 1964; (3) The Early Charters of the W. Midlands, 1961; (4) Tavistock Abbey, 1951; (5) EHR, lxvi, 1941, 67-71; (6) ed. Gloucestershire Studies, 1957.

  Finn, R. A. W., (1) Intro. to DB, 1963; (2) The Domesday Inquest, 1961; (3) Procs. Camb. Antiq. Soc., liii, 1960, 29-38.

  Fisher, D. J. V., Camb. Hist. J., 1952, x, 254-70.

  Fisher, E. A., (1) AS Towers, 1969; (2) The Greater AS Churches, 1963.

  FitzStephen, W., (1) Descriptio (London) in J. Stow Survey, 1603; (2) with SW.

  Fixot, M., Les fortifications de terre et les origines féodales dans le Cinglais, 1968.

  Flack, J., Les origines de l’ancienne France, 1886-1917.

  Fliche, A., (1) L’Europe Occidental 888-1125, 1930; (2) La règne de Philippe 1er, 1912.

  Flita, Commentarii Juries Anglicani, ed. H. G. Richardson and G. O. Sayles (Seldon Soc.), 1955.


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