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by Jack Lindsay

  Flodoard, Annales ed. D. Lauer, 1905.

  Florence of Worcester, see B. Thorpe.

  Focillon, H., L’an mille, 1952.

  Folz, R., The Concept of Empire in W. Europe, trans. S. A. Ogilvie, 1969.

  Foreville, R., (1) Le Moyen Age, 1953; (2) ed. Guillaume de Poitiers’ Hist. de G. le Conq., 1952; (3) Le Livre de S. Gilbert de Sempringham, 1943.

  Fosbroke, T. D., Brit. Monachism, 1843.

  Foster, C. W. and T. Longley, Lincolnshire Domesday and the Lindsay Survey, 1924.

  Fournier, P., (1) Mel G. Glotz, ii, 1932, 367-76; (2) Rev. d’hist et de litt. relig., vi-ix, 1901-4.

  Fowler, J. T., ed. Coucher Book of Selby, 1891.

  Fox, C., Antiq., iii, 1929, 135ff.

  Frappier, J., Les chansons de geste du cycle de Guillaume d’Orange, 1955.

  Fredericq P., Corpus doc. Inquisitionis haereticae pravitatis Neerlandicae, 5 vols., 1889-1906.

  Freeman, E. A., (1) The History of Norman Conquest, 5 vols., 1867-76; (2) EHR, iii, 1888.

  French, W. H., in Essays on King Horn, (Cornell Stud. in Eng.), 1940.

  Fuaino, M., Archivo Storico Pugliese, ii, 1-2, 1949.


  Gad, F., Hist. of Greenland, trans. E. Dupont, 1970.

  Galbraith, V. H., (1) TRHS, 1941; (2) EHR, xliv, 1929, 353-72; (3) EHR, 1954, 289-302; (4) Studies in the Public Records, 1948 (1949); (5) in R. W. Hunt, 283-95; (6) EHR, lvii, 1942, 161-77; (7) The Literacy of the Med. Kings, 1935.

  Gaimar, G., Lestorie des Engles (RS), ed. T. D. Hardy and C. T. Martin, 2 vols., 1876.

  Ganshof, F. L., (1) Qu’est-ce que la féodalité, 1947; (2) Feudalism, trans. P. Grierson, 1952; (3) Byzantion, iv, 1928, 659; (4) Ann. Soc. d’arch. de Bruxelles, 1942-3; (5) Nederlandsche Historiebladen, i, 1938; (6) Settimane di St. d. Centro Ital. di St. sull’ altro Med., i, 1954 46ff; (7) Mém. de l’Acad. roy. de Beige (cl. des lettres), 2nd s. xx, 1926; (8) as (6), 1955; (9) Rev. du Nord, xxx, 1948, 97ff; (10) The Carolingians and the Frankish Monarchy.

  Garmonsway, G. N., Peterborough Chronicle, 1954.

  Garner, H. M., Med. Handbooks of Penance, 1938.

  Garufi, C. A., Censimento e Catasto.

  Gautier, L., Le Chevalerie, 1891.

  Gautries, J. Adigard des, (1) Les noms de personnes scand. en Normandie 911-1066, 1954; (2) AN, 1954 and 1959 (names).

  Gay, J., l’Italie méridionale et l’empire byz., 1904.

  Gaydon, A. T., ed. The Taxation of 1297, (Beds. Hist. Rec. Soc., xxxix).

  Gaythorn-Hardy, G. M., The Norse Discoverers of America, 1921.

  Geanakoplos, D. S., Byz. East and Latin West, 1966.

  Geidel, H., Alfred d. Grosse also Geograph., 1904.

  Gem, R. D. H., Arch. J., cxxvii, 1970, 196-201.

  Genestal, R., (1) La tenure en bourgage, 1900; (2) Nouv. rev. hist. de droit, 1904, 766ff.

  Genicot, L., (1) Ann. écon., soc., civ., xvii, 1962 (noblesse); (2) Biblioth. de l’éc de chartes, cvi, 1946, 189-224.

  George, R. H., Rev. beige de philol. et d’hist., v, 1926, 81-97.

  Gervase of Canterbury, Chron. ed Stubbs, RS, 1877.

  Gesta Herewardi, RS, see Gaimar.

  Gesta Stephani, (1) ed. K. R. Potter, 1955; (2) R. Howlett, RS, 1866.

  Gibbs, M., Feudal Order, 1949.

  Gierke, O., Political Theory of the Middle Ages, trans. F. W. Maitland, 1900.

  Gilbert, E.C., Arch. J., cxxvii, 1970, 202-10.

  Gilchrist, J., The Church and Econ. Activity in the Middle Ages, 1969.

  Giles, J. A., (1) trans. Will. of Malmesbury, 1847; (2) ed. Gesta Willelmi Ducis Norm., 1845.

  Gille, B., (1) Techniques et Civilisations, iii, 1954, 4-9; (2) ib., II, 1951.

  Giraldus Cambrensis, Anglia Sacra, H. Wharton, ii.

  Gjesset, K., Hist. of Iceland, 1923.

  Gleason, S. E., An ecclesiastical Barony in the Middle Ages, 1936.

  Glob, P. V., (1) Danish Prehist. Mons., 1971; (2) The Bog People, 1971.

  Glover, R., EHR, lxvii, 1952, 1-18.

  Gluckman, M., PP, 8, Nov. 1955, 1-14.

  Godfrey, C. J., The Church in AS England, 1962.

  Goebel, J., Felony and Misdemeanour, 1937.

  Goff, J. le, (1) La Civil. de l’occid. med., 1964; (2) Annales, E.S.C., xxii, 1967.

  Gomme, G. L., Folklore as Hist. Science, 1908.

  Gordon, E. V., The Battle of Maldon, 1937.

  Graham, R., (1) J. Brit. Arch. Assn., 3rd s. iv, 1939; (2) St Gilbert of Sempringham and the Gilbertines, 1901; (3) Eng. Eccles. Studies, 1929.

  Grand, R., (1) L’agriculture au moyen age, 1950; (2) Rev. hist. de droit, 1942, 149-72.

  Gras, N. S. B., (1) Hist. of Agric., 1925; (2) with E. C. Gray, Econ. and Soc. Hist. of an English Village; (3) Evolution of Eng. Corn Market, 1906.

  Graus, F., with others, E. and W. Europe in the Middle Ages.

  Gray, H. L., (1) EHR, cxvi, 1914, 625-56; (2) Eng. Field Systems, 1915.

  Green, V. H. H., Med. Civil. in W. Europe, 1971.

  Grendon, F., J. of Amer. FL, xxii. 1909, 105-275.

  Greenwell, N., Boldon Buke, 1852.

  Gregoire, H., Byzantion, xiv, 1939, with R. de Keyser.

  Grierson, P., (1) EHR, lxxvi, 1961, 311-5; (2) TRHS, xxiii, 1941, 71-112; (3) EHR, li, 1936, 90-7; (4) Les annales de Saint-Pierre de Gand, 1937.

  Grivot, D., with G. Zarneck, Gislebertus, Sculptor of Autun, 1961.

  Gross, C., (1) Select Cases on the Law Merchant (Selden Soc.), 1908; (2) The Sources and Lit. of Eng. Hist. to 1485, 2nd ed. 1915.

  Grundmann, H., Deut. Archiv f. Gesch. d. Mitt., v, 1942, 419-92.

  Guicciardini, P., Opera (V. de Caprariis), 1953.

  Guilhiermoz, Essai sur l’origine de la noblesse en France, 1902.

  Guillaume de Poitiers, see Foreville.

  Guiraud, J., Hist. de l’Inquisition au moyen âge, 2 vols., 1935-8.

  Guitries, A. de, Les Noms de personnes scand. en Normandie de 911 à 1066, (Mon. Germ. Xi 1954), 265-70.


  Hagen, A., Norway, 1967.

  Hall, D., Eng. Med. Pilgrimages, 1965.

  Hall, H., (1) Pipe Roll of Bishopric of Worcester, 1903 (2) Red Book of the Exchequer, 1896.

  Hall, J., PMLA, xviii, 1903, 1-83.

  Hallam, H. E., (1) Settlement and Society, 1965; (2) EHR, xiv, 1961, 71-81.

  Halphen, L., (1) with Poupardin, Chroniques des Comtes d’Anjou au xie s., 1946.

  Hamilton, J. R. C., in Bruce-Mitford, (1).

  Hammond, N., ILN, Arch. no 2364, 1971.

  Hampe, K., Le haut moyen âge, 1943.

  Harden, D. B., ed. Dark Age Britain, 1956.

  Hardy, G. M. G., The Norse Discoverers of America, 1921.

  Hardy. T. D., (1) Descriptive Cat. of Materials rel. to Hist. of G.B. and Ireland, 1862-71. (2) Rotuli de...Misis, 1844.

  Harmer, F.E., in Clemoes, 89-103.

  Harrison, F., Medieval Man, 1947.

  Hartmann, L. H., The Early Med. State, 1965.

  Hartridge, R. A. R., A Hist. of Vicarages in the Middle Ages, 1930.

  Harvey, A., The Castles and Walled Towns of Eng., 1911.

  Harvey, J., (1) Sussex Arch Coll., xcviii, 1959, 21-34; (2) Antiq. J., xlviii, 1968, 87-99.

  Harvey, S., PP no 49, Nov. 1970, 3-43.

  Harvey, T. E., St Ailred of Rievaulx, 1932.

  Haskins, C. H., (1) Studies in Med. Culture, 1929; (2) Renaissance of the 12th c., 1927; (3) in Essays in Med. Hist. pres. to T. F. Tout, 1925; (4) Rise of Universities, 1957; (5) Normans in Europ. Hist., 1916; (6) EHR, July and Oct, 1911; (7) Norman Institutions, 1918; (8) EHR, xxvii; (9) Studies in the Hist of Med. Science, 1927.

  Hassall, J. M., with D. Hill, Arch. J., cxxvii, 1970, 588-95.

  Hatem, A., Les poèmes épiques des Croisades, 1932.

  Hauck, K., Seculum, vi, 1955, 189f.

  Haudricourt, A. G., (1) Ann. d’hist. écon. et soc., viii, 1936, 555-22; (2) with M. Delamarre, L’homme et la charrue à travers le monde, 1955.

  Havet J. Oeuvres, 1896, ii, 117

  Hay, D. The Emergence of Europe, 1957.

  Hearne, T., Adami de Domerham Hist. de Glaston., 1727.

  Heer, F., The Med. World, 1962

  Hefele-Leclercq, Hist. des Conciles, 1907 on.

  Hemmeon, Burgage Tenure in Med. England, 1914.

  Hencken, H., Procs. R. Irish Acad., liii, sect. C, no 1, 1-247.

  Henderson, E. F., Select Hist. Docs. of the Middle Ages, 1892.

  Henderson, G., (1) Early Medieval, 1972; (2) JWCI, 1962, 172ff; (3) J. Br. Arch. Assn., xxxi, 1968, 38ff.

  Hennig, R., Byz. Zeits., xxxiii, 1933, 295-312.

  Henry of Huntingdon, Hist. Anglorum, ed. T. Arnold, RS, 1897.

  Henshall, A., Arch. J., cxxi, for 1964, 554-62.

  Herteig, A. E., MA, III, 177-86.

  Hill, D., MA, xiii, 1969, 84-92.

  Hill, J. W. F., Med. Lincoln, 1948.

  Hilton, R H., (1) Decline of Serfdom in Med. Eng., 1969; (2) Econ. Development of one Leicestershire Estate in 14th and 15 c., 1947; (3) A Med. Society: the West Midlands at the end of the 13th c., 1966; (4) EHR, lvi, 1941; (5) PP no 31, 1965; (6) in Carus-Wilson, (2); (7) Univ. Birmingham Hist. J., iv, 1952; (8) EcHR, 2nd s., II, 5949-50; (9) in Transition; (10) EHR, Oct. 1954, 623-5; (11) PP xiv, 1963, 95-100.

  Hocking, W. J., Num. Chron, 4th s., ix, 1909, 68f.

  Hodgen, M. T., Antiquity, xiii, 1939, 261-79.

  Hodgkin, R. H., Hist. of AS, 1952.

  Hofler, O., in Sacral Kingship, 664-701.

  Hollings, M., EHR, lxiii, 1948.

  Hollister, C. W., (1) AS Military Institutions, 1962; (2) Military Organization of Norman Eng., 1965; (3) EHR, lxxv, 1960; (4) EcHR, xvi, 1963, with Holt; (5) Am. Hist. Rev., lxvi, 1961, 645-63; (6) J. of Brit. Stud., II (2), 1963, 1-26; (7), Spec., xxxvi, 1961, 61-74.

  Holmes, G. A., The Estates of the Higher Nobility in the 14th c., 1957.

  Holmes, M. R., MA, i, 178-82.

  Holmes, W. T., Spec., 1955, xxx, 77-81.

  Holt, J. C., (1) EcHR, xiv, 1961, 334-6; (2) ib. xvi, 1963, 114-8; (3) PP, lvii, 1972, 3-52.

  Homans, G. C., (1) Eng. Villages of the 13th c., 1940; (2) Ann. d’hist. écon. et soc., viii, 1936, 438-48.

  Hope, W. H. St J. Archaeologia, lviii, pt. I, 293-312.

  Hope-Taylor, B., (1) in Bruce Mitford (1) 223-50; (2) Arch. J., cvii, 1950, 15-43.

  Hoskins, W. G., The Med. Landscape, 1955.

  Hoyt, R. S., (1) The Royal Demesne in Eng. Constit. Hist., 1950; (2) in Early Med. Misc. (Pipe Rolls S.), 1962 for 1960; (3) ed. Life and Thought in the Early Middle Ages, 1967.

  Hübener, G., Eng. Studien, lx, 1925, 37-57.

  Hughes, A., Dialogus de Scaccario, 1902.

  Hugill, R., Borderland Castles and Peles, 1939.

  Huizinga, J., Meded. d. kon. Akad. v. Wetensch. afd Lett. deel 84, ser. B. (2) 1927, 2-1 1, (86-95).

  Hunt, N., Cluny under St Hugh 1967.

  Hunt, R. W., ed. Studies in Med. Hist. pres. to F. M. Powicke, 1969.

  Hurnard, N. D., EHR, lvi, 1941.

  Hussey, J. M., Church and Learning in the Byz Emp., 1937.


  Imbart de la Tour, P., (1) Les paroisses rurales du ive au xie s., 1900; (2) Questions d’hist. soc. et relig., 1907.


  Jackson, E. D. G., and F. G. M. Fletcher, J. of Arch. Assn., xxv, 1962.

  Jacobs, J. J. and L. Wolf, Bibliotheca Anglo-Judaica, 1888.

  Jamison, E., (1) Procs. Brit. Acad., xxiv, 1938; (2) Brit. School of Rome, vi, 1913.

  Janko, S., Wörtner u. Sachen, i, 1909.

  Janssen, A. L., AN, xi, (3), 1961, 179-95.

  Jansson, S. B. F., The Runes of Sweden, 1962.

  Jenkinson H., (1) in R. L. Poole, 190-210; (2) EHR, xxx, 1913, 209ff, with M. T. Stead.

  John, E., (1) Land Tenure in Early Eng., 1960; (2) Bull. J. Rylands Lib., xli, 1958, 59-63; ib., 1959, 82ff.

  John of Ford, Wulfric of Haselbury, ed. M. Bell, 1933.

  Johnson, C., (1) EHR, xlix, 1937; (2) ed. Dialogus de Scaccario, 1902.

  Joliffe, J. E. A., (1) Constit. Hist. of Med. England, 1937; (2) EHR, xli, 1-42; (3) Angevin Kingship, 1955; (4) Schweizer Beiträge z. allgemein Gesch. x, 1952.

  Jones, G., A Hist. of the Vikings, 1968.

  Joranson, E., Spec. xxiii, July, 1948, 353-96.

  Jordan, E. Le Moyen Age, 1922-3, 33-4.

  Joscelin de Brakelond, Chronica (Camden Soc. xiii).


  Kantorowicz, E. H., King’s Two Bodies, 1957.

  Katzenellenborgen, A., in Hoyt (3) 66-84.

  Keen, M. H., (1) The Outlaws of Med. Legend, 1961; (2) A Hist. of Med. Europe, 1967 (1968).

  Kemble, J. M., Codex Diplom. aevi Saxonici, 1839 etc.

  Kemp, E. W., Canonization and Authority in the Western Church, 1948.

  Kendrick, T. D., A Hist. of the Vikings, 1930.

  Keyser, C. E., A List of Norman Tympana and Lintels, 1927.

  Kiernan, V. G., PP, no 31, July 1965, 20-38.

  Kil. V., Archie f. nord. Filologi, lxxv.

  Kimball, E. G., Sergeanry Tenure in Med. Eng., 1936.

  Kinard, J. P., Study of Wulfric’s Homilies, 1897.

  Kirbis, W., Gött. geogr. Abh., x, 1952, 45-7.

  Kivikovski, E., Finland, 1967.

  Kjellman, H., La deuxième coll. Anglo-Normane des Miracles de la Ste Vierge, 1922.

  Klindt-Jensen, O., (1) The World of the Vikings, 1969; (2) Denmark before the Vikings, 1957; (3) with D. Wilson, Viking Art, 1966.

  Knowles, D., (1) The Historian and Character, 1963; (2) The Monastic Order in Eng., 2nd ed. 1963; (3) with Obolensky, The Middle Ages, 1969; (4) The Religious Orders, 3 vols., 1948-59; (5) in A. L. Poole (1); (6) with Brooke and London, ed. The Heads of Religious Houses: Eng. and Wales, 940-1216, 1972.

  Koch, A. C. F., Tijdschrift v. Rechtsgechiednis, 1953, 420-58.

  Kohn, H., The Idea of Nationalism, 1945.

  Kolbing, E., Ipomedon, in drei eng. Bearbeitungen, 1889.

  Kosminsky, E. A., (1) EcHR, III, 1931, 16-44; (2) in Studii in Onore di A. Sapori; (3) Studies in the Agrarian Hist. of Eng. in the 13th c., 1956.

  Koyre, A., L’idée de Dieu dans la philosophie de S. Anselme, 1923.

  Krappe, A. H., (1) Mitt. d. Schles. Gesell. f. Volkskunde, xxxiv„ 1934; (2) Spec. xx, 1945, 408-1r.

  Kroeschell, Z. F. Savigny-Stiftung, Abh., lxxvii, 1960, 1-25.


  Laborde, E. D. Byrhtnoth and Maldon, 1936.

  Lagarde, G. de, La naissance de l’esprit laique au déclin du moyen âge, i, 1934.

  Lagouëlle, H., Essai sur la conception féodale de la propriété foncière, 1902.

  Lair, J., Materiaux pour l’édition de Guillaume de Jumièges, 1910.

  Lamb, H. H., The Changing Climate, 1966.

  Lammens, E., Islam, Beliefs and Institutions, 1929.

  Lammert, F., Klio, xxxi, 1938, 389-411.

  La Monte, J. L., Feudal Monarchs in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1932.

  Lamouche, Hist. de la Turquie, 1953.

  Lancaster, L. Brit. J. of Sociology, ix, 1958, 230-50, 259-77.

  Lanfranc, Opera, ed. J. A. Giles, 1844.

  Laporte. J., Inventio et Miracula S. Vulfranni, 1938, (Mel. S.H.N., 1938, 7-87).

  Larson, L. M., (1) Canute the Great, 1912; (2) The King’s Household in Eng. before the N.C., 1904.

  Latham, L. C., The Manor, 1931.

  Latouche, R., (1) Le Moyen âge, 1937, 44-64; (2) Les origines de l’écon. occid., 1956; (3) Textes d’hist. méd., 1951.

  Lea, H. C., Hist. of Inquisition, 1887.

  Leblond, B., L’accession des Normands de Neustrie à la culture occid., 1966.

  Le Bras, G., (1) Pénitentiels (in Dict. Theol. Cath.); (2) Cahiers de Civil. méd., 1968.

  Leclercq, J., Jean de Paris, 1942.

  Lees, B. A., Records of the Templars in Eng. in 12th c., 1935.

  Lefevre, G., Les variations de Guillaume de C. et les questions des universaux, 1898.

  Legg, L. G. W., Eng. Coronation Records, 1901.
  Legge, M.D., (1) Anglo-Norman Lit. and its Background, 1963; (2) in Stil und Formprobleme in d. Lit., 1959; (3) Anglo-Norman in the Cloisters, 1950.

  Legras, H., Le bourgage de Caen, 1911.

  Lejeurwe, R., and J. Stiennon, The Legend of Roland in the Middle Ages.

  Lemarignier, J. F., (1) Rev. du moyen âge latin, iv, 1948, 191-6; (2) Études sur les privilèges d’exemption et de jurisdiction ecclés. des abbaies normandes, 1937; (3) AN, 1958, 191-6; (4) Recherches sur l’hommage en marche et les frontières féodales, 1945; (5) Sett. di Stud. del Centro Ital. di Stud. sull’ Alto Med., iv, 1957, 365-7.

  Lemmon, C. H., (1) The Field of Hastings, 2nd ed., 1960; (2) in The Norman Conquest, 77-122.

  Lennard, R., (1) Rural Eng. 1086-1135, 1959; (2) EHR, 1954, 580-96; (3) EcHR, xiv, 1944-5, 51-63; (4) ib., 217-33; (5) EHR, 1960, lxxv, 193-207; (6) EcHR, xvii, 1947, 150; (7) ib., III, 1951, 342f.

  Le Patourel, J., (1) EHR, lix, 1944, 129 58; (2) AN, xi, 1961, no 3, 171-7.

  Le Prevost, ed. Ordericus Vit., HE, 1852.

  Lesne, E., (1) Hist. de la propriété ecclés. en France, ii, 1922; (2) Les écoles de la fin du viiie s. à la fin du xiie s., 7940 (vol. v. of first title).

  Lestocquoy, J., (1) EHR, xvii, 1947; (2) Rev. beige de Philol. etc., 1944; (3) Les dynasties bourgeoises d’ Arras (Mém. Comm. des mons. hist de Pas-de-Calais), v, fasc. 1, 1945.

  Levett, A. E., in Cam (2).

  Levison, W., Eng. and the Continent in the 8th c., 1946.

  Lewis, A. R., The Northern Seas, 1958.

  Lewis, C. S., The Allegory of Love, 1936.

  Leyser, K., pp, 1968, xli, 32-6.

  Liber Eliensis, ed. D. J. Stewart.

  Liebermann, F., (1) Die Gesetze der Angelsachsen, 1898 16; (2) EHR, xxviii, Liebeschutz , H., Med. Humanism in the Life and Writings of John of Salisbury, 1950.

  Liestol, K., in Maal og Minne, 1933.

  Lindsay, Jack, (1) Byzantium into Europe, 1952; (2) Medieval Latin Poets, 1934; (3) Short History of Culture, 1962; (4) Cleopatra, 1970; (5) Origins of Astrology, 1970; (6) Norseman, iii, no 6, 1945 (Beowulf); (7) Coll. Latomus cxiv 20-30.

  Lindsay. P. with R. Groves, The Peasants’ Revolt, n.d.

  Lloyd, R., The Golden Middle Ages, 1939.

  Lobel, M. D. (1) Oxoniensia, iii, 1938, 83ff; (2) ed. Historic Towns, i, 1969.

  Lokeren, van. Chartes de St-Pierre, London and the Vikings, Lond. Mus. Cat. i, 1927.

  Loomis, R. S., (1) Wales and the Arthurian Legend, 1956; (2) The Grail, 1963.

  Lopez, R. S., (1) Spec., xx, 1945, 1-42; (2) ib., xxviii, 1953, 1-43; (3) Byzantion, xviii, 1948, 139-62; (4) in Hoyt, (3) 30-50.


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