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by Jack Lindsay

  Lot, F., (1) Les derniers Carolingiens, 1891; (2) Les invasions germaniques, 1935; (3) L’art militaire et les armées au moyen âge, i, 1946; (4) with Fawtier, Hist. des institutions fr., 1957--62; (5) Naissance de la France; (6) Études critiques sur l’Abbaye de St Wandrille, 1913; (7) Nouvelles recherches sur l’impôt etc., Bibl. Ec. Hautes Etudes, 1955, cciv.

  Loth, J. Hist. de l’abbaye roy. de Jumièges, 1882 5.

  Lottin, O., Recherches de théologie anc. et méd., xiii, 1946.

  Loyd, L. C., (1) Origin of some Anglo-Norman Families, 1951; (2) ed. with Clay and Douglas, Sir C. Hatton’s Book of Seals.

  Loyn, H. R., (1) AS Eng. and the Norman Conquest, 1963; (2) History, xlii, 1957; (3) The Norman Conquest, 1965; (4) EHR, lxx, 1955, 533-40.

  Luard, H. R., Lives of Edward the Conf., RS.

  Lyon, B. D., (1) From Fief to Indenture, 7957; (2) EHR, lxvi, 1951, 161-93.

  Lyon, C. S. S., Num. Circular, lxxxiii, 1965, 180f.


  Macdonald, A. J., (1) Lanfranc, 1925; (2) Berengar and the Reform of the Sacramental Doctrine, 1930.

  McFarlane, K. B., Bull. of Hist. Research, xx, 1945.

  Mcllwain, C. H., Constitutionalism and the Changing World, 94-8, 1939.

  Maeri, C. M., L’organisation de l’écon. urbaine dans Byzance, 1928.

  Magoun, F. P., (1) Eng. Stud., xxxv, 1954, 203f; (2) Spec., xxviii, 7953, 220; (3) Mod. Lang. Rev., xlvi, 1951, 249f; (4) Anglia, lvii, 361-76.

  Maissoneunve, H., Études sur les origines de l’Inquisition, 2nd ed., 1960.

  Maitland, F. W., (1) Domesday Book and Beyond, 1960; (2) Coll. Papers, 1911.

  Malaterra, G., Historia Sicula (MPL cxlix) and (RIS v).

  Malone, K., (1) MLR, xxv, 78-81; (2) Spec., v, 1930, 159-67; (3) ib., viii, 1933, 67-68.

  Manitius, M., Gesch. d. lat. Lit. d. Mitt., ii, 1923.

  Mann, J., (1) An Outline of Arms and Armies in Eng., 1960; (2) in F. M. Stenton (2).

  Marcus, G. J., EHR, lxxi, 1956, 56-61.

  Maréchal, J. R., AN, ix, 1959, 257-72.

  Martin, J. P., Normannia, Oct.-Dec. 1933.

  Marx, J. ed. Gesta Norm. Ducum, Guill. de Jumièges, 1914.

  Mason, J. F. A., EHR, 1934, 283-9.

  Mathieu, M., Guillaume de Pouille, 1961.

  Matthew, D. J., The Norman Conquest, 1966.

  Megaw, (1), in Cromme (2).

  Mellows, C. and W. T., (1) Chron. of Hugh Candidus; (2) Peterborough Local Admin, i, 1939.

  Menager, L. R., (1) Cahiers de Civil. Méd., II, 1959; (2) Q. u. F. aus ital. Arch., xxxiii, 1959; (3) Rev. d’hist. ecclés., lii-iv, 1958-9.

  Messent, J. W., The Round Towers to Eng. Parish Churches, 1958.

  Metcalf, D. M., (1) EcHR, xviii, 3, 1965, 475-82; (2) with Dolley, AS Coins, 1967.

  Meyer, P., ed. L’Estoire de Guillaume le Maréchal, 1901.

  Michaud, E., Guillaume de Champeaux et les écoles de Paris, 1867.

  Mickwitz, G., Ann. d’hist. écon. et soc., viii, 1936, 21-9.

  Miller, E. G., Eng. Illuminated MSS from 10th to 13th c., 1926.

  Miller, F. Abbey and Bishopric of Ely, 1951.

  Moore, N., The Church of St Bartholomew the Great, 1892.

  Moore, W. J., The Saxon Pilgrims to Rome and the Schola Saxonum, 1967.

  Mor, C. G., Rev. hist. de droit fr. et étr., sér. 4, xxxvi, 1958.

  Morey, A. with Brooke, Gilbert Foliot and his Letters, 1965.

  Morris, W. A., (1) EHR, xxxiii, 152-6; (2) ib., xxxvi, 1921; (3) Med. Eng. Sheriff, 1927.

  Morrison, K. F., (1) in. Hoyt (3), 143 59; (2) The Two Kingdoms: Ecclesiology in Carolingian Political Thought, 1964.

  Morton, C. with H. Muntz, The Carmen de Hastingoe Proclio, 1972.

  Müller-Wille, M., Mittel. Burghügel im Nörd. Rheinland, 1966.

  Munro, D. C., Amer. Hist. Rev., xl, 1906, 231-42.

  Murray, M. A., (1) God of the Witches, 1962; (2) Witch Cult in W. Europe, 1921; (3) The Divine King in Eng., 1954.

  Musset, L., (1) Mél. de linguistique...F. Mosse in memoriam, 1959, 330-9 (2) AN, vii, 1957, 345ff; (3) AN, ix, 1959, 285-99; (4) AN, iv, 1954, 31-8; (5) Mél. du treizième centenaire de Fécamp, i, 67-79; (6) Bull. Soc. des Antiq. de N. lii, 1952-4, 117-4I; (7) ib. 142-53; (8) AN, xii, 1962; (9) Bull. S.A.N., xlix, 1942-5, 7-97; (10) Les peuples scand. au moyen âge, 1951; (11) Rev. hist. de droit 4 sér., xxix, 1951; (12) Rev de moyen âge Latin, (4), 1954, 237-66. (13) Rev. hist. de droit 4 sér., xlvii, 1969.


  Napier, A., Anglia, xi. 1889.

  Naumann, H., Wirtschaft u. Kultur: Festschrift A. Dopsch, 1938, 1-12.

  Needham, J., (1) Arts and Sciences in China, no 2, 1964; (2) Clerks and Craftsmen in China and the West, 1970; (3) Science and Civil. in China.

  Neilson, N., Customary Rents, 1910.

  Nevinson, J. L., in F. M. Stenton (2).

  Nicolaisen, W. H. F., Scottish Studies, iv, 1960, 49-70.

  Nissen, W., Die Diataxis des Michael Attaliates, 1894.

  Nithard Hist. des fils de louis le Pieux, ed. P. Lauer, 1926.

  Noonan, J. T., The Scholastic Analysis of Usury, 1957.

  Norlund, P., Viking Settlers in Greenland, 1936.

  Norman Conquest (Battle and District Hist. Soc.), 1966.

  Norwich, John Julius, (1) Normans in the South, 1967; (2) Normans in Sicily.


  Oakley, T. P., Eng. Penitential Discipline and AS Law in their Joint Influence, 1923.

  Odegaard, C. E., Vassi et Fideles in the Carolingian Empire, 1945.

  Oleson, J. T., (1) in Hoyt (3), 122-42; (2) The Witangemot in Reign of Edward the Conf., 1955.

  Olivier-Martin, F., (1) Hist. de la coutume de la prévôté et vicomté de Paris, 3 vols., 1922-30; (2) Soc. J. Bodin: Liens de Vassalité et les immunités, 1936.

  Olleris, A., Oeuvres de Gerbert, 1867.

  Olrik, A., (1) Saga Book of Viking Club, vi, pt 2, 1910; (2) Nord. Geistesleben, 1908.

  Olsen, M., Farming and Farms of Anc. Norway, 1928.

  Onslow, Earl of, The Dukes of Normandy, 1947.

  Ordericus Vitalis, ed. Chibnall and Le Prévost.

  Orwin, C. S., The Open Fields, 1938.

  Osborne, J. van Wyck, The Greatest Norman Conquest, 1937.

  Oschinsy, D., EcHR, xvii, 1947, 52-61.

  Owst, G. R., Preaching in Med. England, 1926.


  Packhard, S. R., Anniversary Essays in Med. Hist. by Students of C. H. Haskins, 1929, ii, 231-54.

  Page, W., Archaeologia, lxvi, 1915, 61-102.

  Painter, S., (1) The Reign of King John, 1949; (2) Studies in the Hist. of the Eng. Feudal Barony, 1943; (3) Feudalism and Liberty, 1961; (4) The Rise of the Feudal Monarchies, 1951; (5) William Marshall, 1933.

  Panofky, E., Abbot Suger on the Abbey Church of St Denia, 1946.

  Pantin, W. A., MA, III, 1959, 216-58.

  Parain, C., AN, II, 1952, 127.

  Paterson, D. R., Early Cardiff, 1926.

  Payne, F. G., Arch. J., civ, 1947, 84f.

  Payne, J. F., Medicine in AS Times, 1904.

  Pertz, G. H., (1) ed. Encomium Emmae; (2) De bello parisiaco of Abbon of St Germain, 1871.

  Pettit-Dutaillis, C., (1) Studies and Notes suppl. to Stubbs’ Conct. Hist., 1908; (2) Feudal Monarchs in Fr. and Eng., 1936; (3) Les communes fr., 1947.

  Philippson, E. A., (1) Die Genealogie der Götter in germ. Relig., 1953.

  Phillpotts, B. S., Kindred and Clan in the Middle Ages and after, 1913.

  Pidal, R. M., La Chanson de Roland, 1960.

  Pigeon, E. A., Hist. de la cathédral de Coutances, 1876.

  Pirenne, H., (1) ed. Galbert De Bruges, Hist. du meutre de Charles le Bon (2) Econ. and Social Hist. of Med. Europe, 1937; (3) Amer. Hist. Rev. xix, 1914, 494-515; (4) Hist. de Belgique, i, 3rd ed. 1909; (5) Med. Cities, 1956.

  Plucknett, T. F. T., (1) Legislation of Ed. I., 1949 (2) Med. Bailiff, 1954.

  Plummer, C., with Earle, Two of the Saxon Chronicles, 1929.

  Pognon, E., L’an mille, 1947.r />
  Pollock, F., (1) with Maitland, Hist. of Eng. Law, 1891; (2) 2nd ed. 1923.

  Poole, A. L., (1) ed. Med. England, 2 vols. (2) Obligations of Society in the 12th and 13th c., 1946; (3) From DB to Magna Carta, 2nd ed. 1955; (4) EHR, lv, 1940, 284-95.

  Poole, R. L., (1) The Exchequer in 12th c., 1912; (2) Early Correspond. of John of Salisbury, 1924, (Br. Acad.).

  Portejoie, I. Le régime des fiefs d’après la coutume de Poitiers, 1924.

  Porter, A. K., Romanesque Sculpture, 1923.

  Post, G., Studies in Med. Legal Thought, 1964.

  Postan, M. M., (1) TRHS, 4th s., xx, 1937, 169-93; (2) EcHR, 2nd s., ii, 1950; (3) Suppl. 2, EHR, 1954, Famuli; (4) with Brooke, Carte Nativorum (Northants RSS, xx), 1950; (5) EcHR, xiv, 1944; (6) J. Rylands Lib. Bull, vi, 1921-2; (7) with Titow, EcHR, xii, n.s. 1959, 392-411.

  Powicke, M., (1) Stephen Langton, 1925; (2) Loss of Normandy, 2nd ed. 1961; (3) EHR, xxvi, 1911, 89-93.

  Powicke, M. R., Spec., xxv, 1950, 457-70.

  Prawer J., Hist. of Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, 1932.

  Prentout, H., (1) Essai sur l’origine et la foundation du duché de Normandie, 1911; (2) Intro. à l’hist. de Caen, 1904; (3) Hist. de Guillaume le Conquerant, i, 1936; (4) Étude critique sur Dudon de Saint Quentin, 1916; (5) Le Régime de Richard II, 1929.

  Prestwick, J., (1) TRHS, 5th s., iv, 1954, 19-43; (2) PP, no 26, Nov. 1963, 39-57.

  Prince, A. E., EHR, xlvi, 1931, 355-21.

  Pryce, T. D., EHR, xx, 1905, 703-11.


  Raby, F. J. E., Secular Latin Poetry, 2 vols., 1934.

  Radcliffe-Brown, A. R., Structure and Function in Prim. Soc., 1952.

  Radley, J., Med. Arch., 1971, 37-57.

  Raftis, J. A., (1) The Estates of Ramsey Abbey, 1957; (2) Tenure and Mobility, 1964.

  Ralph of Coggeshall, Chron. Anglicanum, (RS).

  Randall, H. J., The Vale of Glamorgan, 1961.

  Reid, R., EHR, xxxv, 161-99.

  Renn, D. F., Norman Castles in Britain, 1968.

  Reynolds, R. L., Spec., xii, 1937, 225-56.

  Riant, P., Expeditions et Péleringages des Scandinaves en Terre Sainte, 1865.

  Rice, D. T., ed. The Dark Ages, 1965.

  Richards, D. H., J. Arch. Assn., 3rd s., xxiv, 1961, 67-69.

  Richardson, H. G., (1) with Sayles, The Governance of Med. Eng. from the Conquest to Magna Carta, 1963; (2) English Jewry under the Angevin Kings, 1960; (3) TRHS, 1941, 129ff; (4) EHR, xliii, 1928, 161-71, 321-40; (5) History, xxvi, 1942; (6) with Sayles, Parliaments and Gt. Councils in Med. Eng., 1961. (7) TRHS, 4th s., xi, 137-83; (8) EHR, 1954, 596-611.

  Richer, Historia, ed. R. Latouche 1930, Pugol 1876.

  Rigold, S. E., Antiq. J., cxv, for 1958, 1960, 2641.

  Riley, H. T., Chronicles of Old London, 1963.

  Ritchie, R. L. G., (1) The Normans in Scotland, 1954; (2) The Normans in Eng. before the N.C., 1948.

  Robertson, A. J., (1) The Laws of the Kings of Eng. from Edmund to Henry I, 1925; (2) AS Charters, 1956; (3) Materials for the Hist. of T. Becket (RS).

  Robinson, J. A., (1) Gilbert Crispin, 1911; (2) St. Oswald and the Church of Worcester, 1919; (3) J. Theolog. St., 1929.

  Robinson, W. C., EcHR, 2nd s., xii, 1959, 63-76.

  Rogers, T., Hist. of Agric. and Prices, 1866-1902.

  Ronciere, C. de la, Hist. de la marine fr., i, 1899.

  Rose-Troup, F., Trans. Devon. Assn., lxiii, 1931.

  Ross, A. S. C., Terfinnas and Beormas of Ohthere, 1940.

  Roth, C., Hist. of Jews in Eng., 1949.

  Round, J. H., (1) Feudal Eng., 1895; (2) ib., 1909; (3) Archaeologia, lviii, 1902; (4) The King’s Sergeants and Officers of State, 1911; (5) Arch. J., lix, 1902; (6) Geoffrey de Mandville, 1892; (7) Studies in the Peerage and Family Hist., 1907; (8) ed. Calendar of Docs. preserved in France, 1899; (9) in Dove, 119-21; (10) The Commune of London, 1899; (11) Ancestor, xi, 153-7; (12) EHR, x, 732.

  Rousset, P., Les origines et les caracteres de la prem. croisade, 1945.

  Roy, J., L’an mille, 1885.

  Runciman, S., A Hist of the Crusades, 3 vols., 1965.

  Ruprecht, A., Die augehende Wikingerzeit im Licht d. Runeninschr., 1958.

  Russell, J. B., Dissent and Reform in the Early Middle Ages, 1965.

  Russell, J. C., (1) Trans. Amer. Philos, Soc., xlviii, 3, 1958; (2) Spec., iii, 1928, 34-63.

  Rye, W., Norfolk Antiq. Misc., 1877.


  Sacral Kingship contribs. to central theme of viiith internat. congress for Hist. of Religions, Rome, April, 1955: Leiden 1959.

  Salin E., Civil mèrovingienne, iv, 1954.

  Salter H., Cartulary of Oseney Abbey, 1935.

  Salzmann, L. F., (1) Med. Byeways, 1913; (2) More Med. Byeways, 1926; (3) Eng. Life in the Middle Ages, 1926; (4) Eng. Industries in the Middle Ages, 1923.

  Saltman, Theobald Archbishop of Canterbury.

  Sanders, I. J., (1) Eng. Baronies, 1960; (2) Feudal Military Service in Eng., 1956.

  Sawyer, P. H., (1) The Age of the Vikings, 1962; (2) ib., 1971; (3) TRHS, 5th s., xv, 1965, 145-64; (4) PP, xxiv, 1963, 90-5.

  Sayles, G. O., (1) The Med. Foundations of Eng., 1958; (2) see Richardson; (3) Select Cases of the Court of the King’s Bench under Ed. I, 1939.

  Schieffer, T., Deut. Archiv f. Dess. d. Mitt., i, 1937, 323-60.

  Schlesinger, W., Beitr. z. deut. Verfass d. Mitt., 1963, i.

  Schmidt. C., Hist. et doctrines de la secte de Cathars, 1848.

  Schoenbeck, ILN Arch. Section 2244, (14 May 1968).

  Schramm, P. E., Hist. of Eng. Coronation (trans. Legg), 1937.

  Sczaniecki, N., Essai sur les fiefs-rentes, 1946.

  Seaby, P., Brit. Num., J., xxviii, 1955, 111-46.

  Seagrave, B. G., with Thomas, Songs of the Minnesingers, 1970.

  Searle, E., EcHR, 2nd s., xvi, 1963-4, 290-300.

  Seaver, E. I., in Med. St. in Mem. A. K. Porter, ed. W. Kochler, 1939.

  Sée, H., (1) Les classes rurales et le régime domaniale en France, 1901; (2) Hist. écon. de la France, i, 1939.

  Seebohm, F., The Eng. Village Community, 2nd ed. 1890.

  Seebohm, M. E., The Evolution of the Eng. Farm, 1927.

  Seignobos, C., Hist. of the French People, 1933.

  Sellwood, D. G., Brit. Num. J., xxxi, 1962, 57-65.

  Sewter, E. R. A., Alexiad, 1969.

  Shannon, E. F., Spec., 1951.

  Shetelig, H., (1) with Falk, Scand. Archaeology, 1937; (2) Préhistoire de la Norvège, 1926; (3) see Brøgger.

  Simpson, J., Everyday Life in the Viking Age, 1967.

  Singer, C., From Magic to Science, 1928.

  Singer, H., Die Summa Decretorum, 1902.

  Sisam, K., Procs. Brit. Acad., xxxix, 1953, 287-346.

  Sjovold, T., The Viking Ships, 1954.

  Sluach, M., Spec., xiv, 1939, 448-64.

  Smail, R. C., (1) Crusading Warfare, 1956; (2) in A. L. Poole, i, 128-67.

  Smalley, B., ed. Trends in Med. Political Thought, 1965.

  Smet, J. J. de, Bull. Acad. roy. de Belgique, xiv, 2, 1847, 334-60.

  Smith, A. H., (1) Eng. Place Name Elements; (2) trans. Heimskringla, 1932.

  Smith, J. T., Antiq. J., xcv, for 1958 (1960), 111-49.

  Snape, R. H., Eng. Monastic Finances, 1926.

  Sohm, R., Das altkath. Kirchenrecht, 1918.

  Southern, R. W., (1) The Making of the Middle Ages, 1953; (2) History, xlv, 1960, 201-16; (3) St Anselm and his Biographer, 1963; (4) Listener, 6 April 1967 and 26 Aug. 1965; (5) TRHS 4th s., xvi, 1933, 95-128; (6) Med. and Renaissance Studies, iv, 1958, 176-216; (7) Procs. Brit. Acad, xlviii, 1962, 127-69; (8) in F. M. Powicke, 1948; (9) EHR, lvii, 1943, 389-91; (10) Western Society and the Church, 1970; (11) Med. Humanism, 1970.

  Speakman, E., in Tout (3), 57-75.

  Steele, R., Med. Lore from Bartholomew Anglicus, 1905.

  Steensberg, Laos, i, 1951, 198.

  Steenstrup, J., Normandiets Historie mider de syv første Hertuger, 1925.r />
  Stefano, G. de, Monumenti della Sicilia normanna.

  Stein, E., Untersuch. z. spätbyz. Verfass, etc., 1925.

  Steinberg, S., La Bibliofila, xxxix, 1937 (Normans in Sicily).

  Stenberger, M., Sweden, 1963.

  Stenton, D. M., (1) Eng. Society in Early Middle Ages, 1951; (2) Eng. Justice between the N.C. and the Great Charter, 1963.

  Stenton, F. M., (1) Norman London, 1934; (2) ed. Bayeux Tapestry, 1957, (3) William the Conqueror, 1908; (4) The First Century of Eng. Feudalism, 1961; (5) AS Eng., 1947; (6) Procs. Brit. Acad. (Danes in Eng.), 1927, 203-46; (7) Bull. Soc. roy. des Lettres de Lund, 1925-6; (8) History, xix, 1935, 298; (9) TRHS, 1944; (10) ib. 1945, 1-12; (11) Facsimile of Early Charters, Northants Colls. 1930; (12) Types of Manorial Structure in Northern Danelaw, 1910; (13) Early Hist. of Abbey of Abingdon, 1913; (14) Latin Charters of the AS Period; (15) with Mawer, Place Names of Sussex, 1929; (16) K. Humanistika Vetenskampsfunt, 1925-6, 73ff; (17) Danelaw Charters, 1920; (18) EHR, xxxvii, 1922, 225-35; (19) Oxford Studies in Social and Legal Hist., II, 1910; (20) History, xviii, 258.

  Stephenson, C., (1) with Marcham, Sources of Eng. Constit. Hist., 1937; (2) Med. Feudalism, 1942; (3) Amer. Hist. Rev., xlvi, 1940, 778-812; (4) ib. xlviii, 1942-3, 245-65; (5) Borough and Town, 1933; (6) EHR, lix, 1944, 289-310.

  Stevenson, J., Chron. mon. de Abingdon, (RS), 1858.

  Stevenson, W. H., EHR, xxviii, 115f.

  Stokes, W., Martyrology of Gorman, 1895.

  Stone, L., Sculpture in Britain: the Middle Ages, 1955.

  Strayer, J. R., (1) in Hoyt (3) 51-65; (2) in Clagett.

  Stubbs, W., (1) Select Charters, 1921; (2) De Gestis Regum Anglorum, 1887; (3) Hist. Intro. to Rolls Series, 1902; (4) Memorials of St Dunstan, (RS), 1874; (5) Seventeen Lectures on Med. and Mod. Hist., 1886; (6) Constit. Hist. of Eng., 1891; (7) with Haddan, Councils and Eccles. Docs.

  Sturler, J. de, Relations politiques...entre le duché de Brabant et l’Angleterre, 1936.

  Stutz, V., (1) Gesch. des kirchl. Benefizialwesens, i, 1895; (2) Gött. Gelehr. Anz., 1900 (rev. Imbart I).

  Suger, (1) Vie de Louis VI le Gros, ed. H. Waquet; (2) De Vita Lud. Grossi, ed., Duchesne.


  Tait, J., Med. Eng. Borough, 1926.

  Talbot, C. H., ed. The Life of Christina of Markyate, 1859.

  Tardif, J., in Congrès du Millenaire de la Normandie i.

  Tahahashi, H. K., in Transition.


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