Book Read Free

Deadly Devotion

Page 14

by Sandra Orchard

  The door inched open.

  Spotting a myrtle spurge plant, Kate eased toward it, not daring to take her eyes off the door.

  Long fingers, manicured yet masculine, curled around its edge. One foot—one very large foot—stepped into view.

  “Who’s there?” she called.

  The door burst open.

  “What—” Kate swallowed hard, struggling to pull her voice down a couple of octaves. “What are you doing here?”

  Edward, dressed in dark clothes and sunglasses, swaggered into the room. “I was driving by and noticed your car out front.” The door clicked shut behind him.

  Trapped. What was wrong with her? She should have parked around back like she did yesterday. And she should have told someone where she’d be. If only she hadn’t lost sight of Tom’s dad somewhere between the florist and the caterer.

  Edward sauntered along the wall in her general direction.

  With Tom’s warning not to betray her suspicions blaring in her head, Kate pasted on a how nice smile and discreetly reached behind her, searching by touch for the plant.

  “Your roommate told me the two of you were doing wedding stuff all day. Yet here you are.” Edward stopped at the computer and rested his palm on the hard drive as if he knew exactly what she’d been up to.

  “We finished early.” Kate walked her fingers along the counter until they bumped into the myrtle spurge. Without looking, she snapped off a runner and prayed the toxic juice wouldn’t spurt onto her own hands.

  Edward tilted his head to one side. “What’s the matter? You look nervous.”

  “What do you expect?” She waggled the plant runner at him. “You scared the bejeebies out of me. I thought you were an intruder.”

  He chuckled. “And what did you plan to do? Whack me with that weed?”

  She jabbed the air with it, trying to act playful. “You bet. This baby works way better than pepper spray. Not only will the sap make your eyes and skin sting horribly, it’ll make your face swell fatter than roadkill on a hot summer day.”

  “Ni-i-ice.” He shuddered exaggeratedly. “Lucky for me I’m your friend.”

  If only she could believe that. She lowered her arm. “What are you doing here?”

  “Like I said”—he hitched his thumb over his shoulder—“I saw your car outside, and since I have that stuff from Daisy in my trunk, I figured this was as good a time as any to give it to you.” Edward took a step toward her, looked at the weed in her hand, and seemed to have second thoughts. “If you want to give me your keys, I can throw the stuff into your car.”

  She grabbed her purse from the end of the counter. “That’s okay. I’ll go out with you.” When she didn’t release the myrtle spurge, Edward gave her a funny look.

  What was worse, escalating his suspicions or giving up her weapon?

  She opted to drop the plant into the trash and poked her keys between her fingers instead. “I’m sorry I didn’t return your call,” she said, striding past him and out the lab door. “With everything that’s been happening, I’ve gotten behind on my work here.”

  “No problem. Did you find anything helpful in the journals?” His tone, if it could be believed, held friendly curiosity.

  Was he being nice to lure her into a false sense of security? He had to know she’d seen the remnants of the journal he’d burned.

  Kate tried to swallow the sudden clog in her throat. Shouldn’t she be able to see evil in a person’s eyes?

  Glancing away, she said, “No, I haven’t found anything yet.”

  Edward squeezed her shoulder. “I’m sorry.”

  She shrank from his touch, barely stopping herself from bolting out of the building.

  He let his hand drop. “Are you upset with me?”

  “Upset? Why would I be upset with you?” Her voice sounded unnaturally high even to her own ears. The long hall to the main door felt like a dark tunnel. And in the silence, the echo of their footfalls sounded downright terrifying.

  “If I hadn’t turned up in Aunt Daisy’s life when I did, you would’ve gotten her whole estate, I’m sure.”

  Kate gasped. “I’ve never even considered the idea. Until Daisy died, I had no clue I was even named in her will. I don’t begrudge you a penny. Believe me. If anything, as her only blood relative, you should get it all.” If you didn’t kill her.

  Kate pushed through the main door. At the sight of people strolling through the grounds, she was finally able to take a full breath. Surely Edward wouldn’t threaten her in a public place.

  He laid his arm across her shoulder and squeezed her to his side. “You were like a daughter to Daisy.”

  If Edward was aware of how she stiffened in his embrace, he didn’t show it.

  He grinned down at her. “That makes us kind of like cousins.” Halting, he curled his arm toward his chest bringing them face-to-face.

  She froze under his intense gaze. Edward had always been a flirt, but never like this. Interest simmered in his eyes. Interest, and something more. Something like surprise, as though he were seeing her—really seeing her—for the first time.

  He skimmed his thumb over her lips. “Or maybe not cousins.”

  She pushed her palm against his chest, breaking his hold. “You’re supposed to be engaged. Remember?”

  He blinked, grinned. “Yes. Molly’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  The roar of an engine split the air, startling them both. A red car sped out of the parking lot.

  “Was that Molly?”

  Edward stared after the disappearing car, his unwelcome flirtation thankfully forgotten.

  Kate’s car sat in the shadow of a nearby copse of oaks—perfect for staying cool, not so good for staying in view of the afternoon visitors to the grounds. But the sooner she got what he came to deliver, the sooner he’d be on his way. “Were you going to get me that stuff or not?”

  “Right.” He popped his trunk and wrestled out a duffle bag.

  “What’s in it?” And did she really want it in her trunk? For all she knew, he’d buried a bomb inside. After all, only she stood between him and all of Daisy’s money.

  “Uh, ladies’ stuff. You may not want any of it. We’ll have to plan a time to go through the rest of my aunt’s belongings together.”

  Kate left her trunk closed. She had no intention of going through anything with Edward. Not alone anyway. But reminding herself of Tom’s instructions not to reveal her suspicions, she said, “Sure,” in as cheerful a voice as she could muster.

  Edward rested the oversized duffle bag on her car bumper. “Are you going to open the trunk?”

  “That’s okay, just set the bag over here on the grass.” She moved to the front of her car. The sun slipped behind a cloud, and the long afternoon shadows faded. “I’ll, um, go through the items before I leave, in case there’s, um, anything I want to drop off at the thrift store.”

  Edward set the bag where she’d directed but didn’t release the handle. “It’s heavy. Are you sure you can manage? I’d be happy to follow you home.”

  “No. Thanks. I’ll be fine.” She eyed the bag suspiciously. If it held a bomb, he wouldn’t let her rummage through the contents on the research station’s lawn. Would he?

  Edward released his hold and skimmed his fingers over the bag. Backing away, he glanced at his watch. “Well, if you’re sure you’ll be all right, then”—he hitched his thumb toward his car—“I’ll get going.”

  His gaze dropped to the bag one last time, and he gave her a tight smile.

  Her heart kicked, but before she could find her voice, Edward ripped out of the parking lot in a spray of gravel.


  Everything and everyone, from the birds chirping in the trees to the dozen or so people wandering the grounds, stopped at the sound of Edward careening out of the parking lot in his flashy Porsche.

  Warn them, Kate’s mind screamed, but like a quivering reed, she stood transfixed by the bag he’d left at her feet. From the wa
y he’d glanced at his watch and then hightailed it out of there, she knew she should run. Run before this bag blew her to smithereens.

  But her legs refused to cooperate.

  A hand touched her shoulder.

  She whirled around, keys clawed between her fingers, and missed a nose by inches.

  Tom grabbed her wrist. “Whoa, there! I’m on your side.”

  Jolted out of her trance, Kate screamed, “Bomb! Get everyone away!” She swept her arms through the air and ran toward the research building. “Everyone stay back. Stay back. I think there’s a bomb.”

  Keith appeared and joined her and Tom in urging people to move back. Dog walkers wrangled in their pooches and dragged them well away, while those who’d been out of earshot jogged over to see what the commotion was about.

  Tom formed a barrier with his arms and raised his voice above the murmur. “Please, everyone stay back. I’m Detective Parker. We have a suspicious package. Until we’re sure it’s safe, we need you to stay back.”

  “What makes you think there’s a bomb in the bag?” Keith whispered in Kate’s ear.

  “Edward was acting so strange, and he wanted to put the bag into my trunk, and when I wouldn’t let him, I thought I saw him fiddle with something in the bag. The news reporters talk about car bombs all the time. I just thought . . .”

  Keith met Tom’s gaze, and without a word being spoken, Keith nodded and then moved toward the bag.

  “What are you doing?” Kate tried to grab his arm, but Tom yanked her back. She pummeled his chest. “You have to stop him. We need to call the bomb squad.”

  “Dad used to be in bomb disposal,” Tom said quietly, crushing her clenched fists against him. “He knows what to do.”

  At the feel of Tom’s protective arms around her, she stopped fighting him. “I . . . I was so scared,” Kate mumbled against his shirt.

  “You did great.”

  Keith knelt next to the duffel bag and muttered something she couldn’t make out.

  She eased herself from Tom’s arms. “Shouldn’t he be wearing protective gear? What if the bomb goes off when he opens the bag?”

  “Trust me. Dad knows what he’s doing. Tell me again why you think there’s a bomb in the bag. What did Edward say to you?”

  “I . . . I don’t remember. But he was acting so strange and—” A sob cut off the rest of her explanation. Putting her reasons into words made them sound embarrassingly far-fetched.

  “It’s okay. You did the right thing.” Tom’s grave tone made her fears seem absolutely legitimate. He drew her farther away from the bag and then gently lifted her chin. “Are you okay?”

  She sniffed. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. It’s just that Edward showed up at my lab and all I could think of was how you’d warned me to be careful. But I didn’t know what to do.” She hugged her arms around her waist and focused on Keith.

  He pulled out a long yellow rope attached to pulleys and gingerly set it on the ground.

  A man in the group whispered to his wife, “That looks like that thingamabob you exercise with.”

  The woman jabbed him with her elbow. “Shh.”

  Next Keith pulled out a black rubber ring, about a foot in diameter, with red sponge handholds on either side.

  More whispers swished through the crowd and Kate’s heart sledge-hammered her ribs with bone-crushing thumps.

  Slowly Keith pulled out a pair of turquoise, gelatinous-looking balls. His head tilted as he studied the one in his right hand, pressing his fingers one after the other into the semisolid material.

  Kate held her breath, every muscle taut, as she watched his examination.

  A moment later, he tossed the balls onto the grass. The group gasped.

  Kate ducked, certain the gelatinous masses would explode on impact.

  They didn’t.

  And maybe Keith hadn’t exactly tossed them, but he could have moved them with a lot more caution.

  “That stuff is just exercise equipment,” a woman in the group said, waving a hand at the collection on the ground and then walking away.

  Kate glanced from the seemingly innocuous items to the skeptical faces in the crowd, but her own pounding heart wouldn’t let up. Not until . . .

  Keith pulled the next item from the bag—a pair of thick purple spirals, joined in the middle by a black plastic, sausagelike thing—and Tom actually laughed.

  “Isn’t that one of those thigh beaters?”

  “Oh yeah.” Keith chuckled. “Your mom went through a couple of these puppies. Swore they shaved inches off her thighs.”

  Kate cringed at how ridiculous her fears looked in light of what was really in the bag.

  Keith sat back on his heels. “Nothing suspicious here.” He grinned. “Unless you count the—ahem—torture gadgets.”

  The spectators laughed and broke into applause.

  “Okay, folks,” Tom announced. “It’s safe to go.”

  As Keith tossed the items back into the bag, Tom returned his attention to Kate. Oh, joy. This was not the kind of attention she’d wanted.

  “Why did Edward come here?”

  “To give me the bag. He said he saw my car. He wants me to go through Daisy’s belongings with him, but I don’t think I can do that. I can’t bear the thought of him pawing through Daisy’s things. Why haven’t you arrested him?”

  “I can’t arrest him without evidence,” Tom said, all traces of humor gone.

  “Well, he wiped the browsing history and emails from Daisy’s lab computer. An innocent man wouldn’t do that. And—” Kate told Tom about the backup disk and the detective agency and the article on the swindler. “I think Daisy was suspicious of Edward and he knew it.”

  Tom cupped Kate’s elbow and steered her toward the research building. “Okay, I want you to show me what you’ve found.”

  Kate swiped her ID through the exterior electronic lock and led the way to her lab.

  “How would Edward have accessed Daisy’s computer?” Tom asked.

  “She kept her pass card and keys in her purse. Security probably never thought to ask for them back.”

  “What about her password?”

  “That would’ve been tougher. Daisy changed it every week. She’d go through the alphabet using Latin plant names.” Kate unlocked the lab door and switched on the lights. “If Edward knew what letter she was on, he could have guessed the password. That’s how I got in. Or maybe he watched over her shoulder as she entered it.”

  Tom nodded, but his furrowed brow suggested he was dubious about her theory. “Your boss accessed Daisy’s computer for me after her death.”

  “He has administrative privileges. They probably allow him to override passwords. I’m not sure.”

  “So he might’ve cleaned the personal stuff from Daisy’s computer.”

  “Darryl? I can’t think of any reason why he would. It’s got to be Edward.” Kate powered up the computer and pulled the portable hard drive from her pocket.

  “Did Daisy mention anything to you about someone pilfering from the labs?”

  “No.” Kate’s gaze strayed to the bare spot she’d noticed on the shelf over her workbench. When Tom’s followed, she backpedaled, self-conscious about the apparent discrepancy. “I don’t know. Maybe. What’s that got to do with anything?”

  “It’s another case I’m working on. Daisy’s name came up.”

  “You think the thefts had something to do with Daisy’s death?” Kate recalled Darryl mentioning that the missing intern used to invent stuff.

  “The timing is suspicious.”

  “We had an intern named Gord Laslo quit around the time Daisy died. Apparently, he used to tinker. He could have taken the stuff for his inventions.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me about this guy sooner?” Tom practically growled.

  “I found out about him the day your boss accosted me in the woods. Can you blame me for forgetting?”

  “Any other potential suspects you’ve forgotten
to tell me about?”

  She chewed on her bottom lip. If she revealed her suspicions of Brewster after imagining Edward planned to put a bomb in her car, Tom might lock her up. Better to stick to one suspect at a time. “No, just Gordon. Daisy had threatened to have him expelled for plagiarism.”

  “You think this kid committed murder to get out of an expulsion?” Tom pulled a notepad from the inside pocket of his jacket and started writing.

  “No.” Kate sunk into the computer chair. “I had thought that he might have switched Daisy’s tea as a prank and then skipped town when the prank went bad.”

  “Wait a minute. You’re saying Gordon left town?”


  “And you didn’t think this was important enough to tell me?”

  “Edward is the one who told me about Gord. He probably wanted to keep me busy chasing ghosts.”

  “If you’re going to be a detective, you can’t ignore half of your clues because they don’t fit your suspect. This student had a motive and he had the knowledge and means to substitute the marigolds. How about opportunity? There was no sign of forced entry at any of Leacock’s doors or windows. Would she have allowed Gordon into her house?”

  “Daisy welcomed everyone into her home. But I don’t think Gord’s our killer. If Edward hadn’t been the one to point me toward him, I’d be more worried the kid was another victim.”

  “Victim?” Tom’s raised voice rattled the test tubes.

  “Yes, a victim.” To avoid Tom’s scowl, Kate punched in Daisy’s password and navigated through the computer pages. “Gord worked at the greenhouse near where your chief grabbed me in the woods. I thought Gord might have seen something he shouldn’t have.” The horrible scenario unfolded in Kate’s mind, and for a moment, she forgot about Edward. “If he’d mentioned that something to Daisy before going missing, Daisy might have asked the wrong people questions.”

  “What wrong people?”

  “Drug dealers, of course.” The news article about a swindler loaded onto the computer screen, reminding her where they needed to focus. She tilted the screen toward Tom. “Never mind about that. It was just a theory. I know you think I’m letting my imagination get carried away, but take a look at this.”


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