December Heat
Page 18
How would she ever get through this evening’s performance? By summoning all your professional skills, how else? she told herself firmly, taking deep calming breaths, and determined Jake’s thoughtless actions wouldn’t strip away all of her dignity.
A soft tap at the door interrupted her breathing exercises. She opened it to be greeted with more flowers. On accepting them, she thanked the delivery guy, closed the door and considered tossing the card away, unread, but something prompted her to take a look.
As she suspected, the roses were from Jake, and as usual, they were beautiful. “Left in a bit of a rush. Sorry to miss the show tonight. Some appointments were moved at the last minute, so I’ve taken the opportunity to visit Canberra and catch up with Nat and Luke. I love you. See you in a couple of days. Jake.”
Nic’s heart soared. He loved her! She’d done the right thing! But mindful of the precarious position she’d put herself in, she sought out Danny.
“I’ve a favor to ask, but please, no questions. My you still have it?”
“Yes, I do. You’ve changed your mind then. That’s great. I...I mean, it is for us, but what about you?”
She smiled ruefully at him. “No, I haven’t changed my mind. Just keep it as my case things don’t work out or until everything is settled. Okay?”
“Okay,” he smiled. “Better to be safe than sorry.”
“I’ll miss you Danny,” she said as she gave him a big hug.
“Likewise, babe,” he replied and held her tight.
* * *
Nic answered a knock on her dressing room door. She opened it only to be confronted with a huge bouquet of red roses which seemed to be supported by a pair of long muscular legs. “Oh, they’re beautiful.”
She reached out to take them but the roses lowered to reveal a familiar smiling face.
“Jake!” Her heart beat a little faster than it should and she wanted to throw herself at him and hug him tight. She opened the door wider for him to enter the room. “You’ve spent a small fortune on flowers for me. Thank you, they’re lovely.”
“You’re worth it and it’s the least I could do for leaving without telling you where I was going. I’m sorry I had to go in such a rush.”
His rich deep voice was like a soothing balm to her anxious heart.
“I have to admit I got a bit of a shock when I phoned your hotel only to find you’d checked out. I...I thought you’d left to go back overseas.”
“I wouldn’t do that to you,” he said, drawing her closer, his hand cupping the back of her head as he bent to kiss her mouth. “I missed you so much. You sure taste good.”
“So do you,” she whispered.
“You drive me crazy in that outfit.” Appreciatively, and ever so slowly, his gaze wandered over her skimpy leather costume and her toes curled.
He kissed her again, more possessively and she gave herself up to his passion.
“There’s another outfit I guarantee will drive you crazier,” she teased, breathless when he’d finally released her from his kiss.
“Have dinner with me tonight in my room and wear it for me?” How could she not? She almost melted at the need and desire in his eyes.
“Count on it.” She stood on tiptoes and kissed him again. “Are you staying to watch the show?”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
There was a sharp rap on the door. “Nic, are you decent?” Danny’s voice sounded through the wooden barrier.
Nic pulled away from Jake and opened the door. Before she could caution Danny on the quiet not to say anything about her resignation, Danny said, “You’re a lucky dog, Jake. This woman has given up everything for you.”
Nic’s stomach churned. She glanced at the shocked expression on Jake’s face and knew she had good reason to be concerned.
“Make sure you take good care of her.” Jake’s gaze held hers.
Danny turned to Nic. “It’s time, babe. Are you ready?”
She took a deep breath and reluctantly dragged her gaze away from Jake. “Yes.”
“Sounds as if you’ve got some explaining to do,” Jake said, frowning when she turned and planted a hurried kiss on his mouth.
“I love you, Jake.”
She closed the door behind her, the breath in her lungs forcing its way from her body. She said a silent prayer, hoping she’d made the right decision and that Jake actually did want to spend the rest of his life with her. For now, she couldn’t afford to dwell on his shocked expression. She had to concentrate on getting through the show.
After the show, Jake’s arm wrapped firmly around her as they walked to the hotel in silence. The cool night air was refreshing, and the walk gave Nic a chance to settle her stomach and think about the night ahead and what she would say to Jake. She wanted to convince him, but she didn’t want to sound pleading and begging. She just hoped he wanted her with him as much as she wanted to be with him. She thought of the outfit she’d purchased, safely tucked into her bag.
Once they were in Jake’s room, he ordered dinner while Nic headed to the bathroom for a quick shower, telling herself she was trying to avoid answering his questions before she was ready.
She slipped on the lacy, revealing teddy, a lovely ivory shade, and pulled on matching stay-ups with lacy tops. Unsure of how the evening would go now that Jake suspected she’d been up to something without his knowledge, she slipped on her robe, as a safety measure to keep her dignity intact if necessary.
Nic scrunched and flicked at her hair, scraping her fingers through it to give a wilder untamed look before nervously leaving the bathroom. Dinner had already arrived and Jake was opening a bottle of champagne. So far so good.
She smiled, took a deep breath and slipped off her robe.
His breath caught and she smiled at the longing in his eyes.
“Witch,” he said. “Come here.”
She took the few steps toward him, and tried not to tremble with nerves and excitement as he hauled her into his arms. Her future...their future rested on the next few moments.
“What have you been up to while I’ve been away?”
“Oh, nothing much, but just before you left, I had this very generous offer to crew on a yacht and sail around the world with the most wonderful man I’ve ever met.”
His body tensed at her comment and she moved away.
“And are you going to accept the offer?”
She considered him, choosing her words carefully. “It’s a good offer, and I’m very tempted. However....” She was enjoying this little game, teasing him. The anxious expression on his face spurred her on.
“I, crewing isn’t my thing and no, I won’t be accepting the offer.”
His face fell and she felt guilty over playing games at his expense. She stepped closer, her body brushing intimately against his, tracing his lips with the tip of her tongue. “But I wondered if there were any other jobs available...something that might suit me better.”
She could feel Jake’s heartbeat and pressed even closer. “You know, something that requires a little more...intimacy?” She stood on tiptoes and kissed his mouth. He tasted so good, a potent combination of vibrant male, warmth and sweetness. Why wouldn’t she consider running away to sea with him?
His arm snaked around her and hauled her closer, his arousal pressing against her. “You are a witch,” he said. “I can’t seem to break free of your spell.” He took her mouth in a demanding hungry kiss and Nic went weak at the knees.
Jake scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bed.
“Get this thing off,” he said, tugging at the lace.
“Slowly,” she whispered, resting her hand on his to still his action. “Like this. And this.” Nic shivered with pleasure as his mouth followed the scanty piece of lace down her body.
Her fingers moved to the lacy tops of her stockings, but he stopped her. “No, leave those on. Do you mind?”
“No,” she whispered, her body b
urning for him. “I’m all yours.”
* * *
“You’ve actually resigned?” Jake clarified.
“But what about your career? I thought it meant the world to you.”
“It did, but there’s more to life than having a great career. I want something more fundamental to my well-being. I want a life of my own, love, companionship, some kind of permanency in a relationship. A family. Those things are more important to’s not hard to give up a career for the right person, the right goals.”
He looked a touch panic-stricken.
“You did it for Mark, but you yourself said that you had reservations afterwards. I don’t want that for us. I don’t think I could handle it if things went wrong, knowing it was my fault you were unhappy.”
“I’ve been thinking a lot about my marriage to Mark. I’m not sure it would have lasted in the long term anyway. And besides, that was different. Mark gave away a career he loved. It wasn’t the right thing for him to do. Not with his personality. You won’t be giving up something that means a lot to you, like Mark did. What I’m giving up is only a small part of what we could have together, what I want from life. I love you, Jake. I want to spend my life with you. What do I have to say to convince you that I want to take off on your crazy adventure with you?”
“But you don’t like traveling.”
“I’ve changed my mind. Besides, I never said anything about disliking sailing. I love the sea, being both on it and in it.”
“Oh Nic.” Jake looked as if he were about to burst with happiness.
“But what about your dancing? There’s little room on the yacht to practice your routines.”
She smiled. “I’ll manage. I can adjust to the limited space. Besides, we’ll be hitting land sometimes on our travels. I can dance naked on the beach.” She laughed.
“Not if I have anything to say about it.”
“What I mean is, I’ll have all the room I need. I’ve plans to incorporate other dance cultures into what I know, work on my choreography skills. It will be like a working holiday for me, in a way. So I’ll get something out of it...besides you.” She smiled. “And I fancy I might learn something about crewing a yacht in my spare time.”
“What can I say?”
“Say you love me. Say you want me to be with you forever.”
“I love you, Nic. I always will. Always did. From the moment I kissed you at that stupid party. And I want you to be with me, always, forever.” Nic closed her eyes, relishing his declaration of love and the sensations of his fingers combing through her hair.
“I guess I was always afraid to admit it. That I’d disappoint you by not being in a position to be your partner for life.”
“Oh, Jake.” She raised her hand and caressed his face.
“Marry me, Nic?”
He hugged and kissed her over and over, before easing her away from him. “I have to go away in a few days, for about a month. Isn’t that when your show ends its season?”
“Yes, I’ll be free then.”
“Oh no you won’t, witch.” Passion and tenderness filled his kiss. “You’ll never be free of me, Sweetheart.” And he kissed her again.
* * *
Nic was delighted. She’d never been so happy. Jake had made it back in time for the last show. As Danny and Tim stepped back and she took her final bows, the applause and whistles kept coming. She was presented with flowers and smiled into the audience, hoping the tears which threatened wouldn’t spill down her cheeks. Yes, she’d miss the accolades and curtain calls, but she could live with that.
Danny surprised her by stepping up to the microphone. Eventually the crowd became silent.
“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s with much regret that tonight I announce the retirement of our leading lady, Nicolette Oliver. Day after tomorrow she will become Mrs. Jake Harrigan, and sail around the world on the longest honeymoon in history. How romantic is that?”
The audience applauded wildly.
Jake strolled onto the stage, looking sinfully sexy, his gaze riveted to hers, his smooth easy strides covering the distance between them in a fraction of a second.
Nic almost fainted in surprise, but Jake’s arm snaked around her waist and held her close to him as he acknowledged the audience with a grin and a wave.
“This is a lot to give up,” he whispered, barely audible over the applause. “Are you sure?”
“You know I’m sure. I love you, Jake.” She turned and stood on her tiptoes, her mouth seeking his.
Danny grabbed the flowers on their way to the floor, and Nic’s arms wound around Jake’s neck as she leaned into him.
“Kiss me,” she whispered.
And Jake did just that, much to the delight of the audience.
The End
About the Author
Australian romance author, Joanie MacNeil, writes short contemporary romance novels. All but one of her novels are set in Australia. One is set in Scotland and her dream is to visit there again.
She loves to travel with her own romantic hero, recently visiting Tunisia, Istanbul, Croatia, Venice, Mykonos, Spain, Portugal and Morocco, and also cruising the Mediterranean. The most recent adventure involved taking the Indian Pacific train from Sydney to Perth, then driving across Australia from west coast to east.
When she’s not travelling, or involved in writing-related activities, Joanie enjoys going to the movies, having coffee with friends, participating in aqua aerobics, and spending time with her three lively little grandsons.
No Boundaries, Joanie MacNeil’s next Books We Love romance, will be available soon. – coming soon
twitter: @JoanieMacneil
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