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Snowed In With The Stuntmen

Page 4

by Riley Love

  Ripping open a foil packet, he rolled it down on his cock with one hand. My mouth was watering, my pussy dripping. I wanted him. I wanted all of him, and I wanted him inside me. He grasped my ankles, pushing my legs up and opening me wide before he drove deep inside.

  Once he was in to the hilt, he closed his eyes, and the moment moved in slow motion. We belonged together, even if it was for that instant. But it didn’t last. His thrusts came fast, and he let go of my legs, his fingers working my clit as hard and as fast as he slammed his thick cock into me over and over again. His hand closed over my throat.

  I buried my face in my arm to stifle my scream as my world blackened at the edges and started to burn. My pussy clenched, trying to trap him inside, doing anything to make this night last forever.

  But I couldn’t make it happen. Could I? His climax followed mine, his cum hot against the condom.

  Ethan pulled out and collapsed against me. Sweat dappled his skin, and his breaths were labored.

  “Was I a good girl?” I asked, but it didn’t feel right anymore. The fantasy faded as the aftershocks of my orgasm waned and life returned to normal.

  “You were a very good girl.” Ethan kissed me, hot and still hungry. He wasn’t mine to keep, but I’d make it my mission to satisfy that hunger. “And they’re all wrong about you.”

  Chapter Five

  If this were any other snow day, I would’ve called room service to bring me breakfast. After last night, I wanted to go down to the restaurant. Not that anyone would know what happened, but I was basking in a brand-new afterglow and I’d be damned if I didn’t show it off.

  “Don’t tell me you’re only getting coffee this morning,” said Carol, the waitress who begged me to eat something, anything, every morning before I went to set. “You can’t tell me you’re going to eat when you get there today. You’re not going anywhere for a good long time.”

  Usually, her mothering annoyed me because it felt like judgement, but today I was too hungry to care. “You’re in luck. I’ll get the western omelet with a side of bacon. And some orange juice please.”

  “Thank goodness, she actually eats. Some of these actresses want air with a side of lemon.” Carol grinned as she tucked her order book in her apron.

  Her assessment of my order was pretty close to the truth. Anxiety made eating before going to set dangerous. But I wondered where Carol’s knowledge of actresses’ eating habits came from. Probably one of those gossip rags at the supermarket checkout that I tried so hard to keep myself away from.

  I’d bet she worked at this resort for most of her adult life. I wondered what that was like, having the same job, being in the same place, coming home to the same man every night for the rest of my life. The thought gave me the shivers. That sort of stability worked for some people, but I was addicted to the thrill of never knowing what would happen next.

  Like last night. My ass was still tender, along with a few other places, but I hadn’t felt this…confident in a long time. Alive. That good girl Ethan wanted me to be would have never had the balls to do the things I did last night. Being good had paid off with my career, but my personal life was a mess. I took the wrong risks and played it safe in the wrong places. I did what everyone expected me to do. The right thing that never worked out. Fucking Ethan—it seemed harsh to think of it that way—was totally out of character for the old me, but I had a feeling I was going to like this new role.

  I waved to a couple of ladies in the wardrobe department as they took the table next to me. Everyone who’d arrived in the restaurant was looking a little worse for wear. Maybe we were all having snowstorm showmances and I wasn’t special after all.

  A hush fell over the wardrobe table, and I looked toward the door. The stunt team had arrived. Always together, with their alpha leading the pack. Ethan’s gaze landed on me as the other guys headed to a table in the corner, but he froze in the doorway. Carol was back with my juice. She asked me a question, I think, but I could only nod in response.

  He came this way, like I was the only person in the restaurant. Everything around me faded, the noise in the room drowned out by my pounding heart. He motioned to the chair before he sat, and I nodded. I was always in control with him, but funny how it never felt that way. Pure instinct took over when Ethan was this close to me.

  “I hated letting you leave last night,” he said as soon as he sat down. The image that I’d been trying so hard to push from my mind was back. The two of us at his hotel room door, clutching each other like we might fall into oblivion if we let go, kissing like it was the only way we could survive.

  Words scared me in that moment, like they did now. Everything scared me. How would I ever move past our one night together when I was contractually obliged to spend the next month at this resort with him?

  “That’s the agreement, right?” I was glad for that juice now. The acid burned my throat as I gulped it down. “One night with each of you.”

  “It is.” Ethan glanced quickly over at the guys at their corner table, then down to his hands. “You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, Albany. The most important thing to us as a group is that you feel safe. And that means I don’t know if it’s a good idea or not to tell you how much I wanted you to stay.”

  He’d felt something too, and of course he wasn’t going to stand by and let me go to one of his friends. But on the other hand, this was a competition of sorts, one that we played with our bodies, and the winner came out with their hearts unscathed.

  “I didn’t want to leave either.” I couldn’t believe we were talking about this in the middle of the crowded restaurant. One of the wardrobe ladies was staring at Ethan, her attempts to get his attention falling flat.

  “Oh, I didn’t think you had a friend joining you.” Carol giggled as she put my omelet and bacon in front of me. Then she turned to Ethan, battling her eyelashes. “What can I get for this handsome gentlemen?”

  “Looks good.” Ethan eyed my breakfast. “Same thing.”

  “Lucky lady.” Carol put her hand on my shoulder as she headed back to kitchen. She thought we were a couple. Together. A thing. Something more than we were. And judging by the way the batted eyelashes from the wardrobe lady turned into a narrowed glare to me, she wasn’t the only one.

  “Why aren’t you eating?” Ethan asked.

  “I can wait for you.” My stomach growled.

  He stole a piece of my bacon and took a bite. “Don’t wait for me.”

  The words applied to far more than breakfast. I nodded, digging in. The food was a distraction, and it would keep me from doing something stupid in front of my coworkers. Film crews loved gossip. They spent long hours in a universe removed from the real world so rumors and speculation fueled their bored creative minds.

  Another bite and a hard swallow. “What happens now?”

  Carol winked at Ethan when she brought his juice. He gave her a quick smile before taking a sip. “You choose who you want to spend tonight with.”

  Just like Ethan wasn’t sure if he should’ve confessed he wanted me to stay last night, I wasn’t sure that telling him I wanted another night with him was the right thing to do. He let me go, but here he was, drinking orange juice but telling me not to wait for him. And if I moved on to one of the other guys and I decided I still wanted Ethan, could I get him back? That was the agreement. It wasn’t fair to anyone to change the rules in the middle of the game. No one would win.

  I tried to sneak a glance over at the rest of the guys, but they were one step ahead of me, focused on our table like the rest of the room. Garrett winked at me, and Drew and Harvey nodded. My body went crazy. Last night’s euphoria had worn off, and the OMG what the fuck am I even thinking? flooded in its place.

  That feeling had held me back from what I really wanted so many times, and I hated it.

  I turned back to Ethan. “Garrett,” I whispered, unsure if the word would actually come out of my mouth.

  Ethan’s grin was tight. “I’ll l
et him know.”

  Carol brought Ethan’s breakfast. We didn’t talk much as we ate. All we had in common besides one torrid night was the movie, and we were surrounded by our coworkers. The table darkened, and we were surrounded by shadows.

  The stunt guys.

  “Can we join you?” Garrett asked. “I hate to eat alone.”

  “You’re not alone.” I chuckled. “And of course you can. All of you.”

  Drew and Harvey took the seats between Ethan and me, and Garrett grabbed a chair from the wardrobe table and put it next to me. Did he know that he was next?

  “Couldn’t leave you two alone any longer,” Drew said as he stuck his fork into his pancakes. “Everyone was watching you two eye fuck each other. We were placing bets on which one of you would go over the table at the other one first.”

  Oh, shit. If I couldn’t keep my feelings toward Ethan to myself, how would it be if I caught feelings for more than one of them? If we shared a knowing laugh or a touch that wasn’t meant for anyone else to see?

  “It’s you,” Ethan said, pushing his empty plate away. “You’re next.”

  “I’m next?” Garrett wrinkled his nose in confusion and then turned to me, his mouth gaping. “Oh. I’m next.”

  His face lit up when I nodded. It took everything I had not to turn around and scan the room to see who he was looking at, but there was no question it was me. These beautiful men were humbled by the idea of being with me. It was powerful, exciting, and mind blowing all at the same time.

  “You’re next.” I picked up his hand and squeezed it. I didn’t mean to catch Ethan’s gaze when I flirted with his friend, but it happened anyway. He winked at me—I had his blessing. I stood. I had to get the hell out of this room before the paparazzi showed up for the day. “Come to my room when you’re ready.”

  Chapter Six

  Come to my room when you’re ready might have made me sound like some sort of sexually aware vixen while Garrett finished off the last of his pancakes, but now that I was back in my room, I was in full-on panic mode. Shoving clothes into drawers, putting away scripts and anything business related. Getting followed around by paparazzi the last couple weeks had me good and paranoid. I didn’t know these guys—it had become my new mantra—and as a general rule, I didn’t trust easily. Hollywood was a tough place. People pretended to be your friends for who you knew and what could do for them.

  I should’ve never offered to host this soiree. When I went to Ethan, it was a fantasy. But with Garrett coming here tonight, I was bringing this arrangement into my reality. But I didn’t have any way to get in touch with him. No phone number, and we didn’t follow each other on social media. I could call down to the front desk for his room number and call him, if anyone even answered hotel room phones anymore.

  Nope. I had to own this. Like the sexually aware vixen I claimed to be.

  Worst part about this was there was no telling when he’d show. If he’d show. Of course he was coming; he was a man, and he was going to get laid. And I was going to have a good time riding this ride, with his shaggy blond hair, tan skin, and smile that was pure sunshine. Garrett was funny and kind of goofy, and if our time together wound up being a one and done, at least I’d have some fun.

  This time, I put a little effort into it. I dug my pretty undies from the bottom of the drawer and put them on. I’d packed them just in case. Before I came to Vermont, I’d been starring in a revenge fantasy that involved Kyle and these underwear. Just before he thought he’d lured me back into bed, I’d tell him to go fuck himself. As I put on the garter belt and stockings, I realized reality was much better than the story I’d made up.

  But now I felt ridiculous, laying on my bed in lingerie watching reruns of sitcoms, waiting for someone to come fuck me. I had to laugh at myself. I wished I was hungry because I’d totally order room service and answer the door in my little robe, with the lace of my stockings peeking out at the hem.

  With my luck, I’d be greeted by the flash of a paparazzi camera. Whatever. At least when I graced the front page of their website, I’d look damn good.

  I froze when someone did knock on the door. My bravado had a hard time crossing over from my fantasy life to my reality. When I needed to put on the best performance of my life, I got cold feet.

  Another knock.

  Slipping my feet into my heels, I headed over to the door, reminding myself that tonight I was a bad ass who got all the sex she wanted and apologized to nobody for it. But the hardest part of this really was I couldn’t stop thinking about Ethan. A little piece of me wanted it to be him on the other side of the door.

  But it was Garrett, his grin like one of those cotton candy sunset sets mirrored over the ocean. His gaze warmed my body with the day’s last light. “Damn. Looking good, Albany.”

  He had on a pair of faded jeans and a light blue T-shirt that strained across his broad shoulders and skimmed the six-pack that had to be hiding under there. My cheeks burned when my gaze landed on his crotch. Oh, this was going to be a good night. I managed to look him in the eye before I spoke, and now that grin was shit eating. I was busted.

  “You too.” I bit my lip to stifle my laugh and hoped I looked sexy.

  “What’s funny?” he asked as I stumbled away from the door. Not everything could be sexy, and my knees knocked too hard to be graceful on these heels. Garrett took the cue for his invite and came into the room, shutting the door quietly behind him and then backing me against the wall.

  “You caught me checking out your junk.”

  Garrett grasped my hand and put it on top of the bulge in the warm denim. I didn’t need any guidance to run my hand over its length. I liked the way his eyes closed when he sighed, his long lashes blond at the end like the sun had baked every inch of him into perfection.

  “One man’s trash is another’s treasure.” His voice had a rumble to it.

  “I guess that makes me a treasure hunter then.” No wonder I had someone else write all my good lines for me when this was the crap I came up with on my own.

  The reward for finding my first clue was sweet. Garrett took his hand off mine, running his fingers over the satin of my robe until he tipped my chin up to meet his gaze. I imagined smoke rolling off the ocean and sunset, a sure sign a storm was brewing close by.

  He slanted his lips over mine in a kiss. He moved slowly and surely, like he had all the time in the world. It was nothing like Ethan’s kiss. I hated that I thought of Ethan in this moment, while I had my hand on Garrett’s cock, or worse, that I thought they’d be anything alike. My breath stuttered in my throat when the kiss ended, but he didn’t pull away. He put his hand back on mine, guiding my movements.

  “Like that,” he rumbled. “If you’re that good with your hand, I can’t wait to see what you can do with your mouth.”

  My mouth was watering, wanting his cock. I pushed him with my free hand. He raised an eyebrow at me, but he didn’t budge, so I did it again. This man was solid rock, but it didn’t mean I’d give up easily. I let go of his shaft, and put both hands on his shoulders. It was only a couple steps to the other wall, but with Garrett, it was clear I wasn’t the one in charge. Didn’t see that coming either. The realization was scary and exhilarating at the same time. I probably should’ve asked a lot more questions, but as I sunk to my knees in front of him and freed his cock from the strained zipper, I didn’t care.

  Garrett was huge. I knew it from running my hand over it, but it still took me by surprise when I actually saw it. I wrapped my fingers around his thick length and ran my hand from the tip to the hilt. His body shifted as I moved. I held him firm in my grasp and sucked his balls deep into my mouth. I loved the way he moaned as I moved my tongue against his sack. Garrett was going to be a fun lover.

  The tip of his cock glistened, and I placed a quick kiss on it. He shuddered. I liked that, a lot, and I wanted to see what else I could make him do. It was more fun, a conquest, that I could bring a man so dominant to the breaking point. I took
him deep into my mouth, and the closet door rattled behind him. He fisted my hair, his grip rough as he fucked my mouth.

  His pace was frantic, but I kept up with it, his cock bumping the back of my throat. I fought him, grasping his hips and taking him deep, sucking hard. Garrett’s defenses came down, and he swelled in my mouth.

  “I’m gonna come,” he moaned.

  His grasp in my hair intensified as the first sprays of cum hit my throat. I drank him down, coaxing the next explosion as I became familiar with the rhythm of his body and how it all fell apart.

  I pulled away from his cock and took a deep breath. I hadn’t noticed a bag at his feet before. There’d been nothing but Garrett. Before I had a chance to ask about it, he pulled me up by my hair and claimed my mouth in a kiss. This one was much more urgent than last time, and there was no stopping what we’d started.

  “You taste so good after you’ve sucked me off.” His grin spread against my cheek. “Now let’s see what you’re hiding under that pretty robe.”

  Garrett had my body tingling, sensation and promise dancing along the surface of my skin. He tugged on the sash, but I put my hands over the knot. He raised an eyebrow again, and I melted. He was so fucking sexy. I’d always known he was good looking and goofy, and this new development was blowing my mind.

  “I’ll show you mine after you show me yours.” I jerked my head toward the bag. “What’s in there?”

  He smirked. “Some treasure I’m going to bury inside you.”

  So I wasn’t the only one who came up with bad lines when left to my own devices.

  “You brought toys?” The last word lost volume. I wished he’d backed me against the wall again. My legs were shaking. “Are you sure this isn’t a thing you do?”


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