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When Angels Seek Chaos (The DePalma Family Book 1)

Page 15

by Addison Jane

  His screams followed, Samuele and Daniel releasing him as he collapsed onto the stony ground, writhing in pain and shaking. “Fuck! Oh my God,” he yelled, tears pooling in his eyes as he wiggled around like a worm, the stones and gravel crunching around him. He cursed and yelled and cried out in pain, and to be honest, it made me feel fucking good. Warmth spread through me as my heart thumped like crazy in my chest, almost matching the sound of the train as in chugged away at the end of the track.

  I almost felt high, like I was floating above my body, watching the scene play out.

  Angelo stepped around him, that predatory energy radiating from him again. I could feel the storm building, and I was standing strong, not allowing it to touch or drag me down. I felt so powerful and strong, so much so that I could be the storm. I didn’t feel weak any longer, I stood my ground, I felt what it was like to take back my life, to take the pain and anguish that I felt and not just tell him how I feel, but show him exactly what kind of destruction he had caused. It breathed life into me.

  As I watched Angelo, I could see in the darkness of his eyes that he wasn’t done.

  His playful nature from when we were in the car was gone, he’d allowed the shadows to swallow him whole, and I knew that Benny had more pain to endure.

  This was just the beginning.

  He wasn’t leaving here with his life.

  And that made me fucking smile.

  Karma’s a bitch.

  I couldn’t keep my eyes off Emerson, her radiance shining in the darkness, the sparkle of danger in her eyes drew me to her.

  I fucking wanted her, to take her for my own.

  It was like she was on fire, the blaze that had been simmering away beneath the surface was now in full force and consuming her. But it was so fucking beautiful. The angelic glow that she once had, one of innocence and obedience, was now gone and she was lit up with vengeance and confidence.

  The problem was that I wasn’t sure if she could control it.

  The darkness wasn’t scary when you learned how to blend in and embrace it when you needed to, but force it back out when it became too much. I’d found that balance a long time ago. The ability to move between the shadows and the sun, I just preferred the dark. It hid my demons better, it allowed me to do what I needed to do—complete my work without letting it consume me and drag me down.

  I think Emerson was beginning to see just that.

  “Tell me where Tobia is,” I tried again, crouching down to where Benny was still moaning and groaning. “Just tell me. Seriously, I could do this all night.”

  “I don’t know,” he moaned, squeezing his eyes together tightly as he cradled his mutilated leg.

  Emerson had a good swing on her. I smirked.

  Shaking my head in disappointment, I held out my hand and pushed to my feet, feeling the weight of the crowbar as it was pressed into my hand. “You sure about that?”

  “I don’t… know,” he cried out, his voice echoing within the vast rail yard. It bounced off the trains that sat around us and shot back. “Please, I didn’t know what I was… doing. I was just… I was following orders.”

  Gritting my teeth, I glowered at the piece of shit cowered at my feet. “So brave, so strong, when it comes to raping a young woman who can’t defend herself, weren’t you, Benny boy?” I drawled, taunting him as I swung the crowbar by my side. Its weight was so perfect, heavy, and destructive.

  I lifted it up, resting it on my shoulder and tightening my grip around it with both hands.

  Looking over to Emerson, I saw her watching me, her eyes bright and focused. She was holding her breath, her face taut with anticipation.

  I smirked, the rush of adrenaline coursing through me. “Strike two.”

  “No, please!”

  Clenching my muscles I brought the crowbar down, angling it so the end of the hook would connect first. The feeling of the point sinking into the flesh of his thigh was like stabbing a thick juicy piece of steak with your fork. It made your mouth water because you knew how fucking good it was going to taste.

  The screams of pain lit up around us. I released the crowbar, chuckling to myself as I stepped back, leaving it protruding from his thigh. It was comical.

  “You drove it through his jeans and everything,” Samuele said in shock and amusement. “Holy crap that was amazing.”

  “Okayyy!” Benny finally cried. “I... I don’t know wh-where Tobia is, but I can t-tell you where Dom is.”

  I scratched at my chin. “Hmmm…. that could be helpful. Go ahead, I’m listening.”

  “The Bronx, Austin P-Place.” Benny was shaking, his face going white. Blood was seeping through his jeans where the hook of the crowbar was driven in. He held his hands around it, not touching it like he wasn’t sure if he should pull it out or not. “It’s a big orange colored apartment. R-Run down.”

  I clapped my hands together. “Excellent work, Benny,” I praised him. “See, that wasn’t so hard, was it.”

  He glared up at me, his breathing harsh. I wondered if he was going to pass out, but I wasn’t allowing that. Nope. I wanted him awake for what I had planned for him.

  “Pick him up,” I ordered. Samuele and Daniel moved forward swiftly. “Andre, get the suitcases.”

  Benny scowled at me, huffing, as the boys helped him to his feet. Sweat was pouring down his face, and he was dry retching, no doubt the pain causing him to feel like he was going to vomit. The crowbar hung awkwardly from his leg, twisting the wound as he was forced to his feet. Tears streamed down his cheeks, and he cursed and sobbed under his breath at the pain. When he looked up, his eyes flicked past me, to where Andre was dragging over two large suitcases.

  He tossed them on the ground by my feet.

  “What… what are those?”

  “You’re going on a trip,” I told him, my voice a little more excited than it should be at the thought of packing his body into the suitcases, piece by piece. I felt Emerson move up beside me, her hand slipping into mine. “We had to get two, though. You’re quite tall, and I’m pretty sure you won’t fit into just one.”

  His eyes shot wide, and suddenly he spilled the contents of his stomach. It splashed onto the ground in front of him, and we jumped back. “You… you said,” he mumbled, spittle flying and drool seeping from his mouth.

  My boys groaned, looking away from the vomit and holding their breath.

  “I said nothing.” I laughed. “How people interpret my words is up to them. But you, Benny boy, you aren’t going to escape this that easily.”

  I pulled Emerson forward, moving her in front of me. “You raped Emerson’s sister, Anthony DePalma’s niece. You didn’t just stand aside and watch on. No. You joined in. Well, now, do you think it was fucking worth it to get your cock wet?”

  Emerson’s body shuddered in anger. “She was so beautiful,” she mumbled, barely audible. “Even if she hadn’t have died, what you did to her would have made her a completely different person. Your actions would have changed the rest of her life. You helped him murder her, knowing that while I watched, it was breaking my heart and soul.”

  I could hear the emotion returning to her voice, this was starting to affect her again. But like the magnificent woman she was, she steeled her spine. “I hope it fucking hurts,” she spat before turning and pushing past me, jogging back to the car.

  I looked to Andre who nodded his head and followed after her.

  “Seems Sophie knew her death was coming. The way you slit her wrists left for no chance of survival. She knew she was going to die…” I fought to keep my temper under wraps. I may not have known Sophie, but Emerson loved her, adored her older sister. And even though she was a DePalma by blood, the fact that it hurt Emerson was enough to make me want to kill Benny a thousand times over if it would take away her pain.

  “I saw this in an old western once,” I said finally, finding my calm. The boys were already dragging him toward the tracks, and I held my arm up, waving it in the light. The sound of the engine ch
anging into gear and creeping forward was like music to my ears.

  “I want my crowbar back, Sam.”

  Samuele grinned. “Sure thing, boss.”

  “No, stop! I told you everything,” Benny pleaded as Samuele reached for the crowbar.

  “Take a deep breath, Benny.” He chuckled as he took hold of the end, and with one swift pull, he yanked it from the muscles. It made a squelching sound, and a rush of blood squirted from the wound hitting Daniel in the chest.

  The train crept closer, the sound of the engine revving up, drowned out by Benny’s pathetic screams and pleas for mercy.

  “Damn it, Benny. This is my favorite suit,” Daniel cursed, staring down at the blood splotch that now stained his light gray jacket. Begrudgingly he pulled Benny’s arms above his head and pulled him across the tracks. “Sam, hurry up and grab his legs, man.”

  Samuele tossed the crowbar to the side and grabbed hold of Benny’s flailing legs, the boys holding his body, so he was stretched across the track where the train was coming forward. He struggled, but with the blood pumping fluidly from his leg, there was no doubt he was feeling weak and a little lightheaded.

  I moved in closer so he could hear me. “Now you get to watch your life end, just like Sophie did. Slowly feeling death creep up on you, knowing that the last thing you’ll feel would be pain.”

  The train was only ten feet away, moving slowly but the power and weight it held was enough to cut easily through a human body. My heart began to race, I could feel it buzz. The high of a kill was like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. It burns, like heat rising through your body. Some might say it’s the devil taking over, stealing your soul. But he already owned mine.

  Samuele and Daniel let go of Benny’s limbs, jumping away just as the single car train caught his body and pulled him under. His screams turned to gurgles and then suddenly just cut off. A chill went up my spine as I listened to his bones crunch and his body become dismembered before my eyes.

  It was not for someone with a weak stomach.

  But I’d seen worse.

  The train car continued forward, blood and pieces of flesh and insides staining the wheels.

  When it was completely out of the way, the aftermath was messy and disturbing as fuck, but so goddamn satisfying.

  You don’t fuck with the DePalma family and walk away.

  I was so angry with myself, it took one moment of weakness for the tears to return. I could see Sophie’s face in my mind, her bright smile, her melodic laughter and I caved, letting the pain pull me back under again.

  Andre sat in the driver’s seat, turning the radio on and humming along to it softly as we waited for Angelo to finish his business. I wondered if he was maybe trying to save me from the screams of pain that were echoing around us, but I could still hear them, and if I was being completely honest with myself, they almost sounded melodic.

  Leaning forward, I braced my forehead against the headrest and closed my eyes.

  Emerson, you just maimed a man.

  Where is your guilt?

  Why don’t you feel bad?

  “Because you know he deserved it,” Angelo said as he climbed in beside me, his light colored suit stained with spots of blood that stood out like beacons, even with the small amount of light shining in through the car windows. I watched him out of the corner of my eye. “He was a monster.”

  “Then what does that make me?” I asked, somewhat curious, somewhat hoping he would give me an answer that would settle the aching need for more destruction that I found warming my belly. Benny hadn’t acted alone, there were at least four other men in that room with Tobia, and they’d all laughed as I’d experienced the most painful moment in my life. A moment that would live with me forever.

  And in my gut, I wanted them all to suffer.

  I wanted to bring every one of them to their knees and watch them fight and plea for their lives, just like she had done. And then, I would offer them no empathy, I would take joy in watching them writhe in pain because that’s what they deserved.

  That wasn’t normal… was it?

  Shouldn’t I be leaving this kind of thing to the authorities? Sitting back while they pieced together a case and put them through trial.

  Shouldn’t that be enough?

  Angelo didn’t answer. Instead, he pulled his phone from his pocket while he addressed Andre. “Head downtown, I’m going to make a phone call. I’ll let you know where to stop.”

  “Yes, sir,” Andre answered as he started the engine and we began to move.

  Angelo scrolled through his phone in silence until he found the number he needed, and hit call. I tried not to watch him as he spoke softly into the mouthpiece, muttering words I couldn’t hear over the crunch of stones beneath the car tires and the soft music that played in the background.

  I frowned, frustrated with myself, annoyed for letting my emotions take over and own me once again, and also annoyed with Angelo for brushing this off when he knew that inside I was aching for an answer that would soothe the demons that raged.

  The city lights seemed to pass in a blur as I stared out the window, fascinated by the beauty of a city that my father had always kept us so far away from. When we stopped, I had no idea where we were, but the bright lights of one building, in particular, had me staring in awe and amazement.

  The Kings Theater.

  From the front, it looked modest and had a very old vibe to it. The writing across the top, which usually announced the plays and performances that would go on there, boasted a performance by Mariah Carey in the upcoming week with a large ‘SOLD OUT’ sign plastered across it.

  “Come on,” Angelo said before he climbed out and rounded the car to meet me.

  I stood on the sidewalk, staring in awe. I knew a little about this place. It had been renovated and reopened in 2015, and at full capacity held up to three thousand people. It was a landmark, a historical building that while not world famous, was still one of the most well-known theaters in New York City. It was also one of the places I’d dreamed of dancing ever since I saw pictures of the Boston Conservatory putting on a show there last year.

  “What are we doing here?” I asked, still unable to process the fact that I was standing right out in front of a place I’d seen so clearly in my mind for so long. It didn’t seem real.

  He didn’t speak, simply took my hand and led me to the front doors. To my surprise, when he pushed, they opened. The lights were all on inside as we swept through the foyer and the front desks. There was no one around, and I tried my best to keep up with Angelo all while taking in the stunning decorations and smells. The aroma was old, the kind of smell that was so distinct it almost drew you back in time.

  Suddenly, we swung through to large double doors and pulled to a halt. I couldn’t breathe.

  Rows upon rows of seats, balconies, and the most beautiful stage I’d ever seen in my life with large red velvet curtains hung and pulled to the sides. My throat went dry, and I gripped Angelo’s hand in mine, squeezing it so tightly I thought I might cut off the circulation.

  “How did… I don’t understand,” I whispered as I tried my best to take in my surroundings.

  “I know some people,” he answered so simply. I could feel him staring at me, watching every movement I made and taking in the expressions on my face.

  Laughter started to bubble within my throat, I couldn’t stop it, the sound as it echoed spurring me on. I looked at him, my eyes bright and misty. “It’s unbelievable.”

  “Go,” he urged, pulling his hand away. His lips were tight, but he couldn’t hide the smile that formed as he stared at me. It was soft, genuine, and for a moment it stunned me to silence.

  He really was beautiful, his features those that you’d see on models and in magazines. His jawline was sharp, his chin square and masculine. His perfect body was hidden by a sharp suit, but I knew the kind of muscles he kept underneath.

  “Emerson,” he growled softly, the smile slipping and the defensive
scowl returning. The one he used when he didn’t want people to know he was affected by something. Or maybe that was something he saved purely for me.

  With a soft giggle, I turned and took off down the aisle, my hand skipped across the deep red seats that filled the theater, feeling the soft material under my hands. The whole place was intoxicating, sending my mind whirling as I spun in circles trying to take in everything—the golden accents on the walls, the way the ceiling towered over me and made me feel so small.

  When I reached the stage, I froze.

  My hand slowly rose, as if touching it would wake me from a dream. But when I felt the perfectly crafted wood under my fingers, I swear my heart stopped.

  “They danced here,” I muttered.

  “Who?” Angelo asked as he trailed along behind me.

  I wet my lips with my tongue. “This dance company. They came to visit my school when I was little, that’s where I fell in love with dance. I watched a video of them dancing here.”

  He came and stood beside me, his hand brushing the stage as mine was. “Well, now that’s something you will have in common.”

  I gasped. “Um… excuse me?”

  He didn’t look at me. “Dance is who you are. Am I right?”

  “Yes, I feel it inside me.” I hadn’t danced in over a week. Since Sophie had passed away, I just hadn’t been able to feel that passion that I had before. A part of me felt guilty I think. Dance was my escape, it was a way to transform my mind and body into something else, something beautiful and electrifying. But now Sophie was gone, I was afraid to allow myself to feel that again. Why should I when she would never be able to have that experience of letting herself be free.


  I whipped my head to the side, Angelo was watching me, a fierce fire in his eyes.

  I started to shake my head, but he stepped forward, grabbing my shoulders in his hands and stilling me.

  “You are not a monster.” His words resonated within the large space. “Your soul, it’s fucking beautiful. But there are feelings inside you that are dark, that you want to act on, and that scare you. Redemption, revenge, anger. If you are going to survive, you need to remind yourself of who you are.”


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