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Page 11

by Monroe, Mallory

  She lifted off her gown, revealing her naked pink body, and then sat, face to face and straddling style, on Reno’s lap. He stirred by the sudden feel of weight on him, but he didn’t open his eyes. So Cheri slowly but deliberately began unbuckling and unzipping his pants.

  She then saw the bundle neatly packaged inside his briefs. She began to lick her lips. He looked as if he was well endowed. But she had to see it for herself. She could barely contain herself as she moved to see Reno Gabrini’s equipment for the first time in her life.

  She slowly began to take the top tip of his blue briefs and pull them down over his penis. As soon as she got them halfway down, his penis sprung out like a big, thick, juicy side of beef and she could not have been more pleased. Reno Gabrini was packing solid meat! No fat anywhere. It was more masculine, larger, more sensual that any dream she’d ever had about it. No wonder that nigger witch of a wife of his was so protective of him. That bitch, Cheri thought, was dick-whipped. If a dick like this was banging her every night, Cheri would have been just as protective too.

  She began to groan as she pulled his dick all the way out of his briefs. It felt so thick in her hand that her excitement caused it to slip. He began to stir again. She paused in fear that he would wake up too soon. But then he lobbed his head from one side to the other side and remained asleep. She then began to stroke his penis. She placed her fingers inside her vagina as she stroked it, saturated her finger, and then used her own wetness as lubrication on his dick.

  Reno began to respond to her strokes, first by his erection, and then by slowly beginning to wake up.

  Cheri knew it was now or never. She had to be in position, when he woke up, to appear as if he was completely participating.

  She lifted her naked ass up, and slid his penis underneath. And she shoved her small, pink breasts into his face. She was ready to ride his cock like she’d never rode one before. She was ready to get the Reno treatment in a way that would stay with her for the rest of her life. She was ready to put herself in position for Reno Gabrini, her boss, the one man she’d ever craved, to fuck the shit out of her.

  And she did it. She slowly began to ease her vagina down on the top tip of his dick. And just as she was about to move down further, and put it all the way in, Reno woke up in such a startled state that Cheri’s naked body dropped down, and just miss his dick from driving deep inside of her.

  “Cheri?” Reno asked, a perplexing frown on his face.

  But when he saw that she was seated on top of him, and was naked, he panicked. “What the fuck!” he screamed.

  And when he realized his penis was exposed, and wet as if it had been deep inside of her, he grabbed her by the arms and threw her off of him, literally crashing her to the floor. He jumped to his feet, unable to believe that this could be happening.

  “What the fuck you think you’re doing?” he yelled at her. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!”

  Cheri was stunned by his reaction. She had expected him to be shocked, but she was certain he’d feel her pussy on his rod and go with it. But Reno wasn’t going along at all. Reno, to her own shock, was in full panic mode. She had to act fast. She knew she had to act fast.

  “You made me,” she said, scrambling to get to her feet.

  “What do you mean I made you?” Reno asked, still stunned witless, his wet dick still dangling in front of him.

  “You made me!” Cheri said again, panicking herself by his reaction alone. She could lose her job behind this. She had to be convincing. “I came in here to see if you were okay and you started kissing on me and removing my clothes and then you pulled out your penis.”

  But Reno began shaking his head. “No,” he said, his brown hair flapped all around his face. “You’re lying, bitch, you’re lying. I wouldn’t do something like that. Not to Tree. I wouldn’t do that to my wife!”

  “Well you did it!” Cheri said, putting back on her gown. She hated how much he loved Trina. She hated it. “You were drunk and you came on to me and you wouldn’t take no for an answer. I kept saying no, but you kept coming at me, Reno. Don’t you remember? You have to remember!”

  But Reno still was stunned. He looked around. Where the hell was he? He didn’t even remember coming to this place! And then he looked down, and saw his dick again, and saw how wet it was again.

  No, he thought. No!

  He had to get out of here. He shoved his dick back into his pants, zipped up, and hurried for the front door. He could feel his wallet, his keys, his cell phone still in his pockets. So he slung open the door and ran. He wouldn’t have done this to Tree. There was no way he would have fucked that girl!

  Except he did, he thought as he jumped into his Porsche. His dick had been inside of her. Why else would he be so wet with cum? He didn’t play games. If he had his dick up somebody’s ass, he was fucking them!

  He drove off, burning rubber as he went. If he was drunk earlier in the night, he was stone sober now. Reality had sobered him up. And it was a terrifying dose.

  And by the time he made it to the first red light, he broke down.

  “Oh, no,” he said. “What have I done???”

  It was Christmas Eve and Trina woke up alone in bed. That wasn’t unusual since Reno would work so hard that he often wouldn’t make it home until morning.

  But she woke up late, at almost ten am, and Reno still hadn’t come by to check on her. He almost always came home by morning, even if it was just to make sure she was okay. And especially now that she was carrying his child. But, then again, she thought, they didn’t usually have a near knock-down, drag-out fight the night before.

  She picked up the phone and dialed his cell phone. She never had hers turned on, but she couldn’t recall a time when Reno didn’t have his own. But this time, it rang and rang, it was on, all right, but he allowed it to go to his voice mail.

  She hung up. He was probably in his office, fast at work, and she decided to get up, shower, brush, and dress, and go and see for herself. All she needed was to eyeball him.

  And sure enough, when she went downstairs to the thirtieth floor, Reno was indeed in his office. And she eyeballed him. Only she hated what she saw.

  “Reno,” she said. “You look awful! Are you okay?”

  Reno was seated behind his desk, as he had been since he returned to the PaLargio, with his expensive suit looking wrinkled and tattered. He’d been back for hours, but he couldn’t face Trina yet.

  “Reno?” Trina asked again as she began walking toward his desk.

  “I’m fine,” he said, refusing to look up.

  “Fine my foot,” Trina said, that Mississippi upbringing coming out of her. And Reno looked up. She was dressed comfortably, in a maternity shirt and dress pants, her long hair pushed up and into a thick ponytail. She looked young and beautiful. Reno felt like a failure.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked him.

  “Nothing’s the matter,” he replied. “I told you I was fine.”

  She stared at her husband. She knew better than that. He worked too hard. That was all there was to it. “Okay, that’s it,” she said, going behind his desk and taking him by the arm. “Up.”

  “I’m okay, Tree,” Reno said somewhat irritably. He didn’t deserve her concern.

  “You’re not okay! Look at you! You’re coming with me.”

  “Coming with you where?”

  She forced him to his feet. “Home. To our home. There will be no more of this working all night long business for you. You have too many lieutenants for that. So let’s go. You need rest, Reno. You’re always complaining that I don’t get enough rest, but look at you.”

  And Trina would not be denied. Reno allowed her to escort him out of his massive office, out of the suite of offices that contained all of his staff of assistants, and then to the private elevators.

  Reno leaned against the elevator wall as they made their way upstairs. Trina was aware of his standoffishness, and it hurt her to her core. Reno felt betrayed by her loyalty to
Jazz. To him, Jazz was an enemy and you didn’t cuddle your enemies. But it wasn’t so cut and dry to Trina. She wished Reno would understand that. Jazz was a broken woman alone in this world. It was different for a woman. But she knew now, watching him keep his distance from her, that he didn’t understand at all.

  When they entered the penthouse, Trina walked Reno to their bedroom. “I’ll run your bath water,” she said as he sat on the edge of the bed. Reno was so emotionally exhausted that he could barely unbutton his shirt. And soon he stopped trying. The depression, the guilt, the overwhelming shame washed over him like a tidal wave on a shoreline. And he wanted to throw himself in.

  He would undoubtedly lose the love of his life over this. That was the most horrific part about it. And there was nothing he could do about it. He could pretend it didn’t happen. He could call Cheri Dallas a liar to her face. But he couldn’t do that to Tree. There was no way. He had to be a man about this. He had to tell her the truth.

  And when she returned into the bedroom, holding a towel, he blurted it out.

  “I fucked Cheri,” he said to her, staring at her, his big, blue eyes bright with shame.

  Trina stopped in her tracks. She was certain she hadn’t heard him correctly. There he was, sitting there, looking like death warmed over, and he was saying something that she just knew couldn’t be right.

  “What are you saying?” she asked him.

  “I fucked Cheri,” Reno said again, as tears appeared in his eyes. “I fucked her!”

  Trina again just stared at him. It felt as if she had just heard something that made no sense. Then she sat on the bench at the dressing table. “You didn’t,” she said, still staring at Reno. “You couldn’t.”

  “But I did, Tree. I can’t believe it, either, but I did.”

  “What do you mean you can’t believe it? When did this happen, Reno?”

  “Last night. This morning. Earlier. I don’t know. I woke up and---”

  “You woke up? You woke up where?” She thought he’d been downstairs working all night, running from lounge to lounge to the casino, as he often did.

  “I was at her house, I guess.” He began shaking his head in anguish. “I’m not sure.”

  “Reno, what are you talking about? You guess you were at her house? How did you even hook up with Cheri Dallas?”

  “I drove to a bar after we had our argument. She tagged along with me. And I must have gotten plastered because the next thing I know I’m on a sofa, she’s on top of me, she’s naked, and my penis. . .” Reno couldn’t say it.

  Trina’s heart began to pound. “And your penis what?”

  Reno swallowed hard. He frowned. “It was apparently inside of her, Tree.”

  Trina was dumbstruck. What was he talking about? “It was apparently inside of her? What do you mean?”

  “I woke up and there it was.”

  Russian. He was talking Russian! “You woke up and there it was? Where what was?”

  “My penis. Inside of Cheri.”

  Trina began shaking her head. It couldn’t be. For some reason she just couldn’t accept that. It felt so strange to her. She couldn’t understand herself why she wasn’t throwing him out of the house right this very second. He was sitting up there telling her he just screwed his general manager, and she wasn’t going ballistic?

  But she wasn’t. She couldn’t. Because she knew Reno. And she knew to the deepest depths of her heart that Reno Gabrini wouldn’t do that to her. Not voluntarily. Not consciously. Not Reno!

  Trina walked over to the bed and sat beside him. Reno was astounded to see her beside him. He felt like the most contagious man on the face of this earth and she was sitting beside him? He expected her to recoil from him, not come to him.

  “What are you doing, Tree?” he asked her. “Didn’t you hear what I said? Didn’t you hear what I just told you?”

  Trina furrowed her brows. “Yes,” she said. “I heard you.” Then she shook her head and looked at him. “But I don’t believe it.”

  Reno stared at her. “How can you not believe it? It happened, Trina. I told you it happened. I was in her house---”

  “And you woke up and your penis was inside of her, I know what you said. But I don’t believe you would have done that to me, Reno.”

  “I was drunk! I was---”

  “Do you have any recollection of touching her like that? Or kissing her? Anything?”

  Reno shook his head. “No. Before I woke up, the last memory I had was at the bar.”

  “What was happening?”

  “I was talking on and on, I don’t even know what about, and Cheri was. . .”

  Trina stared at him. “Cheri was what?”

  “She was helping me into the car.”

  “Your car?”

  “Yeah. On the passenger side. And then she was driving.”

  “She was driving your car?”

  “Yeah.” Then Reno shook his head. “And the next thing I remember is waking up on a sofa, with Cheri naked on top of me, and my dick was wet.”

  Trina felt sick just hearing him say that. She had to hesitate. Then she nodded her head. “But you don’t ever remember touching her?”

  “No. I remember throwing her off of me when I realized what had happened. And then she said it was all my doing, that I forced her or something.”

  Trina nodded her head again. “Yeah, I don’t believe it.”

  “You don’t believe me?”

  “Yes, I believe you! I believe you think you fucked her. But I don’t believe you did. Not her. I know Cheri. She’s been eyeing you too long. I think that bitch set you up.”

  Reno stared at Trina. “You think she set me up? Because I was drunk?”

  “Yes, Reno. I don’t believe for a second that you were so overcome with lust for her that you would do that to me. There’s nobody on the face of this earth that’s gonna tell me that.”

  Reno’s heart began to soar. Then it sank again. “But I was inside of her, Tree.”

  “Yeah, well, she must have put you inside of her. If you were ever there.”

  “What do you mean if?”

  “Was your penis inside of her when you woke up, Reno?”

  Reno thought about it, then shook his head. “Damn if I know. I saw that bitch naked and on top of me and I knocked her off of me.”

  “So what makes you so certain you were inside of her then?”

  Reno was too ashamed to even discuss it. “It was wet,” he said.


  “My dick was wet.”

  Trina looked at him. She almost smiled. “Oh, Reno, that horny bitch could have wet you herself. I wouldn’t put it past her. Not Cheri. She always knows what she’s doing.” Then Trina shook her head. “I don’t know how, but that bitch set the whole thing up. I’d bet money on it.”

  Reno loved Trina at this very moment. Not because he believed that she was right, but because she believed that he wouldn’t hurt her like that. “I wished I could be certain.”

  “Just think about it, Reno. Think about how your dick feels whenever you make love to me.” Reno began thinking about it. Then he remembered. He remembered the pulsating, the throbbing he always felt whenever he was with Tree.

  “Did it feel that way after you were with Cheri?” Trina asked him.

  “Hell no,” Reno said. “My dick, yeah, it was a little aroused, but compared to how it normally is when I’m getting down like that it was practically limp with Cheri.”

  Trina smiled. “There’s not a woman alive who has had that dick of yours up inside of her as much as you’ve had it up inside of me, and I will tell you here and now that never, not ever, was there any limpness in it. None. And I’m certain all of those skank-ass girls you used to date would say the same thing. No, Reno. You didn’t fuck that heifer. She’s lying through her teeth.”

  Reno kept thinking about it. Trina was right. This shit wasn’t as plain as he had thought. Not at all. “I wouldn’t put it past her,” he said. “She’s b
een itching to wrap that pussy of hers around me for so long that I could hardly bare it. If she wasn’t such an excellent general manager, I would have gotten rid of her by now. But she’s too good to cut loose. At least she was.”

  “Don’t cut her loose too quickly. Let’s first see what game she’s playing at. She may try to cry rape.”

  Reno thought about that. “She might,” he said.

  “What are we gonna do if she goes that route?”

  “We’ll deal with it. I’m just going to cool it until we hear from her. If I know Cheri she’ll come with some deal completely favorable to her. Let’s let that play out first.”

  Trina agreed.

  But Reno still shook his head. He was still overwhelmed.

  Trina looked at him. “What is it?” she asked him.

  “You,” he said. “Words can’t describe, Tree,” he started, and then he became overcome with emotion and tears began to return. He pulled Trina into his arms.

  “Oh, Tree,” he said. “I thought I lost you. I thought I had lost you and the baby. I thought I blew everything---”

  Trina pulled back and placed both hands on Reno’s face. “I’m going to say to you what you always say to me.”

  “What’s that?”

  Trina smiled. “I know your ass,” she said, and Reno chuckled. “And I know there is no way under the sun that you would stick your dick up in Cheri Dallas unless you were knocked out drunk unconscious near death.” Reno laughed this time. Then Trina’s look turned serious. “And even then you wouldn’t have done it,” she said and shook her head. “No, babe. That ain’t you. Cheri picked the wrong dick to stick up her ass this time.”

  Reno laughed again. “You sound like me, you know that? I’m rubbing off on you, Tree.”

  “About damn time,” Trina said, and they fell, once again, into each other’s arms.

  “Thank-you, babe,” Reno said, “for believing in me.”

  “Always,” Trina said. “But what are we gonna do about Cheri? She just may cry rape.”


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