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Page 5

by Lea Barrymire

  He didn’t want her to be nervous but he couldn’t concentrate on making conversation when she was tempting him with her full mouth. What would she taste like? Sweet and warm with a hint of spice? She licked her lips after another sip and continued to talk. Her nervous laughter made him want to grab her and hug her.

  She looked up. “This is really good. I love Reislings. Um, what types of sites do you prefer to do work for?”

  He shook his head to clear the sensual thoughts from his mind. Work. She was talking about work. He sighed but quickly warmed to the topic. Other than fishing, his work filled his life. He found great satisfaction in creating what amounted to works of art to be showcased by his customers. “I haven’t done anything huge but I’ve designed a bunch of the sites for businesses around here. I did our site, of course—enjoyed that. I guess my favorites would be the mom-and-pop sites that really want something nice but have no idea what it takes.”

  “Nice.” Her eyes sparkled with interest. She took another long sip of wine and her shoulders relaxed. He tried to hide his grin. It seemed Arin didn’t have much tolerance for wine, but that was good for them. She needed to relax around them, and if a little alcohol let her do that, he’d take it.

  “Other than logos, what else do you get to design?” he asked, but really he just wanted to watch her mouth form words. Her lips quirked for a moment in a small smile before she launched into a long list of accomplishments. He would’ve been more impressed if his cock didn’t have half his blood supply pounding in time to his heartbeat.

  “What the hell? I leave you guys for five minutes and you’re talking work? Really?” Jared’s voice boomed from the kitchen. He sauntered through the doorway carrying a platter of steaks in one hand and a beer in the other. “What the fuck? Talk fishing or something fun, not freaking computer stuff. We get enough of that during the work day.”

  “Shut up, ass,” Brent huffed. He looked pointedly at Jared before swinging his gaze to Arin. “We were getting to know each other.”

  “So she’s a computer geek like us? Interesting.” Jared sat at the table and flopped a steak onto his plate. “At least I know when to stop talking shop. Now let’s eat. I’m starving and I know our little girl here didn’t get that snack she wanted earlier.”

  * * * * *

  Fascination didn’t quite cover the emotion Arin felt as she watched the men grab, shovel and pour mounds of food onto their plates. She sat in stark confusion and borderline revulsion as they demolished every speck of food on the table. She was lucky that she had snagged a steak before they started shoving food into their faces. They even started eyeballing what was left on her plate. She readied her fork for combat in case she was forced to stab a hand or two.

  The meal was good. Steaks cooked to perfection, baked potatoes with all the trimmings and a tossed salad. If that was how they were going to feed her for the days she was there, she’d have to work off all the calories. A quick flash of slick bodies wrapped together in a sheet skated through her mind and she blushed before she could stop herself. She glanced around the table and caught Jared watching her.

  “Mmm, wonder what that thought was.” He grinned, raising an eyebrow. “Something interesting, I’d say, from the blush you’re sporting.”

  “Maybe, but I’m not telling. Dinner isn’t done, so no flirting.” She winked at him before standing and heading into the kitchen. “I can just load this stuff into the dishwasher, right?”

  “Sure, then come in the living room and we can discuss tomorrow. I want to make sure you get what you need and crave out of your visit with us.” His voice dripped with sensual promise and the innuendo was so thick he might as well have said he wanted to have her, naked and sweaty, over the back of the couch. Not that she’d turn him down if that was what he suggested. Her body was aching for both of the men and she was almost ready to throw herself at them just to stop the throbbing in her pussy. Bad Arin. Keep your pants on.

  She shook her head and took a gulp of air. She tried to talk her heart into slowing down. It was obvious even to her untried ears that Jared might want her. Brent wasn’t hiding his thoughts much either, if the looks and smiles were any indication. Flirting was one thing, but this was something more, wasn’t it? Or were they just those guys that threw out promises and flirted with anything that had an ovary or two? Was she reading something into it that wasn’t there? She hoped not. Knowing they wanted her as much as she wanted them fed something in her that had been starving for a very long time. No one ever wanted her. She was just the girl next door, the girl down the hall, that girl you looked past on your way by. To have someone look at her with carnal need shining in his eyes, licking his lips as if she were a scrumptious treat—that was something different. And having that in stereo was so much more than she’d ever hoped for.

  She busied herself in the kitchen, cleaning up and loading the dishwasher. She needed a few minutes to breathe without the testosterone goons around. She chuckled at her own silly need for a talking-to. Pull your big-girl panties on, girly, and walk in there.

  Entering the living room was like entering the lion’s den. Three huge leather sofas filled out the open floor plan. One of the boys had started a fire in the fireplace. It threw shadows and soft flickering light throughout the room. Each of the males had taken over a couch, sprawling out, showing off their bodies in that way all males do when trying to impress someone. Brent was spread across one couch, arms behind his head and one foot planted on the floor. Jared was a little more sedate in his lounging. He was sitting with a foot on the coffee table and the other crossed over his knee. That left a couch and a half for her to choose from. There was no way she was going to sit with Jared. He made her sweat and crave the sensual slide of naked flesh.

  She decided to take the safe road and perched on the far edge of the empty sofa. She gingerly placed her wineglass on the coffee table and turned to find both men watching her. Jared stood and strode to her seat, plopped onto the other end and grinned at her questioning look.

  “All part of the service, babe. Give me your feet and I’ll massage them while we chat about tomorrow.”

  “What? You don’t massage all your client’s feet, do you?” she scoffed. The thought was already tickling her mind—she could so easily swing her legs into his lap and see where this would lead her. Why the hell not, right? She loved getting her feet massaged when she went for a pedicure. Indecision warred in her head. How far do I let them push me before I’m in danger of getting hurt? Could she play with them for a few days and not fall for them? Not let her heart get involved?

  Before “good Arin” or “bad Arin” could battle it out in her mind she was saved from deciding anything.

  “Oh come on. Now you’re thinking about it and I can tell you want me to. I can see it in your gorgeous eyes.” He waved his hands at her and waited for her to take the offer, or not. Surprise flashed across his face when she turned and lifted her feet into his lap. He gave her a wicked smile just as he dug his thumbs into the arch of one socked foot.

  She groaned and closed her eyes. The feel of his strong, warm hands wrapped around her foot was wonderful. She jumped when he pulled her socks off but quickly closed her eyes again to enjoy the treatment. His thumbs were magic, digging into the muscles of her foot, soothing away the tension. Her entire body melted into a boneless puddle under his talented fingers. Even though it was supposed to just be a massage she couldn’t stop tingles from spreading through her body and warming her pussy. She let a contented moan drift around the room when he moved to her calf muscles. She flinched and glanced around when an answering moan came from the other couch.

  The look in Brent’s eyes would make any sane woman combust in pure lusty heat. His eyes had darkened to black and shone with unmistakable desire. He caught and kept her gaze as he slowly reached down to shift the large bulge in his pants. Her eyes widened in shock at the blatant move. She glanced down and choked on her own saliva. He wasn’t just a big man, he was big, period. The
denim of his pants was stretched taut across a very engorged cock. Oh my. She swallowed hard as she forced her eyes from the promise deliciously covered in denim.

  Refusing to look into his face and see his reaction to her perusal, she glanced toward the fire. She closed her eyes and tried to get a handle on her own burgeoning lust. That scorching look had made a flash of heat erupt in her belly and she could feel her panties dampening. A look—that was all it took for these men to make her wet. She’d been engaged to a guy who’d required synthetic lube to get into her pants, but not these men. She ached for a cock…or two. Stop thinking about it, she chided herself.

  She cleared her throat and asked, “So, what are we doing tomorrow?” just to keep her mind from slipping back to Brent. Yes, Brent and his giant cock slipping and sliding in her natural wetness. She barely swallowed the moan the picture conjured.

  “Tomorrow is your practice day. One of us will take you to the field and let you work with your rods, or ours, and make sure you’re all set on casting. Then we’ll take an afternoon trail ride to a campsite for the night. If you’re comfortable we can do some night fishing. It’s going to be a full moon tomorrow night, so it’d definitely be light enough.” Jared continued to work his fingers into the muscles of her lower leg.

  She turned her attention to the man working her feet. “What time do you expect me up and functioning? And who gets up to make the coffee? I can’t survive without my java.”

  “We have the coffee on a timer and it starts perkin’ at six, so whenever you get up it’ll be ready. Both Brent and I are coffee drinkers, so no worries about that. Even when we’re out camping we’ll make some in the mornings.” He patted her leg and moved his hands to her other foot. “I’d like to get started on casting practice around ten, so as long as you’re down here around nine-thirty we should be fine.”

  She leaned her head back again and closed her eyes with a sigh. She couldn’t remember ever being so relaxed. All her senses were lulled by the wine, foot massage and crackling fire. She sighed and murmured, “Mmm, that feels so good. Between this and the monstrosity of a tub in my bathroom, I’m in heaven.”

  She felt his body shift under her leg but didn’t open her eyes. She was too relaxed and enjoying it too much to care why he was moving. Hot breath shivered across her toes. The sensation shocked her out of her limbo. She gasped and sat up, eyes wide. Jared had her toes millimeters from his mouth, blowing warm breath onto her skin. She watched in fascination as his tongue slowly peeked from his mouth and swirled around her pinky toe. Her eyes closed on their own and she groaned with need, lowering her back to the arm of the couch. The burning heat of his mouth scorched a path from her foot to her pussy. Her clit throbbed in time to the suckling pulls. There was no denying that this was a sexual invitation, full of promise. Nothing had ever felt so deliciously naughty.

  “Oh I don’t think so.” Brent’s voice was husky. Arin cracked an eye open in time to watch him move with a predator’s grace across the room. The dark look in his eyes made her gasp. “Sit up, darlin’. If he gets your feet, I get your upper body. Two can play at that game.”

  She squeaked as he swept her off the couch, turned and deposited her on his lap. Jared was forced to break contact with her as she was twirled around. The sound of her toe popping free from his mouth echoed in the open room. She closed her eyes as queasiness rolled through her stomach for a moment. When she felt her head catch up with her body, she opened her eyes and glared at Brent. His absolutely kissable lips caught her eyes and they were inches from hers. She wanted to lick them and taste him. He smirked down at her and lifted one brow in question.

  His unspoken challenge broke the spell she’d been under. Confusion and something close to self-disgust flowed icily through her body. She fought to sit up and pull her legs in to her body. She glanced between the two men and steeled her nerves before asking the question she should have asked an hour ago. “Why are you guys doing this? I mean, I paid for the vacation. It’s not as if you have to seduce me to get paid and I’m pretty sure you don’t sexually molest the men who come to fish here. You don’t strike me as the type to lick the toes of some old, moldy guy.”

  “Babe. We’re just having some fun. You’re here and gorgeous. We’re here and liking that you’re here,” Jared shrugged and grinned. “Don’t you like having your feet massaged?”

  “Well yeah, I like massages, but that isn’t what we are talking here, is it? I mean, we started with a foot massage and now I’m sitting on his lap,” she thumbed toward Brent over her shoulder, “and you’re sucking my toes. That’s not really something my masseuse would do when I go to see her.”

  “What if we’re offering more? Would you want to take us up on it?” Brent’s whispered words blew warmly across her cheek, raising the hairs on her neck, and goose bumps raced down her arms.

  One of his hands lightly kneaded the top of her thigh as the other hand rubbed up and down her back in slow swipes. The casual caresses were playing havoc with her arguments. Would she like to take them up on it? God yes. Should she? That was an entirely different question. Good Arin wanted to walk away without sampling what they were offering. Bad Arin wanted to throw off her clothes, demand they do the same and roll around on the rug together until she was sated.

  Arin hadn’t been the type of girl for fast and easy fun in the sack. She equated sex with affection and if they were just looking for a few days of fun, she would get hurt. Already she felt as if they could be fast friends, and mixing sex into that equation would spell disaster with a capital D. In reality she had only known these two men for a few hours and she was already sprawled across their laps like a sex-starved nymphomaniac. But could she pass up the opportunity to experience something way beyond what she had tasted so far in her meager sex life? They were obviously offering her more than a little flirting. Days of the three of them, out in the open, alone.

  “Look, before you tell us no, let’s just assume you’ll think about it and we’ll leave you to your musings,” Jared said, interpreting her hesitation correctly. He almost looked hurt but that could be another of his ploys as the hopeless flirt. “We tend to come on strong. It’s in our nature and if that scares you, I’m sorry. We’ll let it go for tonight. We’ll see you in the morning, bright and early. Good night, Arin.”

  They stood in unison and each quickly bent to kiss her chastely on the cheek. With a nod and a silent communication between them, they strode across the room and slowly climbed the stairs to their rooms. They each looked at her, catching her gaze before vanishing up the stairwell. Heat, need, lust—they were all there in spades in those glances. She flopped back onto the couch when finally they were gone. A great gust of breath escaped her lips. She couldn’t decide whether laughing or crying would better suit the end of this most interesting day. She stood and wandered to her room, feeling lonely and slightly angry with herself for having a moral issue just when she was being given the chance of a lifetime.

  Chapter Five

  “No, Jared. No. I’m not doing this again. I’m not letting you do this again. Haven’t we gone through this enough to learn that we aren’t meant to find a permanent woman?” Brent ran his hands through his hair, pacing in his bedroom while Jared looked on. “How many times are you going to let some woman worm her way into your chest and break you?”

  “She isn’t like them. You know she’s not. You feel it, just like I do.”

  “I feel lust, sure. But instant love? Fuck no. I know what’s going to happen. Just like Susan and Melissa and Jamie and Sarah. She’s going to fall all over us, sex us up, talk about love and then split when she’s had her fill of walking on the wild side. She’ll leave me to pick up your pieces. I can’t do it again, man. I just can’t. I hate watching them rip you apart.”

  “This isn’t like those times.” Jared’s whisper was so low Brent wasn’t sure the words had even been said. He spun around and almost launched himself at his best friend.

  “Of course it’s just li
ke those times. I can’t keep saving you, man. I just can’t. I love you too much to watch this happen again. When we decided that having a woman between us was the right thing to do, the safest for both of us, I didn’t realize it would be so difficult to find someone. But I’ve given up on finding that one.”

  The memories came, as they always did when they talked about why they shared. Their young cries into the dark silence of the basement echoed through his mind. The feeling of being violated and the promises whispered to each other after each traumatic injustice flowed, burning behind his eyes with tears he refused to shed again. Too many times they’d been pulled into that place. Too many times they’d been forced to perform. The fucking asshole who had scarred them emotionally and physically was a phantom within his mind.

  As boys they’d been inseparable—best friends, blood brothers. Jared had slept at Brent’s house just as much as at his own. They’d done nothing without the other. But after the first time Ronny had pinned them down in the basement and forced himself on them, they’d become the only thing that kept each other going. The friendship had become stronger as they’d stood together in the face of evil and abuse. The only ones who knew the truth—knew that Jared’s cousin, good boy Ronny, was a child-abusing, sodomizing, evil devil.

  Years of torment shuddered through his body. The heavy, slick memory of Ron’s naked flesh nearly had Brent running for the shower. They’d tried to tell, tried to do what the school and the teachers had preached. But when it was their word against his, and no proof to be had, Ronny had come out the victor. So had started the months of avoiding and hiding. They’d learned quickly how to escape Jared’s house when Ronald and his family visited. But it wasn’t enough. Not when Ronny had talked both of the boy’s moms into letting him babysit them over the summers. They hadn’t been able to run then.


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