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Page 11

by Lea Barrymire

  She chewed her bottom lip indecisively. Should she call him back and placate him or let it go? If she didn’t call him back, would he really start going after her friends and property? She at least needed to warn her friends and see if Abby would go to her apartment and pick up her cat.

  Abby answered after two rings with an unenthusiastic, “What?”

  “Hey, Abby. Still sleeping, huh?” Arin’s laughter sounded strained, even to her own ears.

  ”Yeah, late night last night. So, what’s up, chicky? Had your hotties yet?”

  “God, stop it with that. I wanted to know if you’d take a ride to my place and grab Punkin for me.”

  “Why? I was there yesterday and fed him. He misses you but he was doing fine. You had, like, eighty messages on your machine but I figured they could wait ’til you’re back.”

  “I just want you to get him for me. I got a pretty irate message from dickhead this morning, and I don’t trust him not to do something stupid.”

  The silence on the other end of the connection was telling. Abby was a gap-filler. She hated to have a lull in a conversation. There had to be something going on for her to be dumbfounded. Fear shivered down Arin’s spine. “Abs, what’s going on?”

  “I promised myself that I wouldn’t tell you ’til you got back, but it seems you probably should know now.” There was a deep sigh of resignation on the other end of the call. “Robert has been driving by your apartment and your work every day. Multiple times a day. He took the week off from work and has been talking to your neighbors, trying to find out where you are. Katie called me in a tizzy because he’d been to your office four or five times trying to get someone to tell him where you are. I’ve seen him driving by my house as well, circling the block for hours.”

  “What? Why would he do anything like that? I mean, he’s the one who wasn’t satisfied enough with me that he boinked someone in my bed. Why would he go off the deep end like this?”

  “I don’t know what to tell you, hon, but he’s definitely acting weird. I don’t think he knows you went on that vacation, but it’s not going to take him long to piece it together.”

  “Holy shit.” She didn’t know whether she should be pissed or terrified. This was straight out of the “How to be a Stalker” handbook. “All right, thanks for filling me in. I don’t know what’s better, giving in and talking to him or continuing to ignore his creepy behavior and hoping he gets it together before I come home.”

  “He is definitely pulling the psycho stuff, isn’t he? I mean, to take a week off work to try to track you down? Weird.” Abby sighed. “Although, he was supposed to be on vacation with you this week, so maybe he already had the time off and is just using it to obsess over you. I have to get up and get moving. I’ll run over to your place and grab Punkin. Call me later if you’ve got time. You can fill me in on the hunks.”

  “Do me a favor. If you see him again tonight, call the cops anonymously, okay? I don’t want him hurting you and he’s not normal right now.” Arin’s concern blossomed as she thought back to their college days. If Robert drank he used to get possessive and mean. She didn’t want anyone getting hurt because he was stupid enough to drink and go looking for her.

  “That actually sounds like fun.” Abby laughed. “Okay, gotta go. Love you, hon.”

  “You too.” Arin closed her phone. She couldn’t shake the fear that clung to her heart. What if he did end up hurting someone? She wouldn’t have believed he was capable of it, but she wouldn’t have believed he’d obsess about her enough to drive circles around Abby’s block either.

  She spun and came face-to-face with Jared and Brent. Both were sporting the same concerned and slightly miffed look. Their body language said it all, and they weren’t too happy. Standing shoulder to shoulder with crossed arms and raised eyebrows, they apparently wanted to know who the hell was causing issues for her. She thought about ignoring their questioning stares, but honestly she didn’t have the energy to fight them after hearing about Robert’s bizarre behavior. With a finger and thumb, she pinched the bridge of her nose.

  “So I take it your ex isn’t happy about you dumping him?” She could tell Jared was trying to sound nonchalant, but his jaw was tight. They had obviously caught some of her conversation and hadn’t liked the sound of it.

  “Yeah, I guess he’s causing problems for my friends at work and home.” She shook her head, still not understanding what would drive Robert to act like that. “I just don’t get it. Yes, he was an ass, and yes, he was controlling, but I just can’t believe that he’d be the type to stalk my friends looking for me.”

  Concern and a flash of surprise crossed the boys’ faces. They shared a quick silent communication before Brent stepped forward and took her hand. He ran his thumb over her knuckles. “Darlin’, did he ever hurt you?”

  “No. Not physically anyway. He was condescending at the best of times, but I just put up with his shit because he was safe, you know? I mean, he and I had been together since high school and it was just easier to stay with him. We didn’t live together, weren’t officially engaged. I honestly did love him, or at least loved the good guy he could be.” She turned to stare across the valley to the mountains. An epiphany struck her, stealing her breath. On a whisper she uttered her thoughts. “I didn’t realize how much he controlled until I spent a couple of days without him. He just slowly took over my world and I let him. One decision at a time, he took my independence from me.”

  She sighed when warm arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her against a hard chest. She looked over her shoulder and smiled sadly at Brent. He kissed her temple and rested his head on top of hers. They stood there for a moment staring at the mountains in companionable silence. She let the comfort seep into her system and forced some of her pain to leech away.

  “You know, I booked this trip because he’d finally said that he’d do something outdoorsy with me. It was a carrot dangled in front of my nose so I’d ignore some irrational behavior he was exhibiting at the time. He knew I love being outdoors and fishing. I hadn’t been allowed to go with my dad on his fishing trips for the last couple of years but I’d wanted to. I hadn’t even had my gear out in forever. One day Robert came home from work and announced that he wanted to do a weeklong trip for fishing and camping. I jumped on the idea. I wanted to share something I love so much with him. Literally within hours of that announcement, he was already trying to back out. I had to beg and plead with him to let me keep the booking.”

  Anger was starting to rise within her heart. Listening to herself talk about how much power over her life she’d let him have just pissed her off. She’d kidded herself into thinking she’d been independent. The truth was exactly the opposite. She’d been controlled and manipulated time after time. “I can’t believe I gave him so much control over me. Now he’s driving around, talking to my friends and neighbors, trying to find out where I went. Who does that? Crazies, right?”

  “I want to call a friend of mine at the airport in Billings. I’ve got a feeling that Robert… That’s his name, right?”

  “Yeah. Robert Parker.”

  “I have a feeling he’s going to end up here shortly, and I want some heads-up that he’s in town.” Brent gave her waist a little squeeze before he turned her in his arms, pulling her against his chest again. With a finger, he lifted her head so her gaze was caught by his. “I don’t like the way all this sounds, and we need to be able to protect you if he shows up and gets stupid.”

  Jared peeked over Brent’s shoulder and gave her a wink. She smiled back and wrapped her arms around Brent’s neck, pulling him into a quick kiss on the cheek. “I’d normally argue with you but he’s definitely scaring me. Thank you both for wanting to protect me. It means a lot to know I’m safe with you.”

  * * * * *

  Brent leaned down and pressed warm lips to her chilled ones. His thoughts whirled around this new issue. He couldn’t decide whether he was just pissed or scared as well. Every instinct he had was screaming
that this dude was bad news. He didn’t want to scare Arin with his thoughts, but by the looks Jared was giving him, they were on the same wavelength. It sounded as if Robert was an obsessive jerk who was either abusive or could easily turn to abusive behavior.

  “I’m going to call Sam, then we can all do some fishing.” He held her away from his body and grinned at the glazed look in her eyes. He loved how something as simple as a kiss could make her lose her focus. “You, darlin’, are going to help Jared get all our gear together so we can enjoy the creek before heading back to the lodge.”

  He turned her as if she were a ragdoll and held her out to Jared’s waiting arms. With a quick slap on the ass, he walked away, chuckling to himself. It amazed him that he could enjoy having her around so much. He couldn’t give Jared the satisfaction of saying “I told you so”, but Brent did find her way too tempting. After that morning and the loving they had all shared together, he could see a future with her in it, hanging out with them, working together, loving each other.

  His guts rolled. Would she stay? Could she love them enough to try a threesome with them? Old feelings threatened to boil up. The warmth he’d felt from her kiss moments before slowly dissolved into unease. Anger burned through him. You’re falling for her and you’ll be putting yourself and Jared back together when she leaves. It was going to be bad too. He could see it building in Jared already. Arin leaving was going to destroy what little faith Brent had in women. She was going to waltz out of their lives, leaving them emotionally shattered, and there was nothing he could do to stop it unless he wanted to completely walk away from Jared. Doing that wouldn’t fix anything though. He’d still be there to watch his best friend become a lovesick pup. He growled and forced his fists to unclench. Nothing you can do about it now. Make the call.

  He dug his phone out of his pack and was once again thankful that they had a cell tower close to their land. Sam was on speed dial. With a push of a button, Brent was connected to one of the best resources a friend could ever have, a nosy busybody with a real hankering for saving people. He took a deep breath, calming his quaking insides. Deal with the present, not the past.

  “Hey, Brent, how’s it going?” Sam asked after two rings. His voice was nasal and had a slight Southern accent from when he’d been in the military for a few years. He and Brent had been friends for years and had a penchant for watching each other’s backs.

  “Hi, Sam. Things are good. We’re actually at the creek doing a little morning fishing.” He cleared his throat, trying to put his request into the best words possible without giving too much information to the gossipy man. “Could I ask a favor?”

  “Sure, man—I owe you anyway for taking care of my mom last fall.”

  “I would like a heads-up call if a certain guy rents a car from you guys out of Billings. Do you think you can do that without getting into trouble?”

  “Sure, let me grab something to write with. Who you keeping an eye out for?”

  “Dude’s name is Robert Parker. Do you think you could get your desk jockey friends to keep a lookout for his name?”

  “Brent, man, I will definitely know if this guy rents from one of us.” Sam cleared his throat and Brent knew the questions were going to start flowing. “Um, so what’s the deal with this guy? A client of yours?”

  “He’s just someone I want to know about before he shows up on my doorstep, if you know what I mean.”

  “Gotcha. Well, if he rents something I’ll give you a call.”

  “Thanks, Sam. You’re a life saver. You need to come out some weekend so you can try out your new rod. The cutthroats are really active right now.”

  “Cool. Maybe in a week or two. I gotta go. Talk to you later.”

  “Bye, and thanks.” Brent closed his phone and took a deep breath. Now if the asshole flew into Billings and rented a car, they would find out about it.

  He turned to find Jared and Arin on the bank laughing over something. The smile on Jared’s face was brilliant and full of undisguised love. Brent’s heart squeezed. She was so sweet and open. She seemed so different from the normal women they’d been involved with. He shook his head. She probably wouldn’t stay even if they confessed undying love, so what did it matter how they felt? He put his phone away in his pack and headed to the creek with unanswered questions and a niggling hope that this woman might be more to him than just a passing lay. He just wasn’t sure if he could afford to find out what that was.

  Chapter Twelve

  Cool water washed over Arin’s legs, swirling around her ankles, brushing small pieces of debris over her skin. She watched a hawk floating on air currents off in the distance and took a deep breath. Anxiety was riding her emotions hard and she wasn’t sure how to deal with it. She was worried about Robert, about Abby, about going back home. Mostly she was going round and round with thoughts of the two men she knew she was falling for. She almost laughed at the absurdity of the whole thing. Not a week before she’d been in a relationship with a man whom she’d thought she loved, and now hated. In that same time frame she’d started flirting with two men, taken back her life, gone on vacation by herself and found those same two loving, adorable men were perfect for her. It had all the makings of a wonky fairy tale, that was for sure. Well, a fairy tale with hot sex, two princes and an asshole of an ogre. She made a very unconventional princess for their story.

  She watched her princely pair fishing downstream. Their movements were almost synchronized as they cast and stripped line in. The picture of them was sensual in a masculine way. Their broad shoulders moved with muscular grace as they worked their lines. Hips swiveled and flexed, butt muscles shifting in tight pants. There was nothing as beautiful to her as a man doing something he loved. She couldn’t quite wrap her mind around the idea that they wanted her. More than once during the day she’d pinched herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming.

  The men had left her alone for the last hour, letting her stew in her thoughts. The silent understanding was almost too much. She appreciated the thought, but if someone had asked she would have admitted to wanting the torture of their touches like the day before, to pull her out of her head. She couldn’t solve the problems she had, at least not while standing in a creek. With a sigh, she turned and walked to the shore, chucked her gear and flopped onto a rock. Her head wasn’t in the game.

  She closed her eyes and propped herself up on her arms, leaning back and enjoying the sun on her face. How many more hours did she have before she was forced to go back to reality? She wished she didn’t have to go back, wished that her fairy tale could actually come true and she could stay with her two princes. That wasn’t going to happen though. They were enjoying a few days together but she knew the boys weren’t interested in keeping her. Her heart squeezed tightly, sucking the breath from her lungs. She so wished that they wanted to keep her.

  Ugly memories of Robert and his hurtful words echoed through her mind. No one would want her. That’s what he would tell her. No one wanted a fat, mousy, introverted girl. At least Brent and Jared had helped to wipe some of those stains on her mind away. They seemed to enjoy her. But was it because she was convenient?

  She jumped when cold water splashed across her cheek. She wiped the droplets off her face before opening an eye and staring up at the shadowy figure standing over her. Jared stood, hands on hips, blocking the sun from her body. He leaned over and placed frigid, wet hands on her face and chuckled at her sharp gasp.

  “What the hell?” she chirped. She pulled away from his chilly grasp and tried to stand. Strong hands snaked around her waist and pulled her up and into his arms. Wet palms cupped her ass, giving her goose bumps.

  “Where you going, babe? Afraid of getting a little wet?” He kissed the tip of her nose before she could respond, then let her go. Mischief gleamed in his eyes and a smirk curled his lips.

  “You ass. Your hands are cold.” She wiped at the moisture on her pants and rubbed her arms to make the goose bumps go away. Side-stepping his body, she put
a foot into the creek and kicked water at him. He moved fast enough to avoid most of the spray, but enough reached him to get his pants wet. He feigned a mad growl and charged at her. With a squeal, she turned and ran back toward camp, only to be picked up and slung over his shoulder after a couple of steps. She shrieked and slapped at his back. “Put me down. What’re you doing?”

  The chuckle that vibrated against her chest was not a good sign. She struggled, trying to get him to let her go, but nothing worked. He walked sedately into the middle of the creek and nonchalantly dumped her off his shoulder into the churning water. He laughed as he quickly exited the stream. She surfaced and sputtered.

  “Oh!” she fumed. Water ran in rivulets from her hair down her face. Her clothes were soaked and clinging to her. When she stood, her vest pockets were full of water. She had to press on them to get the water emptied out. She glared at Jared. “You are so going to get it.”

  “Come on. That was fun, right? You were looking bored sitting on the bank. I just wanted to liven up your day.” He grinned at her anger and gave her a little finger wave before turning and heading back to camp.

  “Bored? I’ll show you bored,” she muttered to herself as she tromped through the water to the edge of the creek. Her shoes squelched as she walked, pushing water from them with each step. She looked ahead and caught him watching her with a smile on his lips. She couldn’t help herself. She smiled back. Hers might have been a little evil and tinged with a little irritation, but how could she be mad at him? He was so adorable when he was being bad.


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