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Page 24

by Lea Barrymire

  Her father and brother had arrived just as the three had been fixing their cups of coffee. Her father had refused to shake their hands, but Jason had pushed past him and grabbed both men’s offered grips with gusto. Then the three had taken over the table to give Arin and her father some privacy. She hoped Jason was coming to a better conclusion about them than her father obviously was.

  “Yeah, that’s them.”

  “They’re big.”

  She grinned and turned back to her father. He was scowling over her shoulder. “Yeah, they are.”

  “And you want to uproot your entire life for them? These two mountain boys you’ve just met?”

  She sighed. “Dad, look at me.” She waited for him to comply before continuing. “I love them. They love me. I have no life here, other than Abby, and she loves me enough to push me toward happiness. It might not work out, but I don’t want to turn my back on something so wonderful. They treat me the way men should treat women. I don’t know how better to explain it. I can’t see my life without them. I want to wake up to their silly grins every morning.”

  She saw pain flash through his eyes before he reached for her hand. “I can’t watch as they hurt you. I stepped back and let Robert separate you from me and I refuse to do it again.”

  “I know and I don’t want that either. I’ve missed you, Dad. So much. I’m sorry for what happened but I can only make amends going forward. I can’t go back and fix my mistakes. I know you don’t trust my judgment but these men are not Robert.” She gave his hand a squeeze and teared up when he returned it. “Please, please just give them a chance.”

  “We’ll see.” He humphed and ended the conversation with a not-so-subtle change of topic. “Have you called your lawyer friend yet?”

  Arin shook her head. “I will in a little bit. I was going to call the officer in charge of the case and see when I could come in and make my statement. I actually don’t have much to tell them other than about Robert coming to the lodge. His attack on my car and the responding police was caught on tape. All the harassment calls were made by work or Abby. But I don’t want anything to slip through the cracks.”

  “I’ll drive you to the police department if you’d like. And we should probably see what your insurance company is going to need to get you a check. No point in wasting my taxi services, right?”

  Arin smiled, happy the tension was draining from their conversation. “Yeah, you are a good driver. Let me make a couple calls and see what I can find out, then we can head out.”

  She stood and on impulse gave her dad a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for coming here. I know you’re angry with me, but I really don’t think I’d want to do this without you.”

  He patted her arm lightly. “You’re welcome, sweet pea. I’d do anything for you and you know I’m not really mad at you, right? I’m concerned, upset, worried…but not angry, at least not at you.”

  With dread slowing her steps, she walked into her room and partially closed the door. She needed to concentrate on these calls and get them over with. Deep breath, girly, you can get through this. She dialed Tiffany.

  “Hey, Arin, how you been?”

  “Hi, Tiff. I’ve been better. Remember when you promised I could come to you for anything law-related?”

  “Yeah? Are you in trouble?”

  “Robert’s been arrested.”

  Silence stretched between the friends. Finally Tiffany broke it with a question. “Do you want me to help him, or did he do something to you?”

  “It’s a really long story, but the boiled-down highlights are sordid enough. I kicked him out of my apartment, he went all obsessive and started harassing everyone I know. I was out of town. He tracked me to Montana, threatened me and the owners of the lodge. Then he landed in Philly and took a crowbar to my car, the security guard who caught him and the police officers who arrived on-scene.”

  “Holy shit.”

  “Yeah. So anyway, I just wondered what I need to be doing, worrying about and all that.”

  Tiffany cleared her throat. “Okay. I would say you will definitely want to get a restraining order for the likelihood that he’ll get out on bond prior to his trial. Other than that, can I make a suggestion?”

  “Shoot. I’m all ears.”

  “Move. Get out of Pennsylvania. He won’t be allowed to leave the state. The safest thing for you to do is just get out of here for a while, or forever. Pack up and move to the mountains.”

  Arin laughed. “You’ve been talking to Abby, haven’t you?”

  “I have, but in all honesty, hon…moving is a great idea. I’m worried for you and if you’ve got two sexy men chasing your tail maybe you need to let them catch you.”

  “Thanks, Tiff. Do I need to come in to sign something for the restraining order? How does that work?”

  “Come to my office around…um…eleven and we’ll talk. I can explain the process. Which, just to warn you, is long and complicated.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you around eleven.” Arin battled another round of tears. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome, hon. See you then—and don’t cry. It’ll all be fine, you’ll see.”

  Arin closed her phone and couldn’t decide whether she wanted to laugh or cry some more. Her best friend was talking smack around town about her and the boys, she was being told to leave and her father hated the men she loved.

  “Okay. Enough pity. Finish your calls and fix something. That’ll make you feel better.” Her whispered instructions helped to focus her.

  Dialing once more, she took a deep breath. She hoped Officer Stewart was available to talk. She wanted to get all these reports and chats with people about her idiocy over with. Then hopefully she could concentrate on something other than that asshole.

  “Stewart speaking.”

  “Hi, Officer Stewart, this is Arin Walters. We spoke yesterday?”

  “Yes, Ms. Walters. How can I help you?”

  “I’d like to come in and fill out whatever paperwork is needed for this craziness over my car.”

  “Okay. I should be around the precinct most of the morning. Just let the desk know you’re there to see me and they’ll give me a call.”

  “Thank you.”

  Two down, one more to go. She pulled the insurance paperwork toward her and flipped through until she found her representative’s phone number. She dialed, hoping she’d get good news from him.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  “I’m sorry, what did you say?” Brent growled.

  “I think you should leave. Arin doesn’t need you here, and you staying is only causing her confusion.” Arin’s father glared.

  Brent’s anger flashed like a struck match, burning bright. He’d finally started to relax around Jason, finding the man funny and interesting. Her father was another thing altogether. He’d wandered to the kitchen table after Arin had left to make calls and now he stood hovering over them, scowling.

  “I don’t know how that is your decision to make. With all due respect, Mr. Walters, you are standing in Arin’s apartment. I’m only leaving if she asks me to.”

  “What are you trying to get from her? That’s what I don’t understand. Did she pay for your tickets here, is that why you came?”

  “No, sir, both of us bought our own and would’ve paid for hers if she’d let us.”

  That finally set the older man back on his heels. “So why are you here?”

  “Because she needed us here.” Brent looked at Jared and got a small nod. “And we needed her. Look, I understand you don’t trust us and probably don’t like us much right now, but there is something you need to understand. We are not Robert. We love her—really, truly love her. We’d never keep her from you or Jason. We’re not looking to control her—in fact, she holds her own against us pretty well. She completes us in ways we’d never hoped for.”

  Jason stopped his father from speaking with a hand on the arm. “Dad. Let it go for a bit. Arin needs us to be civil right now.”
br />   Brent wanted to hug the other man. He was grateful to have Jason in their corner, even if it was just to keep the peace. He flashed a quick smile at Arin’s brother before standing. Arin had been gone for long enough. He was going to check on her and make sure she was still holding it together.

  “Where are you going?” Arin’s father stepped in front of him with arms crossed and anger on his face.

  “I’m going to check on Arin. She’s been gone long enough. I want to make sure she’s okay.”

  “Dad. Move. You aren’t helping things by being an ass.” Jason’s words had his father whipping around to face him.

  While father and son tossed barbs back and forth, Brent snuck by. He didn’t care how much anger was thrown his way, but they weren’t going to keep him from checking on Arin. He stopped outside the bedroom door and didn’t hear her talking to anyone. Worried, he peeked around the doorjamb. She sat on the bed with her head in her hands.

  “How you holding up?”

  She looked up, startled, and tears sparkled in her eyes. He closed the distance between them and sat on the bed, pulling her into his arms. He closed his eyes at the feel of her in his embrace and rocked her slightly. He’d do anything to keep unhappy tears from her beautiful face.

  “I’m okay, but better now. Thanks,” she mumbled against his chest.

  “You’re welcome. Now what’s on our agenda for the day?”

  She stayed snuggled against his chest. “I’m going to see my lawyer, the police, and I have to fax paperwork to the insurance company.”

  “Good. Who’s first?” He rubbed her back in soothing circles and smiled as she relaxed more in his arms.

  “Police, then Tiff, then off to the office supply store to fax stuff.” She groaned. “That feels so good.”

  “Who do you want with you while you run errands?” She leaned back, a slight scowl scrunching her brows. He didn’t resist the urge to smooth the wrinkles with his thumb. “Don’t tell me you thought you’d be running around by yourself?”

  “No. I just hadn’t thought about it. The scared little girl in me says I want you all to come. But that’s going to look funny if all five of us go stomping around.”

  He leaned in and gave her a little kiss on her upturned lips. “How about Jared, your dad and I go with you and you can take one of us in with you?”

  She nodded. “As long as you guys promise not to fight with my dad.”

  He wasn’t sure he could promise that, but he’d try. “All right. For you, I’ll behave.”

  She smiled and wiggled. “I want to get going. Once all this is done I want to come home, take a bath and settle in with some Chinese food.”

  Brent stood, pulling her up with him, and hooked an arm around her shoulders. “If that’s what will make you happy, then I’m all for it.”

  * * * * *

  “So.” Michael Walters sat, stiff-backed and glowering in the leather chair. He’d been silent for the entire ride to Tiffany’s building and had only grunted when Arin had asked if he’d come in with her. They’d been ushered into her friend’s office by her secretary and remained silent.

  Arin cleared her throat. “So what, Dad?”

  “They seem to treat you all right.”

  She peeked sideways at him as they sat in Tiffany’s office, waiting for her to come in. “Yeah, they do.”

  “You’re sure you want to be involved with two men?”

  She turned to fully face him and waited for him to turn his glare her way. “Yes. I’m sure. I love them, and you see that they love me. I’ve never been treated so well or so taken care of.”

  “They might change after you get out there. Then what?”

  She sighed. “Then I move back, or move someplace different. I want to try though. I’m not letting fear rule me anymore.” She watched him for a moment more. “Can’t you attempt to accept this and maybe be a little happy for me?”

  “I’m worried, sweet pea. I’ve seen you throw away your life and family for a man once already. I can’t turn my back and watch it happen all over again. This time, though, you’ll be across the country in Montana.”

  She understood his anger, reluctance and concern, but she’d decided. If it meant her relationship with her father would be once again strained, she was willing to allow it. “Dad. I love you, but I’m not changing my mind. Listen, come out to the lodge for a few weeks. Spend some time with me—with us. You’d love their land and their streams. We could do some fishing like we used to.”

  “They aren’t going to want your old man around—”

  “Stop. They’ve already said you could come and stay for as long as you want. I’m going to talk to Jason and see if he wants to come too.”

  Her father sat for a few moments, still scowling. “Fine. I’ll think about it. But I’m going on the record right now. I don’t like it. Not one bit.”

  That was the best she could hope for, she thought. She nodded and was saved from continuing the conversation when Tiffany strode in and perched on the corner of her desk. “Hey, you’re looking good, Arin. Where are your hunky boys? Hi, Mr. Walters.”

  Arin groaned and her father growled. “Not the best way to help, Tiff.”

  “Sorry. So let me help you with the legal stuff. I’ve got your paperwork started for the protection from abuse order. I’m not sure you’re going to need this now that Robert is in custody, but we can go over it anyway.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  “Jason says he’s coming to the lodge in a couple of weeks.” Jared stepped forward and opened the door into Office Max. He was glad to see that Arin had finally stopped shaking after her time at the precinct. She had walked into the building with Brent holding her hand, a small smile on her lips. By the time they’d exited, she’d been pale and shaking in the circle of his arms.

  The look on her father’s face when she’d crawled into the back of the car and into Jared’s lap had been priceless. He never wanted to see her that stressed again, but knowing she wanted comfort from him was wonderful. She’d pulled Brent into the back with her and had rested between them for a while.

  He glanced down to find her staring at him with a strange look. “Jason is planning on coming to Montana?”

  “That’s what he told me. Why?”

  “Did he say he was bringing anyone with him?”

  Jared steered her through the aisles until they came to the information desk. He nodded toward the employee and grinned when Arin grunted her irritation. There was no way he was having this conversation with her in front of anyone. He’d been amazed when Jason had professed to being bisexual. He’d been open and non-apologetic. Jared had liked him all the more for it. When they’d talked about Jason visiting there’d been a hint of a friend possibly coming along.

  Arin waited, tapping her foot and scowling at him while her fax was sent. When the clerk handed the paperwork back to her she spun and grabbed Jared’s hand. “Come on, you’re spilling before we get to the car.”

  She paused the moment they exited. “Now tell me what he said.”

  Jared grinned. “Who, babe?”

  “Oh don’t do that to me. I’ve been waiting years for him to find someone special. We went through so much when he first came out to the family. If he’s got someone, I want to know about it.”

  Jared leaned down and touched his nose to hers. “He didn’t tell us that. He said there was someone he might bring. That was it. Babe, we’re guys. We don’t ask those things.”

  She sighed. “You’re right. How has my dad been treating you?”

  “Fine. Well—as fine as can be expected when two totally gorgeous males take a liking to his daughter.”

  She grinned and smacked him on the chest. “Conceited much?”

  “No. But I want you to know your dad isn’t scaring us off.”

  “Good, because he’s not scaring me off either.”

  Jared pressed his lips to hers, a chaste kiss full of promise. She didn’t let him pull away. She wrapped her arms
around his neck and licked along his lips. A stronger man could’ve backed away from that invitation. With a groan that came boiling from the depths of his soul, he opened to her. Their tongues slid across each other. He loved the taste of her. Sweet and minty. She teased him until he couldn’t stand it any longer. He pulled her tightly against his chest and took over the embrace.

  A car honking pulled him from the kiss and he broke away, panting. Looking around, he found a very angry father and a smirking best friend a few feet away. Jared peered down into Arin’s smile and grinned. “Seems we’ve been caught, babe.”

  She blushed beautifully but continued to smile. “Guess we did.”

  She grabbed his hand and headed to her father’s car, crawling into the back again and pulling Jared in behind her. He loved that she sighed and burrowed down between him and Brent.

  “Okay, Dad. Take us to my apartment.”

  Brent cleared his throat before speaking. “Actually, if we can swing by The Great Wall on the way and grab dinner, that would save us delivery time.”

  Jared watched as Arin gaped open-mouthed at Brent. “You ordered food?”

  “You told me you wanted Chinese when you were done. I ordered it when you went inside. I can call and cancel it if you want something different?”

  A shock of anger and concern went through Jared as he watched her crumple against Brent’s chest. He growled at his friend. “What did you do? I had her all smiles.”

  She sniffled. “No. Happy tears, promise.” She threw her arms around Brent’s neck. “I love you. I can’t believe you remembered and ordered food for me.”

  “Oh darlin’. Anyone would have done the same. I just wanted to make you relax a little.”

  “Not everyone would.”

  Jared blinked a few times and caught her father’s look in the rearview mirror. He wasn’t sure the other man had actually said the words, but from the look in those piercing eyes, he had.


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