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The Ocean Between Us (Benton Creek Series Book 1)

Page 11

by Delisa Lynn

When I climb the steps, I see the light shining under my bedroom door. Pushing the door open, I see Gemma sound asleep with her Kindle on her chest. Her face is still red and puffy, and her hair is a mess. I move the Kindle and lay it on the nightstand. I turn the light off and I slide in bed next to her.

  “You’re going to be okay, you’ll get through this,” I say, not knowing if it’s for Gemma, or myself.


  I have a headache from Hell. Note to self, never drink that late and on a partially empty stomach. Getting myself and Bristol ready was pure chaos. She threw a fit, wanting to wear her princess dress with flip-flops. Finally, I gave in and allowed her to. My head hurts and arguing with a four-year-old is pointless. A happy daughter makes me a happy mama. Yeah, I know I’m a pushover. I normally don’t drink, and last night I was a complete lush. Clive’s taking us all out for breakfast. We only have my bakery or another small restaurant here in town. Most of all the larger chain restaurants are about an hour away. Though he doesn’t tell us where we’re headed, I’ll sit and enjoy the scenery. I rarely leave Benton Creek unless it’s for a doctor’s appointment or we need something our local supermarket doesn’t have. Bristol loves when we do venture out. I always hated car rides; she on the other hand is for sure her father’s child. She loves to be on the go.

  We pass through the mountains. It’s mid-September, the weather is starting to change, and some of the leaves are turning.

  “Momma!! Look it’s an elepant.” Bristol tugs on my arm. I chuckle and she sees why. “Oh, that’s not a elepant, Momma. Just a moo-cow.”

  The way she pronounces it is so darn cute.

  “That’s one large cow isn’t it? Someday we’re going to take you to the zoo to see the elephants, I promise.” I feel so bad, she has wanted to go and I just haven’t had the time.

  My phone vibrates in my pocket. It’s a text from Quaid. My heart starts racing, and I swear I feel like a teenager again.

  Quaid: Hey baby, how’s my girls today? I miss y’all so bad.

  Me: We’re good, going to breakfast with Clive and Gemma. We miss you too, what’s your plans for the day?”

  I hit send. I hate that there’s a tinge of jealousy running through me knowing that he is so far away and Nicola is so close to him.

  Quaid: Just had some cereal. Wish I could be having breakfast with you all. I need to call my captain and find out how long before I can leave again.

  Me: I wish you were too. I feel like we just reconnected then you had to leave. Do you think it will be soon?

  Quaid: We did. Those three days were not long enough. I’m hoping that I don’t have to go overseas again, though there is a possibility that I’ll have to.

  Me: I’ve decided I want to redo the bakery.

  Quaid: That will be great, I’m sure everyone in town will like that too! LOL

  My heart drops. He may have to leave and be gone? Overseas? I feel the tears well up.

  “You okay, Momma?” Bristol rubs my arm, her whiskey colored eyes boring into me.

  “Yes, sweetie, I’m fine.” I kiss her then start typing my response to Quaid.

  Me: I hope you don’t have to, but we will be here waiting for you when you come back. :)

  Clive turns into the parking lot and I see we’re at IHOP. Bristol loves pancakes, so I know she’ll be happy.

  “Sweetie, look where we are.”

  Her eyes bulge. “Pancakes! Oh my gosh, Uncle Clive knew’d I wike them.”

  “I sure did,” Clive says. “Strawberry banana pancakes, right?”

  “Yep, those are my favorite,” she giggles. “My tummy is growling.”

  “Well let’s go, pretty ladies. I’m the luckiest man in Kentucky right now.” Clive helps us all from his truck.

  Gemma’s eyes are bright red and her eyeliner is smeared. I put my arm around her. “You good, sweets?”

  She gives me her signature smile. “I’m doing okay. Just memories, ya know?”

  I know exactly what she means. We’d all come here a few months back with Jason and Bryan.

  “I do. You’ll always have me, Gem Stone.”

  “What would I do without you? You keep me sane most days,” she states and I know that’s the God’s honest truth. She’s a hot mess most of the time, and I’ve always been her voice of reason.

  The hostess seats us in a corner booth, and Bristol sits next to Clive. I sit next to the wall so Gemma can be on the outside. When we’ve all gotten our food and start eating, I see I have a text. It’s from Jason. I toss my phone in my purse. No way in Hell am I allowing him to ruin my day. I’m on cloud nine, and that’s all because of the people that are in my life.

  Chapter Nineteen

  I Need To Be Back In Benton Creek


  After my text with Hendlee this morning, I’m heading to speak with my commander. I’m backing out of my driveway when I see that Nicola is parking across the street. I know I have to face her, and it’s a bitch. Throwing my car back in park, I jump out and stroll over to her car. She’s been crying, I can tell by the look on her face. She’s just sitting there. I tap on her window and she looks up, her hazel eyes red rimmed and swollen.

  “Que, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have left,” she squeaks, then her sobs are full on.

  “Come on, stop those tears. You did what you felt was best.” I help her out of the car and embrace her.

  “I just…I knew I couldn’t compete with her. She has been your heart since you were kids. Then you find out you have a child together? I couldn’t break that up. I was raised by my dad, and saw my mom on the weekends. I don’t want that for your daughter. I want you all to be a family, and I knew me leaving would be best for everyone.” She cries into my chest.

  “Let’s go talk,” I say and she pulls away. “You don’t wanna come in?”

  “No, let’s just stay out here. I can’t go back in. I had my brother and Sago help me get my things out.”

  “You and Sago are awful close, aren’t you?”

  “Don’t go there, Quaid. He and I have been friends since we all met. You know that.”

  She has a point, but why does it look like she left me and ran straight to him?

  “Sorry. Nicola, you know I have love for you, and I’m sorry things ended like this. Can we please be friends?” I ask, tilting her chin up so she’s looking at me.

  “Don’t look at me like that. I hate you. You broke my heart, Quaid. But since you asked nicely, I’ll forgive you. Under one condition…”

  I cross my arms over my chest. “What’s that?”

  “You come to Cago Pizza with me. I’m starving and I know you love that place.”

  “Sure. You wanna follow me there? I need to run to base before three o’clock.”

  “Yes, I can follow you there.” She gets back in her car and I walk to mine.


  Nicola and I had a great lunch and good conversation. We got a lot of things off our chests. She informed me that she had bought her ticket before we left, figuring that once I saw Hendlee I would take her back. The odd thing is, I didn’t even think that. Sure, I knew I’d want to see her and that it would bring back memories, but not once did I think it would go down the way it did. Pulling onto the base, I feel nervous. If you would have asked me a month ago, I would’ve never wanted to leave the Navy. It was my life, or so I thought.

  “Castings,” my captain greets me. “So you wanna talk, eh?”

  “Yes, sir. I found out I have a family back home, and I would like to see when my time is up.”

  “Let’s go in my office and we can chat.”

  When we are in his office, he pulls my file from a large metal cabinet. He motions for me to have a sit and I do. He sits at his desk and places my file in front of him. Looking through it, he sits back and places his hands behind his head.

  “Well, son, looks like you’re in luck. Your time is up in nine months. There’s a ship sailing out in two weeks. You go on that mission, then you’re home free.”<
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  “Seriously? That easy?” I smile. “Okay, I’ll head back home and then be back in two weeks.”

  “You’re a good man, Castings. You sure this is what you want? You know you can stay enlisted and still be a family man.”

  “Yes, sir, I love the Navy. It’s been my life for the last five years. But home is where I should be. My father needs my help on the farm.”

  “Farm boy, as Sago calls ya, huh?” His smile broadens. “Go be with your family, kid. I’ll see you in two weeks.”

  I shake his hand. “Thank you so much, sir, this means so much to me.”

  I’m leaving his office a happy man.

  I call the airline and book a flight back to Kentucky for tomorrow. My lease with the condo is month to month, and once I get back I’ll have all of my stuff moved back home. My focus now is getting Hendlee and Bristol moved into the farmhouse in the next two weeks. All my life I’ve wanted to travel the world. I knew as a child I wanted to join the Navy. But it all makes sense now that we were always supposed to be a family. They’re all I need.

  I call Sago and some of the guys and see if they want to have drinks before I head out in the morning.


  I’m meeting the guys at a local bar, Wally’s. It’s were we come when we need to shoot some pool or throw some darts. I see Sago, Nelson, and Nestle when I walk through the doors and head toward them.

  “Damn, dude, you left for three days and come back a daddy? You work quick!” Nelson jokes. He knows about Hendlee; he and Sago and Nestle have been by my side the last five years.

  I hug him. “I’m gonna miss you clowns.”

  I take a pull of the beer Nestle hands me.

  “You sure this is what you wanna do?” Sago pipes up. “I mean, you left Kentucky for a reason.”

  “Yeah, brother, it is. I love my girl and my daughter. I always thought this was where I was supposed to be. Last week I realized differently.”

  Roger, Nicola’s brother, walks through the door right then.

  “Jesus, you better watch out. Roger looks pissed.”

  Sago clasps my shoulder and just as he does, I see Roger’s fist coming for me. I duck, and he hits the wall behind me.

  “You fucked my sister over. You know you broke her heart!” He swings again. “You call yourself a hero, and all you are is a cheating coward. Take my sister to your family’s then break up with her.” He is swinging the whole time and his fist finally connects with my jaw.

  “I’m not going to fight you dude. She left me. I’m not sure if you got that part.” I push him back and wipe my lip, finding a smidge of crimson. “Have a beer on me, Roger. Let’s get this story straight.”

  He pulls a stool out and sits.

  “Why’d you lead her on, Quaid? You know she loved you, man.” He laughs harshly. “Don’t get me wrong, though. I never liked you, so I’m glad it’s over.”

  “I’m glad you got your feelings outta the way,” I bite out, “but you see, Nicola and I had something. When we found out I have a kid, she is the one that decided to peel out, not me.”

  “Yeah, I got that part. Stay away from her. She needs nothing from you. Got it?” He stands and stalks toward the door.

  “Well that was fun,” Nelson taunts. “You did the right thing by not fighting back, Castings.” He hands me another beer.

  “I wouldn’t have hit him; he has a point. But she is the one that left—I wasn’t fully in the wrong.” I take a pull of my beer. “Hell, I would’ve hit me too.”

  “Let’s not let him ruin our night. Who’s up for some darts?” Sago’s voice booms from across the room.

  “Keep those beers rolling in.” I toss my empty bottle on the table.

  “You got it!” Nelson heads toward the bar for another round.

  Chapter Twenty

  He’s Coming Home


  A very drunk Quaid called me last night telling me he would be here today. His parents are keeping Bristol while I head to the airport to pick him up. After showering and rummaging through my closet, I settle on leggings with a long sweater. I throw my long locks up in a messy bun, apply a little make-up, and pull on a pair of knee high boots.

  “Bristol, you promise to be good for Granny and Pop-Pop?”

  “Yes. You bringing Daddy back with you?”

  “Yes, sweetie, I am.”

  “Let’s go then!” She pulls my hand, running toward the front door.

  Gemma plops down on the sofa with a pint of Ben and Jerry’s.

  “You going to be okay?” I ask her.

  “You know I will. Call me when you get to the airport.” She waves me off.

  Bristol is already in the car, climbing in her car seat.

  She pushes me away as I try to help her. “I can do it! I’m a big girl, Momma.” She rolls her eyes.

  “I know, sweetie, I just wanted to make sure that you were secure.”

  “Okay, I’m ready.” She grabs her dolly and grins at me.

  I buckle up and start the car. When I turn the radio on Bristol starts singing. She loves music.

  “Are you excited to spend time with your grandparents?”

  “Yes.” She emphasizes the ‘S.’ “They are nice. I wike them a lot.”

  “I’m glad. How would you feel about moving into a big house that sits next to the lake nearer to Granny and Pop-Pop?”

  I turn out onto the main road that leads to the Castings’ house.

  “A different home than ours?”

  “Yes. It was your great-grandparents’ house. It’s a lot bigger than ours, and we could also make you another princess room there. We’ll have a much bigger yard too.”

  She beams. “Cool beans.”

  “You like that idea huh?” I pull into the Castings’ driveway.

  “Yep, I love it.” She unbuckles herself and waits for me to open her door.

  Mr. Castings is waiting on the porch. “There’s the pretty girls,” he says. He takes Bristol from me. “You going to the airport alone?”

  “Yes, I need the drive to clear my head,” I reassure him and whisper, “She knows about the house.”

  “Oh good. Is it okay if we show her around while you’re gone?”

  “Absolutely, go ahead. Please don’t let her get too close to the lake.” I kiss Bristol. “You be good and call me if you need anything. Also, do not allow anyone to take her unless it is Gemma.”

  “We would never let anyone take her. Are you having…issues?” he asks, purposely not naming names.

  “Kinda, but it’s okay.” I smile, not wanting to worry them. “Bris, I’ll be back later with your daddy.”

  “Have a safe trip,” Mr. Castings says over his shoulder. I walk back to my car and enter the address to the airport into my GPS.

  Jason’s been texting me nonstop, and my mind goes back to last night’s conversation with him, when I finally answered his call.

  “The two of you are mine. She is my daughter, I raised her.”

  “We’re not yours. You lied in hopes that we would be a family. But every lie you told will eventually come out and you will lose everything you lied about. Now please, stop calling me.”

  “Hendlee, I love you. That’s why I did it. I have loved you for so long, and I couldn’t let you sit here and waste your life waiting for him. He doesn’t love you the way I do. I know he isn’t good for you. Are you going to throw away what we had just for him? He’s an ass. He can’t give you what I can.”

  “You’ve known all of our lives that he and I have loved each other. What you did back then was wrong on so many levels, and let’s just say that the karma train is going to be passing by and you will be the first on board and get what you deserve, just like this all blew up in your face. You’re a good guy, Jason. Why don’t you find someone that wants to be with you? I know you love Bristol and she does love you, but I’m not allowing her to be around you anymore. Now please quit calling.”

  I get on the highway. I need to get my number
changed now that I think about it, and all the locks on the house have been changed. While I honestly don’t think he would hurt us, I also would never think he would lie just to keep me.

  The rest of the drive goes by pretty fast and I arrive at the airport a little early. I brought my Kindle with me, so I’ll scope out Starbucks while I wait for Quaid’s plane to land. We don’t get these luxuries in Benton Creek. I see that they also have the fall flavors available now. The aroma makes my mouth water. After ordering a venti pumpkin spice latte, I find a seat and start reading one of my favorite author’s new releases and sipping my drink. I look at my phone and see that Quaid has texted me saying he is here. Shoving everything in my purse, I make my way to his gate. I spot him immediately. He’s wearing a beanie, a pair of faded jeans, and a gray and blue flannel shirt. The closer he gets, the hotter he looks. Then I see that his lip is busted.

  “What happened to your lip, Que?” I say as he picks me up. He smells like pure heaven.

  “Nothing to worry about. I miss you something fierce. You smell good, baby.” He kisses me hard. It’s not soft and gentle, it’s rough and possessive.

  “Missed you more.” I know I look happy as we walk through the airport hand in hand. “You driving?” I ask, handing him the keys.

  “Yes, and there’s a few stops I want to make.” He opens my door. “Do we have time?”

  “We can stop wherever you want. Your parents have Bristol, and I told your dad it may be awhile.”

  “Good, because we’re getting a hotel room. I’m not waiting until we get back to Benton Creek.”

  Holy hell…my pussy is on fire just from his words.

  “Okay,” I manage to mumble. “There’s a Hampton Inn over there.”

  I’m ready for him to take me here, to hell with a room and a bed.


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