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Steven _BWWM Romance

Page 4

by Katie Dowe

  “You took the words right out of my mouth, Steven Hughes,” she said with a big smile that lit up her already exquisite face. “So what now?”

  “Now we finish eating and then enjoy each other’s company.”

  “Here’s to getting to know each other.” She leaned over and touched her glass to his.



  “So you did not have sex?” Elaine asked in disappointment. Both girls had dragged her to a basketball game that Orlando was participating in.

  “No, and do I have to remind you that we are among parents who probably do not know what it means to do the nasty?” Alicia whispered.

  “Honey, when you are married it is not doing the nasty. It is respectable and sweet.”

  “You are making my teeth ache,” Alicia said dryly as she glanced back at the game. “I think Orlando is making history.”

  “Yes,” Donna said impatiently. “Why on earth did you have a man inside your apartment and not do anything about it? Are you crazy?”

  “I was thinking more like I am a sensible woman who refuses to jump into bed with the first man that comes along.” Alicia slurped her ColaCo contemplatively. It was the original flavor and the sales has been dropping drastically. She was going to have to revisit the market or find out why that was happening.

  “He did not even kiss you?” Elaine pushed up her sunshades and stared at her beautiful friend. “Oh Lord! We did not even research and find out if he is gay. We just assumed that because he is rich and handsome then he is straight.”

  “He is not gay! Guys, can we enjoy the game?” Alicia asked in exasperation.

  “We put a lot of time and money into this and we want to see it through,” Donna declared.

  “I promise the next time we get together I will personally take off my clothes and pull him on top of me to please you.”

  “Good, that’s all we are asking,” Donna said loftily. “Now we can enjoy the game.”


  “Another drink, sir?” the waiter asked him politely as he came over to the table where he was having his meal.

  “Not right now,” Steven told him. The waiter disappeared and he went back to his meal. He had been at the club for the better part of the day. He had had a match with several others and then had taken a shower in one of the many bathrooms the club had. Jeremy had turned the place into a home away from home and several single members actually spent nights here. He looked up as Theodore Amberville approached the table. He had not seen the man since his wedding a few months ago.

  “If it isn’t the newlywed,” Steven said with a smile as Theodore pulled up a chair opposite him. “How is married life?”

  “Great.” He signaled for a waiter and one came over immediately. “A gin and tonic with a twist please.” He turned back to Steven. “I could hardly tear myself from my wife. What about you? I heard you have a new software that’s revolutionizing the way we do our banking these days.”

  “Edward is pretty interested. We had a meeting last week and it’s a go.” Steven leaned back and sipped his wine. “I understand Ebbonivale is quite an investment and your wife seems to be quite the businesswoman.”

  “She is.” Theodore nodded with a pleased look on his face. “I fell in love with her long before she even knew I existed. It’s funny how things works out.”

  They both looked up as there was a commotion at the door. Prince Alexander was in town for business and had just made his appearance. “I think it is safe to say that we are being graced with the presence of royalty,” Steven said with a grin.



  “Hey you.” Alicia smiled as she answered the phone. She had come in exhausted and wilted. After the game had ended she had been forced to stay at the celebration and then dragged to the mall by her friends who wanted to do shopping for the kids. She did not do malls! It was too tiresome. “What are you up to?”

  “You were on my mind so I decided to call. How was your day?”

  She told him what she did and he laughed as she recounted the conversation she had with her friends.

  “So they want proof that I am not gay?”

  “I am afraid so. I suppose we are going to have to do something about it. Are you into videotaping your sexual encounters?”

  “What?” he asked her startled.

  “They are going to need proof, Steven.”


  “I am just kidding! Besides, we are going to take it slow, remember?”

  “Of course.”

  “I was thinking for our next date we could take in a movie or go to the museum.”

  “When is that?”

  “I will check my schedule and let you know. Steven?”


  “I had a great time last night.”

  “So did I,” he told her softly.

  Chapter 4

  “I have to be in Japan for a week. I am sorry, but it cannot be avoided,” Steven told her several days later while she was rushing out for a meeting.

  “I understand, Steven, you don’t need to apologize.” She glanced at her watch and squelched the feeling of disappointment she was feeling. “We will talk when you get back.”

  “I will call you first thing,” he promised.

  “Of course. Have a safe trip.”

  “I don’t want to hear it,” she warned as she turned to look at her assistant.

  “Hear what?” His expression was mild as he handed her the coat and her car keys along with the folder she needed for the meeting. “You don’t want to hear that you are doing your best to mess up what might turn out to be a good thing? Why should I say something like that?”

  “We are two very busy people-”

  “Who have met up twice in three weeks.” He shook his head as he opened the door for her. “I hope these meetings keep your tushy warm at nights.”

  “You are single,” she pointed out as she headed for the door.

  “I just got out of a nasty relationship and I am pacing myself. You, my sweet, honey, has not been in a relationship in –” He flung his hands over his head. “I can’t even remember.”

  “Remind me to fire you when I get back,” she told him darkly.

  “I will, darling.”


  “Mind if I join you?” Alicia started at the voice next to her. She had decided that instead of going straight home the way she usually did she would stop at Marty’s and have a drink to clear her head. She had looked at her phone for almost the entire time hoping that he would call and then had scolded herself for being so desperate. Lord, what was going on with her?

  He was tall and thick with his muscles bulging out of his dark grey suit and his dark hair had waves to it that she was sure he or some fancy hairstylist had created. He had a charming smile though she had to give him that.

  “Actually I-”

  “I just saw you sitting here all by yourself and wondered what a beautiful woman like you was doing here all alone.” He had taken the seat without waiting to hear what she had to say. “A rum and Coke, man.” His tone was arrogant as he addressed the bartender.

  “I am alone because I prefer it that way.” Her tone was frosty but that had no bearing on him whatsoever!

  “That’s not cool.” He shook his head and leaned forward. “You are not a lesbian are you?”

  “As a matter of fact I am.” She turned to him and eyeballed him. “I am as gay as the day is long.”

  “I find that hard to believe,” he said with a grin at her. “Just one night with me and you will be converted. Trust me.” His hand had started to descend on her pant clad thigh.

  “One more movement and you will find the edge of my very sharp spike ploughing into your crotch. Back off steroids! I told you I am not interested!” Her voice had risen slightly and brought attention to them.

  “You don’t have to be a bitch about it. You are not that hot after all.”

  “Good, now get los
t before I forget that I am a lady.”

  He sat there looking at her balefully before taking his drink and he melted into the crowd.

  “Here you go, on the house,” the bartender said with a grin. “He is an asshole and I am glad someone put him in his place.”


  Steven dropped his bag onto the carpeted floor and went straight into his bedroom. It had been a trying week and an even worse flight. He had taken the company’s jet to Japan but they had encountered turbulence in the air so it had been very bumpy. He had not slept in almost twenty-four hours and his body was slowly trying to become accustomed to home. He was dropping with exhaustion but he had done nothing but think of her and had doubts. She was loud and he was quiet. She was used to getting her own way and had made no qualms about that. He had also noticed that she had none of the qualities that would make him an ideal wife and he had not had sex with her yet. He had hoped that they would but she had steered the conversation far from that showing that she was the one in control. Not that he was averse in waiting before they went further but he would have like to have kissed her. She was beautiful and confident and had told him that she came from nothing and had fought her way to the top. He had inherited his money and added to what he already had. He took off his clothes and dropped them on the floor with the intention of picking them up later. He had been born with people picking up after him but he was always conscientious about having them do so. He stood in front of the full length mirror in his sumptuous cream and blue bathroom and stared at himself critically. He was too lean. He was thinking that maybe she wanted muscles like some of the black men he saw in the gym where he was a member. He had a fully equipped gym in the east side of the manor but it was no fun working out alone! His skin was too pale, he fretted. He had tried tanning several times at the pool side and whenever he went to Europe or the Caribbean but his skin had just turned a slight tan. His coloring was too fair. He looked down at his member and wondered if he was too small. He had the width but maybe he did not have the length. She was a black woman and she was probably used to much bigger. With an impatient movement of his shoulders, he ran agitated fingers through his thick ash blonde hair. What the hell was he doing? If she was not into him for who he was then to hell with her! But he knew that was not true. He liked her and he could not stop thinking about her. He felt himself swelling as he thought about her. He went into the shower and turned the water on. It was twelve a.m. on a Sunday night and he had to be in early the next morning.


  It was frustrating! He had thought that after he was back that they would finally get together. But when he called her she was out of town and would be away for a week. When she got back, he had to go away for another three days. So he had to wait almost two weeks before he could see her!

  “Darling, you look upset.” Grace floated into the parlor a few minutes after he had arrived home. He was grumpy and impatient and had taken it out on anyone who got in his way at the office. Marjorie had told him in her no nonsense way to go home and cool off or get laid, whichever works best! “Pour me one of those will you?” she added as she took her seat. “I swear that if I have to attend one more of those inane political rallies I am going to tear my hair out.”

  “I thought you liked Senator Baldwin,” Steven murmured as he handed her the scotch.

  “I do, but the campaign is driving me crazy!” She took a sip of the liquor and closed her eyes as it went into her bloodstream. “Now tell me what’s upsetting you?”

  “It’s nothing.” He shrugged as he sat and crossed his legs.

  “Darling, I happen to know you very well. Now spill.”

  He hesitated and stared down into his drink. “I met someone.”

  “Darling, finally! Who is she?”

  “Mother, try not to read anything into it,” he warned her.

  “Why shouldn’t I?” Grace demanded. “You are not getting any younger and neither am I.”

  “We just met and with our careers it’s pretty hard to pin down a time to meet.”

  “You have to make time.”

  “Not so easy. I had to go away last week and now she is away on business.”

  “When is she coming back?”

  “It should have been yesterday but she won’t be back until tomorrow.” He gulped down too much scotch and almost choked.

  “Tomorrow is Saturday so it’s perfect.”

  “She will be tired from her trip. I would not want to impose.”

  “Nonsense, darling!” his mother said with a snort. “Invite her over or just pop on over to her place with a nice bottle of Chardonnay and some flowers and she will open the door wide to let you in.”

  “Her name is Alicia Barnett.”

  Grace frowned a little bit and then her expression cleared. “That gorgeous African American woman who is the COO of ColaCo!” Her dark blue eyes twinkled in approval. “She is perfect!”

  “I thought you would not approve,” Steven said.

  “Why would you think that?”

  “Because of her coloring.”

  Grace looked at him and burst out laughing! “You know I don’t care about that sort of thing, darling. I certainly do not believe in a ‘white’ America. We are like a boiling pot, we have to be to make this country work. When will I meet her?”

  “As soon as we decide what this is.”

  “Be quick about it. I want to hold a grandchild in my arms very soon!”



  “Hi. You home yet?”

  “I just got in. How are you?”

  “Dying to see you. Look I know that you are probably exhausted-”

  “Come on over,” she told him softly.

  “I will be right there.”

  Alicia cursed the fact that she did not have time to shave or take a long soak! She was tired but she wanted to see him. All through her meetings she had been thinking about him. She could not shave her legs but she could certainly shave her pubic area. Down there had not seen any attention since forever because she had not had sex in what seemed like ages! “All right, Alicia Barnett! You need to stop behaving like a desperate woman whose lives revolve around a man! You are confident and super smart.” And horny! The thought popped inside her head sharply causing her to pause. “Okay, yes. I am horny and my friends are right. I really need to get laid!”

  When he arrived an hour later with a bottle of wine and some flowers looking absolutely handsome in faded denims, a white t-shirt and black jacket with his blonde hair mussed, she knew she was not going to wait any longer!

  “Hi,” he said softly.

  “Hi.” She stepped back and allowed him to pass her.

  “I hope you like roses,” he said as he handed her the huge bouquet of pale pink roses.

  “I do.” She sniffed and inhaled before going into the kitchen to find a vase to put them in.

  “Are you hungry?” he asked behind her.

  “Ravenous,” she said softly. It took him a moment to realize that she was not talking about food!

  His eyes widened as she stepped back and pulled the strings of her blue silk robe, letting it fall to the floor. His body tightened as he stared at her perfect figure. His eyes drifted from her long neck to her breasts with their puckered nipples and down her flat stomach to the enticing V cut of her pubic area.

  “I shaved. I was wondering if I should leave it clean but decided against it,” she whispered.

  His eyes went up to meet hers and she almost smiled at the darkness of them.

  “It’s perfect.” He had to clear his throat; that was how dry it was.

  She approached him and put her hands around his neck. “”All through the week I have been thinking about you and what we should be doing. I know we said we would take it slow but-”

  He cut her off with a kiss that had her curling against him! His mouth was feverish on hers, his fingers pulling her closer to him. His hands drifted down to her buttocks and pulled her up to his
erection. He had to fight off the feeling of uncontrollable madness that was invading him as her body clung to his! He lifted his head after a moment and stared down at her, the swollen lips and the soft look in her large brown eyes.

  “Let’s get you undressed, shall we?” she whispered.

  He nodded and allowed himself to be led to the bedroom. He barely had time to notice the elegance of the room as his eyes zeroed in on the large king sized bed that practically dominated the space. He shrugged out of his jacket and let it slide to the floor while she pulled the shirt over his head. He unbuckled his belt and stopped as she worked the zipper. He groaned as she reached inside to touch him, taking it out.

  “I don’t know if I am big enough-”

  “It’s perfect,” she whispered as she ran her fingers over the length of him. She drove him crazy as she explored the tip and the moisture pooling there.

  “I can’t-” he groaned as she continued to torture him.

  “Neither can I,” she murmured as she finished helping him to take his clothes off. He lifted her onto the bed and climbed on next to her, his hands going over her body. Her complexion was smooth and flawless. He wanted to explore every inch of her flesh but he was not sure he would be able to!

  “Hey!” she murmured as she stared at him.

  “This is really happening.” His voice was hoarse as he put his hand over her stomach.

  “Not if you do not make it happen.”

  “I am not very experienced,” he murmured huskily.

  “Neither am I,” she whispered, liking his shyness and uncertainty. “We will do it together.”

  “I want to kiss you first.”

  “Go ahead.” She reached up and cupped his face as he came over her. “Kiss away.”

  He touched his mouth to her forehead and then her cheeks and barely nibbled at her bottom lip causing her to tremble before going to the hollow in her neck, lingering there before going to her breasts. His tongue touched her nipple tentatively and watched as it hardened further before taking it inside his mouth. Alicia arched her body towards him, her fingers clutching his shoulders as the fire zinged through her body!


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