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Steven _BWWM Romance

Page 22

by Katie Dowe

  “Stop all communications with him. He cannot prove anything without talking to any of us.” Rebecca advised her friends. “Next, we need to find out where he is bluffing or if he has a credible source.”

  “So what, stop answering his calls?” Kitty looked at Rebecca.

  “Well that won't be possible in today’s age. He could use different numbers to call you. And there are many other ways to reach a person. So what you need to do is stick with just two words — No Comment!”

  Kitty and Janet liked this advice. This way they didn’t have to worry about this British reporter sandbagging them, and they were giving an official and safe statement.

  “Understood! Anything else?” Kitty asked Rebecca.

  “We need to find out more about this asshole reporter, and you…” she turned to Janet, “talk to Brian, and ask him if he knows anything about this reporter.”

  The ladies agreed and the meeting adjourned.


  Janet reached home and found Brian in the kitchen. Just one look of Janet’s face made him smile. “I am making something to eat, are you hungry Janet?”

  “Brian we need to talk,” Janet said in a very serious manner and sat down on the sofa.

  Brian could see Janet was really serious and so he left everything and sat beside her. “What is it Janet?”

  I need to ask you something that might offend you. But please try to understand that I have good intentions behind this question.” Janet was almost in tears.

  “I understand. Go ahead.”

  “Did you talk to somebody about our arrangement? Especially a reporter.”

  “God no!” Brian replied with disgust. “Trust me Janet, I will never make your life difficult. And just to make myself clear, no I did not talk about us to any reporter, ever!”

  Though Janet was a little relieved, she was still worried.

  Brian was able to see the fear on her face. “What is going on? Tell me if something or somebody is bothering you.”

  “I got a call from this British reporter yesterday and he said that he knows about our arrangement. And then he called Kitty and told her exactly how we came to this arrangement. Now we are not able to understand whether he is telling the truth or just bluffing.”

  Listening to Janet, Brian realized that it was a tricky problem. There was no way this reporter could have known anything about them and so Brian was almost certain he was bluffing.

  “I thinks he knows nothing.” Brian made himself clear.

  “Then what do we do? Rebecca has asked us to say 'No Comment' every time he contacts us.”

  Brian liked Rebecca’s advice. “She has told you to do the right thing. Do not give him anything to trigger you. If you keep saying 'No Comment', he might eventually go away. Most of the frauds do because they don’t want to waste their precious time on just one mark. So whatever he says, just keep yourself calm and say 'No Comment'! Understood?”

  Janet nodded in agreement.

  “And I guess we need to know a little about this reporter. Give me his number.”

  Janet shared Callum’s contact details with Brian.


  Two days later Brian dialed a number from his phone.

  “Brian!” a husky voice answered the call.

  “Hey Freddie! How are you mate?” Brian asked cheerfully.

  “I am good and I have some information for you,” Freddie replied.

  “Please give it to me.”

  “This fellow you told me about, is called Callum Holdsworth. Textbook scum, who survives by blackmailing people. Uses his profession to strong arm people into giving him what he wants.”

  “Is he dangerous?” Brian wanted to know if he posed a real threat to Janet and her friends.

  “Well not physically, but he had shut down some businesses. And my sources told me that not all of them deserved to be shut.”

  “What an asshole!” Brian exclaimed.

  “Yup. Also, he is up to his neck in debt. Guy has a gambling problem.”

  And suddenly, Brian knew what to do.

  “Freddie, I need you to find out the names of all the lone sharks he owes money to. I will really appreciate it.”

  “You got it Brian. I will get back to you.”

  “Thanks Freddie, you are a life saver.”


  Brian then met with Janet and her friends and assured them not to worry about Callum.

  “He is a regular scum who feeds off of extorting people. We don’t need to worry about him. I am pretty sure he has no proof of our arrangement.”

  “But we need to shut him up. Because even if he does not have any proof, he can start talking in public. And that is going to harm our reputation,” Rebecca explained.

  “I am trying to take care of him,” Brian told the ladies.


  “He has a gambling problem and a good amount of debt. Maybe that is why he keeps blackmailing people. Once I find out who are the people he owes money to. I can make his life hell.”

  “Brian, I don’t want any violence,” Janet said.

  “Alright! I will not encourage anybody to hit him,” Brian promised.

  “So now what should we do? Shall we continue with our super-hit single No Comments?” Kitty asked Rebecca.

  “For now, yes. Stick to it until we know for sure that he does not have any evidence.” Rebecca had no other plan to tackle this situation in its current form.

  “Alright, I will let you all know once I find out more about his debts.” Brian stood up holding Janet’s hand. Kitty and Rebecca could see that now both of them were natural at holding hands and touching each other. Exactly like a real couple.


  As they entered the penthouse, Brian could feel Janet was quite worried. He looked at her face and saw the traces of tears in her eyes.

  “What is wrong with you Janet? It's nothing to cry about. Nobody is taking your company away from you. Especially not a scumbag reporter.”

  “You think I am worried about my company?” she looked into his eyes with tears rolling down her cheeks. “I don’t want to lose you.”

  “How are you going to lose me?” Brian wiped her tears. Janet did not say anything and turned away instead.

  “Look at me.” Brian pulled her face closer to his. “I know what you feel for me and today I want to tell you something.”

  Janet was dying with excitement when Brian pulled her face even closer and kissed her. His lips rubbed against her lips and soon both of them were embracing each other.

  “I love you too,” Brian confessed. Janet kissed Brian back with all the passion in her heart and grabbed his hair. Brian picked up Janet in his arms and laid her down on the sofa. He then kissed her all over her neck and his hands started exploring the curves of her beautiful body. Janet reciprocated with her kisses on his chest and her fingernails going deep into his skin.

  Both of them made out on that couch like animals and when their passion began fueling with lust, Brian again picked Janet up and took her inside the bedroom. In there, they removed all the apprehensions and finally got to know each other completely.

  Brian was over Janet, furiously fucking her. Right now she was not thinking about any reporter, company, numbers or fraud. She wanted to be fucked like an animal and that was exactly what she was getting. Brian held her hands over her head, making her breasts jiggle wildly with each stroke. Janet was able to feel Brian’s warm and thick cock inside her, and her wet pussy was making it all feel so much better. “Do you like it?” he asked looking into her eyes. She did not say anything but nodded in agreement. “Do you want me to fuck you harder?” Brian asked further.

  Janet did not understand how this man was reading her mind. She nodded yes and this time with a wild smile. Arching her back a little, Janet’s breast elevated a little more, making Brian go mad with ecstasy. Suddenly Janet could feel the increased power and intensity in Brian’s strokes. He leaned in and took one breast in his mouth. Holding the n
ipple in his lips Brian sucked on it and pulled it as far back as possible. “Hmmmmmm!” Janet cried with a pain that was mixed with more parts of pleasure, and then Brian released her nipple.

  “Aaaah!” she cried again but Brian was doing the same thing to the other nipple now.

  “Blindfold me!” Janet’s eyes suddenly twinkled. Brian was not sure if he heard her right, “What?” he chuckled looking at her.

  “Cover my eyes,” she said showing him a silk scarf that was lying by the night stand. Without getting out of her, Brian twisted his back and picked up the scarf. He made a blindfold and looked at her once again,

  “You sure?” he asked.

  “Yes!” Janet was always sure about what she wanted.

  Brian tied the blindfold around her eyes and Janet laid back in the bed.

  “Now go wild!” she said, giving Brian a free reign.

  He first started with massaging her breasts with both his hands. For some reason, not seeing Brian increased the excitement for Janet. Brian could feel she was getting wetter.

  “Let me show you something.” he said and placed both of Janet’s legs on the bed together. He then joined them together and placed his legs around them. Brian’s knees were like a tent around Janet’s thighs. She could feel his dick getting in a tight grip inside her and then Brian started moving.

  She cried with pleasure that doubled with that blindfold. “Oh Brian, this feels so good!”

  Brian just smiled and kept moving. Slowly, he gained speed and power, making Janet moan more with each stroke.

  “Fuck me hard, Brian. Fuck me hard!” Janet pleaded and Brian was going to obey it.

  He now brought his hands back to her breasts and placed them under her waist. It arched her back a little making her breasts jiggle even more as they hung to the side. She could now feel tension not only in her vagina but also her breasts that were now hanging over the sides of her ribcage. And soon, she could see the end of the tunnel where she wanted to go.

  Brian was fucking her like a wild animal and suddenly, he flipped her over. Putting her lower abdomen over a pillow, he placed his dick outside her pussy and went right in. Janet came after a few strokes.

  “Oh Brian!” she cried. “That was so good!”

  But Brian was not there yet, and so he kept going. Janet cried and orgasmed two more times before Brian could reach his limit. And when he did he just collapsed over her like an avalanche.

  Their heavy breathing was in a rhythm and their sweat was making them feel warm. Their eyes grew heavy and so they fell asleep.

  Around an hour later, both of them were lying in each other’s arms. Their skin rubbing against each other, they would occasionally kiss each other.

  “I love you!” Janet said again.

  “I love you too!” Brian held her tightly in his arms.

  “Janet, we need to rid of these accusations permanently? I mean today we may get rid of Holdsworth, but in future another troll might come out of the woodwork. What if I suggest a permanent solution?”

  Janet was curious, “I am listening.”

  Brian held her face in both his hands, “Marry me!”

  Janet was stumped for a moment, but then a smile appeared on her face.


  “Hey Freddie!” Brian answered his cellphone. “How are you mate?”

  “I have a good news and a bad news for you Brian.” Freddie informed Brian in his husky voice.

  “Tell me.”

  “Well good news is that I have found the people who lent Holdsworth money.”

  “And the bad news?”

  “There are too many of them.” Freddie laughed.

  “Freddie you sly bastard! I love you. You have saved my life.”

  “So what do you want now?”

  “The names of people Holdsworth owe money to.”

  Freddie took out his small notebook. “You better sit down cause it's gonna take some time reading all these names.”

  It took Freddie and Brian more than 5 minutes to note down all the names. Now Brian had the upper hand. “Freddie I will always remember this. Thank you very much.”

  “Well, just remember when I call you with something.”

  “You got it Freddie.” Brian hung up with a smile.


  Callum Holdsworth was being thrown out of another bar when he heard his name.

  “Easy there,” two hands supported him as he tried to get back up on his feet.

  “Bless you mate,” Callum said finally standing on his feet, but as he looked at the face of his supporters a wicked smile appeared on his lips.

  “Brian Watson! What brought you here? Are you stalking me you creep?”

  “Really Holdsworth? Pot .. kettle … black!”

  “Fair enough! So why are you here? Not to pay for my drinks I suppose.” Callum laughed loudly.

  “Sadly for you, No! In fact, I am here to offer a settlement to you. You know, to get you off my back.”

  “Oh you mean off your lady’s back? Well I don’t mind riding a lady with that body, if you know what I mean, eh?”

  Brian wanted to punch Callum really hard but he stopped himself, knowing that he was drunk and so he won't remember the beating after getting sober.

  “Now listen to me Holdsworth. I have a friend of yours that I want you to meet.”

  Brian grabbed Callum by his collar and turned him around. Now Callum was facing a 7 ft tall gorilla of a man who was staring down at him like the devil.

  “Oh fuck! Why are you here Devon?”

  “I will tell you why he is here.” Brian pulled Callum to himself.

  “I know you owe Devon and many other gentlemen like him a big amount of money. And so I want you to know that if you won't stop bothering me and Janet, I am going to start paying these gentlemen on your behalf. But I will be paying them to hunt you down and beat your ass. And trust me, I have no shortage of funds, unlike you.”

  Callum’s face was turning pale as Devon grabbed his throat.

  “So pay your debts on time and leave me and my wife alone.” Brian signaled Devon and he threw Callum into the wall behind him.

  “Wife?” Callum was shocked.

  “Oh yes, I forgot to mention, but we got married yesterday. We are off to our honeymoon now. So I hope to never see your filthy face again.”

  Brian and Devon walked away, leaving Callum by the wall. He knew he was never going to go near the High Seas story every again in his life.


  A private jet landed on the Port Blair landing strip. The jet stopped and its door opened.

  Kitty and Bilal came out first, followed by Brian and Janet.

  “I love this place!” Janet screamed coming out of the jet.

  “Everybody loves India.” Brian told her.

  Together they caught their ferry and within two hours they were back in the same hotel on the Neil Island.

  “Here is a toast to both of you..” Bilal said raising his wine glass. “For your blessed married life, and for being the real success story of High Seas.”

  All of them drank their wine and laughed. But then Janet remembered something. “You know after knowing about Kitty and you.” She said to Bilal. “I realized that it was actually you two who were the first success story of High Seas.”

  Kitty tried to remember and realized that Janet was right. It was indeed her and Bilal who bonded over the website. It was Bilal who pulled High Seas out of the bad storm.

  “For us, friends and lovers!” Brian raised another toast.

  “For us!” all of them drank.

  Brian held Janet close and kissed her.

  “So how many billions are you two worth combined together?” Bilal asked jokingly.

  “Still nothing compared to you alone my Prince.” Brian said with a smile.

  Bilal laughed out loud, “Well, that is true.”

  “Enough of this chit chat, who is coming with me for a swim?” Brian took off his shirt and shoes. Kitty and Bilal quickly
finished their drinks and ran to the beach. “Meet us there.”

  Brian held Janet’s hand and started running to the beach.

  “I will meet you there, just give me five minutes,” she said stopping herself.

  “Alright, don’t take too long.” Brian kissed her and left.

  Janet took out her cellphone and opened a link in her email. It was the latest review of High Seas —

  The pearls of true love — High Seas

  When founder of CookUp and billionaire Janet Crane came up with the idea of High Seas; a global dating site, many from the industry scoffed at it. They called the idea redundant and too complicated. The first thing that got attacked was the site’s forced privacy feature. Members were not able to see each other’s details without interacting with each other for sometime. Almost everybody after the launch penned down this feature and the service. Some of them even called it the end of Janet Crane’s career. But Crane proved why she is hailed a genius. She turned this service around without changing her concept and privacy feature despite strong advice from the veterans of the industry. And after she found her love through her service, people jumped on it like it was Noah’s Ark. Since Crane’s success story, the site’s members increased like a chain reaction. And soon people started finding love in every corner of the world. Many other success stories of High Seas are a living testimony of Janet Crane’s determination and faith in her own idea. Right now High Seas has the highest number of members registered on a dating site despite its paid membership, but new registrations are still pouring in. Last week, Janet Crane sold High Seas for a whooping amount of 34 million dollars, and now the industry is waiting for the next big thing Crane will bring out.

  As Janet finished the article, a smile appeared on her face. And now she was back in the Neil Island to look for the next big idea.

  The end.

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