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The Calling

Page 18

by Deborah A Hodge

  Dr. Patterson noted David’s distress, “Miss Cook, what is this meeting about?”

  “I’d rather wait until everyone is here before we proceed.”

  As she finished her statement, Matthew and Cate arrived, and David went to invite them in.

  He saw the nervous apprehension on Cate’s face. “It’ll be okay,” he whispered, as he led them into the living room.

  “Matthew, Miss Jones, how are you today?” Dr. Patterson rose and greeted them.

  When everyone was seated, Dr. Patterson nodded to Miss Janet to begin.

  “Dr. Patterson, this is difficult for me. I have always had the deepest respect for David, and the utmost confidence in him as a man of God. Therefore, I deeply regret to inform you that I believe he is guilty of a misjudgment that will tarnish his reputation-and that of your mission agency.”

  Cate immediately looked at Matthew for encouragement and briefly glanced toward David, who was watching Miss Janet. Cate saw the shocked expression on David’s face as Miss Janet leveled her charge.

  Dr. Patterson allowed her to finish before he asked, “Exactly what is your accusation against David?”

  “He willfully conspired with Matthew to violate the rules of our mission agency.”

  “How did he do that?”

  “He encouraged Matthew to hire this divorced woman as a teacher for our mission school,” Miss Janet nodded her head toward David, Matthew and Cate.

  “Miss Cook, am I understanding you correctly? Your accusation is that David encouraged Matthew to hire Miss Jones to teach at the mission school,” Dr. Patterson tried to clarify.

  “That is correct. He encouraged Matthew to violate the mission rules in order to get her a job.”

  “Miss Cook, even if what you say is true, I don’t know why I’m here,” Dr. Patterson said.

  “It’s true. Just ask them. They’ll tell you,” she pointed toward them with her hand.

  “But, madam, I’m trying to tell you—”

  “Just ask them!” Miss Janet insisted.

  Dr. Patterson saw her agitation and reluctantly gave in. “David, did you encourage Matthew to hire Cate?”

  “I recommended her for the job, if that’s what she means.”

  “See,” Miss Janet’s eyes flashed with vindication.

  Dr. Patterson continued his questioning, “How did you know there was an opening?”

  “Matthew wrote me about it.”

  “And, why did you recommend Miss Jones?”

  David answered, “Because God called her to teach in a mission school, and if Matthew agreed, why not this one?”

  “Did you know that the Kennedy Agency had rules against hiring divorced people?” Dr. Patterson asked.

  “I didn’t know if they did or not.”

  Matthew sought to remove David from the hot seat. “David told me upfront that Cate was a divorcee, and asked me if that would be a problem; and I said no.”

  “So, you made the decision to hire Miss Jones, knowing that she had been divorced.”

  “I did,” Matthew said empathetically.

  Dr. Patterson was silent for a moment as he studied the group before him. “Miss Janet, I’m afraid I don’t see any grounds for your complaint.”

  Miss Janet sat tall in her chair, her jaw firm, “Would your agency have hired her?”

  Reluctantly, but truthfully, Dr. Patterson answered, “No, I’m afraid not.”

  “So, my complaint is that your missionary should not have recommended our agency hire her.”

  Miss Janet’s words pierced Cate’s heart. She knew it was true; the IMB had strict rules against appointing people like her, and most mission agencies followed this policy, regardless of whose fault the divorce was, or whether there were biblical grounds. This prevented David and her from having a future together. Now it threatened to destroy her ability to teach in the mission school. Cate’s anxious thoughts were interrupted as Dr. Patterson continued.

  “Miss Janet, all that you say about the IMB is true, but your agency is not the IMB. Matthew is the head of your agency and as head, he has the right to decide whom to hire. I don’t see how this has anything to do with David, or our agency.”

  Miss Janet fidgeted in her chair and clenched her fists, “So, you’re not going to do anything about this?”

  “No, Miss Cook, I am not,” Dr. Patterson said.

  “Well, I know someone who will.”

  Matthew feared he knew what she meant, “And, who might that be?”

  “Your father,” Miss Janet answered.

  “Miss Janet, there is no reason to bring my father into this.”

  “I beg to differ with you. Anyway, he’s already involved. I called him this morning.”

  Matthew’s head dropped, “Janet, I wish you hadn’t done that.”

  “I’m sure you do. I had hoped that Dr. Patterson would help resolve this, but the more I thought about it yesterday, I realized that a resolution would require your father’s intervention, so I called him. When I explained the dilemma here, he was very upset. You’ll be hearing from him shortly. I know he will straighten the whole thing out.”

  Unable to be silent any longer, Cate confronted Miss Janet, “How could you dislike me so much that you would create such havoc and hurt so many people?”

  “I didn’t do that, you did.”

  “Is divorce the unpardonable sin to you?”

  “No, a disqualifying sin,” Miss Janet corrected, with smug self-righteousness.

  Matthew came to Cate’s rescue, “It is a sin God forgives. Any way, Cate didn’t cheat and leave, her husband did.”

  Miss Janet narrowed her eyes at Matthew, “So, you say.”

  “Miss Janet, Cate was blameless in the divorce,” David backed Matthew up.

  “I’m sure that you two would say anything to help her,” Miss Janet’s lips curled into a smug smile.

  “Her father, Dr. Johnathon Jones, told me the details of her divorce. She’s blameless,” David said.

  Hearing his words, Cate’s eyes widened and her mouth flew open.

  “I don’t think anyone is blameless in a divorce.”

  Pointing to Matthew and himself, David asked, “Are you accusing us of dishonesty?”

  “No, I’m accusing you,” Miss Janet looked at both David and Matthew, “of being in love with her.”

  Dr. Patterson tried to defuse the situation, “Now, Miss Cook, I’m sure all of this can be handled in an amicable manner.”

  “I’m quite sure it can’t,” she replied vehemently. “I think you’re all in collusion.”

  “We’re not in collusion. We’re just trying to understand your attitude,” Dr. Patterson said.

  “The fact that you don’t is why I called Dr. Kennedy,” Miss Janet rose to leave.

  Matthew tried one more time, “Miss Janet, I have to ask you one more time to please reconsider what you are doing.”

  “Not on your life,” Miss Janet answered, as she stormed out the door.

  Cate stifled a sob, “I am so sorry that all of you have been dragged into this.”

  “You have nothing to be sorry for my dear,” Dr. Patterson assured her.

  “She’s not ordinarily like this. I-I don’t understand her attitude at all,” Cate said.

  “Sometimes we Christians are terribly self-righteous, unforgiving people. If I understand correctly my dear, you’ve done nothing wrong,” Dr. Patterson handed Cate a handkerchief.

  Cate looked at Matthew, “What if she’s right about your father?”

  “I told you, I am head of the agency. I have the authority to hire whoever I think I should.”

  “But, will your father feel the same way?” Cate’s voice held understandable concern.

  Matthew took a deep breath and glanced at Dr. Patterson, “I don’t know, but I’m ready to defend my decision.”

  “Dr. Patterson, you’re not directly involved in this fiasco. Therefore, may I ask your advice?” Cate inquired.

  “Of course, my

  “It appears to me that Miss Janet wants me gone. If-you were me-what would you do?”

  “May I call you Cate?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Cate, why did you come to Ecuador to teach?”

  “Because I believed God wanted me to.”

  “So, you were obeying God when you came here.”

  “Yes, sir that’s right.”

  “Has all of this caused you to feel differently about God’s leading?”

  “I–I don’t know sir.”

  “I’m sure that you’ve been praying about this situation?”

  “Oh, yes sir, constantly.”

  “What have you sensed God leading you to do?”

  “I don’t know.” Cate looked at Matthew and David, “I haven’t receive any clear guidance.”

  “So, if God hasn’t made clear what you should do,” Dr. Patterson put a fatherly hand on her shoulder, “keep praying until He does.”

  “But, this situation, it’s so hard to endure.”

  “I know. God knows too, and you can trust His grace to be sufficient to sustain you.”

  “Yes, sir, thank you,” Cate said.

  “Dr. Patterson,” Matthew interrupted, “Under the circumstances, I think it would be wise for Cate to find another place to live. Don’t you?”

  “That might help calm the situation some. I’m sure it will help ease the stress a little.”

  “The problem is the agency has no other housing.” Matthew looked at Dr. Patterson, “Does your agency have any here that we could use temporarily?”

  “Not at the moment,” Dr. Patterson answered.

  “I’ll stay where I am,” Cate said. “I’ll give Miss Janet her space like I’ve been doing.”

  “Maybe, I can help,” David said. “I might know somewhere Cate can stay for a while.


  “At the Garcia’s.”

  Matthew considered David’s suggestion, “You really think so?”

  “Yes, if it’s agreeable to Cate, how about you and I go ask them?”

  “Of course, Mr. and Mrs. Garcia’s house would be fine,” Cate said.

  Dr. Patterson suggested that he stay with Cate while the two young men talked to the Garcias.

  “Cate, did I understand correctly?” Dr. Patterson asked, “Your father’s name is Johnathon Jones.”

  “Yes, sir. It is.”

  “Did he attend Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary?”

  “Yes, he did,” Cate wondered how he knew.

  “I believe I know your father. I had a very good friend by the name of Johnathon Jones while I was in seminary. He married a girl name Carolyn Jane Smalley.”

  Cate smiled, “That’s right. Smalley was my mother’s maiden name.”

  “John, Carolyn, my wife and I lived in the same apartment building.”

  “You remind me of my father,” Cate said.

  “I’m honored.” Dr. Patterson patted her hand, “After seminary, he took a pastorate in the South and I took one in the Midwest. We kept in touch for a while, but we lost touch after I began to prepare for the mission field. I moved to go to language school and your father moved to another pastorate.”

  “That was probably the church in Charleston. We moved from there to Kansas City. My father has been pastor of the Bethsaida Baptist Church ever since.”

  “Cate, I’m sorry for all that you are going through. If I, or my wife, can be of any assistance to you, please let us know.”

  “Thank you, sir. I appreciate that very much.”

  “It’s the very least we can do for our old friends’ daughter,” Dr. Patterson said, as Matthew and David came through the door.

  “It’s all set,” Matthew said.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Garcia will be very glad to have you,” David added.

  “Good,” Cate felt immediate relief.

  “The agency will pay a monthly rental for you to live there,” Matthew said.

  “Oh, Matthew, I’m so sorry about this.”

  “I’ve told you over and over that you have nothing to be sorry for. I’ll call Kim and ask her to gather up enough of your clothes for tonight, and we’ll get the rest while Miss Janet is at church tomorrow,” Matthew said.

  Cate frowned, “I don’t like bringing Kim into the middle of this.”

  “Nonsense, she’ll be glad to help. She told me so.”

  “Well, I’ll leave this with you young people, and make my way back to Quito,” Dr. Patterson said.

  David walked him to the door. “I’m sorry Miss Janet dragged you down here.”

  “It’s part of the job, my boy,” Dr. Patterson replied.

  “Thank you for all that you’ve done,” Cate said, as she and Matthew joined them at the door.

  “Yes, sir, thank you,” David shook hands with Dr. Patterson.

  “You all are most welcomed,” Dr. Patterson replied. “Cate, be sure and tell your parents that my wife and I said hello, and that they are in our prayers.”

  “I’ll walk you to your car. Be back in a few minutes,” Matthew told David and Cate.

  Cate and David were alone. They had not been for a long time, and they were uncomfortable with it.

  “Cate, I’m very sorry this is happening.”

  “Thanks, I don’t know what I’m going to do. I’ve prayed continually since this began. It’s like the heavens are brass. I wonder if God’s trying to tell me something.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like maybe I made a mistake in coming here? Maybe I misunderstood God’s leadership.”

  “Cate, I don’t think that’s true. I’ve never known anyone who was so convinced about God’s leadership,” David’s voice held conviction, and he moved closer to her.

  “You’re right,” she nodded, “I don’t really think I misunderstood, but I am confused about why this is happening. Tell me why,” Cate turned and grabbed David’s hand, “when I am obediently following God’s leading, suddenly, everything falls apart.”

  David heard the anxiety, perplexity, and discouragement in her voice.

  “I can’t answer all of your questions, but I do know that God is in control, and He has a purpose in everything He allows.”

  “The only purpose I can see in this is Miss Janet’s.”

  “I’m sure there’s more here than you know.”

  “I’m not!”

  “Cate,” David said, with deep tenderness.

  His tone caught her off guard, and she immediately looked up. They looked deeply into each other’s eyes. Neither said a word; time stood still.

  Hearing Matthew and Kim’s voices as the door opened, they both looked away.

  “Well, I hope I got all of the things you needed,” Kim said, as she sat down on the couch. “We’ll get the rest of your clothes and stuff tomorrow.”

  “I’ve filled Kim in,” Matthew informed them.

  “I knew when Miss Janet came home this afternoon that something had happened,” Kim said, “but I was afraid to ask.”

  “Kim, I am sorry that you’re caught in the middle of this,” Cate apologized.

  “It’s not your fault. I’m on your side, but if I say it openly, I’ll be looking for a new place to live too.”

  “Maybe Miss Janet should be looking for a new place to live and a new job,” Matthew said.

  “No, Matthew,” Cate insisted, “I won’t have her lose her job because of me,”

  “If she loses her job, it will be because of her attitude,” Matthew responded.

  “Cate, we’d better get you to the Garcias’ so you can get settle in,” David suggested.

  When they arrived at the Garcias’, Cate and David got out, and Matthew took Kim back to her house. Mr. and Mrs. Garcia and Sarah met them at the door.

  “Ola, Miss Cate,” Mrs. Garcia greeted them, “You are very welcome here. We have a nice room waiting for you.”

  “Cate, will you be living here now?” Sarah asked.

  “Yes. Baby Girl I wi

  Sarah scrunched up her nose, “You’re not going to be living with Kim and Miss Janet?”

  “No, Baby Girl I’m not.”

  “You’ll have lots of fun at Mrs. Garcia’s house. I always do,” Sarah assured her.

  “We are most glad to have you,” Mr. Garcia greeted Cate too.

  “Thank you both. I hope this won’t be an imposition.”

  “No, you are most welcome. With all of our children grown, we have plenty of room. You will add sunshine and joy to our home,” Mrs. Garcia assured her, while Mr. Garcia nodded his agreement.

  “Where should I put this?” David held up Cate’s suitcase.

  “Come, I will show you,” Mrs. Garcia said.

  Mrs. Garcia led the way. It was not a big room, or a fancy room, but it was a bright cheery room. One of its best features was that its windows faced the same mountains that had become the symbol of the Lord’s strength and protection for Cate.

  “I hope this will be fine, Miss Cate.”

  “This is beautiful. Thank you both for allowing me to stay here.”

  Sarah pulled at David’s hand, “Daddy, can I stay with Cate tonight?”

  “Honey, I don’t think so. Cate needs her rest.”

  Cate held out her hand to Sarah, “I really don’t mind, if Mrs. Garcia doesn’t.”

  “No, it is no problem,” Mrs. Garcia said.

  “Come on, Daddy,” Sarah begged.

  “Yeah, come on Daddy,” Cate laughed.

  “Are you sure?” David asked.

  “Sure, I’m sure. She can help me get use to my new room.”

  “Well, I guess, it’s all right then.”

  “Yea!” Sarah yelled.

  “Well, I guess I’ll see you all in the morning. I’ll bring Sarah’s church clothes and we’ll take care of that—other matter,” David winked.

  “Thanks that would be great.”

  As Sarah was busily playing on the bed, David walked over and asked, “Don’t I get a goodbye kiss?”

  “Sure,” Sarah grabbed him around the neck, hugged and kissed him goodbye.

  “Bye, Lady Bug I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Daddy, give Cate a goodbye kiss too,” Sarah said innocently.

  Surprised by the comment, Cate and David locked eyes, but aware that Mrs. Garcia was in the room, they quickly looked in different directions.


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