89. (c) Heidi Hollinger
90. Peter Bregg
91. Peter Bregg
92. Photo courtesy of Hello! Canada Magazine
93. Brian Powell Photography
95. Peter Bregg
96. Peter Bregg
98. Frank H. Scheme Endpaper photographs:
BP CANADA. Winter 2008. Used by permission of BP Canada (www.bphope.ca).
CHATELAINE. December 1971, July 1972, July 1976, November 2009. Owned by and used with permission of Rogers Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved. INTERVIEW MAGAZINE, March 1978 featuring MARGARET TRUDEAU. Courtesy Interview Inc.
MACLEAN’S. August 1971 and March 1977.
TIME. March 1971 (c) TIME, Inc. All rights reserved. Used by permission and protected by the Copyright Laws of the United States. The printing, copying, redistribution, or retransmission of the Material without express written permission is prohibited.
Abbott, Doug, 36
Aboriginal peoples, 249, 252
Adams, Bryan, 266
addiction, 261, 282–84
Africa, 316–19
Aga Khan, 259
alcohol, 127, 133–34, 285, 338
Alcoholics Anonymous, 284–85
Alexandre (hairdresser), 131
Alia, Queen of Jordan, 139
L’ange gardien (film), 174–75
anger, 110, 127, 307
Angus, Mamie, 138
“Anthem” (Cohen), 225
antidepressants, 239, 363. See also specific drugs
antipsychotics, 278–79, 364. See also specific drugs
Aristotle, 307
Ashenburg, Katherine, 215–16
Ashida, Jun, 194
Avedon, Richard, 156
Bacall, Lauren, 167
Ball, Doug, 109
Barlow, Maude, 318
Beatty, Warren, 167
Bednarz, Andrew, 247, 249
Bedos, Zoë, 331, 341
Bégin, Michelle, 267
Bernard, Esther (née Farquhar), 10
Bernard, Francis James, 10
Bernard, Rose Edith, 36–38, 46–48
Bernard, Tom, 37
Beyond Reason (M. Trudeau), 191, 195
bipolar illness, 2, 161–62, 277. See also depression; mania; specific treatments
bipolar illness (continued)
balance in, 212–14, 330–33, 339
brain chemistry and, 275, 355–56
cycles, 286
diagnosis, 117–18, 181–82, 239, 240, 325, 326, 356–57
escape in, 92, 111–15, 127, 153, 224, 226, 268, 283
as gift, 344–45
grief and, 216–17, 220–24, 225, 260, 266, 327–28, 335–37
guilt in, 266, 293, 295, 352
hormones and, 77, 112, 228–29, 362
lifestyle and, 21, 275–76, 294, 308, 328
and marriage, 129, 152, 327
mood swings, 1–2, 13–15, 117–18, 128, 171, 177–82, 228–29, 264–65
negative feelings in, 306–8, 331–32
nutrition and, 275, 281–82, 357
physical symptoms, 226–27, 327, 356
recovery from, 123–24, 279–80, 297
treatments, 3, 119–22, 234–40, 349–50, 357
weight gain and, 187–89, 228, 229, 278
weight loss and, 35, 119, 171, 192, 265, 273
Blake, William, 31
Bogue, Pauline, 268
Bosley, Nicole, 316
Boutros-Ghali, Boutros, 201
Bowles, Jane, 33
Bowles, Paul, 33
brain chemistry, 275, 355–56, 358
Margaret and, 82, 99, 106
medications and, 363–65
Brezhnev, Leonid, 78
Brown, Mary, 237–40
Cade, John, 182
Cairns, Sandra, 312–13
Cameron, Colin, 267, 274–75, 280–81, 285, 287, 292–93, 306–9
on bipolar illness, 275, 277–79, 288, 347–53
Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 50
mental health care in, 325–26, 349
and water rights, 318
Canada World Youth, 330
Canadian Avalanche Foundation, 253, 254, 266
The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 349, 359
Canadian Mental Health Association, 324, 329, 334
Capote, Truman, 167
Carter, Jimmy, 151, 259
Carter, Rosalynn, 87, 150, 151, 334
Castro, Fidel, 142–43, 144, 258, 259
Chatelaine magazine, 104
China, 92–94
Chirac, Bernadette, 130–31
Chirac, Jacques, 132
Chopra, Deepak, 293
Chou En-lai, 94
CJOH (Ottawa), 191–92, 203
Clark, Joe, 179, 191
Clement, Antoinette, 9, 10
cocaine, 219
Cohen, Leonard, 32, 152, 225, 259
Commonwealth Conference (Jamaica, 1975), 137
Conlogue, Ray, 200
Conlon, Mary Alice, 106
Crete, 112
Cross, James, 48
Cuba, 142–44, 330
Dada Destination Services (Ottawa), 312–13
Dalai Lama, 148–49
de Gaulle, Charles, 129
depression, 2. See also bipolar illness
anger and, 110
in the elderly, 333–34
grief and, 250–51
love as antidote, 177
managing, 290
postpartum, 96–98, 217, 361–62
sadness versus, 288, 290–91, 293
seasonal affective disorder and, 143–44
symptoms, 188–89, 275
treatment, 98, 276, 364
Diefenbaker, Edna, 11–12
Diefenbaker, John, 44, 58
Dominis, John, 169
dopamine, 230, 275, 278
drugs, 29, 34, 142, 145–47, 219. See also specific drugs
Duffy, Anne, 359
Eagleton, Thomas, 97
Echeverria, Señora Luis, 140–41
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), 319–20
Elizabeth II, 59, 83, 109
emotional intelligence, 307–8
Epival (valproic acid), 234, 238, 364
Erickson, Arthur, 91
Ethiopia, 319
exercise, 294, 308. See also specific activities
Fairbairn, Joyce, 93
Farquhar, William, 8–9
Faulkner, Jane, 255, 303
Fear of Flying (Jong), 136
fibromyalgia, 226–27, 327
Fieve, Ron, 181–82
Fox, Marie-Hélène, 130
France, 111, 129–32, 174
Frankl, Viktor, 351
Front de libération du Québec (FLQ), 48–50
Frost, Robert, 259
Gandhi, Indira, 82–83
Gandhi, Mohandas K., 352
“Garden Party” (Nelson), 173
Gibson, Gordon, 57
Gillin, Heather, 123, 222–23
Giscard d’Estaing, Anne-Aymone, 132
Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry, 132
The Globe and Mail, 147, 160, 200
Gobeil, Madeleine, 43–44
Good Morning America, 169–70
Goodnight Moon (Brown), 100
Government House (Rideau Hall), 64–65, 74, 77
Green, Alexander and Andrew, 222
Green, Mary-Jean, 220, 221–22, 223–24, 225
Green, Peter, 221
Grégoire-Trudeau, Sophie, 306, 316, 330, 341, 342–44
dealing with, 249, 293, 305–6, 335–37
as debilitating, 216, 327–28
and depression, 250–51
versus depression, 288, 290–91, 293
working through, 285, 287–88, 352
Griffiths, Linda, 199–200
Grof, Paul, 282, 355–59
The Guardian Angel (film), 174–75
guardianship, 296–
Gvishiani, Lyudmila, 77
Haida Gwaii (B.C.), 252
Harrington Lake, 44–45, 46, 48–49, 50–51
as family retreat, 83–84, 103–5
Havens, Richie, 92
Head, Ivan, 149, 150
The Healing Journey through Grief (Rich), 249
Hendrick, Kathy, 321
Here Be Dragons (Newman), 255
High Hopes (Sinclair cabin), 16–18
Hildegarde (maid at 24 Sussex), 164, 190
hippies, 21–23, 28–34, 35, 141–42
Hirsch, Emile, 305
Hodgson, Stuart, 256
hormones, 77, 112, 228–29, 362
hospitals. See also specific hospitals
psychiatric, 319, 321–22
staff of, 239–40, 287
Hughes, Fred, 167
Humboldt (Sask.), 106–7
Hussein, King of Jordan, 139
Hutschnecker, Arnold, 168
hypnosis, 292, 352
Institute for Mental Health (UBC), 329
Into the Wild (film), 304–5
Irene, Sister, 249
isolation, 102, 120–22, 264, 265–66, 275, 276
Jagger, Bianca, 158
Jagger, Mick, 157, 158
Jamaica, 221
Jamie (Margaret’s niece), 207, 213
Japan, 149–50, 192–95
jaundice, 238, 239
Johnson, Jimmy, 203
Jong, Erica, 136
Jordan, 139
Justine’s (Ottawa), 312
Keats, John, 23
Kemper, Alicia (Ally), 214, 248, 330, 334, 341–42
and Margaret’s illness, 237, 264, 300–302
Kemper, Fried, 203–5, 214, 241–42, 260–61, 296
financial problems, 217–18, 224
and Margaret’s illness, 235–36, 250, 264
marriage to Margaret, 206–7, 208–9, 224, 225, 228, 251
as stepfather, 209–10, 243–44
Kemper, John (Joachim), 203–4, 206–7, 208, 211, 212, 261
Kemper, Kyle James Joachim, 207–8, 212, 213, 217
and brothers, 210, 244, 303
and Margaret’s illness, 237, 300, 302–3
Kemper, Lynda, 214
Kemper, Mary, 203–4, 211, 261
Kemper, Tini, 214, 264
Kemper family, 264
at Newboro Lake, 208–9, 210–12, 214, 226, 241–42, 333
Kennedy, Edward M. (Teddy), 113–14, 124–25, 128, 151, 160–61
Kennedy, Edward M., Jr., 113–14
Kennedy, Ethel, 113
Kennedy, Henry, 138
Kesey, Ken, 120
kif, 29
Kimberley, Leslie, 164–65
Kimberley, Vicki, 164–65
Kings and Desperate Men (film), 173–74
Koechlin, Jorge, 179, 183
Kokanee Glacier Cabin, 253
Kokanee Lake (B.C.), 246–47, 251–52
Kopechne, Mary Jo, 113
Kosygin, Alexei, 78
Krishnamurti, Jiddu, 151–52
Kubrick, Stanley, 177
lamotrigine, 357, 364
Laporte, Pierre, 48–49
Laskin, Barbara, 74
Laskin, Bora, 74
Laskin, Peggy, 74
Latin America, 140–47
laughter, 297, 327, 330–33
Laurier, Wilfrid, 189–90
Lavergne, Diane, 82, 140, 141, 143, 144, 164
LeBlanc, Lyn, 72
LeClair, Maurice, 93
Lemaire, Francis, 175
Lennon, John, 197
Leno, Jay, 282
Leone, Sergio, 138
Lewis, Yves, 23–24, 34–35, 53, 174–75
lithium, 182–83, 187–89, 192, 277, 357, 364
London (England), 176–79
Lubbock, Christina, 318
Lucas, Gabriel, 141
Luxton, Bill, 192
Macdonald, Donald, 118
MacDonald, Ross, 231
Macdonald, Ruth, 118
MacDonald, Tom, 63
Maclean’s magazine, 304
Maggie and Pierre (Griffiths), 199–200
Makwa (Michel’s dog), 240–41, 247, 249
Mallon, Monica, 164–65
mania, 157, 160–62
Margaret’s experiences, 111–15, 119
marijuana and, 31–32, 127, 283–84, 338–39
Prozac and, 227
spending sprees, 111, 265, 295
manic depression. See bipolar illness
Man’s Search for Meaning (Frankl), 351
Mao Tse-tung (Zedong), 94
Marcé, Louis-Victor, 361
Margaret (cook at 24 Sussex), 70–71
marijuana, 132
and mania, 31–32, 127, 283–84, 338–39
Margaret and, 22, 23, 218–20, 242, 261–62, 283, 286, 338–39
Marqusee, John and Janet, 176, 177
Martin, Rick, 274
McGoohan, Patrick, 173–74
McKinnon, Donald, 77
Mead, Margaret, 314
media, 56, 61–62, 169–71, 174, 220, 311. See also specific outlets
foreign, 162, 194
as hostile, 88, 146–47, 157–62, 172, 178
as insensitive, 122, 257–58, 322–23
press conferences, 150, 322
as supportive, 122, 322
medications, 119, 282, 309, 338, 353.
See also specific drugs
cost, 278
mood-stabilizing, 277–79, 357, 364
for postpartum depression, 363–64
in pregnancy/breastfeeding, 363–65
side effects, 187–89, 228, 229, 238
withdrawal from, 192, 229–30
Meir, Golda, 70
Memoirs (P.E. Trudeau), 199
menopause, 227–28
mental illness. See also specific illnesses
acceptance of, 120, 122, 271–72, 279–80, 299–300, 357
addiction and, 261, 283–84
advocacy needs, 328–29
blaming others for, 127, 152, 224, 228, 236, 328
dealing with, 351, 352–53, 357
denial of by others, 97, 233–34
denial of by self, 118, 193, 262, 271, 327, 328, 348–49
family effects, 263–64
fear of, 233–34
isolation and, 102, 120, 121, 122, 264, 265–66
self-forgiveness in, 293, 328
self-healing, 240, 358
speaking up about, 122, 123–24, 301, 329
stigma of, 97, 118, 120, 122, 301–2, 313, 323, 349
support needs, 165, 181, 290, 328–29
mescaline, 22–23
Mexico, 140–42
Michel Trudeau Memorial Rose, 253–54
Michener, Norah Willis, 65, 72–73
Misri, Shaila, 361–65
Mitchell, Harold, 220–21
Mitchell, Mary, 220, 221, 222
mood swings, 117–18, 181–82
Morgan, Robin, 88
Morning Magazine (CJOH), 192
Morocco, 27–34
Mourner’s Dance (Ashenburg), 215–16
Mullaley, Mary-Alice, 164
nannies, 100, 164–65
Narcotics Anonymous, 284
National Gallery of Canada, 80
Native spirituality, 249, 252
Nehru, Jawaharlal, 55
Nelson, Rick, 173
Nelson, Willie, 282
Nevins, Bruce, 169, 170
Newfoundland, 78–79
Newman, Peter C., 108–9, 256
New York, 113, 157–58, 159, 165, 167–70, 181, 219
Nicholson, Jack, 176–77, 179
Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle), 307
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 350–51
Nixon, Richard, 59
nurses, 239–40, 287
nutrition, 275, 281–82, 357
Obama, Barack, 295
Ohira, Shigeko, 194
olanzapine, 277–78, 357
One Flew
over the Cuckoo’s Nest, 120–21
Osbourne, Ozzy, 284
Ottawa Citizen, 311
Ottawa Civic Hospital, 81
Paddington Press, 176, 184
Pain, Clare, 319
Pallenberg, Anita, 159–60
Pauley, Jane, 160–62
Paul VI (Pope), 147–48
Pearson, Maryon, 88
Penn, Sean, 304
People magazine, 169–70
Pérez, Bianca, 145–46
peyote, 142, 145–47
The Phil Donahue Show, 160
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, 83
Pitfield, Nancy, 72, 123, 254, 303
Planes, Trains & Automobiles (film), 332
Playgirl magazine, 180
postpartum blues, 361, 363
postpartum depression, 96–98, 217, 361–62, 363
postpartum psychosis, 361, 362
and bipolar disorder, 77, 112, 362
depression after, 96–98, 217, 361–62, 363
medication during, 363–65
press conferences, 150, 322
protocol, 72–75, 79, 88
Prozac, 227, 228, 229
psychiatrists, 236. See also individual doctors
psychopharmacology, 282. See also medications
psychotherapy, 285–86, 292–93, 306–9, 350
emotion focused, 350, 351–52
Queensway Carleton Hospital (Ottawa), 237–40
quetiapine, 357
Raffles, Stamford, 9
Raven (family dog), 216–17, 225
Reid, Bill, 141
Richards, Keith, 159–60
Rideau Hall (Government House), 64–65, 74, 77
risperidone, 278–79, 357
Rita (cook at 24 Sussex), 70–71
Rivet, Guy, 335–37
Rob (Margaret’s nephew), 252
Robin (Margaret’s brother-in-law), 254
Rolling Stones, 156–57
Rostropovich, Mstislav, 78
Rouleau, Pierre, 57
Roy, Gabrielle, 123–24
Royal Ottawa Hospital, 268–69, 272–74, 287–90, 291–92
fellow patients, 288, 289
Mental Health Centre, 321–22
Royal Victoria Hospital (Montreal), 119–22
Royce, Penny, 156
Rubell, Steve, 168
Sadat, Anwar, 201
Saint Laurent, Yves, 130–31
St. Paul’s Hospital (Vancouver), 233–37, 238
Saint Pierre and Miquelon, 79
Schwarzmann, Patricia, 145
Schwinkles, John, 54–55
seasonal affective disorder (SAD), 143–44
self-forgiveness, 293, 328
self-healing, 240, 358
Senghor, Léopold, 201
“Serenity Prayer” (Niebuhr), 350–51
serotonin, 227, 275–76, 294
Shaikin, Christine, 312
Shepherd, Rosemary, 303
The Shining (film), 177
shock therapy. See electroconvulsive therapy
Shutter Island (film), 331
Simon Fraser University, 20–22, 28
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