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Running to Dimitri [A Dragon's Growl 6] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 5

by Marcy Jacks

  Josh wanted to nod again. Hell, he wanted to scream out loud that he belonged to Dimitri, especially since it was what the other man seemed to want so badly.

  He held back. He had to. He couldn’t do it. Not yet.

  Dimitri reached down, and then Josh felt the blunt, thick head of his erection pressing against his still sensitive hole, and God, it was so good. He groaned. Josh even growled. He pushed his hips back, desperate to have the man’s cock inside him again.

  But Dimitri was being annoying, and he was holding back. “Give it to me,” Josh begged.

  “I will,” Dimitri promised, pulling away so Josh couldn’t feel the head anymore. “You just tell me what I want to hear. Why did you and Zane become bodyguards for Varrick?”

  Josh really growled this time. He wanted to hit something. “Christ, because he was paying us, all right?”

  “That’s it? I don’t buy that for a second.”

  Josh glared at the man. Why didn’t he look as flustered and desperate to come as Josh did? It was enough to make him incredibly unhappy. “You don’t have to buy anything. It’s the truth. There was a job opening, and we took it.”

  “And you just decided to stay?” Dimitri’s free hand returned to the base of Josh’s cock. “Even though you knew what was going on?”

  Josh kept right on glaring through the teasing pleasure and heat. In fact, being angry helped him to get a bit of control over himself, but it wouldn’t be nearly enough to make the building pressure go away.

  “It wasn’t that easy. You don’t just quit when you find out you’re working for the vampire mafia.”

  “Mafia?” Dimitri seemed to think about it. He shrugged. “I guess that is a good way of thinking about it. You’re right. It’s pretty much what he is.”

  “God!” Josh’s head fell back against the pillow. “Will you just shut up and fuck me?”

  Dimitri didn’t. He seemed determined to have a conversation, as if that was somehow important, while Josh’s cock was about to explode. He could come right now, but it was as if there was some sort of block preventing it.

  “So you and your brother got work from Varrick, and then you couldn’t leave? Didn’t you have any family to go to? Or were you worried Varrick would hurt them, too?”

  Josh opened his mouth to answer, but nothing came out. He moaned and humped into Dimitri’s hand, thrusting his ass against the head of the man’s cock, but it wasn’t enough. Dimitri wasn’t going to enter him.

  Hurt. It hurt so badly.

  Meanwhile, a quick glance down was enough to prove to Josh that he wasn’t the only one suffering. Dimitri was already hung, but as he was right now…

  Josh’s entire body clenched with just the thought of having this man inside him.

  He wanted it. He ached for it so damned bad it hurt.


  “I know, sweetie, I’m sorry, I don’t like it either, but you have to answer the question.”

  “This is practically torture.” Josh meant for it to be a joke when he said it, but when the words were out of his mouth, he kind of felt as if he’d hit the nail on the head.

  Dimitri knew how Josh’s body would react to him, and he was using that against Josh right now.

  “And I will put you out of your misery, I promise, but you need to talk to me. Give me something to tell Seth. Why didn’t you try to leave before now?”

  Josh fought to get control of himself. If he just answered the question, then they could get on with this. “B-because there was no one else. It was only ever us.”

  “No family?”

  Oh God, he was going to make Josh spill his life story before he stopped this. Josh wiped both hands down his face. He rubbed as if he was trying to take off dead skin. “Parents were assholes. Okay? Our mom got custody, but she was just as violent. The state took us away, and we watched out for each other. Zane found the job opportunity, and we wanted to do something with security so we could help people. That’s it! When we found out what was going on, it was too late. It was done. People fucking vanish who try to leave, and we weren’t going to be one of them! Are you satisfied now?”

  He was mad. Mad he had to dump his baggage like that to this dragon who probably didn’t give a shit in the first place.

  Nobody gave a shit. The people who said they did were lying pricks who only pretended to care so other people around them could think about what good people they were.

  It was all fake. It was all bullshit, and Josh didn’t want to be made out to be a victim because of it.

  Meanwhile, Dimitri stared down at him as if Josh had just broken his heart.

  Josh glared at him. “What are you—”

  Of course he didn’t get the chance to finish. Not when those lips attacked his, claiming Josh’s mouth in a kiss that was at first demanding and claiming, but then soft and sweet.

  Dimitri’s hand left Josh’s prick, and both of the man’s palms slid up Josh’s chest to his shoulders, and then he cupped Josh’s cheek.

  “Oh, sweetie, I’m so fucking sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” Josh was suddenly not feeling so angry, but he glared up at the other man just because he wanted to be angry. He wanted to be pissed off because being furious and enraged was better than being helpless and sad.

  Dimitri didn’t appear offended. He pushed himself a little more over Josh’s body until they were eye to eye, and Josh was reminded of how wide his legs were spread as he felt the heat of Dimitri’s cock touching him, prodding at him.

  “I promise. I’ll make sure you stay safe,” he said. The head of his cock touched Josh’s pucker.

  Josh gasped, his body immediately relaxing, the anticipation and want for what was about to happen too much for him to just turn his back on now.

  Dimitri pushed inside him.

  It was probably the slowest, most sensual thrust the man had given him so far, yet the feeling of being filled up, his hole stretched, his body filled and burning, was as powerful and intense as the first time it happened.

  Josh’s eyes fell to half-lidded. He struggled to keep them from closing entirely.

  “That’s it,” Dimitri purred, his hips moving but, again, just in that slow and sweet rhythm that made Josh’s heart ache. “Won’t let anyone hurt you. I’ll keep you safe.”

  Josh had worked his whole life to make sure he wouldn’t need protecting, and yet the promise of it, right there, from this man that he couldn’t look away from him while Dimitri lazily fucked inside him, was too much.

  “You’re just saying that.”

  Dimitri shook his head. “No, baby, I mean it. You’ll understand it.” Dimitri shivered, and on his next beautiful thrust, he closed his eyes and moaned, but he didn’t stop. He didn’t seem to want to stop anything at all.

  Josh’s eyes burned. He lifted his hands, wanting to believe Dimitri so badly.

  Until it clicked, and he just…did.

  He held tightly to Dimitri’s shoulders. “If you’re lying, I will never forgive you.”

  Dimitri nodded, his brow becoming slick and shining with sweat. “Understood. Loud and clear. Oh fuck.”

  Dimitri circled his hips. Josh clenched his hole around the man’s cock and rose up to meet him thrust for thrust.

  Josh couldn’t stop the movement of his hands. He couldn’t stop himself from touching this man, from wanting and needing everything about him.

  He would trust him, for now, but he wouldn’t tell Dimitri that just yet either.

  He was just going to enjoy this, enjoy the warm kissing, the heat of Dimitri’s body, the touch of his perfect muscles. Fuck, it was great to have his hands there especially, and he couldn’t seem to keep his hands still.

  From Dimitri’s back, to his hair, and then the back of his neck, something within Josh demanded that he touch as much of this man as he possibly could.

  He needed to submit to him, to give him everything he could ever want, and in return, Dimitri would give Josh everything he ever needed.

nbsp; It was such a stupid thought, but whatever. The sex was amazing, and he was going to go with it.

  Dimitri’s fingers moved down, suddenly digging into the bruising that was already on Josh’s waist. Josh expected him to grip hard and fuck into him quickly, just as he’d been doing all this time before now.

  No. He seemed to be just getting a better grip on Josh’s body, and despite the pleasure, the heat that threatened to suffocate him, Josh couldn’t help but notice how heavily Dimitri gasped for breath, how clouded and beautiful his eyes were as he stared down at Josh.

  As if Josh was the best thing he’d ever seen in his entire life.

  “Come for me, baby. Give it to me.”

  Josh nodded, gasping when Dimitri’s pace did suddenly pick up, the man’s hips jerking and thrusting in a way that could mean only one thing.

  He was close.

  “Come inside me. Make me feel it,” Josh commanded.

  Dimitri did. Another three hard thrusts, their flesh slapping together, and Dimitri was done. The warm spill of the man’s cum inside Josh’s body made him moan and cry out. Something was different this time around. Something he couldn’t place, but he didn’t exactly try to find out what it was because then he felt the sudden, and alarming, sensation of the dragon warrior pulling out of him, bending over, and then Josh’s cock was balls deep inside that extremely talented, tight, wet mouth.

  Josh bucked. His hands gripped tightly into Dimitri’s hair, but he couldn’t hold on.

  He came, but it was better than a normal orgasm and even better than the ones Dimitri had been giving him because the tight suction of that sweet mouth only increased as Dimitri swallowed down every drop.

  Until it felt as if he was swallowing Josh’s soul.

  Josh panted for breath, a gasping mess on the bed that suddenly felt in need of fresh sheets, but he liked them like this.

  He especially liked it when Dimitri flopped down next to him, pulled Josh into his arms, and gave him a good cuddle and a kiss.

  Josh had so many things he wanted to say, so many questions he wanted to ask, but he was lulled by the warmth of the body next to him and the love it promised him.

  He sighed, pushing himself deeper into Dimitri’s chest, and he decided there was no harm in letting himself believe in the fantasy for now. In letting himself enjoy the sensation of being protected.

  Josh had to admit he liked the idea of this dragon shifter feeling a touch protective and possessive over him. No one else had ever shown those sorts of feelings for him.

  Well, there was Zane, but that wasn’t remotely the same thing.

  Even if the rest of the house was still questionable, there could be nothing wrong with a man who made love to him like that and then kissed and snuggled him after the fact.

  Chapter Five

  It had been three hours since his brother had been taken away by that dragon with the flame tattoo on his cheek. Long enough that Zane knew he would be too late to stop anything from happening to him. That motherfucking bastard would have…

  He didn’t want to think about it. He didn’t want to think about that happening to his little brother, but it was there, and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

  It was going to be way too damned late.

  All the same, he needed to do something. He needed to get this fucking bastard off him.

  Marxus, that was his name. Marxus, the dragon that Zane decided he hated, with his stupid black hair, his stupid smirk, and that stupid little silver ring piercing his lower lip.

  He was a complete asshole, and he was sitting on Zane’s chest, holding tightly to Zane’s wrists, preventing him from getting away, from being able to save his brother from being raped.

  Fucking asshole. That was the only way to describe this.

  “I’ll fucking kill you for this. I’ll get you for this.”

  Marxus wouldn’t stop smiling at him, as if he thought this entire thing was funny. “You’re not doing shit. You’re going to sit tight until we’re called back to Seth.”

  “Why? So your cocksucking bullshit clan can decide to kill us? Fuck you!”

  Marxus didn’t answer that, and his smile didn’t go away, and it enraged Zane. He wasn’t used to feeling this helpless. Even when he worked for the vampires, there had always been some sense of self-control. If he was ever commanded to do something, there was always the comforting thought that he was still being paid to do it, so it wasn’t as if he thought there was no reward for the actions he took.

  He was still in a society that somehow worked.

  Not here. Here was different. The dragons were worse than the vampires. Josh had been wrong.

  “You motherfucker. You rapist piece of shit. I will fucking end your life for this!”

  “Uh, excuse me, I’m not raping anyone, and neither is Dimitri. Besides…” The man’s nose actually scrunched. “You’re not my type.”

  Zane growled, he roared, bucked his hips as a new wave of adrenaline and energy rushed through him.

  Still not enough! He couldn’t get the dragon off of him!

  “Josh trusted you! You piece of shit! He thought you were good people!”

  “We are the good people.”

  Zane had heard that before. The people who often called themselves the heroes, who claimed to be fighting for the greater good, were often the bad guys in disguise. It was clearly no different here.

  The worst part was this dragon likely believed it. These types always did.

  “You killed the slaves. You killed Sorin. Your friend is sexually assaulting my brother!” That one pissed him off the most. “You’re worse than the fucking vampires, you motherfucking piece of rat shit!”

  “You swear way too much.”

  Right, because swearing was the issue here. Zane wanted to say anything and everything he could that would potentially get a rise out of the man. If he couldn’t hurt him physically, then, at the very least, he wanted to hurt him emotionally. He wanted to strike a nerve, make him angry, because at least if he could piss off this dragon shifter, then it would give some of the control back to him.

  No such luck, and Marxus kept staring down at him, the light in his eyes not so much as flickering.

  As if he knew he was the one in complete control here.

  Fucking infuriating.

  “If you would calm down, we could have a seat and I might be able to grab you a cup of coffee or something. I don’t like sitting on the floor anymore than you do.”

  “You’re not on the floor. You’re on my chest, fucker!” Zane snarled.

  “Huh, so I am. Are you going to relax?”

  Zane spat at him.

  That got the man. Marxus closed one eye, glaring down at Zane as he used one hand to hold both of Zane’s wrists together and then wiped his palm down his face.

  Then that palm cracked heavily across Zane’s cheek.

  Fuck that felt more like a punch than a slap.

  Zane’s head turned from the force of it, but then he looked at the taller man, giving no indication that it hurt at all, even though his face throbbed and burned.

  “That really the best you got?”

  “I’ve got more if you want it.” Marxus lifted his hand, wiggled his fingers, and then Zane was able to better see the claws that started to appear from his fingertips.

  Great. Fucking great. This was going to be the worst.

  Now Zane was stuck pretending he wasn’t actually scared. He stiffened his spine, raising his chin. “Do your fucking worst.”

  Those blue eyes flashed to something red, but only for a second. “Don’t tempt me.”

  A knock sounded at the door.

  Zane turned his attention away from the man on top of him when he shouldn’t have. He looked at the door just as it opened and one of the dragons stepped one foot inside.

  “What is it?” Marxus asked, if annoyed by the interruption.

  The dragon shifter lifted a brow down at them. Were all dragons so huge? God, they were all
over six feet tall and were so broad in the shoulders. Weird seeing that considering how skinny some vampires could be.

  “Uh, everything okay in here?”

  “Fine,” Marxus said then briefly glared down at Zane before he smiled back up at his friend. “Just keeping this one calm.”

  “Have you both been like that this entire time?”

  “Yes!” Zane snapped. “Any way to get this pervert off me?”

  “Don’t call me that,” Marxus growled.

  “Right, you’re all a bunch of rapist pigs as far as I’m concerned.”

  “You little—” Marxus lifted his fist, and it actually trembled. Zane waited for it to come down onto his nose.

  The other dragon quickly stepped into the room, reached out, and grabbed Marxus by the wrist.


  “Cut that out. We’ve got some shit to take care of. Dimitri’s done with the brother, for the most part, and Taylor just came back.”

  Zane heard the part about the other dragon being done with Josh, and his heart sank. He couldn’t hold back the groan that escaped his throat.

  No, no. He was supposed to protect his brother. They watched out for each other. Josh had to go through that alone, and Zane hadn’t been there to stop it.

  God, no, what was Josh thinking right now?

  Marxus, however, sounded gleeful. “No shit, Taylor’s back? Jesse and Miles will be especially happy to hear about that.”

  Lucian nodded. “Sorin was happy to hear it, too, but the problem is he came back with the assassin who took him from his bed to begin with. We wouldn’t have known except they confessed everything when they were found walking up to the property.”

  “They were just walking up to the property?”

  “Andrei spotted them before they made it to the driveway. They were just walking back. They apparently had a run-in with Van, though.”

  Zane didn’t know any of these names that were being mentioned, and he didn’t have any desire to know them. His body felt numb and cold to everything around him.

  He was too late to stop his brother from being raped. He hadn’t been able to get there, even to yank that bastard off him in the middle of it. Somehow, even that seemed as if it would have meant something. As if Zane getting there and yanking that dragon off his brother, preventing him from finishing, would have been better than nothing.


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