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The Crockworthy Sisters Box Set - Parts 1-3

Page 16

by Marcus Brown

  Abigail, Numen, and both Grimoires were gone.

  “Are you two, okay?” she asked.

  “Yes,” they replied.

  “The book’s gone.” Tabitha stated.

  “Where?” Tamara asked. “Did mother take it?”

  “I don’t think so. Something tells me a Grimoire won’t go into battle with another. I’ve got a feeling Book has hidden itself, just like I told it to.”

  “What do you mean?” Talia asked.

  “I told the book to hide itself in time, rather than fall into Mother’s hands. I think it did what I asked it to.”

  “We’ll find it, somehow,” Tamara added.

  “Rigby,” Tabitha said, suddenly remembering her colleague.

  She jumped to her feet and rushed over to him.


  Numen had taken on solid form and stood close by, watching as Abigail stared out of the attic window.

  For close to a thousand years, he had been trapped in spirit form, and he yearned for the day he would become human again.

  However, existing in the shadows had reaped its own rewards, but the promises made by the long line of Crockworthy women had not come to fruition and they’d continually used him for their own gains.

  As the centuries passed, promise after promise was made in order to keep him subservient.

  They’d told him repeatedly over the long years, he would become human again, no longer bound to them, but it was a promise none had kept.

  Numen sensed that longed for day was fast approaching, but it wouldn’t be down to the generosity or will of his mistress – it would be because he would make it happen himself.

  “It is good to be free, Mistress,” Numen said, eyeing Abigail suspiciously.

  She turned her head slightly and spoke with a flat tone. “Don’t cross me again, or I’ll send you back there for eternity.”

  “There is something different about you.” He pondered his thoughts. “You no longer have a soul, I can see that already, but…”

  Abigail cut him dead. “I’m not here to be scrutinised by you, Numen.”

  “But if you will indulge me,” he requested.

  “Be quick,” she said, grinning.

  “When the portal opened, something escaped with me. Am I right?”

  “No,” she replied, sharply. “You are wrong. Nothing escaped, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t have the time to take what I needed.”

  “Mistress?” Numen asked, tentatively.

  “I will say no more right now, but let’s see if my perfect daughters are as carefree without their immortality.”

  She turned her attentions to the outside world once again, and he knew the conversation was finished.

  Numen had to be clever and stay one step ahead, if he wanted his plan to work. But, if Abigail Crockworthy schemed against her daughters, then maybe he could use that to his advantage.

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Tabitha turned to face her sisters.

  “He’s dead.” Her face crumpled and she fell to her knees. “They’re both dead because of me.”

  Tamara and Talia rushed over to comfort her.

  “It’s not your fault, you can’t blame yourself,” Talia said, gently rubbing her sister’s back.

  “How are we going to explain this?” Tamara asked.

  “I don’t know, Tammy, but we need to think, and fast. We can’t be implicated in these deaths.”

  “Then what are we going to do?” Talia asked.

  Tabitha stood up. “We have to move Rigby and Sandison and get rid of Jeremiah’s body.”

  “But where will we move them to? Somebody needs to find them,” Tamara added.

  “There will be trace evidence all over their bodies,” Tabitha explained. “We need to leave them in water.”

  “Water?” Tamara asked.”

  “If I’ve learnt anything from Trey over the years… bodies found in water give less clues. Their mobile phone signals won’t show if pinged here because of the magical wards, but it’ll show they were at Moonlight Manor. Talia, you need to blink, and take their phones with you. Somewhere miles away, close to the River Dee.”

  “What if I’m seen?” Talia asked.

  “Cloak yourself, and you’ll be fine. It’s the only way we’ll get away with what we need to do.”

  “What do you need me to do?” Tamara asked, “And how are you going to explain our reappearance?”

  Tabitha closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “I don’t know, but one thing at a time, okay. I can’t think straight right now.”

  “Right, I’ll take the phones first, then come back for their bodies.” Talia pointed to Rigby and Sandison.

  “And I’ll take Jeremiah outside and deal with him.”

  Talia retrieved the mobile phones from Rigby and Sandison then blinked out of the room.

  “Come on, Tammy, I’ll help you with Jeremiah. We’ll blink him to the patio out back.”

  She knelt and placed her hand on Jeremiah. Tamara touched Tabitha’s shoulder and seconds later they were standing on the patio at the rear of the Lodge.

  Jeremiah’s body lay on the patio.

  “Are you ready?” Tamara asked.

  “Yes,” Tabitha replied.

  “Step back.” She moved away from the body and waited for Tabitha to move then waved her hand. “Cremare,” she said and Jeremiah’s body was immolated in flames. “There’ll be nothing left for anybody to find, even if they did know about this place.”

  They blinked back inside and stood beside the bodies of Rigby and Sandison.

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Talia blinked back. “Done,” she said.

  “Where did you put the phones?” Tabitha asked.

  “I dropped them in the River Dee from the bridge. Now I just have to get rid of their bodies.”

  “How?” Tamara asked.

  “It’s nearly dark, so I’ll wait until then, weight them down with something, then blink them into the water. Odds are they won’t be found for a while and by then any evidence will be long gone.”

  “I can’t believe we’re doing this,” Tabitha said.

  “Needs must,” Talia replied. “What other alternatives do we have? We could burn the bodies…”

  Tabitha jumped in. “No. I want them to have a proper funeral. It’s the least they deserve.”

  “Then a watery grave it is then,” Talia added. “Did you deal with Jeremiah?”

  “Yes,” Tamara replied. “He’s taken care of.”

  “Right then,” Talia said to Tabitha, “You and Tamara blink home, scrub yourselves clean and burn your clothes. Then when I’m done here, we can decide how to move forward. The small matter of our kidnap still needs to be resolved.”

  “Will you be okay here on your own?” Tabitha asked.

  “Yeah,” Talia replied.

  “Well, I’m not happy leaving you alone, Tally, so I’m staying.”

  “Okay, you two stay here together and I’ll head home and make sure all is well there. I need to clean the place up and strengthen the wards and make sure neither mother nor Numen can get past them.”

  “We’re not as strong without Book, remember,” Talia said.

  “I have a few ideas about that. Leave it to me,” Tabitha said cryptically.

  “Um,” Tamara said, “Fill us in later about that. I’m intrigued.”

  Tabitha winked at her sisters and with a whoosh, she vanished.

  “Come on, we need to get these two sorted. Then I’m ready for a bath and bed.”

  “Talia, have a heart, please,”

  “Sorry, but as soon as this mess is over with, the happier I’ll be.”

  “Me too, but I think it’s only just starting.”

  Chapter Thirty

  Tabitha blinked home and burst into tears.

  She felt immense guilt for letting her mother go free and for the death of her colleagues. They would still be alive if it wasn’t for her.

  Her recklessness had also los
t them their beloved book.

  And because of her, Numen was free from his prison.

  It wouldn’t be long before both tried to take their revenge.

  She blinked into her bedroom and stripped out of her clothes, tossing them into the open fire grate.

  With a nod of her head, flames appeared in and the clothes burnt.

  She walked into her bathroom and turned the shower on. Stepping in, the hot water felt good against her skin.

  She stood there and scrubbed ferociously with the rough side of the sponge.

  I wonder if this was how Miriam felt? she thought to herself.

  Stepping out of the shower, thoughts of Rigby and Sandison consumed her.

  She would make her mother pay for her actions if it was the last thing she did.


  Tamara and Talia burst into her bedroom, startling her awake.

  “Shit, what time is it?”

  “Half an hour since we last saw you,” Talia replied.

  “Wow, I must have fallen asleep…” She stopped dead and changed the subject. “Did you do it?” Tabitha asked.

  “All taken care of,” Tamara said.

  “Okay, now, you two. Burn those clothes and get in the shower. We’ve got to find a place to hide you both -- where you’ll be found.”

  “Oh. Jolly hockey sticks,” Talia replied. “We get to be tied up again.”

  “Not now, Tally,” Tamara replied. “I need a bath, and bed.”

  “First thing tomorrow morning, you two are out of here.”

  Tamara and Talia left her room.

  Tabitha looked at her mobile phone, the little blue light was flashing, telling her she had unread text messages.

  There were numerous messages from Trey.

  Tabitha, where are you?

  Are you okay?

  Call me.

  I’m worried now. Let me know you’re okay.

  The last message took her breath away.

  Rigby and Sandison are missing. Call me.

  “Oh, no,” Tabitha said.

  She thought they would have a little more time before the alarm was raised.

  Chapter Thirty-one

  Trey picked up the office phone.

  “Thank God. I was getting worried. Why didn’t you answer?”

  “I’m sorry, I was fast asleep.”

  “Did you read all of my messages?”

  “Yeah, I’m heading into the office now. I can’t believe none of my team called and told me about it.”

  “This is between me and you, but it appears both Rigby and Sandison visited your place and haven’t been seen since.”

  “You’re kidding me?”

  “No, did you not see them?”

  “I haven’t seen either of them. Like I said to you, I’ve been asleep. If they knocked, I didn’t hear them.”

  “I have a bad feeling about this.”

  “I’ll call the chief now.”

  “Okay, call me later and let me know what’s going on. I just got a new case in and my boss wants me right on it.”

  “Got ya,” she replied.

  “Speak to you later, Tabitha.”

  He placed the handset down, walked out of his office and pressed the call button on the elevator.

  Stepping inside, he inserted the special access key then pressed B for Basement. A minute later the door opened and he stepped into his state of the art morgue.

  The body had already been prepped and was waiting for him on the slab.

  “What a mess,” he said to his assistant.

  “They seem to be coming to us thick and fast lately,” the assistant replied.

  “Seems so. Have you got anything at all for me yet?” Trey asked.

  “No ID. We’ve got partial fingerprints, but not sure how successful that will be. If he’s in the database, we should get a match, but it’ll take time. He looks pretty bad.”

  Chapter Thirty-two

  “Worthy, how are you?” the chief superintendent asked.

  “As well as can be expected under the circumstances. But, I’m not calling about me per se. I hear on the grapevine Rigby and Sandison are missing in action.”

  “I’m not overly concerned yet, Tabitha. They should have reported in a few hours ago, but if rumours are to be believed, those two are more than just colleagues. If that’s the case, I fully expect you to kick their backsides once you’re back on duty. We’ve got enough to be doing at this moment without chasing two horny officers.”

  “Of course, Sir. I’ll give Jack a call and see if he’s heard anything yet. Have their phones been pinged yet?”

  “Yes. We know they were at your place for a few minutes, but looks like their phones last registered near the city walls. I’m sure it’s all just a big misunderstanding and right now, they’re gazing into each other’s eyes.” He sounded bilious. “Now, forget those two and tell me, how are you holding up?”

  “I’ve been better in all honesty, Sir, but I know you’re doing all you can.”

  “Very good. Well, I can’t stay on the line. I’m out with the wife for dinner. Keep in touch and when you’re back, pop in and see me for a catch up.”

  “Right you are, sir. Goodnight, and my regards to your wife.”

  She pressed the little red icon, ending the call.


  Tabitha headed down to the kitchen.

  Tamara and Talia weren’t far behind. They had both changed into their nightwear.

  “Looks like we have a bit of time before the search party is sent out looking for Rigby and Sandison.”

  “Good news at least,” Talia replied. “Now, what are we going to do?”

  “The best place to hide you both is close to where you took the bodies. Once they’re discovered, they’ll comb the area and conveniently find you.”

  “Good idea, but aren’t we a bit too clean to have been tied up and left for dead in woodland around the river?” Tamara asked.

  “Yeah, but we’ll tip off the police in the morning and report suspicious activity. They’ll know Rigby and Sandison are missing by tomorrow morning and the phones have been pinged in that general area. They’ll put two and two together, find them two, then discover you both not far away, looking a little worse for wear.”

  “Tally, I think we’re going to have to roll around in the mud and dirty ourselves up a little bit,” Tamara said.

  “Looks like it, but before then, I’m heading off to bed to get a decent night’s sleep. Goddess knows when this nightmare will end. Mother won’t stay away for too long, and now with Numen back, they’ll come at us hell for leather.” Talia walked away. “Night you two.”

  “Hang on, I’ll come with you,” Tamara said. “Night Tabi.”

  “Goodnight, you two. Love you,” she called as they walked out of the kitchen.

  Chapter Thirty-three

  Twenty-four hours later

  Tabitha looked at the mobile as it vibrated against the kitchen countertop.

  Jack Davies’ face smiled back at her.

  “Jack,” she said, feigning anxiety.

  “We’ve got them, Boss. They’re a little bit worse for wear, but other than that, they’re okay.”

  “Oh, thank you, Jack,” she said, feigning relief. “Where are they now?”

  “We’re taking them to the Countess, just to give them the once over.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  “Boss, before you go. I’ve got something else to tell you.”

  “I don’t like the sound of this.”

  “We found Rigby and Sandison. They’re dead.”

  “Shit. What happened?” Tabitha asked, the guilt washing over her like a tidal wave.

  “We don’t know yet. Dembélé’s at the scene now. Nathan had some sort of wound to his back, and Libby has the same kind of wound, but to her chest. Looks like Nathan was trying to get away when he was…”

  Tabitha heard him choke back a sob. “Sorry, Boss, but they were one of us and its hit us all pretty hard.�

  “You’ve got nothing to apologise for. I’ll head down to the Countess now and once I’ve made sure my sisters are okay, we can all head down to the pub and raise a glass.”

  “We need to get the bastard who did this, Boss.”

  “And we will,” she lied. “Thanks for calling, Jack. I’ll see you at the hospital.”


  “That was harder than I thought it was going to be,” Tabitha said, as she ushered her sisters through the front door.

  “Thank the Goddess it’s all over with, for now,” Tamara added.

  “For now, being the operative words,” Talia reminded them.

  “The sooner things go back to normal around here, the better,” Tabitha said.

  “Agreed,” her sisters said as one.

  “Right, I’m gonna head up and have a long soak and do my hair and nails. I’ve never felt less attractive.”

  Tamara rolled her eyes. “Ah, poor pampered princess you are,” she said with a harsh tone. “Such a shame the deaths of so many innocent people get in the way of your vanity sessions.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that and you know it,” Talia retaliated.

  “Well, think before you open your mouth…” Tamara barked back.

  “Hang on…” Tabitha interrupted.

  “And you can shut your big mouth, just for once in your life, Tabitha. If not for you releasing mother, your colleagues wouldn’t be lying dead right now.”

  “And you two might have been in the morgue instead,” Tabitha added, looking shocked at her sister’s unusual outburst. “I did it for you.”

  “Well, you needn’t have bothered.”

  “Tammy, there’s no need for any of…”

  “I’ll tell you both a few home truths, shall I?” She paused and took a deep breath. “You two are more like our mother than you would ever admit, but take a good long look in that mirror over there.” She pointed to the mirror by the front door. “And you’ll see what I mean.”

  Tabitha’s jaw dropped.

  She looked at Talia. The colour draining from her face.


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