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Pure Murder

Page 30

by Corey Mitchell

  Adolph could see his group of supporters standing outside dressed in their Elizabeth T-shirts. “There was someone there representing Patricia Lopez,” Adolph recalled, mentioning the young lady who was allegedly murdered by O’Brien.

  “There was somebody outside over there with my group, Justice for Elizabeth, that was either her sister or her mother, I can’t remember. She came up to me and told me, ‘My last name is Lopez.’ I said, ‘He killed your daughter, too?’ She said, ‘Yep. But I just want to be here for you.’ I said, ‘No, vice versa. I want to be here for you. Me getting him executed was justice for you. You didn’t even get a real trial for your daughter. We didn’t even know about your daughter until we started going through the punishment stages. And that’s probably not the only person. That’s just the only one we know about.’”

  Adolph also spotted a smattering of anti–death penalty supporters. One was a professor from a Texas college where Rachael Pena attended. Later, Adolph told his youngest daughter that when she went back to school that if she saw the professor to “kick that son of a bitch.”

  Adolph reflected on the execution of O’Brien. “How long did that guy get to stay in prison and live? Fourteen, fifteen years. I wished to God my daughter could have had another fifteen years. I’d have seen her kids, my grandkids, get to see her graduate, go to college, her wedding. But at sixteen, hell, you haven’t even lived none of your life. You’re just a child at sixteen. She never had a chance to live. Hell, I would have been pleased if she could have lived thirty years. I would have been pleased with that.”

  “I don’t wish this on anybody,” Adolph added. “But, hopefully, you make a little good from the bad. Hopefully, I can help somebody down the road.”

  When asked how long it took to come to the realization that he did not want to bottle up his emotions and keep everything inside, Adolph stated, “A long time. It took me a long time not wanting to get over not wanting to kill somebody.

  One of the claims that death penalty opponents make in regard to an execution of a killer is that it does not bring closure to the families of the victims. That clearly was not the case for Adolph and Melissa Pena.

  “He’s dead and gone. He paid for what he did to my daughter. If there was any kind of closure, it did mean something to me when he told me that he was sorry,” Adolph admitted.

  “It looked to me like he meant it. It just looked like he was hurting,” when he apologized, “and that he meant what he said and it did help me a little bit.

  “After he was dead, I said, ‘You know what? That did mean something to me. It kind of helped me when he did that.’”

  Pena looked at this book’s author and added, “That’s the first time I ever told that to anybody.” He grinned and added, “And that will probably be the last time I ever tell that to anybody again.

  “I could tell [O’Brien] really, really, really meant it when he said it.”

  Adolph also looked forward to the time when he will get to witness Peter Cantu’s execution. “Oh, that son of a bitch. It’s going to be real hard for me not to say something to that bastard when he’s sitting there getting executed.

  “They always tell you, ‘Don’t say nothing, don’t say nothing because you’re not supposed to say anything to them.’ I’m thinking I might need to put something over my mouth like duct tape, because it’s going to be hard for me not to say something to that son of a bitch.”

  Adolph was furious Peter Cantu had never bothered to show remorse for killing his daughter, Elizabeth, and Jennifer Ertman after all these years. He was also appalled Cantu has had so many luxuries and freedoms—despite being behind bars for more than fourteen years.

  “He’s supposedly got him a bunch of followers in prison and some groupies and Web sites. It’s disgusting.”

  Chapter 51

  Monday, April 30, 2007

  United States Supreme Court

  Washington, D.C.

  The United States Supreme Court, led by George W. Bush–appointee Chief Justice John Roberts, delivered yet another nearly lethal blow to the Pena and Ertman families, when it agreed to accept the case of Joe Medellin during the 2007 fall session.

  The justices had previously agreed to hear Medellin’s case back in 2005, until President George W. Bush stepped in and declared that the case should receive a state court review. According to the Associated Press, “the justices reserved the right to hear the appeal again once the case had run its full course, as it now has, in state court.”

  Several dyed-in-red-wool Conservatives were furious at the decision made by the Supreme Court and the man they voted to be president twice. The ultraconservative Lone Star Times message board was fired up the following day. One of the calmer commentators, stwilhelm, wrote in to voice what many people around the country felt to be true, denouncing the president’s decision, and calling for others to make their voices heard.

  The United States Supreme Court is expected to reveal its decision in Joe Medellin’s case in March 2008.

  According to Randy Ertman he has been clean and sober for more than five years.

  At the time of publication, Adolph’s own son, Michael, is in prison for drugs. He has been in and out of jails and prisons more than a dozen times since the murder of his sister. Adolph believes the majority of his problems stem from his failure to deal with Elizabeth’s death.

  Adolph and Melissa Pena will continue to fight to have their voices heard regarding their daughter Elizabeth. “We’re all she has. We are her lone voice. We don’t want her life to be for nothing. Hopefully, something good can come from her death and somebody out there can learn from this. Maybe someone’s life can be saved.” Adolph paused momentarily in his heartfelt remarks.

  Suddenly his solemn visage turned animated.

  “In the meantime, I’m gonna make goddamn sure those other sons of bitches get executed.”

  In Memoriam

  Elizabeth Pena

  Jennifer Ertman

  Patricia Lopez

  Jose Ariel Acosta

  Corey Mitchell will donate a portion

  of his royalties for Pure Murder

  to the Heidi Search Center (San Antonio, Texas).

  Feel free to visit their site and consider donating:

  For Pure Murder updates and extras, please visit:

  Corey Mitchell is the founder of and

  contributor to In Cold Blog

  Corey Mitchell is also a contributing blogger for

  Investigation Discovery, part of the Discovery Channel


  This book would not have been written were it not for Andy Kahan. Andy and I spoke at a luncheon together one day before Sean O’Brien’s first scheduled execution. Andy found out about O’Brien’s stay the day before and was livid. I only briefly knew about Elizabeth Pena and Jennifer Ertman’s story because I mentioned them in my previous book, Strangler, when I wrote about Diana Rebollar’s murder by Anthony Allen Shore in the same neighborhood where Jennifer lived.

  I was living in San Antonio and had just finished my first year of law school when the girls were murdered. As a result of my One L immersion, I was unaware of the case at that time.

  Andy filled me in on the details and I quickly became intrigued by all the twists and turns of the story after the murders. I could not believe the incredible journey the Penas and Ertmans had to take to finally see justice for their daughters. Of course, that fight still continues, not only for their families but for thousands more out there who have lost someone to violent crime.

  So, here’s to Andy Kahan for fighting the good fight and clueing me in to one of the most fascinating cases I could have ever been a part of.

  Much gratitude goes out to Adolph and Melissa Pena. They welcomed me in
to their warm home and shared their pain and suffering, as well as their love and caring for their daughter Elizabeth. I admire the sense of humor y’all display and wish you the best on your never-ending journey to seek justice for Elizabeth.

  Thank you to Randy and Sandra Ertman, who reluctantly agreed to speak with me about their lovely daughter, Jennifer. I hope both continue to find peace and hope.

  A big thank-you to my MySpace friends. I gave you guys five stories to pick from for my next book and this is the one you chose. Great job! I hope you enjoyed it.

  Barbara Anderson, from the Harris County District Clerk’s Office, was an invaluable help as usual. The ladies in the office including, but not limited to, Diane and Colleen, always welcome me with open arms and make my research feel like a vacation.

  Attorney K. S. “Gator” Dunn provided several laughs and was kind enough to open his office doors to me. P.S., I know it’s not about your briefcase.

  Assistant District Attorney Kelly Siegler, again, thanks for your legal insight and sense of humor.

  Thanks to Nora Fontenot and Fabiola Medina for helping me out in Brownsville.

  As always, thank you to Michaela Hamilton. Your patience is incredible. Also, thanks to everyone at Kensington for their hard work and dedication to quality writing. Also, to Adam Korn. Sorry to see you go. Special thanks to Mike Shohl and Stephanie Finnegan for their editorial expertise.

  Eardrum mayhem provided by Divine Pustulence, Ian Brady Bunch, Project E.L.F. (Thanks, Roach), P.J. Harvey, Lustmord (I can’t believe I just now discovered this), Nachtmystium, Bergraven, Swallow the Sun, Watain, Funeral Pyre, Horna, Behemoth, the Field, Cliff Martinez, Jesu, Urgehal, Autechre, Red Sparowes, Caribou, Explosions in the Sky, seefeel, Global Communication, the Black Dog, Plaid, Plaid and Bob Jaroc, Boards of Canada, Arovane, Amber Asylum, Murcof, Plastik-man, Trentemoller, Ulrich Schnauss, the Album Leaf, Knife, Moonsorrow, Novembers Doom, Mors Principium Est, Omnium Gatherum, Dodheimsgard (DHG), Dark Tranquillity, Hacride, Grails, Beyond the Massacre, Despised Icon, Burzum, Dimmu Borgir, Amon Amarth, Pelican, Destroy the Runner, Mekong Delta, Richie Hawtin, Vapourspace, Funeral Mist, Possessed, Xasthur, Hatebreed, NIN, Daath, Brian Eno, Neurosis, ISIS, Throne of Molok, Devildriver, Scarve, 16 Volt, Angkor Wat, Skrew, Bathory, Darkthrone, Agalloch, Rosetta, Gregor Samsa, Pantera, Dimebag (RIP), Watchtower, Dread, Zero Tolerance, Russian Circles, The Fountain s/t, Solaris s/t, Cattle Decapitation, Dawn of Azazel, Macabre, Arvo Part, Cephalic Carnage, Marduk, Queens of the Stone Age, Carcass, Celtic Frost, Iron Maiden, Gojira, Decibel magazine, Botch, Giant Squid, the Human Abstract, Tim Heckler, Phutureprimitive, Sounds from the Ground, The End, Machine Head, Poison the Well, Cult of Luna, Unearthly Trance, Akercocke, Perfume s/t, Pete Namlook, Auricular, Ministry, Goatwhore, Genghis Tron, Made out of Babies, Aphex Twin, AFX, SOD, Viking Crown, Naglfar, Belphegor, Stars of the Lid, the Dead Texan, Cro-Mags, Crumbsuckers, Slayer, Gescom, Leng Tch’e, Zombi, Loscil, Mimi + Boyd, Mouse on Mars, Carpet Musics, here, Aix Em Klemm, Hate Eternal, D.R.I., Napalm Death, Deicide, Mortiis, Evile, Between the Buried and Me, Glass Casket, dead horse, and Bush Laden.

  To my fellow In Cold Bloggers: Carol Anne Davis, John Ditmars, Joseph Foy, Ron Franscell, Michelle Gray, Dale Hudson, Steve Huff, Laura James, Andy Kahan, Brian Karem, Paul LaRosa, Gary Lavergne, David Lohr, Steven Long, Dennis McDougal, Gregg Olsen, Donna Pendergast, M. William Phelps, Katherine Ramsland, Simon Read, Fred Rosen, Harriett Semander, John Semander, Mike Stinski, and Carlton Stowers. Extra thanks to Sam, John, Michelle, Steven Long, and Gregg for moral support.

  Thanks to Gregg Olsen, Roy Hazelwood, Dennis McDougal, Joyce King, Steven Long, Dale Hudson, and Del Howison for the wonderful blurbs for Strangler.

  For my friends Ray Seggern and Kelly Nugent, Peter Soria, Lupe Garcia, Mike and Lynette Sheppard, Knox and Heather Williams, Ricky and Shirin Butler, Trey and Missy Chase, Clint and Cathy Stephen, Phil and Karen Savoie, Kevin and Shana Fowler (Go Dazed and Confuzed!), Chris and Beverly Goldrup, Dennis and Sharon McDougal, Aphrodite Jones, Poppy Z. Brite, Kirk and Teresa Morris, Drew and Sarah Stride, Mike and Sarah Stinski.

  To my incredible in-laws, the Burkes. Thank you for all the help, love, and support you offer us. We would not be able to cope without you. Dennis, Margaret, Denise, and Leah—I love you all.

  For my wonderful parents, who always manage to keep their sense of humor through life’s travails, I love you both so very much. To the dedicatees of this book, my brothers, Kyle and Darrin Mitchell, thanks for not kicking my ass too much when I was young. To my sister-in-law, Ramona, and all of my Mitchell nieces and nephew, Julie, Kaylee, Madison, and Ronnie. Also Bill and Renee Runyan, Todd Solomon, and Jeremy Frey. RIP Max and Lucas. Hello, Dallas and the newest Mitchell family member, Tamale.

  For Lisa, my late wife, it’s hard to believe that you will have been gone for six years by the time this book comes out. I could not have done any of this without your support and belief. I will always love you.

  For my darling daughter, Emma. Having you one year older actually made this my hardest book to write. I cannot imagine my life without you being the biggest part of it. I look forward to the day when you can read my books and go out into the world and make a difference. In the meantime, have fun, be safe, and stop throwing your food. I love you forever.

  For my incredible wife, Audra. I don’t know how you do it. Supermom, breadwinner, funny lady. I have truly been blessed to be able to remarry and find another wonderful woman like you. I admire you for so many things, but the greatest is how you manage to do it all and still smile. Thank you for all of your love, support, and laughter. I truly would not be able to do any of this without you. You have my heart forever.

  Elizabeth Pena, 16, was very popular in school and beloved by her family. (School yearbook photos)

  Jennifer Ertman, 14, was a loving daughter, an excellent student, and a trusted friend who vowed to stay a virgin until she married.

  (School yearbook photos)

  Raul Villarreal, 17, attended nursing school with his mother and sister before the murders but could not get a job upon graduation. (Photo courtesy of the Houston Police Department)

  Villarreal’s first night out with the boys led to the rape and murder of Elizabeth Pena and Jennifer Ertman. (Photo courtesy of the Houston Police Department)

  Efrain Perez, Jr., 17, in an earlier mug shot for one of several juvenile crimes he committed. (Photo courtesy of the Houston Police Department)

  Perez cheered on his pals as they raped the two girls for over an hour. Then he jumped into the action. (Photo courtesy of the Houston Police Department)

  Peter Cantu failed three grades by the time he finally reached sixth grade. (School yearbook photo)

  Cantu, 18, was considered to be the alleged ringleader of the group of boys. (Photo courtesy of the Houston Police Department)

  Joe Medellin won first prize at his school science fair for his crystal radio design and was a good student throughout elementary school. (School yearbook photo)

  Joe Medellin, 18, later bragged about having “the blood of a virgin” on his underwear. (Photo courtesy of the Houston Police Department)

  Venancio “Yuni” Medellin, Jr., 14, Joe Medellin’s younger brother, participated in the rape of Jennifer Ertman. He would become the State of Texas’s key witness against the rest of the boys. (Photo courtesy of the Houston Police Department)

  On the day of the rapes and murders, Sean O’Brien, 18, bragged to a television reporter that “life means nothing.” (Photo courtesy of the Houston Police Department)

  The Spring Hill Apartments swimming pool where Elizabeth and Jennifer spent their last fun moments in life. (Corey Mitchell)

  Trail from O’Brien’s apartment complex, where the young men walked to the train trestle over White Oak Bayou and near the scene of the rapes and murders. (Photo courtesy of the Houston Police Department)

  Overhead view of the crime scene. O’Brien’s apartment complex parking lot, where the young men hit the trail, is
bottom center. Elizabeth and Jennifer came from the complex on the left and along the train tracks. The young men encountered the girls before the bridge and raped them above the tracks near the forest on the upper left, which is where they killed them and left them to rot in the sweltering Houston heat. (Photo courtesy of the Houston Police Department)


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