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Vestige of Courage

Page 20

by Sara Blackard

  A distant thump-thump of an approaching helicopter sounded over the trees. Her eyes widened as she slid her hand to her holster. Chase squeezed her shoulder and kissed her temple.

  “Don’t worry. It’s the cavalry.” He pulled her to follow Zeke, who was leading a limping Eddie out of the forest.

  “Wait! My phone.” She ducked under his arm and rushed to the brush he’d first glimpsed her in.

  “Your phone?” He laughed as she came back studying her screen. “Spoken like a true twenty-first century woman.”

  Her forehead crinkled, and she handed the phone to him. “I don’t want to mess it up. I’m not even sure I set it up right. I tried to get a movie of Eddie for the sheriff.”

  His mouth fell open and his head snapped up. “You recorded him?”

  “I did, I hope.” She shrugged.

  Chase pulled her close and kissed her quickly on the lips. The woman was amazing, and she had agreed to be his wife. His lips stretched into a smile as he examined the phone. The screen showed the golden leaves on the ground and a running clock on top. He pressed the red square, then the new box that appeared in the bottom corner. A video of Eddie whittling started playing.

  “Routine room check, Eddie.” Chase’s strained voice played over the speaker.

  Chase closed the app and tucked the phone into his pocket. He squeezed her again and kissed her temple. She peered up at him with her beautiful green eyes, her eyebrows raised in question.

  “It worked?” She bit her bottom lip, drawing his attention to it.

  He nodded, and she sighed into him. “Come on, Bea. I want you to see something pretty incredible.”

  Chase led her out of the woods the way Zeke had left. They reached a mountain meadow as the helicopter crested a hill and came into view. Beatrice gasped and stood still. She leaned into him, her arm squeezing him around his waist and her hand clenching his shirt. He wondered what it would be like to experience something so spectacular for the first time. Even though she shook next to him, her cheeks flushed and her face beamed.

  “Beatrice, this is a helicopter,” he yelled over the beating of the blades as the helicopter hovered over them and then lowered into the field before them.

  Beatrice bounced on her toes and clapped her hands over her cheeks. Her hair whipped around her face in all directions and her eyes shone. Chase basked in her excitement, smiling from ear to ear. The beauty of her took his breath away, and he determined he’d find new experiences they could share together for the rest of their lives.

  Chapter 24

  June 7, 1902

  Dear Beatrice, Yesterday my Beatrice married a nice young man named George Hentzman from Meeker. It was such a beautiful wedding down on his family’s ranch. We met them a few years back when we helped Orlando and Samara drive some sheep to the train in Rifle. They had brought their sheep down from their ranch, and our families just got along splendidly. Mine and Hunter’s lives are about to change completely. The cabin is going to be so quiet now that all the children are off living their own lives. I believe this might just be the perfect time for me and Hunter to find some adventure for ourselves. I often wonder what your wedding looked like. Who do you end up marrying in the future you’ve found yourself in? I pray you find a man who fills your life with love like I have, little sister.

  Chase paced in front of the creek that ran next to the backyard. Beatrice had told him that her brother’s medicinal garden had once grown there. She’d told him that since it had symbolized hope and love, and she still saw evidence of that legacy in the wild herbs that grew along the creek, it was the perfect place to join their lives together. He agreed that the beautiful setting was perfect.

  With how anxious she had been to get married, he hadn’t expected her to take so long getting out here. Zeke had arrived over an hour ago with Samantha and Evangeline. Since they were the only wedding guests coming, and Verne was already here, Chase figured the wedding would get underway immediately. He paced toward Zeke who lounged against an old fence post that stood like a solitary sentinel along the creek.

  “Thanks for bringing Sam and Eva.” At first, Chase had balked when Beatrice asked if she could invite them, but he realized he didn’t want to live in the shadow of guilt anymore.

  He had bucked up his courage and invited Sam to join him and Beatrice for lunch after church. It had been an awkward first few minutes, but the exuberance of a four-year-old girl soon burned off any hesitancy. He was glad too, because the time had made him realize just how much he’d isolated himself, even before Hunter’s disappearance. When Sam had cringed and confessed she didn’t think her car would make it up the mountain again, he had volunteered Zeke to drive them.

  “Dude, if you thank me one more time, I’m gonna knock you upside the head.” Zeke cocked his eyebrow up. “Then Beatrice will get mad, and I don’t want her going all Katniss on me.”

  Chase snorted as he tried to hold the laughter in. “I didn’t take you for a Katniss fan.”

  Zeke’s arms dropped to his side. He stood up from his lounge against the post and took a menacing step toward Chase. Maybe he should just keep his mouth shut.

  “Leave him be, Zeke.” Verne waved Zeke off from where he stood under a trellis he’d built out of mesquite over the weekend. “The poor boy probably doesn’t know what he’s saying due to the butterflies attempting to take off in his gut.”

  Zeke leaned back against the post and scowled. Chase didn’t have butterflies. In fact, this was the most certain he’d ever been of any decision in his entire life. He opened his mouth to tell Verne that when the screen door slid open, and Evangeline tore out of the house with Blue on her heels.

  “She’s coming! She’s coming! She’s coommming!” The excited yells of the sprite and yips of the dog caused the men to chuckle.

  Samantha stepped out next. Her eyes quickly darted to Zeke, who had straightened when she appeared, before she turned to Chase and smiled. She crossed the yard and grabbed Evangeline’s hand, whispering something in her ear that calmed the child to just bouncing in place instead of dancing around.

  At the sound of the screen door sliding back into place, Chase’s gaze sprang from Eva and landed on Beatrice. His breath caught in his lungs. Those pesky butterflies Verne had spoken about took off as one and threatened to lift him clear off the ground.

  Beatrice glided toward him in a simple white dress that covered her arms in lace. He saw the cowboy boots he’d bought her in Rifle peeking out from beneath the hem with each step. Samantha must’ve done something to Beatrice’s hair because it curled and twisted upon her head. He couldn’t wait to pull it down and bury his fingers into it. She was stunning, and she was about to be his.

  He was sure Verne’s words were fitting and lovely. Chase’s subconscious must’ve been listening since he answered when he was supposed to. The only thing he truly heard was “You may kiss the bride,” which he wholeheartedly answered with a deep kiss. Beatrice slumped into him. A deep pink tinted her cheeks as she blinked up at him in wonder. He suddenly wished their guests weren’t staying for cake.

  Beatrice leaned against the kitchen cabinet with a sigh. The day had been perfect, with just enough friends and food to make one full and happy. The afternoon had been packed with Evangeline’s antics, juicy barbecue, and stolen kisses. She smiled as the sound of Zeke’s vehicle vanished, and Chase put the last of the food into the fridge.

  He stood and regarded her with that promising gaze he’d captured her with all afternoon. Without breaking eye contact, he crossed the kitchen to stand in front of her. He placed his hands on the counter on either side of her. Her face warmed and her pulse thumped in her neck.

  “You’re beautiful.” Chase’s breath caressed her neck a second before his lips followed.

  She leaned her head back, her chest rising and falling rapidly. “So you’ve said.”

  He chuckled against her neck and moved up to kiss her cheek, inching little by little toward her mouth. It was a good thing
she leaned against the cabinet since her knees were as unsteady as a newborn calf’s. Her breath stalled as he hovered over her mouth and then continued to her other cheek. She stuttered her exhale in frustration. If he was going to tease, she could play his game.

  “You know I was going over that information Zeke gave us about Hope. Can you believe she was adopted by that nice couple from her parents’ church?” She hoped her voice sounded as nonchalant as she played at.

  “That was good news,” he whispered in her ear before kissing underneath it.

  She inwardly humphed, restraining herself from forcing his lips to hers. “While I was researching the place she’s living, I decided to click over to YouTube. I found something incredibly fascinating.”

  He pulled back, clearing his throat as he plucked the pins from her hair. “Really?” His hands shook a bit as he placed a pin on the counter.

  “Did you know chickens could play the piano?” She barely suppressed the giggle that bubbled in her mouth.

  His shoulders slumped. “Yeah, pretty crazy, huh?”

  She laughed at his downtrodden expression and pushed him playfully on the shoulder. “When were you going to tell me about your videos?”

  “I don’t know.” He continued to search her hair, one curl falling to tickle her shoulder after another. “I guess … most of that was before Hunter disappeared. I guess that part of my life was over the day he never showed up again. I also didn’t want you thinking you were keeping me from it.”

  She sighed and closed her eyes.

  He combed his fingers through her hair, cupping her face. “What is it, Beatrice?”

  “It’s just that …” She cleared the disappointment from her throat. “I thought it looked like it’d be fun.”

  “Really?” He held his breath.

  She nodded. “Remember I told you I was going to search out a Wild West show and travel the world, meeting new people and performing exciting stunts. After staying up late into the night watching your videos, I realized that doing the things you were doing with you would be an adventure worth traveling through time for.”

  He leaned down and kissed her, her name whispered in the air before he claimed her lips. “Let’s go start those adventures.”

  He lifted her to his arms, a shriek escaping her mouth before she snorted in laughter. He kissed her again as he carried her to their room. Her heart warmed with more joy than she ever imagined possible. While her last few years had been shadowed in fear and loneliness, God had shown her the courage needed to grasp the life of love He wanted for her.


  December 20, 2019

  Dear Viola,

  It’s hard to believe it, but I’m writing you from Cologne, Germany. Chase and I have spent the last three weeks touring different European cities and festivals. We’ve been to Prague, Vienna, Paris, and Wroclaw, Poland, but my favorite has been Cologne. There is a magnificent cathedral that takes my breath away. Our hotel room overlooks the Rhine where the Christmas lights sparkle in the reflection. Even though I was ready to find a trip jumping off cliffs or something, Chase had insisted we spend time exploring the romance of Europe at Christmas. He was right. The atmosphere we’ve found has definitely been something I’ll never forget.

  I know it’s silly to keep writing letters to you. I probably should just get one of those journals people keep talking about. However, writing to you is healing in a way writing to myself wouldn’t be. I cherish time spent writing to you. I find myself telling you things I wouldn’t bother recording in a journal. Maybe that’s why you wrote all your letters to me. So I’ll keep penning letters until I don’t anymore. I’ll place this one in the chest with all your letters. Though I wish you could receive it. The stationary would have you oohing and aahing for hours. Chase surprised me with the set in Vienna.

  We leave for home tomorrow. I had tried to convince myself I wanted to be somewhere spectacular for Christmas like New York City, but Chase saw my heart and insisted that we go home. It amazes me, Viola. I always thought if I feared something, like being away from the mountains for my first Christmas here, if it got under my hide, that I should attack it head on. I forced myself to always be strong, to always be ready for trouble, and never show weakness. However, God is showing me there’s courage in being vulnerable, in letting people see my insecurities as well as my strengths. It took me being completely stripped to truly trust in the courage found in God’s love. Thank goodness, He sent Chase to find me in the wilderness and guide me out.

  Merry Christmas, dear Viola.


  * * *

  Want to know what’s next? Sign up for Sara Blackard’s newsletter and grab the FREE prequel to Stryker Security Force, Mission Out of Control.

  Don’t miss Zeke’s story. Grab Falling For Zeke today!

  Also by Sara Blackard

  Vestige in Time Series

  Vestige of Power

  Vestige of Hope

  Vestige of Legacy

  Vestige of Courage

  * * *

  Stryker Security Force Series

  Mission Out of Control

  Falling For Zeke

  Capturing Sosimo

  Crashing Into Jake

  About the Author

  Sara Blackard has been a writer since she was able to hold a pencil. When she's not crafting wild adventures and sweet romances, she's homeschooling her five children, keeping their off-grid house running, or enjoying the Alaskan lifestyle she and her husband love.


  FREE Vestige in Time prequel

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24


  Also by Sara Blackard

  About the Author




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