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Savage Outlaw (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 8)

Page 15

by V. Theia

“Tell me then.”

  She swallowed twice before she answered him, he watched her slim throat working and felt his fingers tighten to wrap them around her neck and hold her down. Like they enjoyed doing. “You find a way to stop me from hurting.”

  He did his own swallowing because he was so turned on by her raspy voice alone and the banked arousal in her eyes.

  This was his hard-hitting Cookie, the one who melted like snow under his hands every single time. They went up in flames. Didn’t matter where, if she got her hands on him, if he touched her, even subtle-like, it was a volcano between them.

  It was sexual chemistry on the highest level.

  “How do I do that?”

  “By touching me … making me come.”

  “Only once?”

  She shook her head from side to side, chewing on her lip like the sexy fucking tease he knew her to be.

  Her tits were lifting up and down with her rapid breaths. The tight sleeveless tank shirt didn’t leave anything to his rich imagination, her two little nipples begging for his hungry suck.

  “More than once,” she whimpered.

  “How many, Cookie?”

  “As many as I need.”

  Damn fucking right.

  He’d work all night and day to get her off if even an inch of her skin was left wanting something from him. Even with his dick wrung dry and his shaft unable to rise for Jesus, he’d use everything in his sexual arsenal on his girl.

  Without warning, he rushed his hand down the front of the leggings. He cupped between her legs, prying the wet lips apart. Already she was a fucking ocean in his palm.

  “Ah, fuck. Have you been wet this whole time, Cookie?”

  “Since I first saw you.” She confessed and made the top of his cock want to explode.

  His hand wedged up against the material, up and down, dragging on her clit.

  “Oh, god. Do it harder.”

  His chest heaved. She quenched a thirst in him that ran deeper than he’d thought possible.

  Roux was in his skin and bones.

  She held the real estate to his whole fucking body.

  He took her mouth in a hard, wet kiss at the same time she came around his fingers.



  “Taming the savage within.” – Roux

  “You’re playing with fire, baby.”

  His voice was felt like black ice coating over her skin.

  If she were asked to describe anyone’s voice, she’d choose Tad’s, because he had a different tone for each mood.

  This one she liked very much…

  Sexy. Playful. Teasing.

  She not-so-secretly loved it when he called her baby.

  She was usually Cookie or Roux.

  It was rare, but every time he did, there was this hoarse cragginess to it. And it always rolled heat down her spine.

  Making out with him went a long way for Roux to feel human again. He’d put enough food into her to last all week, then got her snuggled onto his lap after a mega climax.

  This was…nice. They never had time for this kind of relaxed sweetness and she was dizzy with enjoyment as she ran her fingers through his hair until it stood up in all directions.

  “I like fire,” she whispered against his lips. His fire.

  His eyes slowly lifted to hers. They filled with violent battle, and a flash of possession she felt all over. “Ask me why I let you keep crawling back into my bed.”

  Roux couldn’t form a thought. Couldn’t breathe.

  She shook her head from side to side.

  Because she was suddenly terrified of the answer.

  Of how he’d tell her it was easy sex.

  Her heart slowed to an almost pause, each beat incinerating as a sizzle licked beneath her too tight skin. It was his gentle hand on the side of her face that had Roux swallowing her stupid fear. He didn’t look at her like a man who was only interested in a bang. She’d be wearing less clothes for a start. Not to mention what he’d done for her the other night.

  His eyes were aroused and lovely. The edge of his lips curled up as he continued to caress her face.

  “Tell me why, Roux.”

  “Because you’re crazy for me.” She whispered and watched his smile grow.

  Their lips met and held. He peppered her mouth with lovely kisses.

  “Crazy for you, baby.”

  His admission crashed through her, filled her with something she didn’t ever hope to get. Happiness.

  How could she kill a man and still feel happy right now?

  Fuck, she hoped she wasn’t going senile. But she’d do it with a pair of eyes the color of jewels looking at her.

  She let her lips trail over his forehead and voiced something she never had.

  “I got you hurt. I see it all the time. You should think I’m a risk, a big mistake.”

  “You’re the best mistake of my life, Cookie. Bruises heal but losing you never will.”

  Her heart lightened and started to drum a languid beat.

  Taking drugs felt nothing like this. This high was unique.

  Tad was the sugar coated toxin in her veins, the kind of high that junkies chase.

  One she wanted to ingest over and over until she’s violently sick with love.

  She crushed her lips over his, desperate to get his flavor inside her.

  Over with foreplay and teasing. She needed him now.

  “Roux,” he rasped, holding the sides of her head so her lips were out of reach. He wanted to talk now? God. What kind of a robot was he? One who put feelings before sex, of course.


  He grinned at her snapped answer.

  “I gotta go to Wyoming to visit Lawless, you wanna come with me? We can stay overnight.”

  She blinked around her arousal; well aware he was slipping the leggings down her legs. Seeing as they were curled in his lazy chair, it took some doing and she had to lift her hips.

  “Like a date?”

  “Like a date.” He confirmed.

  Their first date.

  They’d had sex so much she’d lost count. They’d eaten cold pizza and bad motel coffee, many times, but they’d never had a date.

  Not a movie. Never gone to a concert or out for ice cream, never fucked around at a biker rally or took him home for a family cookout.

  When he whipped her shirt off and then did the same to his, so her eyes and hands feasted on acres of tanned flesh, she crushed his mouth again.

  “Yes,” she breathed. “I want a date. But fuck me first.”

  “My fucking pleasure.”

  Hadn’t they waited long enough already? They needed this.

  Not just sex. They always wanted that.

  But each other. Being together. The need was monstrous.

  She’d told her dad and Reno countless times, whatever shady shit they were cooking up together, she wanted no part of it.

  She belonged to Tad.

  Letting her mouth tell him wordlessly, she took the kisses she needed more than air.

  Making him grunt and rush his hands all over her body.

  He rode his fingers up and down the outside of her pussy lips until she was mindless, the wetness oozing onto them. “So ready, aren’t you? Ask to suck my cock, Roux.”


  “You don’t want to?”

  “Yes, I shouldn’t have to ask for it. I can suck it any time I want to.”

  His grin was pure wicked gold. “Ah, fuck, you got me there.”

  She was on her knees before he even finished.

  She loved the weight of his cock. Tracing the thick veins and smooth crown where he was already leaking, she licked her lips. He owned the trophy for her first blowjob and all the ones after.

  He’d chuckle when she got frustrated, unable to take all of him into her throat. By the time they had to part, she was preening for the massive climax she’d given him.

  Now it was an addiction.

  To taste him, feeling him
stretching her lips open. Experiencing a savage man losing control.

  “Fuck. Fuck, baby. Suck me harder, that’s it. Ah, fuck, your lips are magic. I wanna fuck every hole you’ve got. Make them mine, own them.”

  It was a headrush to reduce him to a gibbering, grunting mess. And the more he declared what dirty things he wanted to do to her, the harder she sucked. With every tight pull of her lips, hollowing her cheeks as much as she could, she listened to the symphony of his pleasure building. His hands became fiercer in her hair as those vivid eyes gazed down at her. Even when he moaned, “enough. Enough, baby.” She sucked the crown of his cock like it was made specially for her tongue.

  Tag grunted, cursed the air blue and then grabbed her up by the armpits.

  She pouted in his face. “I was enjoying that.”

  “So greedy,” he murmured against her already swollen lips.

  Mmm. She licked his lips.

  “And I was enjoying watching you go to town on my dick, but I wanna come inside you.”

  She shivered all over then squeaked when he tipped her forward, her back landing on the large leather pouffe.

  His hand slid between her legs. He knew how wet she was already; she could practically hear it with every rub of her thighs. She soaked his hand and wanted more. When he pushed two fingers inside her, she groaned and dropped her head back.

  He climbed over her, cocooning Roux in his massive frame. And he moved his lips to her neck and let out a rough sound. “You’re dripping.” He nipped a bite out of her throat like he was angry with her for it. Slipping his fingers out, he spread her arousal around. Then, he grasped the backs of her thighs, jerked them up to his shoulders, and pressed his face between her legs.

  It was the best head she’d ever had.

  The. Best.

  Oh, god.

  She couldn’t even scream when he latched his whole mouth onto her pussy and sucked. Breathless was a state of being when she was around Tad. But more so when he was licking her up, slurping her down and moaning how sweet she tasted.

  Unlike her blowjob, he took her all the way in an embarrassingly short time, sending her flying with the fairies with furious flicks of his tongue.

  He owned her clit and prowled up her body with a wicked smirk on his face while he watched her shuddering.


  “God.” She puffed and Tad chuckled.

  “I’ll take that, baby.”

  Roux found her trembling body caught up in his arms and he dumped them both on the sofa. His hand went into her hair, kissing over her lips softly. She didn’t mind tasting herself there, in fact, it was a turn on so she sucked a little on his fuller lip. Slower than ever before, he arranged them on the sofa until she was laid under him. Her legs raising to bracket his lean hips.

  His body was insane. Would she ever tire of touching him? Her fingers stroked his chest, pulled his head down for a kiss and that’s when they both arched into the other as he notched his cock to her dripping opening and pushed in.

  “What do you want, Tad?” She asked, holding his gaze as he settled deep. “You want me?”

  “Always. I always want you.” He answered.

  “I want you too.” forever.

  Roux watched transfixed with avid fascination as the muscles in his forearms, shoulders, and everywhere her gaze could see worked to pleasure her with precise movements. He put everything he had into loving her body. He gave himself over to her.

  And she decided there and then she wasn’t ever giving him back.

  Trouble could try to keep them apart.

  The MC dynamic could deem their relationship impossible. She was done waiting for this man. He belonged to her and watch her turn into a rabid bitch if anyone tried to interfere with that.

  Ahhh, heaven. Her eyes flickered closed but then he touched their noses and she opened them to see all that arousal looking down at her.

  He glided in and out a few times. Unhurried movements.

  He was such a beautiful man; she could hardly stand it.

  Nothing from the last few days mattered.

  This mattered, this felt huge.

  A monumental moment they’d never had together.

  Just about to hook her legs around him, he suddenly pulled free. Roux had a what the fuck, Tad, ready to fire off her tongue, but caught his grin as he flipped her to her stomach.

  Giving a sexy meaty slap to her ass, he covered her back and then she groaned as he groped between her legs before leading himself home again.

  His breath warm on her ear, he whispered her name on the first push.

  Her body gave, melting around his cock.

  “We’ve always been in such a rush, haven’t we, Cookie? Never allowed to enjoy each other for as long as we wanted to. We fucked like animals desperate to mate.”

  “Desperate to be together.” She supplied what they both knew and watched a sexy smile cross his face from over her shoulder.

  “That too. Now I want to hear you say I’m your man while I’m inside you.”

  Deliberately, she bit her bottom lip and didn’t answer.

  He pushed harder, using his weight along her back to keep her pinned. She saw stars and moaned into her forearm as his thrusts increased.

  So did his grunts.

  “Say I’m your man or I’ll pull out before you come and put you over my knee.” Circling her throat with his much bigger hand, he directed her head so their eyes clashed. The climax was coming, tingling her toes, making them curl. Her stomach started to tighten and with every deep shove that felt like he was hitting her cervix and entering her stomach, her breaths became labored.

  “Tad… baby…”

  “Say it.”

  “Will my man let me fucking come already? Will my man keep fucking me until I scream?”

  Her ears nearly deafened with his pleased groan. He was holding her too tight, rutting her too fast, but oh, she loved every wild second of her savage man coming undone.

  “Please, Tad. Harder. I need you.”

  She felt him everywhere.

  Inside and out.

  Covering her in his skin and heat. Their bodies, slick with sweat, driving together as he buried his mouth to the side of her neck and sucked until she felt the tug in her abdomen.

  “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop, my savage man.”

  His next push was brutal and lovely and they both moaned together as he fucked, fucked, fucked her. It was so good. Roux turned as much as she could without her neck snapping and she licked the side of his throat over his Adam’s apple.

  “I won’t stop.” he groaned.

  It was indescribable how he watched her. Need scraped all over her skin, sharp and pure. Their eyes locked in a moment in time they’d never had before. It was as if she was seeing her lover for the first time.

  “Ah, Cookie. So right wrapped around me. Can’t hold on.”

  She opened her mouth and closed it silently. Dropping her forehead to the leather, she experienced every tingle and spasm, the fullness of him inside her and the weight of this man pinning her down.

  The pleasure built and built until she couldn’t take it and yet craved more. Craved the savage he turned into when taking her. It intensified as he drilled away until all Roux could do was cry out in stuttered gasps.

  He was hers as she came. He’d always been hers.

  She went through every last shudder of Tad’s too. His climax shook her to the core. When he was done, he fell over her back. A heavy weight she gloried in especially when he started kissing her neck. “Ah, fuck, Cookie. I think I did it.”

  “Did what?”

  “Got you smelling like me.”

  A tremble started at her toes and worked its way up.

  Wow. That sounded primitive as fuck and Roux didn’t mind it at all.

  She laughed, turned her head, and kissed his stubble. “Is that so?”

  “Want me all over you. Fucking waited long enough to mark you.”

  Another shudder.
  How did she not know this possessive caveman side of him existed?

  Tad heaved himself off her until she could breathe. But he only went as far as to flip her onto her back and get between the space her thighs made. Her arms went around him and the kiss that came was hot and sweet.

  Of course he fucked her again.

  He said they were animals and nothing had changed there.

  Hot. Sexy. Decadent.

  He slid in and out unhurried. Testing how much of him she could take in this position. Hitting her in a new spot, one that sent deep, satisfied roars of pleasure through her entire frame already sensitive from her last orgasm.

  He had Roux promising all kinds of things—like keeping herself safe. Not getting engaged to anyone else, because he intended to keep giving her his savage dick.

  She came like a trooper, seeing stars and moons and hot green eyes smirking down at her.

  With a rough noise, he pulled out and came all over her belly.

  It wasn’t romantic in the least, but something about seeing him come undone brought out a tender, grateful part of Roux.

  He fell on her again, his head in her neck.

  “You’re lying on your own come.” She chuckled, banding her two arms tightly around his fast breathing chest. In case he had escape in mind, she wound her legs around him too.

  “Don’t care. My woman wrung it out of me.”

  My woman.

  She flushed all over.

  She thought he’d fallen asleep until his voice brushed her ear.

  “You are why I breathe, Roux. I don’t want to be apart from you any longer, I can’t fucking take it. I need you at my side, making me crazy with that smart mouth of yours. I need to kiss you when I want to.”

  “Sex too?”

  “Yes. That too, as much as you want. Not waiting months to put my hands on you, to taste your lips and feel you shuddering around my cock.” His words rocked her with the heaven he was presenting. “I’ve missed everything. You bitchy in the mornings and complaining there’s no coffee. How you laugh at the TV and steal all the covers. The long rides we take with you grabbing my waist. And the secrets you have to share.”

  The clomping of her heart deafened out his words and when she took his head and lifted him from her neck so she could see his face … yeah, breathless.

  “That’s very domestic, Thaddeus.”


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