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Savage Outlaw (Renegade Souls MC Romance Saga Book 8)

Page 27

by V. Theia

  Thinking of the baby made her mushy and she reached out to lace his fingers.

  Eager to get home.

  Weeks went by.

  Amazing weeks.

  She felt everything so much deeper now Tad was in her life.

  Things tasted richer and the way he loved her was spectacular.

  Had a woman been as lucky? No idea. She only knew she felt amazing in that love.

  She was learning to split her time, straddling two lives wasn’t as hard as first thought.

  If she was at the Renegade Souls place she was there as an old lady.

  And when she was home, she was the daughter to that rabble. She’d warned them around the dinner table how she was not their spy. Not even if they drowned her in diamonds. They got the message where her loyalties lied and when she met her dad’s eyes she was sure she saw pride looking back at her.

  She met Tad’s dad on video chat.

  He’d sprung it on her, thank god she had clothes on. Savage senior was a carbon copy of his son, she saw where Tad got his looks and salty humor from. The robust man with his silver hair, tight shirt, and fingers full of silver rings was a sign of where she was heading with Tad and she was in for a treat. He was also a sweetheart and she couldn’t wait to meet him in person. Once he knew about their baby he was booking a plane ticket.

  Family were not always those who shared the same blood, she’d made a family of hardass bikers who cursed, watched shitty sitcom reruns, and got into a lot of trouble most days. And she wouldn’t change them.

  Family were people who stuck around, who were at your side through good and bad.

  She was looking forward to adding Tad’s dad to the list of people she gave a shit about.

  Roux never anticipated that she would willingly enter a relationship.

  Not before Tad anyway.

  All bets were off the day they met.

  He woke her that morning with a kiss. His head buried under the sheets and only after she’d shaken the bed with an orgasm so big she thought it was an earthquake, did he crawl up her body and kiss her lips.

  Slaking her a little with his wicked tongue.

  The move was so explicitly hungry that her stomach muscles tightened like a claw. When she could breathe again, she got to her knees and launched, flattening him to the bed.

  “Always surprising me, aren’t you, Cookie?” He said with a massive grin.

  The words just came out of her. “I think we should get married.”

  It had to be the massive orgasm frying her brain. It certainly did a number on her trembling body as she pushed her lips into his.

  Ha, shocked him again.

  She probably would their whole lives. Had to keep a rogue biker on his toes, didn’t she?

  “Did you see the ring in the drawer?”

  Now it was her eyes that widened.

  She didn’t miss how he took hold of her ass cheeks and held on. Wicked man.

  “What ring?”

  “Fuck.” Tad pulled himself up against the headboard and brought Roux with him. “Got you a ring. I was gonna ask you this weekend.”

  Aww. She felt the back of her eyelids start to sting. It couldn’t be tears, she was a tough bitch. Damn hormones making her crazy already.

  Thank god she hadn’t had one day where she puked though.

  “I wanna make you a Savage,” he said, and her lips twitched with a smile.

  “You might be too late for that. You corrupted me when I smashed into your truck.”

  The pleasure on his face brought heat to her whole body. “Finally admit it, huh?”

  She walked her fingers up his chest and then tangled them into his hair. “Only once so remember it.” she leaned in. “I want that, Tad, make me a Savage.”

  It was all the answer he needed to pull her in, celebrate with a long dirty kiss.

  Perfection was for someone else. Roux had always known that.

  She’d been raised in a rough and tumble world. Taught how to be a girl from a bunch of misogynistic, often drunk men who loved her like their own daughter. She knew now perfection wasn’t always the right thing. She’d live in her imperfect world with her imperfect man and criminal family and she’d be happier than she’d ever been.

  That was Roux’s world.

  This hard biker life where dangers lurked, and bad shit happened.

  But also, a lot of good things too.

  The man at her side was living proof of that goodness.

  She smiled and leaned in to kiss his lips. Unable to resist.

  Fucking handsome stud was finally all hers, she’d tied him down, hadn’t she?

  “Love you.” He declared with a rasp to his voice. One that said he’d feel that way forever.

  So would Roux.

  She’d gambled on a Savage … the house didn’t win this time. Roux did.

  “Hey, Cookie?”


  “I get to tell your dad.”

  She dissolved into a fit of laughter over his bare lap.

  “You are evil.”



  All hers.


  “Who said a punch for good luck?” - Butcher

  Flames crawled up to the night sky, at least ten feet tall.

  The bonfire was too close to the warehouse to Butcher’s reckoning, but it wasn’t his clubhouse, so he didn’t care if it caught fire.

  He was comfortable, drinking a beer with Roux on his lap, ignoring the skeptical glances he was receiving from every Diablos at their party. They were lucky he was still in his clothes with the way his pregnant woman was grinding down on his dick.

  The witch knew what she was doing too with the little side glances she sent him.

  She was in for it when he got her home. Butcher had a taste to see her bent over the back of the couch while he watched himself feed his cock into her tight body.

  Great. And now he was hard.

  Tonight was the first time he was interacting with the Diablos as her man. He had to play nice, not turn into a deviant by dragging her into a corner so he could maul her.

  Roux was not helping his resolve.

  She ground a little more even as she shot the shit with Chains. “That’s horseshit. You can’t compare Rambo to Terminator. One is a fucking robot from the future.”

  The VP who was around Axel’s age, maybe a few years older, snorted and pointed his bottle at Roux. “Rambo is realistic.”

  “Dude, robots are gonna be the future, wait until one is chasing your old ass down. You’ll cry like a little pussy.”

  Chains rolled his eyes, tipped up a bottle to his lips. He had two club girls hanging off both arms scantily dressed and looking for fun. “Girlie, had you on my lap when you were no bigger than a flea when we first watched Terminator. When it finished you told me you thought Skynet should win because robot people were so much cooler.” Butcher grinned at the story as Roux laughed. “Told your daddy then you were an evil little shit.” The VP said with affection.

  “Taught by the best,” she boasted.

  There was always gonna be a very divided invisible line between both clubs.

  It was something he was very cognizant of going into this with Roux.

  He would do what he wanted regardless as long as it suited him and Roux. That’s what mattered to Butcher. But one day soon, Axel would be his father in law, it made sense to try and get along with the guy. They both loved Roux more than anything, it was a good meeting ground if nothing else.

  He had to try with them.

  Not fucking Reno, that bastard was forever on Butcher’s shit list. He’d rather go for a pedicure with the mute Ruin before he broke bread with his shithead twin brother.

  “You okay, Cookie?” He asked against her ear and found her smile turned his way. She had no such shyness in climbing onto his lap when he parked his ass on one of the many chairs and benches around the fire. And if his girl didn’t care, then neither did Butcher, so he pa
lmed her ass and got her comfortable. He’d been good ever since.

  “Yeah. I wanna go inside and get some food though, I need something cheesy.”

  He sucked on his inner cheek. Her cravings kicked in this past week and he fucking loved it. Loved bringing her anything she wanted because he was discovering pregnancy craving Roux was a little pouty and he couldn’t get enough.

  “I’ll get it for you.”

  “No, you stay here. Relax.” The way she said it and then shifted her eyes over to Axel translated to the complete opposite of relaxing in mind.

  She wanted Butcher to talk to him.

  He sighed inward, then tagged her around the neck and got his wet kiss. When he parted, he put his mouth to her ear. “Don’t go far, wanna slide those panties off you with my mouth in a bit.”

  Her inhale was all he needed, but the arousal in her eyes got him going too. He’d already promised her on the ride there that he wanted to fuck her somewhere in the Diablos clubhouse.

  His rebel woman was totally down for it.

  Dipping in, he kissed her again before setting her free. Naturally, his eyes watching Roux and her fantastic ass poured into a skintight, three quarter romper, belted in the middle, until she disappeared inside. Everything in him hummed with quiet awareness of how much she’d settled these past few days. The excitement she felt for their baby. Even discussing names last night when they were done fucking and snuggled in bed. He hoped she was joking about Urie. He didn’t care how much she loved Panic at the Disco; his kid was not being called Urie.

  Only when she disappeared inside did he haul his ass up, grab two beers from a cooler and he prowled over to Axel’s table. The other man was sitting on top of a picnic table, a cig to his lips. Handing over the beer, he perched himself next to Axel.

  The other guy dipped his head, assessing him as he always did. It was progress he’d stopped snarling. “You having a good time?”

  Roux was enjoying time with her family so that meant he was too. “Yeah,” he answered.

  “Make sure to try Chain’s ribs. He babies those things for a week, marinating and rubbing shit, then he tosses them into the smoker.”

  “I’ll be sure to.” He liked ribs; beer wasn’t bad either. He could tell Roux so far so good with her dad.

  Would they get to a point where the guy didn’t look at him as though he was filleting Butcher’s fish? Maybe have him over for Sunday dinner? Ah, who the fuck knew. This playing nice shit with a man who’d kicked the literal hell out of him was gonna take some time. As civil as Butcher was being, he still remembered that night too.

  It wasn’t natural for him to go easy on a guy who’d battered the life from him. Then again, he didn’t plan on falling in love with a seventeen year old girl either.

  All his forgive and forget came courtesy of Roux.

  “Why have you never told my daughter what I threatened to do?”

  The question came unexpected but didn’t surprise so much. Butcher wondered when he was gonna bring that up. “And let her hate the only parent she had? The man she loved more than anything. I’d rather she hate me for a time.”

  Laid up in his hospital bed the night after his attack, in strolled the man in front of him. Axel stayed not even a minute, putting his face in Butcher’s broken one, but that’s all he needed as he recalled. He’d threatened Butcher in no uncertain terms if he came near Roux again he wouldn’t only break his bones next time. He’d break Roux’s heart by arranging for every club slut in a fifty mile radius to swear on her own grave that she was fucking Butcher too and even knocked a few of them up. Hearing the vehement determination of his threat, Butcher knew he’d carry through with it.

  He’d kept that secret.

  Every time they gravitated together. Those illicit meetings where their bodies did more talking than anything else. The fast fix of the woman he loved from the beginning; he never opened his mouth to ruin the only thing she had in her life.

  Butcher, even now, would take that shit to his grave.

  “I would’ve told her, if the shoe was on the other foot.”

  “Difference in you and me, Axel. I already hurt her by walking away, wasn’t gonna compound that with more.”

  “I was wrong,” the other man said, his head tipped to the floor, his forearms resting on his thighs. “I fucked up with my girl. Didn’t want her getting messed around by a biker, didn’t know your reputation then, only what you were. Her mom was a cunt and that’s putting it nicely, she ran me a merry fucking dance, dropped Roux soon as she was born. Wanted better than that life for her.”

  “You trying to apologize to me, Axel?”

  Axel smirked, turning his head to the side so his longer hair fell in his face. “No.” And then. “I’m saying I was wrong. Should’ve let her make her decisions, even if you broke her heart. Don’t think she’s forgiven me for what I did.”

  Butcher knew she had forgiven him because of how much she loved Axel.

  He couldn’t see a time when the two of them would go on fishing trips with his own dad. But they’d team up and break the fucking world apart if someone hurt Roux. She’d always be their bridge and that was good enough for him.

  So, his rogue tongue gave Axel something good to focus on.

  “She’s pregnant.”

  The dark head came up like it was attached to a rope.

  Eyes sharp and focused.

  It was another voice behind Butcher who spoke though.

  “The fuck you say?” Chains all but blistered the air with his forced growl. “You knocked up our girl?”

  Butcher didn’t have reflexes like a cat. He wasn’t bad on his feet, but even he didn’t have time to react to the fist hurtling toward his face until the impact snapped his head back.

  A burst of pain had him cursing the air and pushing off from the floor to get at Chains. If not for Axel’s arms dragging him back and the quick feet of Ruin who dodged the two chicks to grab Chains by his arms. “Let me go, you big bastard, I’m cool.” Their VP staring at Butcher. “Had to teach this one a lesson. You better do right by her. I hated school, don’t make me go back to fuck you up with more lessons.”

  If not for the pain in Butcher’s cheekbone, he might’ve laughed.

  “Oh, you fuckstick, I’ll rip your head off and sew it on backward.”

  Behind him Axel chuckled.

  “Well doesn’t this look like a happy group.” A sweet rustic voice declared, and all eyes turned to see Roux holding an overfilled plate of food.

  She wasn’t smiling but she wasn’t angry either.

  Axel let his arms go and Ruin freed Chains.

  “You told them? You couldn’t wait for me, you fucking sneak.”

  Butcher half grinned, his eye socket on fucking fire.

  “Kiddo.” Axel gruffed and that’s when emotion entered his girl’s face, she dropped the plate on the table and let Axel pull her in, his big palm on her cheek. “My girl is gonna make me a Grampy.”“


  “Ah, baby, you’re gonna be the best fucking mama, aren’t you?” It was the right thing to say and Butcher gave Axel props for that. “So happy for you.” Axel whispered something in Roux’s ear that got her crying in her father’s arms. Butcher later found out he was apologizing to her for keeping them apart.

  Butcher heard a sniff and he turned his head to see Chains swipe a finger over his eyes.

  They’d gathered attention and it was their VP who yelled. “The fuck is everyone looking at? Gasbagging as usual. Break out the good scotch, grab the weed, we’re having a baby!” the crowd erupted in cheers.

  Butcher could’ve told him it was his damn baby, but he’d let the Diablos have their celebration, especially when Roux went from her father’s arms and into Chains’.

  These motley crew weren’t his family, but they were Roux’s, so he stood back and watched his girl pass from one to the other to receive their congratulations.

  “You be good to her; she deserves it.” Axel sa
id low at his side, watching Roux with pride.

  “It’s a given, man. Be nice if you fuckers stopped trying to kill me, she likes me around.”

  Axel laughed and slapped Butcher’s shoulder. “Nah, but welcome to the family, Butcher.”

  Butcher groaned, smiling. Fuck him.

  It wasn’t that long later that pain and cold exploded on his eye socket again and he tried to pull away. “Goddamn, Cookie, what did you put on my face?”

  “Stop whining, it’s just a bag of frozen cauliflower rice.” she pressed it to his face and when he got used to the cold burn, it gave his bruised eyeball some relief.

  With his other good eye, he looked up at her skeptically.

  “Cauliflower ... rice? That’s an oxymoron isn’t it? Who eats that shit?”

  She pinched the skin on his neck. “I eat that shit.”

  He grinned and roamed his hands on her waist. He might be in pain, but it didn’t stop him from fantasizing about when her body ripened with their baby, he was dying to see her little belly popped out.

  “Why don’t you just have, oh I don’t know...rice?”

  “It’s healthier. Stop moving, or this won’t help.”

  “Why you eating healthy shit? It’s boring.”

  “It’s only boring until I’m too fat that you can’t hold me up to fuck me against a wall.”

  The pain vanished. Hold the fucking phone, what did she just say to him?

  “Are you serious?”

  She grinned sarcastically as only his Cookie could. “I like it, but it happens to be healthy for me too.”

  “Roux, you could eat the house and you can guaran-fucking-tee I will hold you up and screw your brains out, you getting me?”

  “Promises, promises, tough guy. Now if you’ve stopped fighting my crew, put that back on your eye, you already look hideous. I’ll get the ointment. I’m gonna kick Chains’ ass for this. I warned dad, didn’t think to give the same warning to him, he’s usually calmer than Axel.”

  He gruffed. “I didn’t take a fucking swing by the way.”


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