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The Wishing Stone

Page 4

by Allison Smith


  Entering the dining room at the appointed time, Lara found Lucien already there. He was dressed in black trousers and a black shirt and standing alongside the dark mahogany dining table. He opened a bottle of wine. Her gaze moved almost lovingly over him as she wondered why such an attractive and kind man appeared to be so alone in the world.

  At that moment, he lifted his gaze to meet hers. A quite dazzling smile lit his face. “I hope you will enjoy the wine I chose. It has always been a favorite of mine.”

  Setting the bottle on the table to breathe, he approached her. He took her hand in his and led her to a dining chair.

  Seated, Lara watched the natural grace of the man as he positioned himself to her left at the head of the table. The glint of the candles played over his face, enhancing his sharp cheekbones. As Lara continued to watch him, she noticed the small things that she had missed previously. How his sinfully long, black eyelashes brushed his high cheekbones and how much she wanted to taste those soft sensual lips again.

  At that precise moment, those same dark lashes lifted to reveal his somber eyes. Black pools stared back at her, giving her a drowning sensation. Looking into them, she felt a torture so deep that she wanted to cry out until his gaze slid away, leaving her feeling almost bereft.

  The kitchen door swung open, breaking the spell, as Margaret briskly stepped in with the first course of their dinner. Lucien filled their glasses with the dark burgundy wine, and the meal progressed with animated conversation, leaving Lara to think she must have just imagined the feeling of his pain.

  After she finished a delicious dessert, they decided to enjoy the view of the ocean. Moving away from the table and to the cushioned chairs by the open windows, with their parted drapes billowing with the light night breeze, Lucien and Lara companionably watched the lights of the tour ships glide across the calm, glass-like ocean.

  Listening to her tell of her day in the sun gave Lucien pleasure but not without wishing he could have shared the day right alongside her on the beach. All conversation finally died until they just sat together and enjoyed each other’s company, watching and listening to the night-shrouded sea.

  Not wanting to break the soothing silence, Lucien delayed going to Marissa’s party for as long as he dared. But glancing at his watch, he knew it was time and that he had to leave her.

  Standing, he stared down at Lara. “I’m sorry I have to leave your pleasant company, but I have a late night meeting I must attend.” At the look of disappointment that flitted across her lovely face, Lucien added, “Would you care to join me again for dinner tomorrow night? We could go down into Lahaina.”

  He saw Lara shiver in delight and noticed the goose bumps on her arms in response to his simple request.

  “Yes, I would love to,” she replied, rising to stand in front of him.

  At the silent invitation her moist and parted lips gave, Lucien bent his head toward hers until their lips met.

  The remembered feel of her lips on his nearly sent Lucien over the edge. Her arms circled his neck as she responded to his mouth’s gentle pressure.

  The deep love he felt for this one woman almost made Lucien reconsider his plans for the evening. But the very thought of Marissa finding her snapped him out of the pleasure-filled trance that the taste of Lara had woven over him.

  Breaking away from those luscious lips, he gently kissed her eyes, then her cheeks, and as his lips trailed down her arching neck, he felt the quickening pulse at the base of her throat. The unsettling desire to sink his teeth into that vein had Lucien pushing himself away from her with a deep groan.

  Startled by his abrupt movement, he could tell Lara was embarrassed at her own abandonment. Seeing the confusion and shame fill her face, Lucien sought to ease it. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for that to happen. I don’t think I would have had the willpower to stop myself if it had gone any further and I would never want to take advantage of you.”

  Appreciation wove through her at his words, erasing the awkwardness she felt. “I know that,” she replied, smiling up at him

  “It’s a date, then, for tomorrow night,” Lucien continued before leaving the room, his thoughts already firmly fixed on his destination.


  Marissa’s party was in full swing when Lucien had finally appeared. As he walked among the various guests, he noted each vampire had brought along a mortal companion, giving Lucien a clue as to what this evening’s entertainment would be.

  Moving to the outer edge of the large room, he stood with his back against the wall while he cynically surveyed the occupants. Many of the vampires were dressed in the latest fashions, while others clung to the various styles of their original ‘life.’

  Lucien watched as Marissa led her companion toward the side of the room where he stood alone. They halted in front of him.

  “We can all learn to leave them with smiles on their faces; the same as you do.” Marissa smiled at the young man with her. “Since you didn’t bring anyone with you, I’ll be more than happy to share.”

  Thoroughly disgusted with the downright rape and murder he was about to witness and his own inability to stop it, Lucien inwardly fought to mask his feeling. “No, I believe I’ll find my own.”

  Closing his eyes, he concentrated desperately on the closest hospital.

  Chapter Five

  Sitting at the kitchen table early the next morning, Lara idly pushed around the food on her plate as the same thoughts of last night plagued her again. She was falling in love with her mysterious host.

  That was surely a sobering thought. Lara Miller was falling in love with a man she had just met. That same man could be a drug importer or involved in some other late night, illegal enterprise.

  Knowing she wouldn’t get any answers from Margaret, Lara decided to question someone else.

  “Margaret, do you think Ethan would be available sometime today? I’d like to go into town to do some shopping.”

  “I’m sure he would be delighted to take you. Let me just buzz him.” Picking up the kitchen phone, Margaret pressed the button beside Ethan’s name.

  After setting up arrangements to meet him at the front door in half an hour, Lara headed back to her room to change.

  At the appointed time, she slid into the plush leather front seat of the black Mercedes as Ethan held the door open.

  He flashed a cheerful smile as he sat behind the wheel. “Is there any certain type of place you have in mind to go?”

  “Not really. I just wanted to get some small remembrance of my time spent here.”

  Seeking to shift their conversation to the topic of Lucien, she related to Ethan their plans for the coming evening.

  “You had better rest up.” Ethan imparted, with a smile. “Mr. Saint is definitely a night person, and I am sure you will have a good time with him tonight.”

  “What exactly does Mr. Saint do for a living?” Embarrassed at her blunt question, she tried again, “I mean, why he has meetings late at night?”

  Ethan’s normally open and friendly face became shuttered. “Why don’t you ask him?”

  Lara accepted the gentle rebuke with grace, since she had acknowledged to herself that her questions were indeed personal, and decided to heed his advice.

  Arriving in the bustling town, Ethan parked the car, and Lara set off to explore the many shops along the street. Finding several good deals, Lara happily carried a full shopping bag of presents for Ethan and Margaret, along with a couple of treats for herself.

  At the end of the block she came upon a unique looking little store and made her way into the darkened interior. Numerous intriguing items lined the shelves, each totally different from the other.

  A small odd-shaped black stone nestled atop its equally small stand, held Lara’s undivided attention.

  “I noticed this particular item has captured your interest,” the short, gray-haired old woman observed.

  Unable to explain the lure that this one item had on her, Lara
inquired, with her slim pocketbook in mind, “How much are you asking for it?” Already, she could picture this in Lucien’s possession.

  A strange smile touched the woman’s worn face. “This stone has great powers for just the right person. The legend says if that person wishes hard enough then their wish will come true. For you the price is not too much.”

  After the two women haggled on a fair price, Lara left the store, smiling with the gift-wrapped box containing the stone for Lucien.


  Standing before an open window in the living room with a snifter of brandy in his hand, Lucien patiently waited for Lara. Having taken care of the unholy craving his body required, he knew she had nothing to fear while by his side.

  His keen sense of hearing picked up the sound of her approaching footsteps. Turning to face the room, he was greeted by the woman he had only allowed himself to dream of, who wore a pale peach-colored dress that appeared to fairly float around her knees.

  The twinkling of the gold necklace resting on her skin assured Lucien that he had made the right decision in instructing his lawyer to give Lara his mother’s crucifix.

  Setting his snifter aside, he approached and gave her a chaste kiss, then attentively took her arm to escort her out and into the waiting night, where Ethan had parked a sparkling black Mustang convertible. Settling her in the passenger seat, Lucien went around the front of the car and seated himself behind the wheel. The car roared to life as he turned the key, then smoothly took off, hugging the curves as he drove it down the road toward the lights of the bustling coastal town.

  They pulled up in front of a posh restaurant, and the valet hurriedly opened Lara’s door. Lucien exited his own side and sauntered around the front of the vehicle to claim her hand. His firm grip left no doubt to even the casual observer that she was indeed taken.

  By him.

  Inside the restaurant, the lighting was romantically dimmed. Windows lined the walls and overlooked the ocean on one side and the mountains on the other.

  After hearing who the reservation was for, the restaurant manager personally escorted them to a semi-private corner of the restaurant.

  Lucien settled back in his chair, watching as Lara scanned the room and its diners before her gaze returned to settle on him.

  Champagne was delivered to their table, and the pop of the cork was muffled by the waiter’s hand before he poured the bubbling drink in Lucien’s crystal goblet for his approval. At the nod from Lucien, Lara’s glass was also filled. Setting the remaining bottle down into the ice-filled bucket, the waiter left with their dinner order.

  “How did your day go?” Lucien asked with a smile as he settled back to hear her voice.

  Her spirits lifted at his question, and her smile grew as she recounted her day for him. “It was just great. Ethan took me down to the best shops. I had no idea there were so many great little stores here and all in one place.” Her cheeks reddened. “I even got something for you.”

  Opening her purse, she took out the small, gaily wrapped box and presented it to him.

  He couldn’t remember the last time anyone had given him a present, not since his parents had been alive, at least. Almost reverently, he began to remove the paper. When he reached into the box, he withdrew a small black stone.

  “The saleslady told me it’s a wishing stone.” She proudly imparted. “The legend says that if you were to wish with all your heart and soul while rubbing the stone, your most cherished desire will come true. It isn’t much, but I...”

  When she moved to take it from his hand, Lucien’s fingers closed around the pebble. “It is to me,” he stated firmly, recognizing the doubt in her eyes and mind. “Thank you very much. I don’t know when I have ever received anything that I would treasure more than this.”

  Truth be told, no one had ever given him a gift for no reason at all. They had always expected something from him in return.

  Lifting his glass of champagne, Lucien took a drink and studied her sweet face as she also lifted her glass.

  She laughed.

  “What is it?” he asked, giving her a smile.

  “The bubbles tickled my nose.”

  After that, the moment lightened and the dinner was animated. Lara regaled Lucien with more stories of her childhood after he asked about it.

  When the table was cleared and the bill paid, Lucien led her out into the sultry night. As they walked down the cement path along the beach, he finally, briefly, told her about his parents and brother, omitting the fact that they had all been dead for centuries.

  As they drew closer to one particular building, Lara heard music. Ushering her to the door, Lucien held it open to allow her entrance.

  Inside, the swell of the music seemed to pull them to the center of the room where other couples swayed to the tempo. Gathering her into his arms, he inhaled her fragrance. Their bodies joined the slow rhythm that pulsed throughout the room.

  This seemed so right that Lucien began to relax. The thrust of her breasts against his chest had him hungrily tightening his hold. With her head resting on his shoulder, he lowered his and began to lightly kiss her exposed neck.

  Goosebumps formed under every place his lips brushed, showing him that his touch affected her as much as hers did him.

  Wishing they were alone, Lara bit her lower lip between her teeth to effectively quell the moan in the back of her throat as desire settled between her legs. Turning her head, Lara’s mouth met his in a dizzying kiss that left her short of breath while they stood unmoving in the middle of the dance floor.

  “Shall we leave?” Lucien asked, almost gruffly.

  At her dazed nod, the pair left the noisy club and headed to the front of the restaurant and their parked car. A silence accompanied them in the car. Lucien laid Lara’s hand on his muscled thigh as he expertly maneuvered the vehicle away from the bright city lights of Lahaina. The pressure of her slim hand on his leg, so near his obvious desire, had Lucien tense as he drove through the dark night. Not until they pulled into the driveway did he begin to relax the torturous hold he had on his body. He felt like a lad in short pants again, with the need to control his traitorous body.

  Setting the parking brake, Lucien eased out of the driver’s seat and went around assisting Lara from the low slung car, thankful that his desire was not nearly as evident as it had been before. Taking her hand in his, he helped ease her to her feet as his other hand came up to steady her on the sloping driveway.

  “Would you like to take a walk along the beach?” he asked casually while inside he prayed for the positive answer that would keep her in his presence for just a while longer.

  “I’d love to walk with you,” she answered.

  Lara watched as Lucien shrugged off his black sports coat and flung it over the car seat before closing the door. They descended to the sandy shore, hand in hand.

  As her feet sank into the sand, she reached to release the clasps on her open-toed sandals. Lucien steadied her by holding onto her arm. Setting her discarded footwear on the last step, Lara was thankful she didn’t have to wear nylons. The sun had given her legs an evenly coated tan. She wiggled her toes in the cool sand and waited as Lucien discarded his own shoes and socks.

  Hand in hand, they continued along the moonlit shore with the crashing waves the only sound in the dark night.

  When they came upon a piece of driftwood with a raised notch where its limb used to be, Lucien led her to it and they both sat. His arm supported her back; his other hand came up to frame the side of her face. Words failed her as his mouth descended upon hers. Smooth gentle lips searched hesitantly until she responded to his touch. Parting her lips to his exploring tongue, Lara blissfully lost herself in his embrace.

  Lucien felt his control slipping, but he couldn’t stop himself as he deepened the kiss. His turbulent feelings for this woman were something he had never before experienced. Sure, he had his share of women before Marissa had ruined his life, but they had never meant anything more than a
passing fancy or a quick tumble. The sensations sparking through him now, as Lara’s fingers tunneled through his hair, had Lucien yearning for more of her.

  His hand moved to the underside of her breast where the weight of the soft globe settled above his questing hand. His fingers lightly teased her breast, coaxing the dormant nipple to awaken. As the rigid nub pressed against the soft material of her dress, his hand encompassed the mound. Noting her rapid heartbeat beneath, he gently slid down the straps of her dress and exposed her upper body to his hungry gaze.

  Lara felt on fire with every touch of his hands. She willed that same questing hand to envelope her aching breasts, sighing aloud when he actually did.

  In all her years, Steven had been the only man to touch her intimately. But now, at this moment, it felt so right being held in Lucien’s arms. It was better than right. It was more like a feeling of finally being where she was supposed to be.

  Home in Lucien’s arms.

  Eager to feel his bare skin, Lara began to unbutton his shirt. She caught her breath when her palm came into contact with the crisp black hairs on his muscled chest. Pulling his shirt over his shoulders, she silently sought and demanded more.

  His mouth descended, taking a puckered nipple inside. The tugging sensations he created had her writhing with desire.

  Lucien was in heaven and he wasn’t going to leave. When the cool evening breeze caught Lara’s hair, sweeping it across his face, he looked up into her eyes and knew she wouldn’t stop him.

  The horrifying scenes he had witnessed at Marissa’s party flashed through his mind, and like a bucket of cold water, it effectively cooled his steaming ardor.

  Setting Lara gently away, Lucien stood and walked toward the incoming tide, trying to collect himself and tamp down his burning desire.


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