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Young Widows Club

Page 17

by Bridy McAvoy

  She looked down at the heavy silver cross dangling between her breasts then back to the table. She’d worn the cross on purpose, to be able to foul deliberately at need, but from the position she’d been in for the shot, stretched over the seven-ball the way she had been, the crucifix had done its job unintentionally.


  He chuckled and leaned his cue against the wall. “My match, and, I believe, my prize.”

  She bit her lip and nodded as he closed the gap between them and gently drew the cue from her fingers. He laid it on the table before spinning her around, and she placed her hands flat on the baize facing the rest of the room as he stood close behind her.

  “You know what I’m going to do now?”

  She didn’t have to feign breathlessness as she replied, her breath coming in short sharp gasps, her heart pounding in her chest.

  “No, what?”



  The sharp report seemed to echo around the room as he spanked her left ass cheek, just once.

  “Don’t be disingenuous. You know what I’m going to do.”

  “Then why ask?”

  “Because I want you to say it, to hear you ask for it.”

  “You want me to beg?”

  “Not exactly. Now say it.”

  “You’re going to bend me over the table and fuck me?”

  “Right in one.”

  She felt his hand touch the middle of her back and then exert pressure. No other option presented itself to her lust-saturated mind, so she bent over, further and further, until her nipples brushed against the baize of the pool table. He pushed up behind her, his trousers touching the back of her legs as she shuffled her feet apart, spreading her legs, not just for balance but opening herself up for him in the process.

  She could see the others from where he’d positioned her. Well, she could see Trish and Steve anyway as Trish dropped to her knees in front of Steve and her head descended. The others were almost out of sight, the back of the couch obscuring most of her view of them. Robert was standing at the bar, a vantage point where he could survey all the action at will, but appeared to be the only person taking any notice of what Gray was doing to her. Not that he gave her his undivided attention, splitting it with the action on the two couches, his head never still as his attention hopped from one to another of the lascivious scenes in front of him.

  She felt Gray move behind her, heard him lower the zip on his flies, and shuddered at the thought of another strange penis entering her—the second one this week. Her body was ready though. She could feel the way her juices had coated the inside of her thighs, making them cold in the slight breeze of the air conditioning. The rest of her was hot—in places very hot—in comparison, and she struggled to breathe as he made her wait for the moment of penetration.

  “You want this, don’t you?”

  She wanted to scream out a resounding no, but couldn’t. Her mind might be yelling ‘no’ but her body was yelling the exact opposite, desperate to feel something inside her waiting open pussy. Rather than answering, she pushed back against him, feeling the hot length of him touching her ass as he in turn pushed against her. His fingers dived lower still, brushing against her slit, one of them running up and down it, before pushing inside.

  Angie wiggled and writhed, desperate to capture the real deal, not relying on fingers to bring her close to the brink.

  Gray repeated his question. “You want this, don’t you?”

  “Fuck! Yes!”

  She screamed her response and flushed in embarrassment as Robert’s head whipped around to focus on her. None of the others looked up though, and she guessed they were paying as little attention to her as they were to each other. She could hear moans and the occasional grunt from the two couches, and then the occasional slurping sound as either Becky or Pattie went down on their respective partner, but beyond that she was in the dark as to their activities. Not so Trish, who she could clearly see had moved and was now laid back on the couch, her legs spread wide apart as Steve lapped at her pussy, his hands gripping her thighs, pressing her legs wider and wider as she moaned and writhed under the assault of his tongue.

  Behind her, Gray changed his position and she felt him moving down, his cock moving from being nestled into the crack of her ass, sliding down until it popped clear underneath her. He straightened up, bringing it into searing contact with her slit. She groaned as the heat spread through her lower body. He used his fingers to hold her open and she in turn held her breath as he pulled back, then eased forward, guiding the head between her outer lips. He paused and she almost screamed in frustration as she heard his dry chuckle confirming he was teasing her, prolonging the moment, then he flicked his hips, pushing himself half an inch deeper into her.

  She gasped and shuddered at the feel of him, just the tip inside her, then thrust herself backward, trying to capture more of him. He slid another fraction into her, but no further, riding her movement and increasing her frustration. She stilled, and he rewarded her by sliding further into her, the flare of the bell end of his cock pushing against her open pussy lips as his fingers spread her wider.

  She panted and gasped for breath as he pushed further until the width pushed past her outer lips and they closed around his more normal girth. She shuddered and shivered as he pushed forward. Angie felt full, and panicked at the thought of taking his full length this way, despite telling herself he was no bigger than Robert, or no bigger than her husband had been. Nevertheless, the sensations drove her onward and she tried to grip the baize of the table as he continued his progress.

  Her fingers scrabbled for purchase as the front of her thighs hit the hard wooden edge of the table. She was unable to move as he pressed against her yielding flesh, pushing himself further and further into her. Then he stopped moving, and she could feel his trousers pressing against the backs of her thighs, realizing he was all the way in. Then she realized how erotic a sight it must be for the staring Robert—her naked, Gray seemingly fully clothed, only his cock protruding from his open flies, which Robert couldn’t see—as Gray fucked her. He held still for a few moments, and she was glad of the respite, giving her vagina time to adjust to the feeling of a cock fully immersed inside her.

  He began to withdraw, pulling out of her an inch at a time as she panted for breath, aware of her pussy walls trying to hang on to him, tightening around the intrusion, then he pushed forward again, slamming the breath out of her. He pushed harder this time and she felt her feet bounce off the floor. Panic flared for a moment as she tried to keep some control over her movement, some method of balance, then her feet touched the ground and she tried to sigh in relief. She couldn’t though as his hand descended once more to the small of her back, holding her in place, squashed against the baize of the pool table. Her lungs needed air, but she could only take shallow gasps, all her attention focused further down her body as Gray began to establish a rhythm.

  Each time he pulled almost all the way out he paused for a split-second before pushing back in. Each time he seemed to bottom out, her feet left the ground, and her thighs ground against the wood. With the buffeting he was giving her she couldn’t attempt to move with him, to push back against him, she just had to roll with it. She grunted each time a slightly harder thrust drove into her and tried hard to keep control of her own body, to give him what he wanted. It was clear, though, that taking her this way was exactly what he wanted, at least for now.




  He swatted her on the backside a second time and she tried to bite back a demand for him to stop, knowing it would simply egg him on to do it again. She imagined her ass turning pink under his palms, then crimson as he did it again and again. She shuddered at the thought and tried hard not to over-react as he rode her. In fact, he didn’t repeat the spanks, just the one on each side—she guessed his way of reminding her to pay attention to what he was doing. As if she could forget as he ploughed in
to her again, and again, and again. He allowed her to lift up on her elbows too, improving her ability to breathe, and at the same time allowing her breasts to hang down.

  Each thrust drove her a little closer to an orgasm and she could breathe a little easier as his hand left her back to join the other one at her hips, pulling her back in to him. This relieved the pressure on the front of her thighs and she could now keep her feet on the ground with each stroke. She pushed herself up with her hands, balancing on them, knowing her breasts dangled in front of her now. This slightly more upright position allowed her to push back against him as he thrust forward, both reducing the pain in the front of her thighs, and increasing his penetration and her own passion. She guessed it was increasing his own as his thrusts gradually picked up pace and at the same time lost rhythm.

  A cry came from the other side of the room and she looked up to see Trish, her back arched clear of the couch, as she came on Steve’s face. It was echoed from the other couch a couple of moments later and she knew one of her other friends had reached an orgasm too.

  Suddenly Robert was there next to her, one hand reaching under her and grasping her hanging breast. His finger and thumb found her nipple, rolled it between them then squeezed. She heard Gray chuckle then listened as the two men discussed her as if she wasn’t there.

  “Double header?”

  “Sure, why not. She’s up for it, I think.”

  “Oh yeah, she’s up for it, all right.”

  “How we going to do this?”

  She shuddered as their words cut through the fog of lust clouding her brain. The idea of two men at the same time both fascinated and horrified her in equal measure. She’d never done that, never considered doing that, and now it very much looked like she had no choice in the matter.

  “Hands and knees, I guess. The couches are occupied. Or we could use a bar stool.”

  “Like that idea better.”

  “I’ll fetch one.”

  Robert’s hand let go of her breast while Gray continued to pound away at her. She tried to lift and turn her head to look back at Gray over her shoulder but she couldn’t quite turn enough so gave up. She dropped forward onto her elbows, continuing to thrust her pelvis back as he thrust forward in a vain attempt to bring him off before the two men could perpetrate the indignity on her. It was not to be, as she heard something metal scrape on the floor and realized Robert had returned with the promised stool.

  Without saying anything to her, Gray pulled out, leaving her feeling empty and bereft, gasping for air as the muscles of her vagina clenched on nothing but air. She’d been close to an orgasm, but they hadn’t allowed her. She felt him grab her arms and pull her, none too gently, to her feet and then turn her sideways. Through the glassiness of her eyes she saw the stool turned side on to her just next to her, the back wedged against the wall for stability.

  Another wail sounded and she guessed the third of her friends had also beaten her to the prize of an orgasm, something she hadn’t expected. She looked across to see Trish now covered by Steve’s body as he fucked her. A tangle of legs was all she could see from the other couch, but they appeared to be male and female legs intertwined so she guessed all three of her friends were being fucked.

  Gray pushed on the small of her back and she bent over the stool, her hand automatically grasping the stool back for support as her upper body rotated forward. The stool wasn’t very wide so it only supported her belly, her breasts hanging free beyond it as they continued to bend her double. She felt Gray push between her legs as a hand grasped her chin and tilted her face up. Robert’s prick stood ramrod stiff and straight before her eyes and she suppressed a shudder as she felt Gray push himself back into her. Robert’s cock bobbed against her lips and, having no other choice, she allowed her mouth to open, accepting him within her warm oral cavity.


  The grunt she made sounded loud to her ears as he pushed past her teeth and, a moment later, found her tongue squashed against the floor of her mouth as he slid over it. She felt drool running down her chin as he filled her mouth, and her own juices running onto the inside of her thighs as Gray fucked her doggy-style again. This time, though, the sensation was enhanced by the object in her mouth. The two men began to move. She couldn’t see if they were signaling to each other above her head and behind her back, but it wouldn’t have surprised her if they were. As Robert thrust forward, filling more and more of her mouth, Gray withdrew. When he thrust forward, Robert pulled out a little, allowing her to breathe around his cock which threatened to plug her airways. In part, it felt rough and brutal and she felt used. Another part of her was reveling in the treatment, in the feeling of being filled from both ends at the same time. Her passion mounted and mounted, driving relentlessly upward as she moaned almost continuously around Robert’s cock.

  She stiffened and tried to scream, but only a muffled moan emerged from her full mouth as the orgasm took her higher and higher. She writhed between them as the orgasm shook her body from side to side and she sensed the two men grinning at each other, then thrusting even harder into her. She tried to calm herself to concentrate on what she knew was her job, to make sure the two men had a good time, but knew it didn’t matter anymore—they were having a great time. She felt Robert stiffen in her mouth, and stop moving, feeling the head of his cock swell in her mouth. Her mouth flooded with saliva at the prospect and she was surprised it was Robert cumming first. Gray had been pounding on her longer. Her pussy clenched around him then she felt him hardening too and realized they were both almost at the point of no return.

  She tried to moan but only a humming noise emerged and she heard Robert gasp, felt even more drool flow down her chin to drip to the floor as his hands reached past her head, finding and grasping her breasts. He pulled hard on her nipples as he pushed his cock further into her mouth, reaching the top of her throat as the first spurt coated her mouth. The sudden pain in her breasts, coupled with the feeling of fullness at both ends, almost triggered another orgasm, but a second later she felt Gray’s first ejaculation paint the inside of her vagina and that event pushed her over the edge into a major orgasm.

  Her pussy was in control of every nerve ending in her body. She couldn’t stop herself cumming as wave after wave of electricity pulsed through her veins. Again and again, her body convulsed and she closed her eyes, trying to go with the flow. She was aware of Robert pulling out of her mouth and staggering back, but that merely removed the gag, allowing her to yell out her passion for all to hear. Gray continued to pump away behind her for a few seconds, more and more erratically until, spent, he too withdrew, leaving her sprawled across the bar stool.

  After what seemed to her like an eternity, her body stopped spasming and her breathing started to return to normal. She was aware of the state of her body—combined ejaculate running down her thighs, Robert’s jism and her own drool coating her chin, but she couldn’t get up, her legs too weak to support her. She didn’t dare try to look past the two men and the pool table to see if anyone else was watching her. Angie hoped they were still engrossed with each other, but unsure if they were or not. Certainly it had gone rather quiet over there.

  She rested for another minute before bringing her hands underneath herself, pushing herself enough upright to lean on the stool, then finally to a standing position. Robert had moved back to the bar, his flies done up, looking as if nothing had happened, despite having cum in her mouth just a few minutes earlier. Gray, in the meantime, had moved in the other direction, and was also doing his flies up and rearranging his clothing. All around the room the others were stirring too, and she guessed they had also completed their business. None of the men seemed to have got completely undressed, although all the women had been nude before the fucking began in earnest. She watched through hooded eyes as each man completed the process of straightening his clothes then, one by one, they nodded to their partners for the evening and left. Gray came back to her and kissed her cheek, one hand fondling her bu
tt as he leaned in close.

  “Thank you.”

  She swallowed hard, aware the evening was coming to a close, their humiliating first time being paid for it now over. Robert followed the men up the stairs to show them out and Angie looked around at her friends, all of whom showed obvious traces of having just been fucked as they rose to their feet.

  Robert reappeared at the foot of the stairs. “I’m afraid I only have three bathrooms, so either one of you will have to wait your turn, or the one in the master room is big enough for two…”

  “That’ll do for Angie and me, won’t it, sweetie?”

  Angie was shocked at Trish’s suggestion but the idea of a decent shower seemed like heaven so she just nodded and gave her friend a weak smile.

  “Plenty of towels, and there’re robes on the back of the door. I’m going to go and put some coffee on. I’ll see you in the kitchen in a while.”

  Robert looked around the area, strewn as it was with the clothing of the four women.

  “In fact, you can wear the robes home if you like. I’ll get these laundered.”

  * * * *

  Angie rolled onto her back and opened her eyes to see the sun streaming through her bedroom window. A glance at the clock confirmed it was still early, only eight o’clock, but she was awake and not at all sleepy. There was nothing for it other than to get up.

  Despite having had a long shower at Robert’s afterward, she’d had another as soon as she got home, as much to wash away the memory of Trish’s soft hands caressing her back as Robert leaned in the doorway of his master en-suite watching the two women showering together, as anything else. Even so, she felt dirty and sweaty after a restless night so the shower beckoned.

  It only took a few minutes, and she was thirsty. She noticed the envelope on the mat but decided to leave it until she’d got the coffee on, then retrieved it after pouring a mug.

  Inside the envelope was the promised eight hundred dollars and a note. She had to read the note twice before she could take it in.


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