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NEWBORN: Book One of the Newborn Trilogy

Page 28

by Shayn Bloom

Gabriel bends down. “Are you alright? Did you hurt anything?”

  “My ego,” I answer. “Help me up!”

  He lends a hand. Brushing leaves and dirt from my clothes, I get up. But not before hearing a familiar sound in the distance. This is where I hoped we’d be! Yay! We’re here! “Is that what I think it is?” I ask excitedly.

  Gabriel doesn’t answer. Instead, he points his wand at me. “Amendi!” The dirt and leaves vanish off my clothes as they resettle on me, warm. “There,” he says, satisfied. “Yes – that is what you think it is.”

  Whooping, I run forward. I’m where I want to be! For the sound I hear is water – rushing, gushing water. It laps against sandy shores. Before I know it the trees are thinning and I arrive at the beach in Eld Inlet.

  I see nothing unusual. What the fuck? Where’s my surprise?

  My wizard brings up the rear. “Wait!” he exhales. “You aren’t supposed to get here first!” He doesn’t look that worried. Gabriel never does. Passing me on the beach, he waves his wand high. “Evanese!”

  Eyes are alive with wonder. Eyes belonging to me.

  On the beach is a stunningly ornate, white four-poster bed. Its legs disappear into the sand as the water laps nearby. It’s surrounded in a ten foot radius by tiny red candles. There must be thousands of them. The only opening is directly in front of us. A two foot wide path leading to bed.

  Leaping into Gabriel’s arms, I exclaim, “Thank you! Thank you! It’s fantastic!”

  He chuckles. “It’s nothing,” he says. “Don’t worry – soon I will be thanking you. Lumio!” The light at the end of his wand goes out.

  Leaving thousands of little red candles to light our way to bed.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Bloomio rosa,” says Gabriel, pointing his wand at his hand. A single, long-stemmed red rose appears there. He hands it to me. “This night belongs to you. I hope you will share it with me.”

  A deep blush spreads across my cheeks as I take the rose. What am I supposed to do with this? Oh – right! I sniff it. “Beautiful,” I sigh, closing my eyes. “It’s beautiful, Gabriel. Thank you so much!”

  Turquoise eyes are revealed in the light of thousands of candles. “You are the rose, Nora,” he tells me, “it is you who is beautiful. You must lead me to bed. This flower, after all, is yours.”

  I blush further. Oh geez, can he see in the candlelight? Probably. Oh well. This is by far the most romantic thing anyone’s ever done for me. I’m so affected I’m speechless – I can’t speak. Can’t say a word.

  Instead, I wrap my arm around his waist and kiss him. This is grace. I know it now. When our passion is so strong our faces melt into each other. When I can’t tell anymore where I end and he begins. When we’re one person, not two. When I realize all I need in this world is him. My wizard.

  Words fail me. Because Gabriel is all I ever wanted. His physical beauty is only a perk. The real beauty of him is innate – inside him – where it lives and struggles against the demons of his upbringing.

  He believes I’m inferior because I’m an Immag, but it’s only because of his Puridite schooling. I believe – truly believe – he can change. That the beliefs of the Puridite Movement can and will fall away from him.

  The bliss of a long kiss ends. I’m left staring into candlelit eyes, glazed over and glassed. They close gently, his face wreathed in pleasure. Geez, I didn’t realize I could have this much of an effect on him.

  He’s imagining someone hotter, remarks my alter ego.

  Fuck off, I demand. I mean it!

  Gabriel purses his lips and licks them.

  I can’t help it. “How do I taste?” I ask. “Good, I hope?”

  He nods, eyes still closed. “Excellent, Nora. When I kiss you I taste – taste… strawberries. It’s weird.”

  “Weird good?” I’m desperate. Please say yes!

  Finally, he opens his eyes, dazzling me in turquoise. “Weird as in fantastically good,” he reassures. “But I still prefer the taste of chai latte,” he muses aloud, his eyes sinking down my body. Oh geez!

  Lifting the rose to his nose, I ask, “How’s this?”

  His brow furrows in thought. “Acceptable,” he surmises after a moment, “for a rose, anyway. It’s a rose, Nora – not Russian spiced tea. We have to work with what we’re given. Don’t you agree?”

  I grin, saying, “Oh yes. I quite agree.”

  With that, I lead him to bed.

  With a rose in one hand, Gabriel in the other – and the whole time surrounded by thousands of tiny red candles on the sand – I walk to the white bed. With only candles to guide our steps, we move through them.

  Avoiding catching fire.

  From here the expansiveness of Eld Inlet dawns. The candlelight is enough to illuminate the outlines of trees in the distance as they wind their way around the inlet on both sides. More than anything it’s the sound of water lapping against the shore that I love. It’s fantastically calming – like a blanket falling over me again and again. The night above smiles down on us like heaven’s blessing.

  No sooner do we reach the bed than Gabriel takes me in his arms and kisses me. Oh the pleasure! Oh the fire in my mouth devouring him! A consciousness can only take so much. Gabriel is trying to push me to the limit. I’m going to let him try, for I am totally and completely carnivorous.

  Gabriel is grasping me around the waist and lifting me to bed. To be treated like a princess! I get it now. Get why girls everywhere are fascinated by the idea. To be on a pedestal and treated like royalty. Or to be on a white bed above the waves surrounded by candles and treated like royalty.

  He’s upon me. Ripping clothes from my body. My gray turtleneck comes flying over my head. I’m freezing, already missing my magical turtleneck. Next my jeans, leaving me nearly naked. Just my bra and panties now.

  Gabriel stops here. But only with me. Shrugging out of his jade robes, he promptly throws them over the headboard. He tosses me his wand, which I narrowly manage to catch before it goes flying to the flames. He slips off his T-shirt, then his jeans. Then his boxers.

  He’s naked!

  In a second he’s under the sheets with all but his torso covered. Grinning at me. Geez, what a tease! I don’t blame him for wanting to be covered – it’s freezing! Throwing the covers over me I join him underneath. Soon as I’m comfortable he grabs me around the middle with his strong arms.

  His mouth is on me. Kissing me. Sucking me. Devouring me whole. It’s wondrous! Unbelievable. Best of all it’s happening to me. His tongue twists and cavorts in my mouth, winding my body and soothing my soul at the same time. I can’t believe I get to do this. Can’t believe I get to do him!

  Sometimes I think I’m dreaming. That I will wake up in the Silverado on the way to Olympia, Washington to move in. That I will never meet Gabriel. Or believe in magic. Or have a mother who ignores me. Or a body that denies food for two months. Sometimes I think none of its real.

  Now – as I lay on a white bed surrounded by candles with the inlet surrounding us and Gabriel making love to me – is one of those times. It’s too good to be real. Too fantastic for truth. There isn’t enough room for this in the practical world. This is the stuff of imagination. Of dreams. Or is it?

  I break off our kiss. “Gabriel!”

  He’s panting, turquoise eyes wide, his blond hair a lovely mess. “Yeah?”

  “You saved my life!” I gasp. “You saved it here – on this beach!” I’m almost crying. I don’t understand it. Can’t understand it. I’m so overwhelmed by everything happening to me. “I – I don’t think I ever said thank you,” I say to him, a lone tear escaping down my face. “Thank you!”

  I hear the waves that nearly took my life lapping against the beach.

  Gabriel doesn’t answer me. Instead, he reaches behind my back with one hand and snaps my bra apart. With the other, he pulls my panties down my legs, throwing them over the side of the bed.

  I’m naked. Prostrate before him. His for the taking. For
the having. For the devouring. Geez, I’m so ready for him… So, so wet down there. Unimaginably. Soaked. My tears cannot keep up.

  Rolling on top, he’s kissing me madly – furiously – filling every crevice of my being ever left abandoned. I can’t begin to understand my feelings. But as the pleasure soaks me, I begin to understand something.

  Gabriel is my wizard. He always will be. Always – until we’re both dead and buried. Kiri, Wolf, and Mom can all go suck it along with everyone else in my life, because Gabriel is the one who matters. We are meant for each other. I understand it now. That this world is built for us.

  Marble thighs embrace me as he makes love to me. Hands groping all over, from behind my back and neck to over my front and – best of all – breasts. I’m on fire! Burning for him, my wizard, my one and only! Flames are upon me, embracing my consciousness like a long lost relative. To be on fire for Gabriel is to be on fire for life. To know what it means to be alive. So completely amazing!

  I have no idea. Not yet.

  Releasing my mouth, Gabriel sinks lower on the cool, white sheets.

  Trees wave in the distance. The candles are burning steady while the moon is barely visible behind faraway clouds. Closing my eyes, I listen to waves as they lap against the shore. This is living. This is what it’s about. I know now.

  Then he licks my pussy.

  Oh heavenly life inside my body. Inside my heart. Inside my soul and bearing. How you surprise me evermore. I gasp the night air. The shock of this spasmodic pleasure drowns me, but it’s not taking my life this time. No. It’s freeing me! Reviving me! Bringing me back! Wondrous unknown. Give yourself to me!

  Raising his head from between my legs, Gabriel smacks his lips. “Tasty!”

  “What does it taste like?” I gasp, blushing hot red. “Chai latte?”

  Swiping his blond hair to the side of his forehead, he beams at me. “With a touch of nutmeg,” he adds thoughtfully.

  “I –!” I never get to finish.

  For Gabriel is upon me again. Making love to my pussy. And I’m writhing in pleasure on white sheets. Surrounded by candles beneath an evanescent moon. With the sound of waves in my ears. The pleasure is so intense I’m shuddering against the bed and gasping the cool, ocean air.

  This is too much. Too much pleasure for one body. It takes all my effort to stop from crying out. I keep it inside while Gabriel’s tongue is there. Licking, eating, and – most of all – pleasuring. This is pleasure beyond any I’ve known. So intense I have to move. I can’t remain still or flames will engulf me.

  Twisting to the side, the feeling of his tongue on me, I glimpse something on the ground. My panties burned to a crisp. Falling on a candle, they were leveled in the heat of the flames. I can understand. I know how my panties must have felt. For I am burning with sensuous, massaging pleasure. With every whip of his tongue I’m set aflame again. I can’t believe I’ve ever been cold.

  This is writhing fire. Eating me. Consuming me. I’ve never felt so alive!

  My wizard comes into view again. He licks his lips luxuriously. “Delicious,” he pants. His face is hot and sweaty. His blond hair a gorgeous, tousled mess. Turquoise eyes burning. Alive with desire. Pouncing forward, he flips me onto my side. He’s making love to me – to my mouth this time.

  I kiss passionately, feeling my body shuddering against him. The sizzling sensation of his tongue against my pussy is still reverberating in my body, making me pulse and quake with aftershocks. I can’t help it. I’m at the mercy of his every flick. Blushing furiously all the while. I can’t believe he licked me there!

  Wait – I can, actually. I can taste it in his mouth. I don’t distinguish it, but I know he tastes different than before. It’s not a pleasant change, and it does not taste like chai latte with nutmeg. How does he taste that? Geez, I hope he’s not lying for my benefit! I’m flushing crazily at the thought. Who knows? Maybe it tastes good to him. Maybe things taste different to boys than girls.

  As our kiss goes on, the strange taste disintegrates so I’m left with what I love. The taste of magic. The taste of sugar and cinnamon. The taste of Gabriel. Never fails to satisfy. The marble of his skin is soaking into me, the turquoise of his eyes glassy and desperate. He’s never wanted me more.

  Eyes aren’t the lone signal.

  I feel him against my left thigh. Massive and unrestrained. Oh geez, I’m going to have to deal with that. It’s no wonder girls are easier to ignore when aroused. Girls aren’t this obvious! Or maybe it’s because I’m a girl… In any case, I reach down and grasp him firmly in my hand.

  Turquoise eyes widen as a gasp escapes him. He didn’t expect me to be so forceful. Smiling sweetly at him, I massage his tip with my thumb. “Your turn,” I say.

  And I’m on him, licking away.

  He’s so, so full in my mouth. Stretching me apart. I don’t remember him being this aroused last time. Could have noticed that much from his eyes. But there’s no denying it – out of the two times I’ve made love to his cock, this is by far the harder one. This is going to take a while.

  I lick his shaft up and down and down and up. I swirl my tongue around his tip, catching any and all escaping residue. Gabriel exhales with a sigh and groans with pleasure as he relaxes into the pillows. It’s his turn to enjoy the candles and the waves, and mine to give my tongue some exercise.

  As I lather him, I ponder a philosophical question.

  Can you make love to a penis? Can you use those words? I always thought you made love to something soft, like lips for instance. Or my pussy. A dick is always hard and unwavering. There’s extremely little graceful about it. Can you make love to something like it? Hard to say. In any case, he who gives shall receive. Gabriel gave to me beyond the limits of my imagination.

  So – remembering to breathe – I drench his tip in my tongue. Licking him again and again and again, I swirl around and around and around. I pump his shaft while sucking. If Gabriel’s groans are any indication, he’s feeling good.

  Waves are lapping against the shore. The moon is still hiding and the trees have grown quiet now the wind has settled. Candles are at last burning low, their time nearly upon us. I don’t need them, because the fire is inside me. Burning! Roaring!

  Swiping my hair over my ear, I close my eyes and sink my mouth to his cock again. I never make it that far. His hand has intercepted my chin and is turning my face up to his. Turquoise eyes are burning with a soft glaze. A sensuously wanting expression on his face. He’s been lathered in pleasure. Wants more.

  “You’re welcome,” he breathes.

  I stare in utter disbelief. Is he serious right now? Is he actually saying ‘you’re welcome’ after I make love to his penis for fifteen minutes? Better be sure before I fly off the handle. “For what?” I gasp, still panting.

  “For saving your life.”

  “Oh!” I exclaim. “I –”

  Gabriel flips me onto my stomach. My sentence is lost forever. I look back. He’s there – his blond hair a mess above wild eyes. His marble skin glistening with sweat. I haven’t time to take in more, for Gabriel has pulled my legs out from under me so I collapse on my stomach. Oh geez!

  He has me. I’m his for the taking. Will he take me? Oh yes he will!

  Seizing my legs in his strong hands, Gabriel forces them apart. It’s there. Between them. His rock hard penis. I close my eyes, dreading and wanting the moment at the same time. Am I always so unreasonable? The moment when I think my wizard is going to plunge his wand into me passes.

  Surprised, I gaze backward. “If you don’t want pain,” Gabriel begins, his eyes glassy, “I can take it away. Tell me what to do.”

  Our eyes lock, my breath catching in my throat. “Fuck me,” I say.

  He does.

  Plunging inside me with his throbbing massiveness, Gabriel groans as I yell in pain. This does hurt! Gabriel doesn’t stop. He plunges into me again and again, his gasps of pleasure punctuated intermittently with my gasps of pain. But I notice it’s ge
tting better. I’m adjusting to the feeling of him. To the sheer size of him.

  He’s thrusting into me wildly, the speed of his thrusts increasing. It’s feeling better and better! The pain subsiding, the pleasure rising. It’s coming fast and heavy, a bursting sensation inside me. I yell out loud to the stars. Except this time it’s a cry of incredible, relinquished pleasure. I’m reborn!

  Pain is gone. Consumed by pleasure. It’s as though Gabriel flipped a switch. I’m shuddering against the bed, grasping the pillows madly and soaking them in my sweat. I’m burning down! Burning on this beach like the light of so many candles. I’m on fire and unable to stop it now.

  My very blood is aflame.

  I feel it in my veins. Feel it crawling up and down my arms and legs, licking, feeling, consuming. Devouring everything I have to give. Everything I ever had to give. I can’t take it! I can’t take it! I’m his now and evermore!

  Gabriel thrusts into me harder and faster, his gasps becoming rhythmic with my own. I feel his sweaty thighs against mine. Feel his soul connecting. The sensation is so unbelievably magical it’s as though I’m watching from the stars above. Far off in the night sky, gazing down and gasping.

  It’s coming, like a faraway song to bring the end of my ways. For no consciousness can absorb this much pleasure in one night and live to tell the tale. I realize I’ve given my life to Gabriel. That I will die attached to him – that he alone will live on. Because I’ve had my fill of life now. I’m spent.

  “Fuck!” Gabriel roars. “Nora, get my wand! We forgot –!”

  It hits me.

  We never did the birth control spell!

  “No!” I scream.

  I shatter around him into a thousand pieces, my flames bursting into embers and falling to the ground. Gabriel comes at the same moment, keeling forward and gasping the night air dry. Oh no! Oh no!

  Lunging for his jade robes on the headboard, Gabriel grabs his wand out of his pocket. “Inpregnatio!” he yells, pointing his wand at me. This spell is visible. A blue wall of air seems to engulf me for a second, expanding over my body. Then it’s gone in the wind, swept off to the distant trees.


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