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Wasted Time

Page 15

by Mya O'Malley

  He ducked and hurried to the door as she went to grab another pillow. He knew her far too well. Of course she would be there for him at the service and of course she loved him more.


  MORGAN WALKED THROUGH THE door looking as stunning as ever. Declan would never be able to get enough of her. What he needed to figure out now was how he was going to hold onto her. Judging from her actions over the past day, he knew that she was still in love with him. If he didn’t believe it, he would leave her alone to her fiancé. Morgan’s happiness was his main priority.

  The timing was very interesting; he got to thinking about an intriguing theory. This would be just like his mother to play matchmaker, even from heaven. He liked to believe that his mother had something to do with bringing them back to each other; in his heart he was sure of it. His mom gave them that little push, and they would have to figure it out from there.

  Raw emotions had taken hold of him these past few days. From losing his mother, to finding Morgan, he was a mess. Today was the last service and tomorrow he would be a wreck at the funeral, but he was at peace knowing that his mother was now at peace herself and most likely back to her old ways, with her health and maybe even lost youth. Having Morgan by his side would ease the pain, just knowing how much she had also loved his mom.

  “She is something. I’ll give you that,” Tach stated as Morgan approached.

  His friend had called him several times yesterday, leaving messages wanting to find out what had happened between the two and if he was okay.

  “Yes, she is, isn’t she?” He took pride in knowing that once upon a time, she was his girl. If only she could still be, then he would feel complete.

  “What are you going to do?” Tach whispered, as Morgan drew closer.

  “I have no idea,” Declan breathed, his chest pounding at the sight of her.

  “Glad to see you here,” Declan greeted Morgan.

  Morgan smiled politely, giving Tach a small peck on the cheek. Tach’s eyes widened.

  “I wanted to say thank you for taking care of this guy here. I heard you had a lot to do with getting him back on his feet.”

  “He’s one of kind. And you’re welcome.” Tach squeezed Morgan’s hand, maintaining eye contact with her.

  “Well, if you’ll excuse me.” Morgan slipped away, heading over toward Amber and Stephen.

  Declan watched her approach his friends and sighed. What was going on between Amber and Stephen anyway? He made a mental note to speak with Stephen to confirm whether or not his suspicions about his friends were true.

  Right now, he had to circulate, make his rounds with his family. Somehow all the drama on the outskirts of these past few days had helped to ease his pain and keep his mind busy instead of focused on his mother’s death. Maybe his mom was playing matchmaker again with Stephen and Amber, you never knew.

  The day went by quickly and he had a few hours to kill before he needed to be back here again in the evening. Declan wanted to swing by his house with Morgan and have her meet his dog. Morgan would fall in love with the boxer, just as he had.

  Morgan was due to head back the evening after the funeral; he didn’t have a lot of time left with her. Declan’s mind was running in a million different directions with all that he wanted to do before she left. He needed a plan; he needed to make his last night with her count. He had already arranged for them to have a quiet dinner with Stephen and Amber after the service tonight. His mind was now fitting all the pieces of the puzzle together for the following night. He was devising a plan and it just had to work.

  As expected, Morgan fell in love with D at first sight. Declan couldn’t get enough of watching Morgan interact with his dog. If only Morgan would just realize that everything she needed was right in front of her. He would move back home if he had to, if her job and family were holding her back. But he knew who was holding her back, and that was the problem.

  Knowing his Morgan, she wouldn’t want to break her promises, wouldn’t want to let Mike down in front of all their friends and family. He didn’t like the guy. It wasn’t just because he was Morgan’s fiancé; he had other reasons. Stephen had told him that he’d picked up on a negative vibe when he had met the man that night at the restaurant.

  “She’s perfect.” Morgan grinned from ear to ear, kneeling down to pet D, who responded with wet, sloppy kisses all over her face.

  Declan laughed heartily, his insides warm. He turned to make some coffee; there was a long night ahead as they still had the evening service to attend. Morgan was beside him, touching his elbow softly.

  “Declan?” she inquired carefully. “Where are they?”

  Declan had no idea what she was talking about.

  “What did you say?”

  She was speaking toward his deaf ear. Morgan blushed, as if suddenly remembering about his hearing loss.

  “I was asking where Stephen is.” Her face registered concern. Still holding onto his arm, she traced his scars lovingly.

  “Your guess is as good as mine, but I’m pretty sure I have an idea who he’s with.”

  Just as Declan finished speaking, Stephen and Amber walked through the door, smiling. It was what he had figured. Life had a very funny way of working out. In his heart, he had always known there was a reason he had met Amber. Yes, she was his good friend, but perhaps she was meant to be with Stephen for the long run. Amber caught his eye and he winked at her.

  “Hey guys.” Amber graced them with her smile.

  Morgan was by her side, embracing her warmly. Seeing the two women get along sat well with Declan. He needed to speak with Stephen, about several things.

  An ice-cold beer would be heaven in this heat. Figuring he had about an hour before he was due back to get ready for the evening, he asked his buddy if he wanted to grab a beer. As much as it hurt him to be away from Morgan for even an hour, he wanted to run his plan by his friend and see what was up with him and Amber.

  Amber took hold of Morgan’s arm, causing Morgan to giggle. “Oh, don’t worry about us; I’m sure we’ll find something to do to pass the time.”

  D barked happily, witnessing the exchange between them. Knowing that Morgan was in good hands, he kissed her goodbye on the mouth. Stephen and Amber stared with mouths wide open as the couple said their goodbyes. As soon as his front door was closed, Stephen turned to face his friend in the Florida heat.

  “Man, are you in trouble.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know,” Declan muttered.

  “What the hell was that?” Amber’s mouth was still agape, her eyes searching Morgan’s face for answers.

  Was it shock, anger, or happiness that Morgan saw staring back at her? She hadn’t planned for that kiss to happen in front of Declan’s friends. It was odd; they were carrying on as if they were a couple again. It felt funny, strange.

  “I… I don’t really know.”

  Amber puffed out her chest, her eyes squinting slightly. “I like you, Morgan, I do, but you need to tread carefully here. That man is crazy in love with you. Don’t you dare hurt him,” Amber threatened.

  Morgan was finding that Declan’s friend was loyal, but upon looking closer, she wondered if Amber harbored deeper feelings for Declan.

  “I wouldn’t intentionally hurt that man for the world, Amber, but in case you aren’t aware, it’s a very precarious situation that Declan and I have found ourselves in,” Morgan explained.

  “I’m aware of that, and it sucks, but don’t hurt him or—”

  Cutting off Amber mid-sentence, Morgan was slightly irritated at this little ray of sunshine. “Or what?” Placing her hand firmly on her hip, Morgan stood her ground. “Can I ask you something, Amber?”

  Amber nodded, placing her arms across her chest. D was sitting beside them, whining.

  “Are you in love with him?” The look on Amber’s face said it all. God, of course she was, it was crystal clear.

  “That’s not relevant, and no, I’m not.” Amber pouted, her
eyes on the floor.

  “Oh my God, you are. You are!” Morgan yelled, causing D to whine louder and spring to her feet.

  “It’s complicated. I can explain.”

  “Try me.”

  Gazing down at Amber’s small stature, Morgan was pissed. This woman was playing the role of friend while she secretly harbored a crush on her Declan. Her Declan, well, that was yesterday, but he still felt like hers.

  Amber’s shoulders slumped and she took Morgan by the hand. Whistling for D, Amber clipped the leash that was hanging by the door on D. It bothered her to see how familiar Amber was here, in Declan’s house.

  “Let’s go for a walk,” Amber ordered, leaving Morgan no choice but to follow her out the door.

  She sure was bossy. With a huff, Morgan followed Amber’s lead, one step behind until they reached the quiet street ahead. Morgan had no idea what this woman would say to her, but she could see the set look of determination in her eyes.

  “So, I met Declan when he came into the shelter looking for a dog. We became friends and yes, I wanted something more.”

  “I figured that,” Morgan quipped, struggling to keep up with Amber’s pace.

  “He’s a catch. You should know that.”

  As if she didn’t know that already. “Go on,” Morgan urged.

  “So basically, he told me that his heart was taken, by someone else. At first I didn’t get it. I thought you had dumped him because of his disabilities, but later, he told me the truth.” Amber spun to face her, her eyes serious.

  “And now? How do you feel about him now?” Morgan needed to know.

  “Now, now I understand and still have feelings of deep friendship, but I get it.”

  Oh. Morgan didn’t quite know what to make of Amber’s confession. Was Amber still in love with him? Did it even matter? It had seemed that she and Stephen were becoming close, so Morgan decided to switch the subject to one that she felt less threatened by. “And how do you feel about Stephen?”

  Amber’s cheeks turned a deep pink. She supposed that was answer enough. Relief coursed through Morgan’s body.

  “I… I guess I like him. It’s weird, you know, I’ve only just met him, but it seems we have a connection of sorts.” Amber glanced up at Morgan, seeking understanding.

  Morgan could see that the couple was hitting it off but knew once Stephen returned home, their feelings may very well change for one another.

  “It’s not that odd, Stephen’s a good guy. Declan seems to think you’re a good friend, so maybe it’s not that strange after all.”

  “Hmm. Do you love your fiancé?” Amber’s directness didn’t shock Morgan.

  It wasn’t an easy question to answer. Once, not so long ago, she would have sworn that she did. Now? She loved him, but was she in love with him now that Declan was here? “I don’t know, Amber. I thought I did, but…”

  “But Declan’s back,” Amber finished her sentence for her.

  Nodding her head rapidly, Morgan felt her tears build. The warmth of Amber’s touch soothed her. Amber squeezed her hand.

  “Morgan, look at me.”

  Morgan complied, tears shining.

  “This is probably the hardest thing you’re ever going to have to do.”

  No, the hardest thing she ever had to do was live without Declan for all those years. As difficult as this decision would be, she had already gone through hell and back. Somehow, it could be harder though, staying away, knowing that Declan was alive down here in Florida.

  “Oh, I don’t know how I’m going to leave him,” Morgan fumbled through tears.

  “Then don’t. Don’t leave him. It will kill him,” Amber stated, squeezing Morgan’s hand harder. “It will kill him now that he’s connected with you again.”

  This woman would most likely hate her for what she needed to do. It was sad because she was starting to feel a real bond with Amber.

  “Please don’t hate me for what I need to do, Amber.”

  Amber tore her hand away and walked back to Declan’s place. It was already happening; Amber’s posture was stiff as she made her way to Declan’s front door. She opened it, unclipped D’s leash, and stood to face Morgan.

  “I can’t stay here with you any longer and witness you tearing his heart right out of him.”

  One thing would be certain, Morgan thought to herself. Declan would have a good friend when she left him here, a loyal friend who would move heaven and earth for him. There was some peace in knowing that.


  BEFORE HE AND MORGAN headed out to the service, Declan had received an urgent text from Amber asking, no actually telling, him to call her immediately. He had a feeling that it wasn’t good.

  Upon calling her, she filled his ear with pleas to stay away from Morgan, that she was planning on leaving in the next day or so. This wasn’t news to him and part of him, although flattered that she would care, was growing frustrated with her. Unless Amber was in Morgan’s shoes, she had no way of knowing how she would react, what she would do in her place.

  Dinner tonight was going to be interesting; he could just picture Amber shooting daggers at Morgan from across the table.

  The service was longer than last night, it seemed. This was the last night that visitors would pay their respects. He was going to miss his mother so much. No more trips to the nursing home to see her, though he knew lately she had no idea who he even was.

  As a small boy, he couldn’t have asked for a mom that was more fun, playful, or energetic. His mom would just hop right onto his sled, hollering as they plowed down the snowy hills. At the beach, she was alongside him, taking the waves in, and at the amusement park shouting while they rode countless rides together. He and his dad had been close enough, he supposed, but they had never shared that same bond as he did with his mother. Declan and his mom had grown closer as a result of his dad’s stroke. Over the years they had grown to rely on one another for company and support.

  Teen years had brought challenging times, such as when he pushed the limit by breaking his very fair curfew and trying alcohol with his buddies before he was of age. His mom had been firm, but fair. The punishment had always fit the crime, like the time he and Stephen had come home two hours late and then passed out cold. The memory of his mother surfaced, he could almost see her standing there with the house phone at her ear, politely informing Stephen’s mother about what had happened and also telling her that Declan would be staying home for the next week.

  Adulthood bonded them once more, as his mom became more of a friend, a sounding board for advice and just good conversation. Recalling those years when he took his mom out to breakfast each Sunday brought fresh tears to his eyes. Morgan had started joining them when the couple became serious, fitting right in, making his mom laugh non-stop with her silly childhood stories. He needed to remember that his mother was better off now; that was the only thing that kept him going.

  They were now settled in at the restaurant, a popular local steakhouse. Amber and Stephen were getting along famously, which begged the question, was this going to be some kind of fling or would they pursue this as a long-distance relationship? Declan hoped the latter would be true — both of his friends deserved to be happy.

  Declan’s hand found Morgan’s thigh under the table and she grinned widely, placing her own hand on top of his. Amber had relaxed, steering away from speaking with Morgan, but at least she wasn’t pouting. The conversation mostly revolved around stories of Mrs. Blake — from memories of childhood to more recent times, in which Morgan contributed to the conversation heartily.

  “Oh my gosh, Declan, remember that time your mom pulled out all the old photo albums?”

  Blushing slightly, he recalled the old photos of him nude in the bathtub, getting into a huge mud puddle, posing on Santa’s lap, and more.

  “Amber, this must be hard for you not to have known Mrs. Blake. She would have loved you,” Morgan offered kindly.

  It was just like Morgan to step up and inc
lude Amber, throwing the tension out of the room. Amber smiled politely, nodding a silent thank you.

  Squeezing Morgan’s thigh, he whispered in her ear, “I love you.”

  Morgan turned, her mouth hanging open, her eyes wide. She didn’t say anything in response, but he had gotten a reaction out of her, and that was good enough for now. Before he could say anything else, her cell phone rang sharply, breaking the mood.

  She glanced at the screen, frowning. “If you’ll excuse me.”

  As Morgan stood to make her way outside to take her call, it took everything he had not to follow her. Most likely, it was Mike on the phone. The plan he had set up for tomorrow night was perfect; if it didn’t work then he was helpless. Helpless to do anything but let her go.

  “Declan, for what it’s worth, she’s worth fighting for,” Amber blurted out.

  That was a lot for Amber to offer, and Declan appreciated it.

  “Yes, she is. And thank you,” Declan responded quietly.

  “I’m sorry for what I said before. I just don’t want you to get hurt. Stephen’s been filling me in on Morgan’s life the past few years, and I know it couldn’t have been easy for her.”

  “Amber, if I give up or not, I’ll still be hurt if she goes with Mike. I have to try.”

  “I know, Declan, I know,” Amber muttered, taking his hand in hers from across the table.

  In awe, Declan watched closely as Stephen placed a delicate kiss on top of Amber’s head. He was floored. Of course he knew that the two shared an attraction, but it must be more than just a passing thing by the look on Stephen’s face.

  “I don’t even know what to say, I mean, you guys seem like you would be great together,” Declan exclaimed.

  “Excuse me,” Amber interjected. “I’m going to check on Morgan. She’s been gone a while.”

  The men watched Amber head for the door.

  “We don’t know quite what to make of it either. We’re going to try to stay in touch, take it slow, see where it will go,” Stephen stated.


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