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Page 33

by DiAnn Mills

  Across the desk sat his supervisor, Tom Warrington.

  “Ash, I need to brief you on a few changes in protocol prior to meeting with your team.” Warrington shuffled papers in front of him. “They’ll be here in thirty minutes.”

  “Changes, sir?”

  Warrington drummed his fingers. Not good. “You’ll continue your role as SAIC for Lindsay’s protection team, but the vice president has made a request. After last night’s unfortunate incident on The Barry Knight Show, we’ve decided to bring in a woman agent.”

  A woman agent? “Why?”

  “Special Agent Meghan Connors has an excellent reputation for getting the job done. And we think she’ll be able to help keep Lindsay out of trouble. Possibly provide some direction with her medical issues.”

  “In what way? Our job is to protect her, not help her buy lipstick.”

  Warrington lifted a brow. “Connors will be a part of the six-agent team.”

  The addition of more agents, including a woman, ground at him. “Why six agents for a VP’s daughter?”

  “That will be explained in depth when the VP arrives.”

  “Sir, I don’t understand the changes.”

  He cleared his throat. “Note that Agent Connors will be assigned to Lindsay seven days a week, 0800 to 1700.”

  A woman agent wouldn’t work with the way Ash managed his team. Why was she being assigned his hours?

  Warrington handed him three files. “These are the new agents. You’ve worked with Bob Lawson and Rick Norris before.”

  “With all due respect, sir, I prefer to work with men.”

  Warrington frowned. “The VP is desperate. We need to give her a chance for Lindsay’s sake. For the VP’s sake.”

  “I understand, but—”

  “You and I go back a long way, and I know why you feel this way. I’d like to think you could get beyond judging every woman agent because of one bad experience. Agent Connors has a stellar record. She’s tough, and she’s dedicated to her job. Do this for the vice president, Ash. She might be the one person who could turn Lindsay around. And that would help the VP and this country.”

  “I’ll do my best. However, I’d—”

  “Deal with it, and do your job.”

  Resentment seeped into Ash’s bones. He had a spotless record, and he’d been reduced to taking care of two women? She might be a dynamic personality, a fine person, but women had no place in the Secret Service.

  “The Vice President has located a working ranch in Texas for Lindsay.” He turned his computer to show a satellite image of a large ranch house, a barn, horse stables, and a couple of outbuildings.

  “She can’t run there.”

  “I agree. It’s about a hundred miles west of Austin. She won’t have access to a phone or computer. Just fresh country air.”

  “I’m assuming the VP needs her out of sight.”

  “There’s more to the problem. A call was made to the VP about 0300 this morning. A man said he had a bullet with Lindsay’s name on it if she didn’t pay up. He claimed she owed him for meds.”

  The situation grieved him. Lindsay had so many opportunities to better herself. Maybe another woman would help. “She’s in deep this time.”

  Warrington handed him another file. “Here are the details of the ranch, photos, list of employees. The VP and his wife are deciding on a doctor to treat Lindsay at the ranch.”

  “I knew they’d been investigating an alternative method of treatment. I saw the short list of the psychologists and psychiatrists.” Ash studied Warrington’s face—obviously he’d been awake since the threatening call. “So this is crisis intervention in a big way.”

  “And the media have to stay out of it.”

  “Any leads on the caller?”

  “Not yet. Working on it. The transfer will be made in the next couple of days.”

  Lindsay did need to be out of the public’s eye.

  “One more thing here. President Claredon is back in the hospital. Looks like VP Hall will be taking on more responsibilities.”

  Ash had heard rumors that the cancer had spread. “I’ll do what needs to be done, sir.”


  DIANN MILLS IS a bestselling author who believes her readers should expect an adventure. She currently has more than fifty-five books published.

  Her titles have appeared on the CBA and ECPA bestseller lists; won two Christy Awards; and been finalists for the RITA, Daphne Du Maurier, Inspirational Readers’ Choice, and Carol award contests. DiAnn is a founding board member of the American Christian Fiction Writers; the 2014 president of the Romance Writers of America’s Faith, Hope, & Love chapter; and a member of Inspirational Writers Alive, Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, and International Thriller Writers. She speaks to various groups and teaches writing workshops around the country. DiAnn is also a craftsman mentor for the Jerry B. Jenkins Christian Writers Guild.

  She and her husband live in sunny Houston, Texas. Visit her website at and connect with her on Facebook (, Twitter (@DiAnnMills), Pinterest (, and Goodreads (


  Taryn steps too quickly into marriage with a man she believes loves her. Does Taryn, in her excitement about the relationship, ignore signs she should have heeded? Would she have seen through the deception if she’d taken more time? Have you ever been betrayed by someone you thought you could trust? Looking back at the situation, how would you have handled it differently?

  Growing up, Taryn often felt ostracized because of her shyness and high intelligence. Have you ever been singled out because you were different? What would you say to someone who has trouble fitting in?

  If you were in Taryn’s shoes, suspected of committing a heinous act of violence, would you have run away from the hospital and the FBI? Or would you have trusted the FBI to handle things? How might things have gone for Taryn if she had stayed?

  Grayson takes a chance when he believes Taryn’s story. What convinces him she’s telling the truth? Would you have trusted her? Why or why not?

  Joe West became Grayson’s mentor and gave his nephew a home when life with his dad became unbearable. Have you ever been a mentor or even taken someone into your home? What were the results? Is there someone in your life now who could use this type of guidance or hospitality?

  In chapter 10, Taryn seeks refuge in a church and has a spiritual awakening. How do Taryn’s attitude and actions change after this scene? In what ways does she succeed in clinging to God and where does she continue to rely on her own strength and wits? What lessons can you apply to your own life from her?

  Though Taryn is afraid of dogs, a stray German shepherd becomes a huge comfort to her during this crisis. How do you feel about dogs or other animals? Have you ever experienced a situation where something unexpected helped you cope with a difficult situation?

  For years Grayson has carried guilt over his role in his mother’s death, struggling to find forgiveness from his family and himself. What makes someone hold on to guilt or other emotions like that? What would you say to encourage Grayson to let go?

  Despite Grayson’s objections, Taryn repeatedly risks her life to find Zoey. Would you have done the same? Have you ever risked something big for the sake of a loved one? What was the outcome? What spiritual parallels can you draw from Taryn’s sacrificial devotion to the little girl?

  What was your reaction to the villain’s motivation for the airport bombing? Does anyone ever have a right to seek revenge? If so, under what circumstances? If not, what would you suggest as an alternative? What does Romans 12:17-21 have to say about revenge?



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