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The Alpha's Prophecy (Werewolves of Boulder Junction Book 3)

Page 4

by Martha Woods

  “Yeah, I’m in. Can you give me five minutes to go inside and explain to my deputies I’ll be away for a day or two on a case?”

  “Sure, although it really isn’t a case. We just need answers. Just so you know, this isn’t something you have to do. I’m capable of handling this myself, but it’ll make it easier having you with me in case we need to take the human route and detain her.”

  “Being a hunter is my most important job. If there’s someone out there causing harm, then she needs to be eliminated. I’ll be right back.” He tapped his hands on the door and walked away.

  While Cayden was inside, she questioned her actions. She didn’t really need his help in either capacity—hunter or human. However, something drew her to him today, and she learned a long time ago to listen to her instincts. She rolled her window up and shrugged before she blasted the heat. As she waited for him to return, she scrolled through her phone and opened the GPS. She’d spelled it so she could use it to take her directly to the witch. When she saw her target was in the same area, relief washed over her. She closed the app and hoped they remained there. If not, this trip could take longer than she anticipated.

  When the passenger door opened, she turned as Cayden climbed inside and slammed the door.

  “Piece of future advice—when you pull into a police station, don’t squeal your tires. You don’t know how close you came to being shot. We’re a bunch of twitchy bastards.”

  “Noted.” She backed out of her spot and pulled the car back onto the road. “So, there’s more to this other than this witch cursing Leah. Skylar is pregnant, and her pregnancy is progressing rapidly. As it is, human-shifter pregnancies don’t end well. It’s important we find this witch to ensure she doesn’t get anywhere close to Sky.”

  “How’s she doing?” he asked, wringing his hands together and turning to face out the window.

  “She’s okay. Keeps insisting she’s fine. Hayley is trying to find information on these pregnancies. She thinks it’s possible Sky has supernatural blood in her family line. That would make this much easier, but Sky insists she doesn’t.” She glanced at Cayden before she returned her eyes to the road.

  “I want to do whatever I can to help,” he said, and from her peripheral, she saw him turn to her.

  Farah nodded. It was nice to have another person on board. They all wanted to do what they could to help Sky.

  * * *

  Liam pulled the guest bedroom door close. He’d spent the last hour lying beside Skylar as she drifted to sleep. Thankfully, she’d taken her promise to Farah to heart and committed herself to bedrest. When he suggested they move into the guestroom for the foreseeable future, she’d balked at the idea at first, but he convinced her he’d worry less if they did.

  Now that she was asleep, he decided to use the time to catch up on some work. With all the events of the last month or two, he’d neglected his business, but that was why he paid his employees well—they stepped up when he needed to be away. However, it was time to dive back in…well, as much as their current situation would allow.

  Once inside his office, he sat behind the desk and powered on his computer. As it booted, he scrolled through his calendar on his phone. Thankfully, he wasn’t scheduled for any meetings for next week, but that didn’t mean he could screw around. It was time to focus.

  When the computer was ready, he logged into his work’s email and checked the updates his vice president had sent him the night before. As he read through them, he found his mind drifting to Skylar and his mom. After reading through the same e-mail for the third time, he decided his efforts at this moment was futile. He needed answers, and instead of solely relying on others, he decided to take matters into his own hands.

  Liam spent the next hour searching the Internet for supernatural pregnancies. However, his search resulted with nothing useable unless you were wanting to write fiction. As he pushed his chair back, he huffed a sigh of frustration. He felt utterly useless. Those he loved needed help, and there was absolutely nothing he could do.

  “Thanks, dad,” he said aloud, but as he did, a thought came to him. Maybe he could find something in his parents’ cabin. More specifically—his dad’s study. No one was ever allowed in there except if his dad was present. However, now that he was dead, there was nothing keeping him out of there.

  Liam hurried from his office and outside, shifting before the door closed behind him. As his wolf ran across the front yard and into the thick of the forest, he knew he’d find something inside his dad’s study. Large gray paws dug into the snow and frozen earth, sending chunks flying into the air, and the wolf zigzagged between trees and leaped across a narrow stream. When he came into the vicinity of the pack grounds, the wolf slowed, and Liam shifted back to his human form. He entered the area and sprinted to his mom’s cabin.

  Once on the porch, she skidded to a stop and hoped the door wasn’t locked. To his surprise, the knob twisted in his hand. He pushed it open and flipped the lights on, slamming the door behind him before making his way directly to the office. When he approached the closed door, he extended his hand and latched onto the knob. Unfortunately, it was locked, but that didn’t stop him. He raised his naked leg and kicked forward near the knob, splintering the wooden frame, but the door popped open. As he stepped forward, he made a mental note to have someone fix the door.

  When Liam stopped and looked around the room, he realized nothing had changed from the last time he’d been inside this room. On his eighteenth birthday, his father summoned him to discuss his taking over as alpha. It was in that moment, that Liam declined and set out on his own. The same worn, brown sofa sat in front of the same wall. His dad’s oversized wooden desk flanked another. The skulls of those his dad killed hung on the walls.

  Liam ignored everything and made his way to the filing cabinet and searched its contents. However, after several minutes, he learned his dad hadn’t kept good records. The only thing he found of importance was some banking information. Slamming the drawer closed, he turned and directed his attention to the computer on the desk. Maybe he’d kept electronic records.

  He rushed to the other side of the room and moved the mouse as he sat in the desk chair. Surprised, the computer came out of sleep mode. However, there was a window asking for a password. Liam quickly typed his mother’s name, but as he did, he knew it wouldn’t work. When he received the incorrect password warning, he leaned back in the chair and tapped his fingers on the keyboard, thinking about what was important to his dad. He ran through a number of things in his mind, however, he couldn’t come up with anything.

  “What could it be?” he asked aloud. It was then his wolf suggested trying the word power.

  Liam raised his eyebrow and nodded. It made sense. He typed the word and pressed enter. When the screen showed the desktop, Liam smiled. He spent the next hour going through files and checking the web browser, yet it resulted in the same thing as the filing cabinet.

  His frustration built, but he wasn’t giving up yet. He pulled open the top desk drawer and found a small, silver key—the kind that opens a home fireproof safe. He scanned the room, and when he didn’t see anything, he placed the key back in the drawer. As he leaned back into the desk chair, his eyes roamed the ceiling as he thought of other places his dad could hide stuff. When his eyes landed on two planks near the wall, he realized they were different than the others. Instead of being a smooth, solid piece of wood, these held cuts.

  Liam jumped from the chair and pushed the couch to the wall. When he stood on it, he reached up and pushed on the boards with his fingertips. When they popped up, he heard them clang against something metal. This had to be it. He pushed his hands through the small hole and felt around. When his fingers touched something, he grasped it the best he could and pulled it from the ceiling. It was a small, metal safe.

  As he returned to the desk, he couldn’t help but wonder what was so important that his dad felt he needed to hide it? Liam set the box on the desk top and grabbed the key
from the drawer, inserting and turning. When he pulled the lid open, a single journal sat inside.

  “Really?” He raised his eyebrow and lifted the journal from the box and flipped through its contents, stopping here and there to read. His dad detailed orchestrated attacks from over the years. Liam’s stomach dropped. This was nothing more than a trophy for his dad. However, he kept skimming the pages. When he landed on the last few entries, he read them in their entirety. His dad gave a detailed account of what he had done to Leah.

  Anger boiled inside Liam, but he forced himself to continue reading. He dad had written he had no choice to but to go to the extreme he had because it ensured Liam would take over as alpha. When Liam took over, it would ensure his dad would have access to Liam’s special future mate.

  Chapter 4

  Hayley and Michael spent the previous day hiking deep into the woods. When dark descended upon them, Hayley insisted they continue their journey until they were both too tired to go on. Michael had protested, but she refused to listen. When they finally made camp close to midnight, she erected a makeshift shelter from limbs and pine needles. Once they crawled inside the small space, she cast a spell around them to keep the wind out. However, as the night grew colder, she found herself thankful for having the extra layers of clothing Michael insisted on.

  When dawn broke, Hayley roused Michael from his sleep. They spent the next few minutes taking care of business and shoving food into their bodies. When they were ready to start their journey, they exited the small shelter, and Hayley used her magic to disperse the materials.

  “I thought about this all day yesterday, but why can’t you just use your magic and poof us to where we’re going?” Michael asked.

  “I can only teleport myself, besides, I’m sure the witch has the area spelled to prevent unwanted visitors. Hiking is the only way.” Hayley picked up her backpack and pushed her arms through the straps.

  “Why did you need my help? You could have dematerialized to the outer perimeter. It would have been much faster for you. We still have a few days’ worth of hiking before we’re there.”

  “You’re right. It would be faster. However, it takes a lot of energy to do that. It almost drains me. I used most of it yesterday when I came to get you. I’ll need a few days to recoup that energy.”

  “Well, then when we stop tonight, I’ll erect the tent and shift into my wolf form. You can use my heat to keep you warm. That way, you can conserve your energy.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate it.” Hayley stepped forward and asked, “Which way?”

  “This way,” he answered and set off in front of her.

  Hayley and Michael spent the next few hours in silence except for the crunching of snow beneath their feet and their labored breathing. This part of the forest was on an incline, and it made Hayley realize how out of shape she was in. However, she didn’t complain. This was something she needed to do.

  “Why did you call me witch bitch when we first met?” she blurted out.

  Michael paused and looked over his shoulder, shrugging. “I don’t know. I guess it’s because our dad always told us witches were evil and our enemies.”

  When he turned around and began hiking again, Hayley continued and contemplated his words. It surprised her how much they were different. The coven hadn’t exactly taught them other supernaturals were evil, but they’d kept their distance because it was better to focus on your own kind than others. “I was always taught it’s better to stay focused on your own kind and not worry about others.”

  “Well, you didn’t have my dad as a leader. That man’s main focus was fighting and killing. It’s one of the reasons Liam left the pack when he did. As the eldest, he was destined to become the alpha, and he didn’t want to lead the pack in the same direction dad had. I can’t blame him, but I’m glad he’s back. He’s a good alpha, and the change he’s bringing is good for the pack.”

  “I’m sorry you had to deal with your dad’s tactics, but I agree. Liam doesn’t come across as a bossy leader. I think he genuinely cares for the wellbeing of the pack members and everyone he’s close to.”

  Michael nodded his head. “Thank you, and that’s exactly how Liam is.”

  “Did you get upset when he left?” Hayley stepped over an upraised root and continued in Michael’s footsteps.

  “I was at first, but I understood why he left.”

  “Why didn’t you ever leave?”

  “Because my mom needed me, and Lucas was gunning for the alpha position. Someone needed to stay behind and ensure everything didn’t go to hell in a hand basket.”

  “Gotcha. You know, there’s even a big difference in my coven and Farah’s. Her coven thrived on killing others, whereas, mine was more worried about nurturing ourselves and the few supernaturals who became part of our coven over the years.”

  “You had other supernatural beings in your coven?”

  “Yeah, some of the witches mated with wolves. I didn’t think it was out of the ordinary. However, I now see it isn’t common.”

  “With Sky’s condition, I think it should be against the rules for supernatural species to cross-mate. If it only results in death, what’s the point?”

  “You can’t help who you fall in love with, but I see your point. If what our archives say is true for everyone, Sky’s chances aren’t looking good. Even if she survives and the fetus dies, can you imagine what it’ll do to her? I can’t imagine losing a child. And more important than that, I can’t imagine losing Sky. She and I have grown close. She’s like a sister to me.”

  “Yeah, I know what you mean. She has a way of getting under your skin. She’s good for Liam, but I don’t know how he’ll survive if he loses her.”

  Hayley didn’t respond. She spent the next few hours thinking about her short time with Skylar, and she decided she’d do everything she could to ensure her friend survived.

  Before too long, Hayley realized evening was setting in.

  “Michael, should we stop now?”

  “I was about to suggest that.” He stopped and looked around. “There’s a small clearing over there.”

  Once at their campsite for the evening, Hayley removed her backpack and dropped it to the ground. When she looked up, Michael already had the tent removed and was in the process of setting it up.

  “Is there anything I can do?”

  “If you want to gather some firewood, that would be good. We can warm up a little while we eat.”

  Hayley scouted the area and gathered a few piles of branches and limbs, piling them near their tent. When she concluded she’d gathered enough, she was pleased to see Michael was finished.

  Michael broke some of the longer branches and stacked them in a pile before lighting them. It didn’t take long until they had a small fire blazing and were munching on their evening meal. They spent an hour or so by the fire before they decided to call it a night.

  Once inside the tent, Hayley said, “You don’t need to shift now. I have a couple of blankets. We can sleep close, but if I get cold, I promise I’ll let you know. You can shift then.”

  “Sounds good.” Michael stretched out onto the ground.

  Hayley spread the blankets over Michael, and she crawled in beside him. The ground was freezing, but it wasn’t long until the warmth seeping from Michael covered and caressed her body. As she began to warm, she found herself dozing.

  Sometime later, Hayley woke only to feel Michael’s body spooned against her and his erection pressed against her. She stiffened because she hadn’t expected that. Yet, she disregarded his bulge and rolled over, snuggling into him. When his fingers rubbed up and down her back, she froze. She didn’t realize he was awake.

  Michael’s hands stopped moving, and he pulled her closer to him, his erection resting against her stomach. Hayley turned her face upward to find his lips come crashing against hers. Instinct kicked in, and she parted her lips, allowing his tongue inside to caress hers. She wrapped her hand around his neck, and her fingers latched onto
his hair, pushing his head closer to hers.

  With the onslaught, her core tingled. She wanted this man inside her. Moving her hand from his hair, she wedged it between them and caressed his cock over his clothes. A growl escaped him, and he thrust himself into her hand.

  “I want you, Michael.” She pulled away and whispered.

  Michael pulled her back against him and reclaimed her lips as his hands fumbled with the zipper on her coat. As he lowered it, the warm from within escaped but was met with a different type of warmth. Michael’s hand cupped her breast over her clothes. He massaged her luscious curve before his fingers found her nipple and gave a slight tug. He broke the kiss and lowered his head, taking the tip into his mouth.

  Hayley moaned. The feel of his warm mouth on her was enticing. She pushed him onto his back, pulling her nipple from his mouth before she climbed on top of him, positioning herself on his cock. She rubbed herself his erection, and the fire between her thighs blazed.

  “Get rid of these clothes.” Michael ordered, pushing her coat from her shoulders.

  They quickly undressed, and Hayley repositioned herself on top of Michael. Except this time, instead of rubbing herself against his cock, she sat down on him. His girth stretched her core. She positioned her hands against his chest and rode his cock—up and down before leaning forward and rubbing her clit against him. His hands roamed her body, and she felt her climax build. “I’m close.”

  “Come on my cock, Hayley,” Michael moaned before her buried his face against her neck, biting lightly. As his teeth connected with her skin, her orgasm exploded, sending waves of pleasure throughout her body. Michael’s hands moved to her hips, and he thrust twice more before his body tensed and he released himself inside her warm core.

  As their labored breathing quieted, Hayley couldn’t believe what they’d done. However, she had no regrets. Still unable to move, she rested against Michael and felt him pull the blankets over them as she drifted to sleep.


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