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The Playboy of Rome

Page 12

by Jennifer Faye

  Then, realizing he was spying on her, he cleared his throat. His mouth suddenly went dry. He hoped when he spoke that his voice would come out clearly. “Something you need?”

  Lizzie jumped and turned around. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “You didn’t.”

  She closed the fridge, shrouding them in darkness. Dante moved to switch on the light over the stove. He couldn’t get enough of her beauty.

  She turned, casting him a questioning stare. “You couldn’t sleep either?”

  “Too much on my mind.” He wasn’t about to admit that she was on his mind. Her image had been taunting him. But those images had been nothing compared to the real thing that was standing in front of him.

  The spaghetti straps of her top rested on her ivory shoulders as her straight flaxen hair flowed down her back. He didn’t know that she could look even more beautiful, but he’d never be able to erase this enchanting image from his mind. He stifled a frustrated sigh and turned to the fridge. He pulled it open but nothing appealed to him. When he turned back around, her intent gaze met his.

  Her fingers toyed with the lace edging of her top. “What are you worried about?”

  “Nothing in particular.” He really didn’t want to discuss what was on his mind. “I just came out to get a snack.”

  He was hungry but it wasn’t food he craved. When his gaze returned to her face, he noticed how she crossed her arms over her breasts. It was far too late for modesty.

  “You know, you don’t have to be so uncomfortable around me.” He stepped forward. “I promise I just want to be your friend.”

  “I think it’s more than that.” She arched a brow. “More like friends with benefits?”

  “Hey, now, that’s not fair. I’ve kept my word. I haven’t touched you.” His voice grew deep as his imagination kicked into high gear. “I haven’t wrapped my arms around you and pulled you close.” He took another step toward her. “I haven’t run my fingers up your neck and over your cheeks or trailed my thumb over your pouty lips.”

  Her gaze bored deep into his. The desire flared in her baby blues. He knew she wanted this moment as much as he did. He also knew that opening this door in their relationship would change things between them dramatically. But that didn’t stop him. He’d gotten a glimpse of life with Lizzie in it and he wanted more of her—no matter the cost.

  Damn. Why had he given his word to keep his hands to himself? Now all he had to work with were his words. He wasn’t a poet, but suddenly he felt inspired.

  “I...I thought you said you were going to be a gentleman?” Her gaze never left his.

  “I said that I wouldn’t touch you—wouldn’t kiss you—not until you asked me to. But I never said anything about telling you how I feel.”

  She took a step toward him until their bodies were almost touching. “And how do you feel?”

  His heart slammed into his ribs. He swallowed hard. “I want you so much that it’s all I can think about. I can’t eat. I can’t sleep. All I can think about is you. Do you have any idea how much I want to wrap my arms around you and pull you close? Then I’d press my mouth to yours. I’d leave no doubt in your mind about how good we can be. Together.”

  She looked deep into his eyes as though she could see clear through to his soul. No one had ever looked at him that way before. The breath caught in his throat as he waited, hoping she’d cave. He wasn’t so sure how long his willpower would hold out.

  Her head tilted to the left and her hair swished around her shoulder. “Do you really mean it?”

  “Yes, I mean it.” Second by second he was losing his steadfast control. “You are driving me to distraction. It’s a miracle I haven’t accidentally burned the ristorante down.”

  Her lips lifted. “You’re too much of a professional to do something like that.”

  “We’ll have to wait and see. After tonight, I don’t know if I’ll ever get the image of you in that barely-there outfit out of my mind.” He groaned in frustration. “Talk about a major distraction.”

  A sexy smile tugged at her lips as desire sparkled in her eyes. Her hands reached out to him, pressing against his bare chest. He sucked in an even breath as her touch sent tremors of excitement throughout his body. Did she have any idea what she was doing to him?

  This was the sweetest torture he’d ever endured. It’d take every bit of willpower to walk away from her. But he had to keep his promise to her—he couldn’t be like those other people in her life who’d let her down. But he didn’t want it to end—not yet.

  She tilted her chin and their gazes locked. All he could think about was pressing his mouth to hers. He desperately wanted to show her exactly how she made him feel.

  He was in trouble—up to his neck in it. And as much as he savored having Lizzie this close and looking at him as if he was the only man in the world for her, his resolve was rapidly deteriorating. Was this what it was like to fall in love?

  Not that he was going there. Was he?

  He gazed deep into her eyes, and in that moment, he saw a flash of his future—a future with Lizzie. He wanted her to look at him with that heated desire for the rest of their lives. The revelation shook him, rattling his very foundation and jarring him back to reality.

  He shackled his fingers around her wrists and pushed her away from him, hoping he’d be able to think more clearly.

  “You’re really as good as your word, aren’t you?” There was a note of marvel in her voice.

  “I’m trying. But if you keep this up, I’m going to lose the battle.”

  “Maybe I want you to lose.”

  What? His gaze studied her face. A smile tugged at her lips and delight danced in her eyes. He honestly didn’t know if this was another of her tests. Or was it an invitation. With a frustrated groan, he let go of her wrists and backed up until the stove pressed into his backside. He slouched against it. Defeat and frustration weighed heavy on his shoulders.

  “Don’t look so miserable.” She stepped toward him.

  When she went to touch him again, he said, “Don’t, Lizzie. You’ve had your fun but now let me be... Please go.”

  “I don’t want to leave you alone. Maybe I want you to pull me into your arms and do those things you mentioned.”

  His back straightened. “Is that an invitation?”

  She nodded. “Dante, I want you just as much—”

  That was all he needed to hear. In a heartbeat, he had her in his arms and his mouth claimed hers. She tasted of mint and chocolate like the after-dinner treats they handed out with the checks. He’d never taste another of those little chocolates without thinking of her.

  And though the thought of letting her slip through his fingers was agonizing, he had to be absolutely sure that she wanted this, too. With every last bit of willpower, he moved his mouth from hers. “Are you sure about this? About us?”

  Her big round eyes shimmered with desire. “Yes, I’m positive.”

  In the next instant, he swung her up into his arms and carried her back down the hallway to his master bedroom—a room he’d never shared with another woman.

  But Lizzie was different. Everything about her felt so right. It was as though he’d been waiting for her to step into his life. Things would never be the same.

  But exactly where they went from here, he wasn’t quite certain.

  He’d think about it later.

  Much later.



  The icy walls around her heart had melted.

  Lizzie felt exposed. Vulnerable. A position she’d promised herself she’d never put herself in again. She rushed downstairs to the restaurant. When she got there she couldn’t fathom how she’d found the willpower to leave Dante’s side—where she longed to be right now. But she couldn’t stay there. She couldn’t afford to get in even deeper.

  Her time in Italy was limited. In just a few weeks, she’d be preparing to return to the States—back where her responsibiliti
es were awaiting her. And then what? She’d leave her heart in Italy. No, thank you. She had no intention of being some kind of martyr to love.

  What she and Dante had was...was a one-night stand. This acknowledgment startled her. She’d never thought of herself as the type to have a fling. And now that the scratch had been itched, they’d be fine. They could go back to being coworkers.

  With a fresh pot of coffee, she filled a mug and headed to the office. She had no idea how Dante could stand such a mess. It was the exact opposite of the immaculate study in his apartment, which probably explained why almost everything in here dated back years. And she couldn’t find any current invoices or orders. He probably did his work upstairs and left this place as a reminder of his grandfather. Dante must miss him terribly. Her heart went out to both of them.

  She knew what it was like to miss someone terribly. Her thoughts strayed to Jules. She wondered if she was still awake. She glanced at the big clock on the wall. It should be close to midnight now. Jules wasn’t a partyer, but she was a night owl who had a thing for watching old movies until she fell asleep.

  Needing to hear her foster sister’s voice to remind her of why she should be down here instead of snug in bed with Dante, she reached for her phone. It rang once, twice, three times—

  “Hey, Lizzie, what’s going on?” Jules’s voice was a bit groggy. “Is what’s-his-face still giving you a hard time?”

  “I...I just wanted to touch base and make sure things are okay with you.” Her voice wobbled. Usually she told Jules everything, but suddenly she felt herself clamming up.

  A groan came through the phone, the sound Jules made when she was stretching after waking up. Lizzie smiled. She could just imagine Jules stretched out on the couch. She really did miss her. They were like two peas in a pod. She couldn’t imagine they’d ever move far from each other—no matter what happened in life.

  “Lizzie, I can hear it in your voice. Talk to me.” Her concern rang through the phone, crystal clear and totally undeniable.

  This call had been a mistake. How could she tell Jules—that she’d slept with the dreamiest man on earth? She didn’t want Jules adding one plus one and ending up with five.

  Because there was no way she was in love with Dante. He liked fast cars and beautiful women draped on his arm. She recalled the photos of him with various stunning women hanging in the dining room. The strange thing was she hadn’t found any evidence that he was anything more than a caring, compassionate man who appeared to be as commitment-phobic as herself.

  “Stop worrying. I’m fine. Dante and I worked things out.” Lizzie ran her thumb over the edge of a tall stack of papers. “What’s new with you?”

  There was a moment of strained silence.

  “I had an interview for grad school. Actually, it was an all-day event. They even took the candidates out for a fancy dinner.”

  “I hope you didn’t scare them off with all of your makeup and your black-and-white ensemble,” she said in a teasing tone.

  Jules sighed. “You ought to give me more credit. Actually, I borrowed some of your clothes. I even received a couple of compliments.”

  Excitement swirled in Lizzie’s chest and had her smiling. “Does that mean you’re ready for a wardrobe makeover?”

  “Not a chance. I’m good the way I am.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  Jules used the makeup and clothes as camouflage—so people couldn’t see the real her. But someday she hoped Jules would feel secure enough to move beyond the walls she hid behind. Whereas Lizzie’s scars were all on the inside, Jules wasn’t so lucky—she had them both inside and out, and she took great care to hide them.

  “Anyway, it went really well and I was told unofficially that I got in. But it’ll take a bit of paperwork before I get my official notification.” There was a distinct lack of excitement in Jules’s voice. “Lizzie? Are you still there?”

  “Uh, yes. That’s great! I knew you could do it. And don’t worry about anything but getting through your final exams. I’ve got everything else under control.”

  “I can tell you have something on your mind. If you aren’t happy there, come home.”

  “It’s not that.” And it wasn’t even a lie. “I’m just tired. I didn’t sleep much. That’s all it is.”

  “Are you sure that Dante guy doesn’t have anything to do with it?”

  “I promise he’s been great.” Lizzie blinked repeatedly, keeping her emotions at bay. “If you must know, I’m a bit homesick. I miss my sidekick.”

  “I miss you, too. But you’ll be home soon.”

  “I know. I’m looking forward to it.”

  “And here I thought Rome would be your trip of a lifetime. I was worried that you’d fall in love and I’d never see you again.”

  Jules was so close to the truth. Perhaps she really could use someone else’s thoughts. “The truth is, Dante and I...we...umm...”

  “You slept together?” The awe in Jules’s voice echoed through the phone.

  “Yes. But it was a one-time thing. It didn’t mean anything.” In her heart she knew it was a lie, but it was the reassurance Jules needed to hear to keep her calm before her finals. “Don’t worry. I’ll be home soon.”

  And the truth was it wouldn’t happen again. They’d gotten away with making love once, but to have a full-blown affair with him would run the real risk of breaking her heart. Already she felt closer to him than any other man she’d ever known.

  * * *

  It didn’t mean anything.

  Those words smacked Dante across the face.

  When he’d woken up, he’d reached out and found a cold, empty spot next to him. He’d begun to wonder if he’d just dreamed the incredible night. If it hadn’t been for the impression of Lizzie’s head in the pillow next to his and the lingering floral scent, he might have written it off as a very vivid dream. Maybe that would have been best for both of them.

  By the time he’d searched the whole apartment, he’d started to panic. Where could she have gone? Why had she left? Did she regret their moment of lovemaking?

  And now as he stood in the doorway with the doorjamb propping him up, his worst fears were confirmed. Lizzie regretted last night. While he was thinking that this could possibly be the start of something, she was thinking that it would never happen again. His gut twisted into a painful knot.

  Gone were the illusions that last night meant something special—for both of them. He’d been so wrong about so many things. He knew that Lizzie wouldn’t intentionally hurt him. She had a good heart even though she kept it guarded.

  Hearing those painful words was his own fault. He shouldn’t be eavesdropping. Still, not even Red could drag him away from the spot on the white tiled floor. It was better to hear the truth than to misread things and get lost in some fantasy that wasn’t real.

  How could he have been such a fool? He couldn’t believe he’d given in to his desires. He never lost control like that. But when he’d thought she’d finally let down her guard and let him in, he’d gotten carried away. In the end, it had all been in his imagination.

  She had only one goal. To finish her job here and return to New York. Well, that was fine with him. She didn’t have to worry about him clinging to her. That wasn’t about to happen. No way.

  Finding this out now was for the best. In the end, committed relationships didn’t work out for DeFiore men. One way or another, when one of them got too close, they ended up getting burned. Luckily he’d only gotten singed, unlike his father and brother, who’d had their hearts and lives utterly decimated.

  Dante stepped into the office. “So this is where you’re hiding.”

  Lizzie jumped and pressed a hand to her chest. “I’m not hiding. And how long have you been standing there?”

  “Long enough. A more important question is why did you disappear without a word?” He should leave the subject alone but he couldn’t.

  His pride had been pricked and it demanded to be soothed. Because
his bruised ego had to be what was causing him such discomfort. It couldn’t be anything else. He refused to accept that he’d fallen for a woman who had used him for a one-night stand.

  Lizzie’s gaze moved to the papers on the desk. “I couldn’t sleep.”

  Because she was horrified by what she’d let happen between them. He stifled a groan of frustration. “Something on your mind?”

  Her gaze avoided his. “ I...ah, you must have been right. I had too much caffeine last night.”

  He cleared his throat, refusing to let his voice carry tones of agitation. “And you thought you’d come down here and what? Clean up the office?”

  Her slender shoulders, the ones he’d rained kisses down on just hours ago, rose and fell. “I thought maybe I could organize it for you.”

  “And you were so excited to sort papers that it had you jumping out of bed before sunrise?”

  Her gaze didn’t meet his. “I like office work.”

  “You must.”

  She nodded. “I have a business degree.”

  He struggled to keep the surprise from showing on his face. Just one more thing to prove how little he knew about her...and yet he couldn’t ignore the nagging thought that he still wanted to learn more about the beautiful blonde with the blue eyes that he could lose himself in.

  He crossed his arms as his gaze followed her around the office as she moved stacks of papers to the desk. “You know, office work isn’t part of the contract.”

  “I didn’t know that we were being formal about things.”

  “I think it would be for the best. We don’t want to forget the reason you’re here.”

  Her forehead crinkled. “If it’s about last night—”

  “It’s not. That was a fun night, but I’m sure neither of us plans to repeat it.” Liar. Liar.

  “So we’re okay?” Hope reflected in her eyes.

  “Sure.” He was as far from “sure” about this as he could get, but he’d tough it out. After all, he’d given his word. A DeFiore wasn’t a quitter. “You still want to complete the filming, don’t you?”


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