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Wrede, Patricia C. - Magician Series 1 - Mairelon the Magician

Page 22

by Mairelon the Magician [lit]

  owy London alley, wreathed in yellow fog, was somehow

  very different from the same sight in the calm green coun-


  "Get back, Kim," Mairelon said sharply, as though he had

  just remembered her and was not at all pleased to find her

  standing next to him

  Nothing loath, Kim backed up a few paces and looked


  around A large canvas bag lay on the ground a few feet

  away She stared at it with a sinking feeling, then went over

  and picked it up It was much heavier than she expected, and

  she frowned as she tugged at the strings If it wasn't another

  platter, what was it? She got it open at last, looked inside,

  and made a strangled noise

  "What's that?" Mairelon asked, looking up "Another plat-


  "No," Kirn said "It's two of them "

  "Two of them?" Mairelon stood and came over to her He

  took the sack and put his left hand inside for a moment, then

  shook his head "And both fakes Well, at least now we know

  who was responsible for making them "

  "We do?" said Kirn

  "Well, nearly It has to have been either Fenton or the man

  who shot him," Mairelon said "One of them brought that

  bag here, and who would have two false platters except the

  man who's been making them?"

  "You do," Kirn pointed out "Or you did until just now

  Now you've got four "

  "Yes, well, that's different. We've been collecting them, not

  making them "

  "Why couldn't Fenton do that, too?"

  Mairelon sighed 'True It doesn't seem likely, but it's pos-

  sible " He stared into the trees for a moment, then shook his

  head again. "There's no help for it I shall have to send you

  back to get Hunch "

  "WW? No' I ain't goin'l" Kirn barely stopped herself from

  shrieking Leave Mairelon alone for over an hour with a dead

  body and a killer lurking in the woods, more than likely?

  Leave without having any idea what Fenton had been

  doing—or what Mairelon was going to do next? Leave now,

  and have to pry the story out of Mairelon later?

  "I'm afraid you must," Mairelon said "In case you had for-


  gotten, there is a man around with a pistol Once he's had

  time to reload, he'll probably recover his courage, and when

  he does I would like to have Hunch—and the shotgun—near

  at hand "

  "Then you better go to the wagon yourself," Kirn advised

  "It ain't goin' to take an hour for the cove to reload, and it'd

  take that long just for me to walk back "

  True," Mairelon conceded He frowned down at the bag

  "I don't like leaving bodies lying around, but I can't very well

  march up to the door of Brammgham Place and explain mat-

  ters, can i"

  Kirn stared at him, amazed that he would even consider

  such a foolish action "With the Runners after you'' Not

  hardly i"

  "Yes, there's that, too," Mairelon said absently He was still

  frowning "Well, let's finish here first, and then decide " He

  handed the canvas sack back to Kirn "Hold this "

  Feeling a bit bewildered, Kirn took the sack and watched as

  Mairelon returned to Fenton's corpse Her bewilderment

  deepened when Mairelon began going through Fenton's

  pockets with the bnsk professionalism of a London cutpurse

  He ignored Fenton's handkerchief, shook his head over a gold

  snuffbox and an expensive-looking pair of gloves hidden in-

  side Fenton's waistcoat, and frowned at a note he found in

  Fenton's jacket Then, to Kirn's complete confusion, he began

  patting Fenton's sides and pulling at the hems of his clothes

  "What are you doin' that for?" Kim demanded at last

  "I'm checking for—ahi" Mairelon stopped and took a pen-

  knife from his pocket Carefully, he made a slit along the left

  seam of Fenton's waistcoat; a moment later, he pulled a

  folded paper From inside the lining

  "Well, well," Mairelon said, shaking the paper open "What

  have we here?"


  "How should t know?" Kirn said "How did you know to

  look for it there, anyways?"

  "It's a trick the Frenchies used now and then when they had

  something important to send," Mairelon said "If it comes to

  that, it's a trick I've used myself a time or two well, well."

  "Well what?" Kirn said crossly "What's it say?"

  "Unless someone else finds out about this and gets there

  before we do, which seems unlikely, I believe we have dis-

  covered the location of the Saltash Platter at last," Mairelon

  said with great satisfaction He refolded the paper and tucked

  it into an inner pocket, then rose, dusting his hands

  "You mean he really was makin' those fakes?" Kirn asked,

  feeling a tittle chagrined

  "Probably, but it doesn't matter much any more The im-

  portant thing is that Fenton knew where the real platter is,

  and now we do, too."

  "Then we can leave?"

  "Not just yet, my dear," said a new voice "Particularly not

  if your friend's most recent statement is true I have a great

  deal of interest in the Saltash Platter, you see "

  Kim whirled and felt the blood drain from her face "Dan

  Laverhami" she said

  Dan was standing next to one of the tall, grey-barked trees

  that lined the avenue He held a pearl-handled pistol in each

  hand, and beside him stood Jack Slower, similarly armed

  Jack's eyes were fixed wanly on Mairelon, and as Laverham

  stepped into the avenue he said, "Be careful, Mr Laverhami

  That there's the frog-maker I told you about"

  "Really " Dan smiled "Richard Mernll, I assume?"

  "The same," Maireton said, inclining his head "May I in-

  quire how you guessed?"

  "Oh, come, now There aren't many first-class wizards

  who'd be out chasing after the Saltash Set You're far ,too well

  behaved to be one of the Sons of the whatever, and I am


  familiar with Lord St Clair's appearance Who else could you


  "You are uncommonly well informed," Mairelon observed.

  "It is necessary, in my business," Dan replied "Don't try

  any spells, by the by After Jack told me his little tale, 1

  prepared a few odds and ends especially to take care of that

  sort of impromptu effort You wouldn't have a chance " He

  gave Mairelon a long, appraising look that made Kim feel

  cold inside, then said in quite another tone, "Move over by

  Kim "

  Without comment, Mairelon did so Dan Laverham took

  two steps forward and glanced down at the body "James Fen-

  ton Dear me, how dreadful And just when I thought he was

  finally going to be of some use to me, after all Well, it can't

  be helped By the way, why did you kill him?"

  "I didn't," Mairelon said

  "How interesting," Dan said "Jack, go get that bag from

  K-im, there's a good fellow, and see what's in it Then 1 think

  we had all better be going You can't depend on amateurs to

  do the sensible thing, whoever shot Fenton might decide to

  come back and take a shot or two at us, and
that would never

  do Assuming, of course, that Mr Merrill is telling us the

  truth "

  Jack stuck one of his pistols into his belt and swaggered

  over to Kim Silently she handed him the sack If she hadn't

  been so scared, she would have enjoyed the way his expres-

  sion changed when he opened the bag and saw what was


  "It's two of them wicher cheats, Mr Laverham!" Slower

  said. "That there frog-maker's gone and doubled the thingi"

  "Bring it here," Dan commanded

  Slower did so, eyeing Mairelon nervously the whole time,

  as if he thought the magician might make twins of himself if

  he were not watched carefully Dan felt around inside for a


  moment, just as Mairelon had, then shook his head. "They're

  forgeries- Fenton was probably hoping to pass one of them

  off as the real thing Leave them."

  Slower gaped at Dan in disbelief. "Leave them? But they're


  "I said, leave them," Dan said sharply. "I don't need any

  more complications. This—" he gave Fenton's body a casual

  kick, "—is more than enough."

  The canvas sack hit the ground with a thud and a clatter,

  "Very good," said Dan. "Now, drag our late friend back into

  the woods a little, where he won't be so likely to be noticed.

  I don't want him found until we're well on our way back to


  "I see you were acquainted with the late Mr Fenton," Mair-

  elon said as Jack Stower, glowering, complied with Dan's


  "James was one of my least reliable men," Dan said. "I was

  positively looking forward to disposing of him myself, if I'd

  realized he was getting ideas above his station, I'd have done

  so long before this." He gave the canvas sack a disapproving


  "Then Fenton was the one who made all the fakes'" Kirn

  said before she could stop herself,

  "All the fakes? You mean there are others besides these?"

  Dan gave the sack a look that should have made it crumble to

  dust on the spot- "My, but he was ambitious Or perhaps

  greedy is the proper word; under the circumstances, it's diffi-

  cult to be sure. it was James, all right. His eldest brother is a


  "The black sheep of 'is family; they're mostly respectable

  tradesmen,'" Mairelon murmured "I should have asked

  Hunch for details."

  "Speaking of platters, I think it's time you told me where


  the real one is," Dan said pleasantly. "It's what f came for,

  after all "

  "I'm afraid your Mr. Fenton didn't say," Mairelon said with

  equal affability.

  "I don't care whether he told you where he put it or simply

  gestured so eloquently that the knowledge sprang into your

  mind unbidden," Dan said dryly "I want to know the location

  of the Saltash Platter. I'm sure you don't need a list of the

  various painful things I could do to your young companion to

  make you talk."

  "Quite so," Mairelon said in the gentle tone he used only

  when he was particularly angry. Kirn glanced apprehensively

  at Dan, but he seemed oblivious to Mairelon's reaction, and

  Kim realized with a sense of shock that Dan did not know

  Mairelon at alt. She was so used to taking for granted that

  Dan Laverham knew everyone and everything better than she

  did that she barely heard Mairelon continue, "It's somewhere

  in the druid lodge. I'm afraid he wasn't any more specific than

  that, but a little searching should turn it up without too much

  difficulty. The place isn't that large."

  "Very good," said Dan. "Jack! Leave that and come along."

  He gestured with one of his pistols. "That way, Mr. Men-ill,

  and not too fast- Follow him a little to the side, Kirn."

  "What d'you want them for?" Jack demanded, emerging

  from the woods with a sour expression. "Pop them and leave

  them with the other cove."

  "You have no imagination," Dan responded "Get that sack

  out of Sight and meet us at the carriage. And don't linger, I

  won't wait for you."

  As they started up the avenue in the direction Dan had

  indicated. Kirn glanced back and saw Jack glare after Dan.

  He bent and grabbed the open end of the sack, and, with a

  strong heave, sent it flying into the trees before he ran to

  catch up with Laverham-



  '^•w^' r^ an Laverham directed them down the tree-

  JR^^^ L7 lined avenue and along a bndle path to a

  f r wooden gate in the hedge Kim, remembering

  how difficult getting through the hedge had been, gave Mair-

  elon a reproachful look as Stower opened the gate and waved

  them through Mairelon did not seem to notice, he was

  studying Stower in a way that made Kim very nervous After

  ail, Dan was still behind them with a pair of guns

  To Kirn's relief, Maireton did nothing to annoy Dan, and

  they reached the lane with no more than a few dark looks

  from Jack Stower A closed carnage waited near the roadside,

  the driver's perch occupied by a figure muffled in a shabby,

  ill-fitting coat that, to Kirn's experienced eye, had the inde-

  finable aura of the London back streets The horses were

  placidly chewing wisps of grass, and Mairelon gave them the

  same long, considering look he had just given Jack

  "Beni" Dan called as he came through the gate "We have

  another stop or two to make Mr Mernll will give you the


  Mairelon glanced back over his shoulder at Dan Dan


  smiled very slightly and lifted one of his pistols a fraction of

  an inch "And they will be clear and without any deliberately

  misleading bits Won't they, Mr Mernib"

  "Of course " Mairelon inclined his head, then turned and

  went forward to speak with the coachman Dan kept his

  eyes—and his pistol—fixed on them as he waved Jack for-

  ward with his other hand

  "I think you had better nde with Ben," Dan told him "Put

  the guns under your coat, we don't want to attract attention "

  "You ain't nding in there with two of 'em'" Jack protested

  "What if they Jump you?"

  "A point," said Dan, showing no signs of concern "Have

  the goodness to hold your gun on Mr Mernll while I see to

  it that they won't"

  Jack nodded with unnecessary force He stepped forward

  and pointed both of his pistols at Maireton's stomach Dan

  looked at him, nodded, and turned to Kim "I trust you will

  not attempt to do anything foolish in the next few minutes,"

  he said "It would have most unpleasant consequences "

  Kim didn't trust her voice, so she nodded Dan smiled col-

  dly and set his nght-hand pistol on the step of the carnage

  "This will only take a moment," he said, putting his hand in

  his pocket He withdrew it almost immediately, and when he

  uncurled his fingers, Kim saw two balls resting in his palm

  One was a silver sphere, covered with tiny vines and fruit,

  that would have ht comfortably in the circle of Kim's thumb

and forefinger The other was a small, faceted crystal the size

  of her thumbnail

  Behind her, Kim heard a sharp intake of breath from Mair-

  elon Dan looked past her and said, "I see you recognize

  these, Mr Mernll I hope that means you will be sensible

  enough not to interfere The pieces of the Saltash Set are

  temperamental to work with when they aren't together "

  Without waiting for a response, Dan stretched his hand


  toward Kirn and began murmuring sharp, crystalline words.

  They hung in the air, twisting over and under and around

  each other like the streets of London, making an intangible

  net between Kirn and Dan. Kim shuddered and took an invol-

  untary step backward. Dan Laverham raised his left hand and

  made a complicated gesture, his voice rising as he did so. The

  invisible web of words swirled and swept forward, settling

  around Kim. She froze, waiting for it to do whatever it was

  meant to,

  Dan gestured again, commandingly, and shouted a final

  phrase. The two spheres began to glow with a clear, silver

  light. Kim felt the razor-edged words close in, but the air

  between her and the spell was full of a strong, sweet, smoky

  scent, and the net of magic could not touch her. She swayed,

  light-headed with relief, and the spell swayed with her, main-


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