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Shadowed Peach: Devil's Iron MC Book 8

Page 4

by GM Scherbert

  Wishing to high heaven that I would have any smokes, I stop dead in my tracks seeing a man standing off the side of the gas station smoking. Making a B-line for him I waste no time making small talk, instead putting a hand on his arm, trying out my flirting skills to bum a smoke from him. Before he can answer, I feel a rough hand wrap around my arm and know in an instant who it is.

  “Go to the restroom my Peach.” Is all I hear in a gruff tone as I am tugged away and guided away from this stranger.

  Pulling my arm away from him, I find it impossible to break his grip. “Shadow, knock it off, I was only coming over to ask this man for a smoke. I don’t have any money to buy any and I just thought-“

  Tugging sharply on my arm, I am hauled against his body before I can go on.

  “You thought what my Peach? That it was a good idea to what? Walk up to a complete fucking stranger, putting yourself at risk, so you could use your fucking female wiles to get a smoke from said stranger?”

  Breaking free from his grip, I make it about three steps towards the bathroom before turning on my heel and bumping into Shadow. Moving back a step I find myself looking up into his brown eyes. Getting lost in those eyes, I lose track of what I was going to say, leaning forward I don’t stop myself from putting my lips on him and my hands are quick to follow.

  For a brief moment I am lost in him, in the way our tongues are tangling with each other. His words, which hurt me so much, are lost and the electricity in our kiss is all that I can think about. His mouth feels like heaven and I feel like I am finally safe as his arms draw me closer.

  As quickly as it starts, he pulls away without a word, pushing me towards the restroom. The loss is felt throughout my body while I stumble to the door. Fumbling with the key, I am not sure that I will be able to make the rest of the ride knowing that he doesn’t want me.

  Until I realize the pressure on my back is there again. The man who only moments ago pulled away from me is shoving me into the now open bathroom door.

  I feel his body flush against mine as he rasps in my ear, “This should not be happening, my Peach. You are not ready to be taken. You are not healed. You are not whole.” The hand running over my ass squeezes tightly before his voice drops an octave lower and the shiver that runs through me at his next words can’t be missed. “But having you on my bike,” running his hand down further slipping between my thighs he goes on, “these thighs wrapped around me, the little noises you make when the bike hums underneath you, your arms wrapped tight around me for the last two days, has tempted me for the last time.”

  Bending me over the sink, Shadow has my pants and panties bunched around my knees in seconds. His cock buried deep before I can think or say anything in response. His strokes are frenzied and they match the tension and electricity that has been between us from the moment we met. As his pace quickens, I feel his breath on my ear.

  “My Peach, this will not happen again.” His strokes slow as he goes on, “so you best enjoy. I am not one to be goaded into anything and being without a woman and on the road, has led to this.” I feel a hand come up my back pushing me further down onto the sink. “Nothing more.”

  Those words are like a slap to my face, and I am suddenly glad that I am not facing this man. When I first saw him at the door of number 7 (fucking Floyd) I really thought something was different about him. The jolt that I felt when his finger brushed against my lips, hushing me at Floyd’s questions. I thought that he could be my shining knight. That he would be the one to take me away from this shit life that I have brought on myself and the seven. That he would be the one, but it seems he is like all the others and cares only about his dick, number eight as far as I am concerned.

  As his pace picks up yet again, I hope that this is over quick like I have with all the others. When this began, the briefest of minutes ago, I mistakenly thought that I was making the choice this time, that I had finally been given freedom. I couldn’t have been further from the truth. After only a few more moments lost in these thoughts, I feel his cock explode deep inside me, and hope to fuck that he gives me a moment to get myself together before we are back on the road. Which he does, before the ride begins again.

  The ride is long, my mind going to the only thing it can focus on, the men who have hurt me. How much this man in front of me, more than any of the men before him, has hurt me.

  How could I fuck him? Let him bury himself inside me when only last night he was telling me that I am beyond saving, that I am so used up that it’s something that no one will ever be able to get past? How could he make me feel so completely and utterly like trash while he is inside of me? For brief seconds making me feel like the other seven, that I was just another piece of shit, not worthy of freedom, friendship, or love. Something that I had not thought about myself since starting this fucked up path I have been on these long years.

  ~Chapter 8


  After that last shit show day of traveling I am not sure what happened between us, but know that when the list is fucking done my Peach will be free. I shouldn’t have been jealous or tasted my sweet Peach that day, but I couldn’t help myself after having her wrapped so tightly around me. I know that she was upset with me, she barely said two words to me the rest of the way, and didn’t even acknowledge me when I dropped her off.

  Knowing that I need to talk with her, I find myself outside of Irene’s house most mornings when I am done at The Dungeon. But after three weeks, I still have yet to do more than stalk her from outside, not knowing what I could say to make my actions and words on that trip okay. Maybe when my Peach is free from the seven, it will be easier for her to see what I need and how wrong it is to take it from her.

  Focusing what free time I have on doing just that, setting my Peach free from the demons of her past- the six that are left.

  I make sure to talk out my plans with Blaze and Tank before I make any moves. They both agree with my thoughts and let me know if I need any of the brothers, or their specific skills that I shouldn’t hesitate to ask. Reminding me before I get too deep, that patience is needed in these types of situations to make sure that turnaround is fair play.

  Once I know where they all are, I start to put plans in place. I know that taking them out is something that will take years, I set about putting them all to ground.

  One by fucking one, until the seven now six is no more and my Peach is free to be mine.

  I try to keep to a normal (for me) lifestyle so that nothing leads back to me, the Devil’s Iron, The Dungeon, or especially my Peach. The Devil’s have let me free from most things and I am only called in for Church and the occasional problem. I keep an eye on Peach, but since that last day, when I brought her home, I haven’t talked to her, deciding that the distance between us needs to stay until the list is no more. Other than that, The Dungeon has me working from Wednesday through Sunday nights, but as soon as that shit is over I am fucking in the wind, researching the remaining six.

  It takes me almost a month to track number six, Edward Harkness down, with Tank’s help on the computer. Then another two months before I have enough information to put together a picture of what her time with him was like. I have heard bits and pieces of what all seven have done to my Peach through my constant harping of Irene and Preach. They haven’t been all that happy with my constant demands for updates, but they know what I am doing and give me some leeway.

  It has been about four months since I have returned my Peach to Chicago, and decide to make a move on number six, Edward Harkness in Bentonville, Arkansas. He has proven to be a real piece of fucking shit over these months that I have been watching him. Not only does he have a thing for young girls, he likes to trade them with his friends throughout the U.S. That is how my Peach came to be with him from Kentucky, she was traded after number five had used her enough and gotten sick of her. The little that I have learned about number five boils my blood each time I think about it, but I can’t focus on that piece of shit yet. One by one, I have to make s
ure to do this right.

  The drives to Arkansas the last four months have taken about ten hours each way and this last trip is no different. Number six works a weekend shift, getting done for the week on Monday around 10pm. When I get there Monday afternoon, I have a few hours to kill, but the energy I have stored up at the thoughts of what is about to happen leaves little else for my mind to focus on.

  I wait not so patiently outside his place of work, fucking Wal-Mart, imagine that in fucking Arkansas. I have had this planned for a while now, even having loaded up on all the supplies I could possibly need, which I have already dumped by his house before coming here. I can’t wait to see his face when he gets home and sees the shit I have left out for him. The shit that he did to my Peach and the other girls he has had will seem like child’s play compared to the pain I am about to lay down.

  The last few times I have come down I have run through the plan and getting to him as soon as he gets home will make it go that much smoother. Not to mention he won’t be truly missed until Friday after his shift should’ve started, 10am- thank fuck. I will have plenty of time to have my fun and get my Peach’s revenge before anyone even notices this sorry fuck is no more. Let alone I have found a perfect spot, with the help of some friends of the club down here, to put him to ground. No one will ever be the wiser or find his fucking body.

  As I see him make his way to his F150 I start up my bike and follow him home. As I pull into the dark alley a few doors down, I know that no one will bat an eye at my bike parked here they haven’t on any of my other trips either. Getting off my bike, I make my way quickly to the back door, which I left open while I was here earlier. Making my way in, I have the perfect view only moments later as he enters his front door and sees the stage I have set.

  The way I have left my tools out over the tarp so that there are no traces is something I perfected years ago serving overseas. The color drains from his face as he turns around trying to escape. Too bad, I rigged the door so that once he entered there would be no way for him to make a quick exit. Stepping forward outta the shadows, I take a few long strides before reaching him and the silence in the room is thick before his rambling and begging begins.

  “Look, I don’t know who you are or what the fuck you think I did, but I can tell you-“

  “Shut the fuck up!” is all I get out as a right hook silences him. “If I wanted to hear you say something I would have asked a question. I know all I need to know about you and the sick fucks like you. How you keep girls against their wills,” As he stands straight, another punch lands this time to his gut, folding him over in pain.

  I move him quickly to the simple folding chair I have set up on the tarp, and make sure that he is secured down with the gag in place. Moving to the tools I have brought with I know I will not be able to draw this out as long as I would wish, as long as he had my Peach. But, this piece of shit has taken something from my Peach and he has earned whatever I give him.

  Grabbing up a few items I look them over trying to see where my mood is, and which one of these I would like to start with. Grabbing up one of the knives, I think that for all the marks that mare her skin, he will have one. Even if he didn’t give any or all to her, he will still pay dues for all that was taken from her.

  With the first slice to his skin, his muffled screams do little to appease the beast that has been let loose since the day that I met my Peach. That I saw that fucking list of hers and knew that I would not rest until each one of those names was no more. That she would not have to fear what those men did to her, or what they could do to any others.

  His screams put me into a trance much as they did while I was a solider years ago. And much like my work years ago, I don’t wake until the sun is high in the sky, streaming through the blinds hours later. When I realize what time it is, I start to look at the body that is laid out before me and see the damage that I have done. I am not sure when he took his last breath, but I hope it was only a short time ago. He is now so badly cut up and bruised that not even his own mother would recognize him. Knowing that I only have a few hours until I need to move his body, I start the task of cleaning up.

  In the dark, hours later, as I throw the last mound of dirt on top of his body, I feel a small weight lift. Knowing that the list is down to five. Knowing that my Peach is one step closer to the peace she deserves. Knowing that I am closer to the one thing that I want, her.

  I head home with thoughts of my future running rampant.

  ~Chapter 9


  That first month home I thought would be the hardest- getting off the drugs that those fuckers had me hooked on would be the worst part or so I thought. All the appointments that Irene set up for me- the word overwhelming could not even begin to describe my feelings. She came with me to each and every one of them supporting me the whole way through some dark, dark days. The psychologists and psychiatrists, physical and occupational therapists, along with nutritionist.

  Shadow is nowhere to be found. I haven’t seen him since he dropped me off at Irene’s. That couldn’t have been more awkward if we would have tried. When I got off his bike, I didn’t pause or stop to get any bags- running directly into Momma Irene’s arms. When she turned to speak with the men, I quickly headed into the house trying to keep my thoughts off Shadow. I wonder if the things that I saw in his eyes those long days after he found me were my imagination. I thoughts that he looked at me differently than the seven, but in the end he was not much unlike the others.

  Shadow was the eighth man to take a piece of me and he would surely be the last if I had anything to say about it. The other seven took something from me that I was not willing to give- but when I offered it to him, he took it, only making me feel much the same as the other seven. Leaving a hole that was so much bigger, no deeper, than the others. The way he refused me and then took what I was offering to him. Making me feel like shit while he was still buried inside of me. That cut deep.

  I see Preach frequently though and often wonder about it. I am pretty sure there is something going on between him and Irene. Whenever they are speaking and I hear mention of Shadow, I stop whatever it is that I am doing to listen in. I know that he has been on the road and gone most of the time that he is not at work since our return. I have heard stories about some of the parties and goings on happening at the clubhouse as well as a few of the businesses that the Devil’s own and can’t help but wonder if he has someone in his life. I am not sure why those thoughts are there or why his absence hurts. I wonder if his presence would hurt as well.

  Irene must have had enough with the eavesdropping and weirdness, cornering me about it a few moments ago. Walking in while I was sitting on the couch catching up on the local news. As with days long ago, she waits for me to turn the TV off and give her my full attention before beginning.

  “Sweetie, you gotta talk to me about what happened to you. You can’t keep sitting around just letting the days pass without me seeing that spark in you anymore. I know that it might not be today or tomorrow, but I need to know what happened to you, what took that spark of life outta you.”

  “Momma Irene you come with me to all those fucking appointments, I am not sure what you don’t know about the last years of my life and what those seven men have taken from me. How they took that spark as you put it, outta me” quickly my eyes drop before my head sags before adding, “to never return.”

  Looking towards her I am taken aback by the look of disgust that takes over her face. “Not those men, sweetie, and watch your words with me.” Shaking her head her eyes meet mine only after I feel her hand gently life my chin. The eyes I see before me have a determination that I haven’t seen in Momma Irene before.

  “And they have not taken everything from you, sweetie. You’re a stronger woman than your momma or I could have ever hoped or asked for.”

  With those words, my mind wanders again to the two women that were long ago taken from me. I have wondered for so long what my sister, Alison would be like,
and how my life would have changed if they wouldn’t have died. If I hadn’t been left with my step-father- fuck that- he was no father to me- just Harold.

  After pausing only briefly at the look on my face, she doesn’t waver before the smile that takes over her face has me wondering about what will be coming outta her mouth next. “Don’t let those thoughts of your Momma and Alison get you down. They are looking down from above at you and I am sure that they could not be prouder about the woman you are becoming. The thing that I need for you to talk to me about is the way you listen and stop whatever it is you are doing at the mention of Shadow. What happened on that trip north between the two of you?”

  My eyes move away from her quickly, as my head drops I find myself unable to answer. I don’t have time to put together the thoughts running rampant before Irene is speaking again. “I am not sure what happened between the two of you during that trip but, I know it must have been something. The look on his face when he dropped you off Sweetie, was so pained. I was just not sure what it had to do with at the time, and he hasn’t been around much to have me ask it of him. Seeing how you are at the mention of him I can only guess that look that he had, however, had to do with you.”

  Turning, I make my way quickly from the room and move into the kitchen grabbing up a coffee mug from the cabinet before moving towards the coffee pot. Before I can finish pouring the only vice that is left for me to enjoy on my own terms, I hear the door behind me and know that Momma Irene is not letting me off that easily. “I have heard little from him which is not usual and I feel like he is staying away because of something that happened on the trip. Is that what’s going on here, Sweetie? Did something happen between the two of you?”


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