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Shadowed Peach: Devil's Iron MC Book 8

Page 12

by GM Scherbert

  Seeing that she still hasn’t moved or taken her eyes from my cock I lower my voice and speak with more directness. “Little Girl, eyes on me, NOW.” Her eyes shoot up at my tone. “Do as I asked or your pleasure will not be something you are rewarded with today.” Those words must do it, because her feet start moving and she is in position on the bed, in seconds.

  Wasting no time, I take the three steps to the bed and am behind my little girl lining myself up. I don’t even drop my pants before running my cock through her wet folds. Wondering if it was my words or watching me stroke myself that got my dirty little girl so wet, I can’t help but slapping her ass a time or two and asking her just that.

  “Little girl, tell your Papi what got this pussy so wet for me.” Catching a glint of her cream running down her leg has me gripping up my cock and running it through her drenched folds again. Seeing my cock coated in her juices I grab it up slapping it against not only her ass, but shoving her legs apart and slapping it against her cunt as well.

  “If you’d like for this thick cock to be buried inside of you answer me this, little girl.” Pushing just the tip into her cunt has me straining to control myself from sinking balls deep. “What has you so fucking wet, my Peach? Was it me telling you what to do? Telling you what I like and how I am going to burn myself into your soul?” A small moan escapes her lips before I can finish the question, “Or when you were watching me stroke my cock that has you leaking your juices down those sweet thighs?”

  “Papi, all of those things are making me wet. Thinking of having that cock buried inside of me, of you using me as you would like, giving me what pleasure you desire for me to have, and taking what you want are things that I have dreamed of.”

  Hearing the truth in her words has me not being able to hold back. Slamming into her tight pussy, she screams out at the intrusion and the sound is like music to my ears. Knowing that I have been holding back with her when we are at The Dungeon has me wanting to lay into her now, we gotta talk first though.

  Holding still for only a brief moment I hope that I have given her enough time to adjust to me because I find that once my mind registers it is inside of her, it has found home, has me moving. My little girl is moaning with each movement and it only acts to push me further. Grabbing up the rounded globes of her ass, I squeeze them each and the noises hitting my ears only get louder.

  “Little girl, those noises are like music to my ears, but we need to get going and get back here.” Pushing into her a few more times, I start to feel my balls tighten up. Knowing that I will be coming shortly there is only one thing to do, “Get yourself there, my Peach.” Is all I get out as I feel one of her hands come up between her legs. Her hand starts to slowly stroke my cock while its pounding into her, but that only lasts a few seconds before her hand goes right for her clit.

  Continuing her ministrations, I feel her start to seize up around my cock. Then the sweetest words spill from her lips, and I, for one, can’t wait to hear them much more.

  “Please Papi?” Her plea and the whine in her voice has me starting to spill my seed. When she begs again, I am fucking lost to it, to her, to this. “Please Papi, can I cum on your fat cock?”

  ~Chapter 24


  After that I couldn’t believe how tender and gentle Emmanuel was with me, tending to me in a way that only he had done before. Cleaning me up as well as applying some lotion to my ass where he had landed a few swats. Not only was I walking bow-legged, I found out quickly that I was having a hard time sitting. I noticed the bruises on my ass forming as I was getting dressed, but didn’t think much of it until I tried to sit in the truck. Wincing at the pain, I tried moving, but only to hurt with each movement.

  “Get comfortable in a spot and stay there, Peach. Moving around is only going to make it worse.” Reaching over for my hand Emmanuel interlaced our fingers across the seat and pulled outta the driveway. “Those bruises are nothing compared to what I will do to you in time, my little girl. I have had nothing but dreams and ideas of what I could do to you for years and I’m not even sure that a month will be enough time to get through half of them.” Glancing towards me, the light I see in his eyes make my stomach flip, and I know that being his Peach, his little girl, was what I was meant to be.

  The shopping trip lasted not only through a grocery store, where some of the looks we got were laughable. Then we went to a clothing store, where Emmanuel had me pick out lingerie and a couple outfits. Realizing that I only had this new clothing and two other changes of clothing has me anxious. The anxiety must be showing through because Emmanuel is quick to stop. Pulling me aside he pushes me up against the nearest building, grabbing for my chin. Raising my eyes to his, I see concern in them.

  “Tell me, my Peach.”

  “It’s just,” not knowing how to tell him or bring up my concerns, I stumble over the words.

  “What,” is growled out at me. “Are these things not what you want? Do you want something else? If you don’t let me know what you want I will not be able to give you all the things you desire and deserve, little girl.” Lessening the volume, he leans closer speaking into my ear, “My Peach, speak.”

  “It’s not that Emmanuel. I’m just not sure that I have enough clothing for a month. Not that I am asking for more, whatever you provide is fine, and thank you for it. But I only have these things that you have bought for me and what little I brought from home.”

  The laughter that comes from him, has me startled. Fuck this, I am only trying to let him know what it is that I think and he decides to treat me like this? Pulling away I want to run, but his hands wrap around me tighter.

  “Rebecca,” nipping at my ear he goes on, “little girl, you probably won’t even be wearing these clothes. Thank you so much for letting me know your thoughts, I can only hope for more of that in the future. I plan to have you naked and available for me at all times, this month is about nothing but us. And between us there is really no need for you to have clothing.”

  With a wicked grin on his lips, he swats my ass before moving us back to the truck. “We only have one stop left, my Peach, and this one, this one will be quite fun.”

  Confusion crosses my face, as I try to figure out where we could be going. All that confusion stops quick when we pull into the parking lot, of from the looks of the huge XXX sign outside, must be one of the trashiest porn stores that I have ever seen. Not that I have seen any, definitely never been in one, but this place looks worse than I could’ve imagined for some reason.

  Hesitating as Emmanuel comes up to the passenger door, he grabs my hands and helps me out. “Little girl, there is nothing to worry about. I will be here with you the whole time, I need to pick up some things for a kit seeing that I didn’t have the prospects bring mine up.” Wrapping his arm around my waist we make our way to the door.

  Walking into the building, the fluorescent lights are blinding as we go down a small hallway. Turning the corner, we are greeted by a metal detector and a young blonde woman’s brilliant smile.

  “Welcome to Titalations, I’m Mary Jo.” Looking towards me, the grin on her face gets bigger, “I’m gonna need to see your ID sweetie.”

  “Oh, um. Yes of course, just let me get it outta my bag.”

  Handing the clerk an ID, I wonder when Emmanuel got it outta my purse. “When?”

  “Peach, I will always take care of you: every need that you have, any want that I see fit, every desire that you could dream of, even those things that you don’t know about yet. They are all mine to provide for you until my dying day.” Leaning over, I find his lips only a whisper from mine as he goes on “We will discuss it more when we get back to the house.” Is all that is said before he places a gentle kiss against my cheek. With that this man again makes me feel protected, cared for, and completely adored with little thought or effort.

  As Mary Jo hands back my ID, the knowing look that we receive has me close to embarrassed. Losing myself in the thought, it is hard for me to be here,
having people know the things that will be going on. But, my Papi knows what he is doing and would never put me in a situation that I can’t handle.

  As we move through the aisles, I see things that are common place at The Dungeon, and some things that are not. Making my way from one aisle to the next, I keep glancing back to Emmanuel who is piling up the “supplies” in his hands. The few things I have taken note that he has grabbed have been a rather large butt plug, riding crop, an anal hook, and what I can only hope is a taser for me to use for protection, I grimace knowing that is not the case though.

  Meandering for a little while longer, I reach a part of the store that has my eyes wide open. Turning on an end cap I see a baby Jesus butt plug and think that is as weird as it could get- but, no not really. The next aisle has nothing except for animal stuff: tails, masks, bridles, hoofs, harnesses, a Naughty Original Inflatable Sheep Lady Bah Bah, etc. Looking towards Emmanuel I can only hope that this is not his thing, because I don’t think it’s my thing.

  Seeing the look that crosses my face in this section, he lets out a hearty laugh before shaking his head. “This shit here doesn’t do it for me, little girl, and you should damn well know that and even if it was, I know that it is not yours. Don’t hold it against those that enjoy this kink though, my Peach, to each their own. Some will not enjoy the pain that we share a love for and that is alright as well. Just remember that everyone is made to fit their own mold, not their neighbors.”

  With that he finishes putting a few more things into the basket and we head to the front of the store. The same cute blonde is now behind the register and smiles wide at the amount of stuff we will be purchasing. Beginning to wring them up, she turns to me with a wide smile, “Looks like you are going to be having one hell of a fun fucking weekend sweetie,” grabbing up the large butt plug she glances back to me and adds, “well maybe not as much fun as I thought.” Placing all the items into a couple plastic bags, she takes the cash from Emmanuel and hands back what little change is called for.

  Making our way towards the exit, I feel a slight tingle going up my spin, knowing what is going to happen starting tonight. Emmanuel must feel the tension as well, because he squeezes my waist tight. “I know, little girl, I can’t wait for our training to start either.” And as soon as we get home it does.

  My Papi likes to draw things out I am finding though, because once we get home he brings me into another room on the upper floor. A room that is fitted with a few pieces of furniture that are similar to ones I have seen around The Dungeon. He then tells me to unwrap and lay out each and everything that he bought today. Leaving the bags on the large king size bed, I waste no time looking to see all the things that he has bought for our use.

  That first week in Milwaukee was eye opening for me to say the least. We not only had sex, a lot of fucking sex, in a lot of different ways, with a lot of different toys and tools, but talked through both our lives. Emmanuel told me about his childhood, serving in the military, his years after returning from overseas, joining up with the Devil’s Iron, and even his work at The Dungeon. I learned so much about the man in such a short time, that I can honestly say that I have grown to love him in just this short time.

  Emmanuel has in turn, learned everything about me as well. Discussing things that no man should have to hear about from the woman that he is dating. He spent hours listening to me talk about everything in my life. From what happened with my mother and sister, through the seven and even the last four years since I have been home. When we spoke about those years, he stopped to tell me about how he had “taken care of the men that have treated you so wrong” during those first two years that I was home. How he studied each and every one and put them to ground in a way that would never come back on him and especially not on me. I had guessed something during those years when he would come and sit outside my house, watching me, but never that he was ridding the world of those sick fucks.

  “Rebecca, I wanted to talk to you about your step-father before I made a move on him though.” Running a hand through my hair he moves it down to my chin. Raising it up slowly our eyes meet, “I am fine with however you want it to play out, but I knew that taking him out if it wasn’t something that you’d want to happen I wouldn’t be able to give him back to you. From the stories that you have just shared I’m guessing that you don’t care if he lives.”

  Understanding exactly what he means, I shake my head in response. “He is nothing to me and the years I was with him, he did little except work, drink, sleep, and fucking bowl. Well that is until he started to look at me a little differently and I knew it was time to get out.”

  “Peach, when this time in Milwaukee is up I will deal with him, until then however back to the business at hand.” Moving over to his kit, he pulls out a few things and nods towards the master suite. “Let’s go, little girl. I wanna test some of those pain limits that you seem to like so much.” A wicked grin spreads across my face at the thought. We have learned in these past days that pain is something that we both enjoy. Emmanuel has even experimented a little with fire and knife play. Both of which had me flying high, quicker than a hot knife through butter.

  Tugging on my hair, he nudges my legs apart drawing me outta the thoughts and his voice deepens as he speaks again. “Eyes on me, little girl- you know better than to lose yourself in those thoughts. You need to make sure that your focus and thoughts are always on me, especially when we are together like this.”

  ~Chapter 25


  That month passed by way too quickly. I learned so much about my little girl and all the things that have made up who she is. I now have no question in my mind that I have done right by her with most of the fuckers on her list. Only having her step-father left to deal with makes my heart happy because I know that he will be no trouble and after we are settled into our home, I will take care of him quickly.

  While in Milwaukee, I found the perfect ring for my Peach, and am waiting until we get our ink before asking her to be my wife. I know my little girl will say yes, I just want everything to be just right- this is the only time that either of us will be married so I wanna make sure it’s perfect. We can’t get our ink for a few weeks because fucking Gun is outta town, some shit having to do with Sara, but that’s ok. We need to settle into the new house, and how our relationship works here in Chicago, with all our friends and family surrounding us.

  Hanging out at The Dungeon a few times when we get back from Milwaukee has my Peach speaking more with Heather. The day that she finds out that Heather is going to be a mother, there is a sadness to my Peach, something that I am not able to truly understand. We have spoken of Lilly and talked about having a family in the future, but she is shaken more by a call she receives that same night. From fucking Harold, and I know in that moment the time has fucking come to deal with him.

  Taking only a few weeks to watch Harold, I am ready to have this fucker meet his maker. I don’t care why he thinks he should have the right to try and reach out to her, he doesn’t. It does make me wonder how he was able to reach out so easily. Wonder if he has known where she was this whole time. When I am fucking done with him- he won’t be able to keep tabs on her or have the option to reach out any longer.

  The next week leads me to following Harold home from the tavern one night. Sneaking in after he leaves the front door not only unlocked but wide open as well has me wondering if I can be this fucking lucky. But, it seems that I am. Moving into the house, I see that its cleanliness has long since taken a backseat to ol’ Harold’s drinking.

  Bowling pins and trophy’s line the dusty shelves and I get a perfect fucking idea. He will die from one of the things that have kept him busy, too busy to be anything close to a decent father. Not forgetting that he was the one to give my Peach into that life with the other six, I know that a beating is not all he will be receiving from the fucking bowling pin I am now tossing about between my hands getting a feel for the weight.

  Following the lights he
has turned on, I make my way step by step closer to this man. A man that not only belittled and threatened my little girl, but made her feel like nothing more than a piece of shit on the bottom of his shoe. Had her double guessing the worthiness of her life. But, he had the nerve to try and make moves on her, tried to take the innocence that should have been hers to give. Instead he paid that man, that sick fuck who took her innocence to get rid of her without a trace. That sick fuck who gave her a baby that she had to watch die. Who in turn, gave her to that piece of shit son of his. Then to that sick Jesus freak that liked to fuck little boys. Which lead her to that man that keep her chained in the basement. Then to that guy in Arkansas who keep her in fear. Then finally to that fucking meth dealer where I found her, my Peach. All of it rests on this piece of shits shoulders and he is about to pay for it all.

  Finding number one sitting on the edge of his bed, I notice his head is dropped low, his chin resting against his chest. Stepping into the room, his head lifts slowly and recognition is all that I can see in his eyes. “You’re here to make me pay for the things that I have done to Becca, right? I knew you would be here one day, when I started to notice the obituaries for the others. I knew that someone would be coming sooner or later.”

  Pointing the bowling pin towards this man, I can’t help but be surprised. “You knew? How did you fucking know? How could you have given her to that sick fuck? What did you know about the others and how the fuck could you not do anything to help her? She is your fucking daughter.” Is all I am able to growl out before an evil snicker comes from him.

  “She was a problem left over from her mother, and nothing else. She would have been so much better off if she had just gone along with what I had wanted. But no, our little Becca was too good to give me what I wanted.” Shaking his head, the chuckle that he lets loose sends a chill up my spine. “She would think better of my offer now, I bet. I bet she knows a few tricks now that would make it all the better. All those men had some very particular tastes and she was with each one long enough to learn them well.” Drawing his eyes up to mine, “Or is she not even fuckable anymore? Is her pussy so used up that it doesn’t squeeze your dick like a virgin’s tight cunt would? Does she moan like a whore each time that you take her? I bet she can really…”


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