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David's Debt (First Wave Book 11)

Page 9

by Mikayla Lane

  “A mere blip of time to those who are timeless. You look at this in physical terms, things you can see and touch, but who they are is much more than you are willing to comprehend. The energy within the Light and Dark Warrior is ageless and without physical form until they choose one. It is the Light and Dark Warrior who chose to be in the bodies of Tiernan and Tristan,” Dizarion said, trying to be patient.

  “What of the scars on Tiernan? The burned tattoos on his body?” David still shook with rage when he thought about the marks.

  “They don’t hurt him and serve only as reminders of his duty. With each one that is removed, the Dark Warrior will grow stronger in power.” Dizarion could tell the explanation wasn’t good enough for the worried father.

  “So you’re telling me he was born with those?” David was shocked at the thought.

  “No, those would have appeared after the Prime beast was consumed. The Night Walker and ancient Prime power revealed the soul of the Dark Warrior within him. You should be grateful that he has them,” Dizarion explained, stunning David.

  “You can’t look at those and tell me it didn’t hurt when they were put on his body!” David growled, angry at the thought of his small son writhing in pain when the burns appeared.

  “They are sigils of duty, but also of power,” Dizarion snapped before he remembered David was clueless and calmed down. “Those sigils are like armor or a shield around your son and will become exactly that during battle. An impenetrable body armor of power that will protect him always.”

  “Then how did Jodi keep hurting him? What happens when Tiernan completes his duties? The sigils go away and leave him unprotected? What the hell kind of thankless shit is that?” David still didn’t believe there was anything good about his son being the Dark Warrior.

  “You misunderstand. The sigils on Tiernan’s body will disappear because he will consume the power of it when he completes a duty. It will only make him stronger until, like Tristan, he will be virtually unstoppable. The only reason he was hurt is because he didn’t want to use his power and possibly harm someone he cared about.” Dizarion wasn’t surprised when David’s eyes widened in shock and horror.

  “What the fuck? So my son is an indestructible superhero? How the hell do you raise someone like that?” David was terrified of that kind of responsibility. He couldn’t imagine the ramifications of screwing up and turning his son into an immortal monster.

  Dizarion laughed heartily until he saw how pale David had become and he took pity on the father of his new leader.

  “Like Tristan, he will virtually raise himself and only need the basics from you and his mother. Food, shelter, and clothing. The most important task you have is to love him. Not for what he will become, but because he’s your son.” Dizarion could easily understand why David felt so overwhelmed.

  David put his head in his hands and breathed out a heavy sigh as his mind tried to wrap itself around just what his son truly was. The more he learned, the more he panicked over his responsibility in raising Tiernan and how it would impact what his son was meant to become.

  “How do you raise someone meant to save the world and not fuck it up?” David whispered into his hands.

  Dizarion laughed, and David looked up quickly when he heard a soft chuckle join in. His eyes took in Jodi as she curled into a chair across from him.

  “I don’t think he’ll let us mess it up. Besides, Tristan has been helping all along. He sent Gibly to Tiernan in his dreams, and over the years, his light bringers would help stabilize my mind whenever we would chance upon one,” Jodi said with a soft smile and blush.

  Dizarion shook his head.

  “I doubt anything with those two warriors is by chance. It was more likely that Tiernan felt their presence nearby and guided you to them for help.” Dizarion knew that nothing was beyond the power of the Light and Dark Warrior.

  David watched Jodi’s eyes widen and knew that she must be remembering times when their son had led them towards one of Tristan’s light bringers.

  “How long can you stay?” David suddenly asked the Night Walker.

  He knew damn well that he was going to have more questions at some point and his wife and son needed the Night Walker’s guidance on their power in the dark realms. David wasn’t taking anymore chances with his family and would feel more comfortable if Dizarion remained with them for a while.

  “I am Tiernan’s second. I will stay close to his side throughout his existence just as Tristan’s second will remain by his. I am the Protector of the Guardian until he reaches maturity and comes into his full power,” Dizarion explained.

  No one expected Jodi to explode in a rage. She shot to her feet and turned on the surprised Night Walker, her finger shaking at him.

  “Then where the hell were you when we needed you? Why did you let the last 10 years happen? Why didn’t you protect him then? Or fix me?” Jodi snapped in anger.

  “The energy of our Prime beasts blocked our presence from being felt by the Night Walkers. Carasus knew that we needed the help of the Dranovians first,” Tiernan said as he came in and sat down where Jodi had been earlier.

  Jodi’s anger almost instantly dissipated as she looked at Tiernan and sat down next to him. She took his hand in hers and smiled down at her son.

  “Why baby? They could have helped us,” Jodi asked, not understanding why they had to go through the horror of the last 10 years.

  Tiernan shook his head sadly.

  “No, it would have only given two unstable beasts the power to manipulate the dark realms. We could have wreaked havoc and destroyed the balance throughout dozens of worlds with full control of the Night Walker abilities. The beasts had to be corrected first,” Tiernan explained, knowing he and Tristan had done the right thing.

  David and Jodi looked to Dizarion and the Night Walker nodded his head in agreement.

  “Even if we had discovered your existence, we would not have been able to teach you how to use your abilities. The danger to the dark realms and the balance would have been too great. We could have only helped lessen the roar of voices in your mind.” Dizarion hated that they wouldn’t have been able to do more for the Dark Warrior and his mother. But things had worked out as they were meant and he was glad to be with his leader.

  Chapter Nine

  Grai had stormed from the Medlab and began walking towards the large lake at Base Beta, unwilling to let anyone overhear what he knew would be a heated discussion with his sons. When he reached the water’s edge, he turned to Tristan and a confused Mikal.

  “What the hell is going on?” Grai demanded, crossing his arms over his chest as he stared at each of his boys.

  Mikal mimicked his father’s pose and looked at Tristan, also wanting an explanation.

  “The Sundashi flower that Mikal has been given is the cure to the beast and brain death that you have been looking for. You must cease your actions elsewhere to find it and look for its sister plant here on Earth,” Tristan warned, his voice holding an angry edge to it.

  Grai looked taken aback, not only by Tristan’s anger but by what he said.

  “What do you know about what is going on?” Grai demanded, sure that he couldn’t be right about what Tristan might know.

  “I know what has been happening. Everywhere. Cease your operations, or I will be forced to intervene,” Tristan warned his father, his eyes glowing briefly with white light before it diminished.

  Grai looked over at a stunned Mikal and didn’t want this conversation going any further right now.

  “Mikal, I need to talk to your brother alone,” Grai stated.

  He watched Mikal disappear into the wind and faced off with his winged son. He didn’t have time to speak before Tristan did.

  “These machinations you’re playing all over the damn place are spinning out of your control and creating a chaos that has become harder to contain. You have to stop now before I am forced to intervene!” Tristan growled at his father.

  “What are you talking
about?” Grai asked, not trying to be difficult but unwilling to admit to anything Tristan didn’t know about.

  Tristan only snorted and began to pace in frustration.

  “I’ve been cleaning up the mess you’re leaving behind all over the damn place! The Guardians, myself included, can no longer sit idly by while you create chaos in your quest! Find the plant here!” Tristan growled in anger.

  Tristan’s words seemed to knock the wind right out of Grai, and he shook his head as he considered what his son had said.

  “Where the hell is it? I’ve looked everywhere!” Grai threw up his hands in frustration.

  Tristan seemed to calm down, and he laid a hand on Grai’s shoulder.

  “I cannot unveil that which must be discovered at the right time. But know that it is here and here is where you must search. Not elsewhere. You cannot take what has not been given to you. Stop, Father. Please. For all our sakes,” Tristan warned before the winged warrior disappeared and the small boy returned, twirling his fingers in the air.

  “Damn it!” Grai growled, hating the talk he was going to be forced to have with someone else.

  “Maybe you should tell me what’s going on,” Mikal said as he appeared in front of his father.

  Grai sighed heavily and shook his head as he considered what he was going to have to do, and soon.

  “Son, there is really nothing to tell right now. I have been searching for something similar to the plant you brought for a very long time. My efforts only increased when Tristan was born and had such a problem with his beast. With so many of our hybrids here, and the Dark Prime trying to ruin their bondings, I felt it necessary to look harder for anything that would help,” Grai explained, leaving out chunks of information he didn’t want anyone to know about.

  Mikal looked at his father with a penetrating stare for a moment before he handed Grai several more Sundashi flowers.

  “Increase your efforts here, Father. Do not go elsewhere. What you will find will be something even you cannot defeat,” Mikal warned.

  He knew that his father was involved in something bad when even Tristan was warning him. The knowledge only made Mikal determined to find out what was going on so he could protect his father. From himself if necessary.

  Grai could feel the concern and determination in Mikal, and he pulled him in for a quick hug before he looked his son in the eyes.

  “I have never done anything that wasn’t specifically to protect our people. Although my methods may be sketchy at times when looked at from the outside, I never have and will never intentionally cause harm to anyone. The safety and well-being of our people are my greatest priority,” Grai assured his son, hoping to erase Mikal’s worry.

  Mikal sighed and knew that was the best he was going to get out of his father. It only strengthened his resolve to find out what was going on. With a wink at Tristan, who he’d speak with privately later, Mikal nodded at Grai before he disappeared.

  The moment he left, Grai breathed out a sigh of relief then looked over at his young son, whose fingers were dancing in the air.

  “Secrets and lies. When did those things become the norm for our family?” he muttered to himself.

  Grai turned at the chuckling from behind him and faced his mate.

  “This coming from the king of secrets? What have you done this time, my love?” Tricia asked as she gave him a quick kiss.

  Grai thought about being offended but shrugged it off. If anyone knew his faults and fears, it was his mate.

  “Nothing that can’t be fixed,” Grai promised with a smile.

  Tricia narrowed her eyes at him as she watched Tristan vigorously shake his head out of the corner of her eye.

  “Really?” Tricia prodded.

  “I’ll take care of it. Don’t worry,” Grai assured her, hoping to drop the subject. “How’s Grace?”

  Tricia knew something was wrong by the way Grai kept trying to avoid talking about it. With Tristan and Mikal thick as thieves, she would wait until Grai went to the office in Dillon before contacting Mikal and cornering her son about what was going on.


  David couldn’t stop the smile from breaking out on his face as he listened to Traze complain to him through the shengari’ about having to lead the caravan of misfits to Dillon by himself. As he looked across from him and saw Jodi cuddled on a couch with Tiernan, both fast asleep, he couldn’t imagine being anywhere else.

  “They travel the realms. The Dark Warrior is testing his power.” David was surprised by Dizarion’s comment.

  “Are they OK? Should we wake them?” David asked with concern as his eyes inspected his wife and son for signs of distress.

  “They are fine. The Dark Warrior learns fast,” Dizarion replied with a smile of satisfaction.

  David relaxed back into his seat and allowed his mind to wander as he watched his family for any indication that they were in trouble. He still couldn’t seem to wrap his head around what his son was and would become as he grew up, but knew he needed to work it all out fast if he were to help.

  The love he felt for Jodi and Tiernan was so strong and compelling that he’d never known anything like it. He’d always loved his wife deeply, but now, knowing who and what they were and having no secrets between them, had freed a barrier he never knew was between them.

  All he wanted to do now was keep them safe and be a father and husband. David wanted that white picket fence dream with them in Dillon, where he could keep them protected from the evils of this world. What he couldn’t figure out was how to keep them safe in the realms they traveled, and he hated feeling helpless.

  More like useless, David thought with a sigh.

  He considered asking Lara if there was a way for a Prime to get into the dark realms but assumed if there was, she would have told him by now. David glanced over at Dizarion, and when he saw the Night Walker had his eyes closed, he decided not to disturb him in case he was watching over Tiernan and Jodi.

  “I can show you what they see.” Dizarion’s softly spoken words startled David.

  “Yes,” David immediately replied, uncaring what he had to do to get there.

  Dizarion sat up straight, and his dark, penetrating eyes stared at David for a moment as if sizing him up.

  “You must listen to me and do what I ask immediately. There is great danger to someone who doesn’t understand the dark energy and how to manipulate it,” Dizarion warned, his tone ominous.

  “I understand.” David would jump at every command if necessary to see where his wife and son were.

  Dizarion nodded his head slowly and placed a large palm on David’s forehead before he closed his eyes.

  “Close your eyes, David, and see the darkness behind your lids,” Dizarion began. The moment David closed his eyes, he continued. “Breathe deeply and concentrate on the dark until you see a pinpoint of light then follow it.”

  Dizarion felt the shift in David’s energy and with a push of his own, he propelled them into the wave of dark energy. The Night Walker waited until he had them balanced in the flow before he spoke again.

  “Now open your eyes and see the Dark Realm of Earth.” Before Dizarion could finish speaking, David had opened his eyes and gasped.

  The first thing David noticed was that they were still on the ship. It looked like the lights had been dimmed, leaving everything in a dark grayish hue, like a bad black and white movie. He was beginning to think that Dizarion was pulling his leg when he saw a dark blur break through the ceiling and disappear into the floor.

  “What was that?” David asked, taking a closer look at his surroundings.

  “That was an entity traveling the dark energy. Do not be concerned, they cannot harm you while they travel. Only when they stop. As long as you keep your emotions under control, they will not notice your presence in this realm,” Dizarion explained.

  “How is this a dark realm when we haven’t even left the ship?” David asked in confusion.

  None of this was what he had expe
cted, and he couldn’t help but wonder where Tiernan and Jodi were. David could clearly see their bodies still cuddled on the couch, but there was no spirit-like form anywhere.

  David turned around and was startled to see his own body and Dizarion’s still sitting on the couch. He held his arms out and sucked in a breath at the ghost-like appendages. Before he could comprehend it all, Dizarion spoke.

  “I brought you in here so that you would have a point of reference before we continued. Come with me,” Dizarion said as he held out a large dark hand.

  The moment David’s hand made contact with Dizarion’s the man gripped him tightly before they were whisked away on a wave of energy. David’s eyes swung left and right as he and the Night Walker seemingly traveled through the air beneath the ship.

  David looked up in surprise to make sure the craft was still there before Dizarion turned them towards the ground at a fast pace. Moments later, they were soaring rapidly over interstates until they arrived at a large city. The typically bright lights were dimmed to a bare haze while cars, buildings, and people were cast in a darker gray hue.

  The entire world looked almost like something from a ghost movie, the only problem David had with it was that he appeared to be the ghost. He didn’t like it at all.

  “All is not as it seems. Come, I’ll show you,” Dizarion stated as he pulled David slowly above the crowds of people and down several streets.

  They turned a corner and David was surprised when he saw an ordinary looking man striding down the street. The guy’s jeans and t-shirt were a regular blue jean, and black color and David could even make out the color of his eyes.

  “Why is he different?” David whispered, wondering if anyone could hear them.

  “I can feel his intent. Watch,” Dizarion whispered back as he pulled David along after the man.

  They followed the guy into an apartment building where he stomped noisily up the stairs, seemingly unconcerned with bothering anyone else that lived there. When the man entered an apartment and slammed the door behind him, David was shocked when Dizarion pulled them through the door.


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