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Hart Of Vengeance: A Danielle Hart Novel (Book 2)

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by Gregory Sanders



  Hart Of Vengeance

  Copyright © 2018 by Gregory Sanders

  All rights reserved.

  This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing, 2017

  ISBN 978-1-9735-9216-7

  Dedicated to all military personnel and

  law enforcement officers, past and present.

  Thank you for standing vigil and protecting us

  from the unseen evils of the world.


  No'tok sat at his desk reading over the latest security briefings in his personal quarters. It had been six suns since the assassination of the Rylan Prime Minister, and he hadn't heard anything even remotely mentioning the event that had taken place on the Terran homeworld of Mars. I don't like it. Th'arn has been dead long enough for someone to have noticed his absence. Obviously, he didn't survive, or I would have the entire fleet searching for me. Why hasn't the Emperor issued a search order for him? He couldn't seem to come up with a logical reason as to why everything in the Dominion was going on as if nothing was wrong. He tried to focus on the security briefing in front of him, but his mind kept wandering back to the puzzle that his mind just couldn't solve. They have to know that Hobarth was killed. Don't they?

  He was following his part of the Legion's assassination plan fully. He had captured Th'arn and snuck him into the capital city of the Terran Commonwealth, no small task. He had set up the weapon and made certain that Th'arn would take any blame for the death of the Rylan leader. He even remotely controlled the weapon and fired the fatal shot. Too bad I missed the Terran queen. Still, killing Hobarth was enough to set things in motion. Afterward, he was to resume his normal duties as a commander of the V'drellian Fleet as though nothing was amiss, which he had been doing for the past six suns. Now, the waiting was getting to him. He felt sure that by now K'oron would have informed the Emperor that he was involved, even if K'oron didn't fully know the depths of his involvement. Yet nothing had happened. Are they trying to lull me into a false sense of security? Are they setting a trap for me? He rubbed his temples with his fingers, trying to relieve the frustration building behind his eyes.

  He was still rubbing when his door opened unannounced. Only one person had authority to open a commander's personal quarters in the V'drellian Fleet, and that was the ship's first officer. No'tok looked up and saw S'crall, his first officer, enter and close the door.

  "Commander," S'crall said, "we have just received orders to return to V'drell Prime immediately."

  "Oh," No'tok replied. The wait is over it seems. He stood up from his desk and walked towards his first officer. "Did the order say why?"

  "Yes, Commander," S'crall answered. "It seems that credible sources have informed the Emperor that there is an enemy agent on board our ship. Credible enough that two heavy battle cruisers are to escort us home, the Strak'zar and the Mur'daz."

  "Commanders, Br'dar, and Ti'chak," No'tok recalled aloud, "both favored by the Emperor. It seems he does indeed take this rumor seriously. Neither of those commanders would hesitate to execute a traitor on site. When will they be arriving?"

  "Any time now," responded S'crall. The first officer studied his commander's face and thought he almost saw a fleeting glance of worry. "Commander, we've been together for many cycles, and I trust you more than anyone else in the Dominion. You know that I would stand by you no matter the circumstances."

  "Yes, S'crall, you've been a good and loyal friend. I too, trust you more than anyone else in the Dominion," No'tok replied with what almost seemed a smile. "Who onboard, besides you and I, know of these orders?"

  "No one, Commander," S'crall informed him. "I was on the bridge when we received them, and came directly to you with them."

  "Good," No'tok said reaching under the back of his officer's jacket. "If you are truly loyal to me above all others, I need you to do something for me."

  "Anything, Commander," S'crall volunteered.

  No'tok quickly pulled a dagger from under his coat, and stabbed S'crall in the heart and twisted the blade. The first officer's one good eye went wide as the life drained from his body. S'crall's body began to drop, No'tok caught him and lowered him to the floor. "I need you to forgive me, my friend. May Th'warzin welcome you with open arms as a noble warrior." No'tok dragged S'crall's body behind his bunk and removed the dagger from his chest. He wiped the blade clean on S'crall's shirt sleeve and returned it to its sheath. Then he stood and started towards the door, but stopped and gave the body one more look. "I truly am sorry, S'crall."

  He walked out of his quarters, closing and locking the door behind him. He walked directly to the bridge and took his seat. "Set a course for the Rylan border," he ordered his navigation officer.

  "The Rylan border, Commander?" The navigation officer inquired.

  "Yes," No'tok confirmed. "Maximum speed. We just received orders to investigate a possible Rylan incursion. The Emperor personally selected us for the mission because of our previous experience in handling the Terran invasion attempt."

  "Aye, Commander," the navigation officer replied, "Setting a course for the Rylan border, maximum speed."

  "Good," No'tok responded, "I'm going to get something to eat in the galley. Call me when we arrive." No'tok walked off the bridge and down the hall to the lift. He took the lift down two decks to Deck Six where the galley was located. He wasn't hungry, but he didn't want to go back to his quarters with S'crall's body in there. At maximum speed from our current position, we should be there in no time. I can wait it out in the galley. Once I get to the border, I'll take a shuttle into the Protectorate and contact the Legion. He breathed a sigh of relief. He knew it was a good plan. It would work. No one would know where he was until after he was gone. Except for the crew. How am I going to get away without them knowing? What if the fleet sends another message? If they find out I'm the traitor, there is no way I can overpower them all. I need to find a way to neutralize that possible threat.

  He sat down at a table, and the galley steward brought him a hot cup of pra'kit. He picked up the steaming cup of green liquid and took a sip. He breathed in the acrid aroma and tried to look relaxed on the outside. Can't have the crew thinking something is off. He sipped on the hot beverage as his mind began going over possible methods to sneak past his own crew. After a while, he sighed. He couldn't think of any way to get away without someone knowing. I need the entire crew to be asleep at the same time, but how? He stared at the bottom of his empty cup. He noticed the last few drops of green sitting at the bottom. Of course! He knew what he had to do. He picked a small bottle of gri'sha sauce that someone left on the table and discreetly placed it in his pocket.

  He got up from the table, exited the galley and returned to the lift. This time he took it to the lowest level of the ship. The only two areas of the ship on this level were engineering and storage for the ship's munitions. He walked through the engineering section on his way to the munitions storage. One of the engineers noticed his presence and saluted.

  "Commander, we weren't expecting you," the engineer said hastily brushing off his uniform. "What can I do for you?"

  No'tok quickly thought of an excuse to be in this area of the ship. "I'm conducting a personal inspection of the munitions."

  "But Commander, we just did a complete inventory and inspection two suns ago, and no weapons have been used. Is there a reason for a second inspection?" The engineer questioned.

  "Yes, there is," No'tok snorted, "but I don't have to offer it to you. Commanders don't need permission from ship's engineers."

  "Yes, sir. I'm sorry, sir," the engineer stuttered out an apology. He realized it was a bad idea to question his commanding officer, and went back to what he was working on.

  No'tok didn't encounter anyone else before reaching the munitions storage section of the ship. He entered his passcode and unlocked the door. He entered the large room and began looking for what he was after. He walked past the racks of fusion missiles toward the specialty weapons. Here against the back wall of the room was a very old weapon from an earlier time in V'drellian history. A missile that contained a toxic liquid rather than an explosive core. It was much smaller than the normal fusion missiles used by the ship for offense and defense. It was designed to penetrate a planet's defenses, and deliver its toxic payload into the planetary water supply. It was a rather ingenious toxin. Even in trace amounts, it caused terminal illness in all who came in contact with it. A drop undiluted was enough to kill over a hundred people. Once in a planet's water system, it would kill every living creature on the planet within one cycle. He reached into his pocket and retrieved the bottle of spicy sauce, opened it, and dumped the contents on the floor. Next, he put on a respirator that he grabbed while walking through engineering, and carefully opened the containment valve just enough to let the lethal green liquid begin to slowly drip into the bottle he just emptied. He collected twenty drops, and quickly closed the valve. He screwed the cap back on the bottle and placed it in his pocket again. Then he left the way he came and returned to the lift.

  He got off two decks above engineering and made his way to where the ship's supplies were stored. The water containment system on the ship handled everything from drinking water to sanitation and any other water usage. No'tok climbed the stairs to the top of the storage tank. In front of him was the upper hatch, the only hatch on the tank above the water. He opened it and looked at the lake inside the tank. He took the bottle from his pocket, removed the cap, and dropped the open bottle into the tank. Now I am committed to this plan. No going back. He closed the hatch and returned to the deck floor. He left the storage area and once again he returned to the lift for one more ride.

  He exited the lift at the hanger bay and walked to one of the shuttlecraft. He boarded the shuttle and used its control console to access the Drah'jik's main computer system. He then programmed the ship's fire suppression system to perform a ship-wide test. In moments, every sprinkler head in the ship began spraying water. He watched as the deck crew began running around in confusion at first, then in panic as the toxin in the water began affecting them. They grabbed their throats, clawing for air, then suddenly fell to the floor. Although he could not see it, he knew that the same scene was playing out in every section of the ship. In a matter of moments, he had killed the entire crew. As the water continued to spray, a light green mist was forming in the air. The toxin was now airborne.

  No'tok started the shuttle's engine, and remotely open the hangar bay door. Then he piloted the craft through the open hangar bay door and closed it after his shuttle had cleared the opening. He set a course for inside the Rylan border, then used the console to remotely program the Drah'jik's weapon system to enter automated defensive mode. Now the Drah'jik will fire upon any craft that gets too close. With luck, the approaching ship will return fire and destroy the Drah'jik and everyone will think I died on it. No'tok was quite pleased with how well his impromptu plan had worked out. He would safely escape the wrath of the Emperor and join up with members of the Legion in the Protectorate. He gave one last look at the ship that had been his home for so long. After his ship had crossed into Protectorate space, he opened a comms channel to the prearranged distress frequency the Legion had set up. After a moment there was a crackling sound, then a voice.

  "How does one destroy chaos?" The voice asked.

  "By destroying freedom," replied No'tok. "This is Commander No'tok. I have been compromised, and need a safe haven. Sending my coordinates now."

  "Coordinates received, Commander No'tok," the voice acknowledged. "A transport ship will rendezvous with you shortly. Thank you for your service, and welcome home."


  Commander Br'dar was tense from head to toe. He had been searching for the traitor No'tok and his ship for eighty-seven high suns, and the lead they were following now had promise. A cargo transport had reported seeing what they believed to be the Drah'jik holding position near the border with Protectorate space less than one sun ago. Even if we get there and the ship is gone, we should still be able to pick up the energy trail from that old junker that No'tok has been stuck with. We're Finally going to catch that dumpy little fool! Br'dar had little use for No'tok. He once served on the same ship as No'tok when they were junior officers, and he saw first-hand the way that No'tok treated those under his command. When the Emperor executes you, the Dominion will be a much better place. They would be at the reported coordinates in moments, and he was only too ready to be the one to inform the Emperor that the traitor was captured.

  "Commander," his navigation officer interrupted his thoughts, "we have arrived at the designated location. Short range scanners show a ship stationary just inside the border."

  "Excellent!" Br'dar replied. "Can we get a visual on the hull?"

  "I believe so," answered the tactical officer who began tapping on the console in front of him. A moment later, the image of an older V'drellian warship appeared on the viewer.

  "Zoom in on the engineering section of the hull," Br'dar ordered. "I want to see the ship designation identifier." The screen flickered and the zoomed in image of the hull appeared. Br'dar began reading the symbols aloud. "Kr'at, Zr'ul, Scr'aw, Glem, Glem, Kri'mac." The identifier matched the one of record for the Drah'jik. "By Th'warzin's abyss, we've got him! Position us in front of the Drah'jik. Arm weapons and scan for any signs of hostility. Open a channel and tell the Drah'jik to stand by to be boarded!" The communications officer began to relay the message to the other ship but was not getting a response.

  As the Strak'zar maneuvered into position in front of its prey, the Drah'jik's weapons system began to power up. Its forward cannons began to track the approaching battlecruiser. Once within range, the Drah'jik's forward cannons fired at the Strak'zar. A blast hit the Strak'zar midship and caused a small hull breach.

  "Commander!" The tactical officer shouted in alarm. "We've taken a direct hit! Hull breach on Deck Nine, Section 12! Emergency crews are responding!" He frantically began tapping his console. "Casualty reports coming in from Decks Eight, Nine, and Ten!"

  "Evasive maneuvers," ordered Commander Br'dar. "Lock weapons and prepare to fire! Why didn't our sensors pick up anything?"

  "Unknown, Commander," answered the tactical officer. "We're not reading any energy readings from the ship except the residual energy from their cannons. Even their engines appear offline."

  "Commander," the navigation officer interrupted, "we are out of their weapons range. The Drah'jik is not moving to follow."

  What kind of game are you playing, No'tok? Br'dar knew No'tok to be a clever commander and wasn't about to be fooled. "Hold position," he ordered. "Keep weapons locked. Can we get a target lock on the engine section? Let's see if we can keep her from being able to run."

  "Forward weapons locked, Commander," replied the tactical officer.

  "Fire." At the utterance of that single word from Br'dar, the tactical officer tapped his console and they felt a slight shudder in the ship as the forward cannons fired at the Drah'jik.

  "Impact confirmed," announced the tactical officer. "Picking up signs of decompression from the Drah'jik eng
ine section." A moment later there was an explosion in the damaged engine section of the Drah'jik. "Commander, the Drah'jik's engine core just ruptured! Picking up tritium readings in the immediate area of the damaged engine section."

  "They aren't going anywhere now!" Br'dar said with a smile. "Have two security teams meet me at the Deck Three hanger bay. We're going to personally invite No'tok to come aboard." With that final command, Br'dar left the bridge and took the lift from Deck One down to Deck Three. He reached the hangar bay, he was meet by twenty security officers.

  The senior security officer stepped forward and addressed Br'dar. "Security team ready for your orders, sir."

  "We are going to take a shuttle to the Drah'jik, find No'tok, and detain him in a holding cell for transport to V'drell Prime," Br'dar informed them. "The Emperor wants him alive, if at all possible. So, use caution to apprehend him."

  They boarded the shuttle and launched. The trip to the Drah'jik only took a few moments, but due to the Drah'jik's lack of power, they were forced to manually dock at an airlock using a docking collar. Once the collar was in place and a seal was formed, one of the security officers opened the airlock on the shuttle and entered the collar. He pulled the exterior release on the Drah'jik's airlock and pushed it open. "Commander," he called out excitedly, "you need to see this!"

  Br'dar made his way through the collar into the Drah'jik's airlock. The security officer was pointing to the glass portion of the interior airlock door. The area beyond the airlock was very dim and seemed to have a slight green tint to the air. That's odd. Even with failing air handlers, I've never seen the air in a ship look like this. If there had been a fire the air might appear gray from smoke, but not green. I've only seen air look like this in officer school when they were teaching us about respirator usage during poisonous... He didn't need to finish the thought to realize what was going on. He turned to the security officer, a look of terror on his face. "Back onto the shuttle, now!" After returning to the shuttle, Br'dar closed the shuttle's airlock. Only then did his face relax.


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