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Her Daddy's Best Friend

Page 7

by Kim Wickford

  "I want your hot, wet cunt around my cock," he said through his teeth. "I want to be swallowed up by your beautiful body."

  I was so turned on, so slippery with desire, that all it took was the slightest push of my hips. He gave an elated grunt as I sheathed him all the way. There was a wet sound as my buttocks slapped against his crotch. My pussy clenched possessively around him, milking his prick, willing him to pump his cum deep inside me. I couldn't believe what I was doing. Normally I was a responsible girl. Even though I was on the pill, I always insisted on using condoms as well. As a matter of fact I'd packed a whole strip of them for this trip, just in case. They were in my backpack, an arms reach away. But this time, as crazy as it sounded, I threw all caution to the wind. I craved Logan's cum with a desperation that I'd never experienced before. I wanted him inside me.

  All of him.

  The angle of his hips changed. I could feel a pressure on what I can only assume was my g-spot. Oh my God! A hot, glowing pleasure radiated from my crotch. A tiny supernova of ecstasy. I slipped my fingers between my legs, covering Logan's hand with mine so that both of us could massage the aching bud of my clit. He had barely entered me and already I was on the verge of coming. I couldn't believe I was turning into such a slut for this man's cock.

  We fucked with an agonizing slowness. Not because we were trying to torture each other, but because we had to be careful not to make any noise. When a tiny whimper of pleasure escaped my lips as he moved his hand from my breasts and pressed it firmly against my mouth to keep me silent.

  His hard belly slapped against the small of my back as he slid in and out of me. As he picked up speed, his breath came in ragged pants. Now he was the one who sounded like a wild, prowling bear. His fingers tightened against my pussy and squeezed against my lips. He bit my shoulder to stifle his cry. The velvety flood of his orgasm rushed into me, filling me in a way that no man had ever filled me before. I screamed silently into the palm of his hand as my own orgasm claimed me an instant later.

  We trembled and shuddered against each other. Logan rested his damp forehead against the back of my head. The scent of our mingled cum and sweat perfumed the air inside the tent. To me it was the most wonderful fragrance. All the while his cock continued to pulse. His balls were drained, he'd given me every last drop, but his body still wanted to give me more … even though there was nothing left to give.

  His breath was hot against my cheek. "We better pray your parents didn't hear that."

  As I lay wrapped in his loving arms, filled with his warm seed, I didn't care if the entire forest had heard us come.

  Chapter 12

  I woke to the sound of a zipper sliding open. Sunshine and cold air streamed into the tent as the flaps were thrown back. I was disoriented for a moment, not knowing where I was, or what was happening.

  Mom poked her head inside. "Morning guys! Rise and shi—" Her eyes widened as she saw me and Logan snuggled together in a single sleeping bag.

  I raised my head and squinted into the light. "Mom!"

  "W-what's going on in here?"

  Dammit! How could I be such an idiot? It was bad enough that I'd messed around with Logan when my parents were nearby, but even worse to insist he not return to his own sleeping bag afterwards. I'd selfishly wanted to spend the whole night in his embrace. I thought for sure we'd be up early enough to avoid being discovered.

  The expression of dread on Mom's face was terrifying. I knew if I panicked or made a big deal about the sleeping arrangements it would only make things worse. The only way I could hope to defuse the situation was to behave as innocently as possible.

  Even though I was freaking out on the inside, I took a nonchalant glance at the still-sleeping Logan and said to my mother, "I got really cold in the middle of the night. I asked Mr. Worthington to keep me warm."

  "Your father and I had lots of extra blankets in our tent. Why didn't you come over and borrow one?"

  "I was going to, but—um, I didn't want to disturb you guys. You seemed kind of busy, if you know what I mean."

  My mother blushed. "Oh, uh … yes. Well, that was very … considerate of you."

  "Honey, the hash browns are burning," Dad interrupted. All I could see were his legs as he strolled over to give Mom's ass a playful slap.

  "Stop it Harry!" She shooed him away and turned back to face me. I could tell she wanted to believe my story, it seemed plausible enough, but she wasn't one hundred percent certain. She gave Logan one last doubtful look. "Wake Mr. Worthington and then come join us," she said. "Breakfast is almost ready."

  She stood up and closed the flaps. Outside I heard my father tease and goof around with her like a lovesick teenager.

  I slumped back and tried to still my racing heart. At least Dad hadn't shoved his head into the tent too. If he'd seen me and Logan bundled together he would have gone ape-shit for sure. No amount of excuses or explanations would have pacified him.

  I leaned down and kissed Logan on the forehead. "C'mon sleepy-head. Time to wake up and get some grub."

  "Not hungry," he mumbled and pulled me closer to him. "Only thing I want to eat right now is your pussy."

  "Probably not a good idea," I said as I stroked his hair. I hoped we hadn't made a terrible mistake by surrendering to our passions so recklessly last night.


  "I don't know about anyone else," Dad said taking a sip of coffee, "but this has been the best camping trip ever."

  Logan was enthusiastic too. "I couldn't agree more, Harry," he said as they clinked mugs over the breakfast campfire.

  I had a pretty good idea why Dad was so chipper this morning, and it totally grossed me out. I tried to push away any thoughts of him getting hot and heavy with Mom, and focused instead on my plate full of burnt hash browns.

  Logan gave me a sexy wink over the lip of his coffee mug when no one was looking. It took every ounce of self-control to keep from leaping to my feet, tackling him to the ground, and ravaging him right then and there. I gave him a sweet smile and was about to blow a kiss, when I caught Mom watching me.

  Her suspicious glance was reason enough for me to behave for the rest of the day, even though I was dying to flirt with Logan. There were so many times when I wanted to pull him off the trail as we hiked to Bridal Veil Falls. In my mind I pictured him pushing me up against a tree, tearing off my shorts, and fucking me like a wild animal. I imagined the other forest creatures being scared off by our groans and screams as we made love in the great outdoors.

  I was starting to get wet—too wet—so I banished all naughty fantasies from my head. I even shoved my hands deep into my pockets to prevent myself from reaching out and sinking my claws into Logan's perfect ass as he walked ahead of me.

  That night, as the last log crackled on the dying campfire, Mom got to her feet and slapped her thighs. "Right," she said. "Time to turn in, guys."

  Dad and Logan grinned like a pair of Cheshire cats. I knew they were both looking forward to another "tussle in the wilderness" with their women. But Mom had other plans for us.

  "We're going to change things up tonight," she said. "The girls are going to have a slumber party."

  Dad looked crestfallen. "A slumber party? Susan, the girl turned twenty-one, not twelve."

  "Yeah, Mom," I piped up. "Slumber parties aren't much fun in a cramped tent."

  Mom glared at me. "We're having female bonding time," she said through clenched teeth. "You'll be back at college in a few days and it will be months before I see you again."

  "C'mon, give the girl a break," Dad said, coming to my defense (and his). "It's not like she's going away forever. She'll be back at Thanksgiving."

  Wisely, Logan pretended to be interested in a scuff on his hiking boot, and stayed out of the conversation.

  Mom whirled towards Dad. "I don't want to spent another night next to your big, farting body in a tiny tent."

  Dad looked affronted. "I don't fart!"

  "You do when you've had that many hot dogs."
She pointed at the leftovers on his dinner plate before turning back to me and Logan. "The stinky men can bunk together. Amber, you and I are having a Girls' Night whether you want it or not. Won't that be fun?"

  I forced a smile to my lips and nodded. It was bad enough that she suspected something. It would only add fuel to the fire if I protested too much.

  Logan and I exchanged a desperate look as we crawled into our separate, chaperoned tents. There wouldn't be another chance for us to get together for the rest of the trip. Tomorrow morning we were heading home. The following day I'd be leaving for college.


  Stacy and I had rented an apartment off campus. This would be our first year living away from the dorms, and we were excited to finally have a place of our own. The first few weeks in our new digs was chaotic as we unpacked and decorated. When the dust finally settled, and I had nothing else to distract me, I found myself more homesick than ever. Especially for Logan. I texted him like crazy, telling him all the things I'd do to him if he was here with me. I even sent him a few erotic selfies.

  I was crushed when he told me to stop. He said, in no uncertain terms, that because he and Dad spent so much time together, he feared one of my nude photos or naughty texts might be seen by accident.

  Well don't use my breasts as your screen-saver and everything should be okay, I texted.

  I'm serious, Amber. This has to stop.

  I still hadn't told him that Mom had already caught us in a compromising position. I feared he would end things permanently if he learned that tidbit of news.

  As the weeks rolled by, my heart and body ached to be with Logan. Ashley could see my spirits were down and tried to cheer me up by inviting me to a few parties. She would always introduce me to guys she thought would be the perfect match. The prospect of hooking up with them never crossed my mind, not once. Not even to relieve my pent-up sexual frustration. No one on campus, no matter how cute, could ever compete with a man of Logan's caliber. The guys Stacy pushed my way all seemed like foolish little boys in comparison.

  As much as I pined for Logan, it was probably a good thing we were separated by several hundred miles. Since my return to college, I'd started putting on weight. Sometimes it felt like I had the Freshman Fifteen all over again. It didn't matter that I increased my sessions at the gym. My food cravings were out of control. I chalked it up to stress and depression. Not only did I miss Logan, but this was my final year in college. I had the added pressure of looking for a job, and the dread of paying off my student loans at the end of the next semester.

  Time flew by fast, and the Thanksgiving holidays were just around the corner. I began to think of ways I could sneak away from the family celebration when I got home, so I could spend some time with Logan. What kind of excuse could I make that wouldn't arouse Mom's suspicions? Maybe I could talk her into baking a pumpkin pie for our neighbor and then I'd volunteer to drop it off. I wouldn't stay at his house very long. Ten minutes would be enough. No, actually it wouldn't. But ten minutes were better than zero minutes. Oh God, it was going to be a desperate weekend. I'd be so close to him, and yet so far.

  How was I going to make it through the Thanksgiving holiday without going insane?

  Chapter 13

  I woke to the smell of frying bacon. Stacy was a vegan, so that meant she'd either discovered a new type of pork-flavored tofu, or she'd fallen off the veggie wagon and was craving meat. Either way, it was the perfect way to wake up on a Sunday morning.

  I climbed out of bed and pulled on my bathrobe. In addition to the bacon there were other delicious aromas wafting through the air: cinnamon and butter, rosemary and garlic, and—best of all—the sweet fragrance of maple pancakes. Stacy must have been really sick of the bunny food to go to such extremes. Sure, she'd lost a lot of weight, but who wanted to live on a diet of vegetables alone; where was the joy in that? At least I'd be the beneficiary of her return to the Dark Side. My stomach grumbled as I tied the sash around my waist.

  "Whatever you're preparing, I hope you made extra for me," I called out as I hurried down the hallway. Who knew Stacy was such a fantastic cook? Why had she hidden this talent from me for so long?

  When I got to the kitchen I shrieked and leapt a foot into the air. My roommate was nowhere to be seen. Standing in front of the stove, wearing a chef's apron and nothing else, was Logan.

  "What are you doing here?" I gasped, too shocked by his unexpected appearance to register joy. "How did you get into my apartment? Where are your clothes?"

  "Took 'em off," he said with a casual nod towards the stack of folded garments on the kitchen table. "Didn't want to get 'em splattered with grease."

  Half-a-dozen dishes, laden with cooked treats, were scattered across the counter, but I hardly noticed them. My eyes were drawn to more important places. Logan's apron strings were tied in a bow above his naked bottom. As he gave the pan-fried potatoes a stir, the taut orbs of his jiggling ass put me into an immediate hypnotic trance. My mouth watered, and it had nothing to do with the scrumptious feast he'd prepared.

  I shook my head and tried to jar some sense back into my sex-starved brain. "You'd better put some clothes on, quick. My roommate could wander in here at any moment." I snatched a dish towel off the wall hook so I could cover Logan's exposed rump. This was a view that was meant for me, and me alone.

  "Who do you think let me into your apartment this morning?" he asked.

  "What! Stacy's awake already? Where is she?" I snarled, only half aware that I'd twisted the dish towel into a makeshift garrote.

  "I gave her a fistful of cash and pushed her out the door. I told her to enjoy a fancy brunch in town. A long brunch."

  I stared at Logan in amazement. Was this real-life or was I still in bed dreaming up this whole elaborate fantasy? "Why are you here now?" I asked. "I'll be home for Thanksgiving in a few days."

  "What? You're not happy to see me?" He looked genuinely surprised by my comment. "I can pack up and leave if that's what you prefer."

  "No! No, of course not! I'm so glad you're here," I said, getting flustered. "But why now?"

  "Because something tells me we won't get much time together over the long weekend."

  The man had read my mind. He really was too perfect. And speaking of perfection, I was the exact opposite of that state. I cringed as I pushed a hand through the mess of my sleep-flattened hair. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I whined. "I could have been ready for you." I couldn't imagine how horrible I looked to Logan. Beneath my robe I wore the unsexiest pajamas ever. I'm pretty sure I had pillow creases all over my face. And it wouldn't have surprised me if I still had nighttime crusties stuck in the corners of my eyes.

  "It wouldn't be much of a surprise if I told you I was coming," he said. "I like to be spontaneous."

  "Why weren't you spontaneous earlier this semester?" I asked, folding my arms across my chest and pouting out my lower lip like a spoiled brat. Didn't he realize what torture it was to be without him for so many weeks?

  Logan put down the spatula and gave me a stern look. "You had work to do. A degree to earn. If I was here all the time I'd be a constant distraction."

  "You don't think I'm distracted already? You're always on my mind."

  "A big, nutritious breakfast should help you focus on your studies," he said, and turned back to the stove. "I don't know about you, but I'm starving. I drove half the night to get here."

  He gave the potatoes a stir and treated me to another wiggle that set my heart and loins aflutter. Suddenly it didn't matter that I looked like a total mess. I couldn't resist his sexiness a moment longer. I came up behind him, slipped my arms under his apron, and gave him a big hug. My hands were around his waist caressing the muscular ridges of his belly. "I'm so happy you're here," I murmured as I kissed him between the shoulder blades. "But you didn't have to go to all this trouble. There's only one thing I want to eat this morning."

  "What's that?"

  "Sausage," I said with a seductive purr,
and pushed my fingers down through the tuft of his pubic hair. I wrapped my thumb and forefinger around the hilt of his thick cock and gave him a gentle squeeze.

  He kept his cool and continued cooking as if he hadn't noticed what I was doing. "I'm afraid all I've prepared for you is bacon," he said, and held up a greasy strip with a pair of tongs.

  "Much too thin and crumbly," I said as I caressed his length.

  "We've got to put something substantial into that belly of yours."

  "Oh, this will satisfy me just fine," I said as he began to swell in my grasp. "Especially with a side of eggs." I reached down with my other hand and cupped his balls. The apron billowed up and down as I stroked him with increased vigor.

  He put the bacon on the rack to drain. "If you keep that up much longer, there's going to be one very singed sausage. Gas stoves and erections don't mix."

  "I wouldn't want to spoil all our fun," I said and put my hands on his hips, guiding him away from the flame and into the center of the kitchen. The front of his apron stood up at an impressive forty-five degree angle. I hooked a finger into the bow at the back to loosen the knot, and set him free. He lifted the neck strap over his head and tossed the garment aside.

  The moment he turned around to face me, I dropped to my knees and continued to stroke him. Nothing was going to stop me now. His thick shaft pulsed in front of my face. He smelled of soap and of his distinctive, masculine musk that made me dizzy with need. From my position on the floor beneath him, he looked more enormous than ever. I was practically drooling in anticipation of what I planned to do next.

  I stretched out my tongue and licked him from the base of his shaft to the underside of his pink mushroom head. Logan shuddered above me. I continued to lap at him until every inch of him glistened with my saliva. I kissed the tiny opening at the top of his cock and wriggled the tip of my tongue against it, as if I was trying to tease out his cum. Then I softened my lips and made his head vanish into my mouth.


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