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Tempted by Brothers [Temptation, Wyoming 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 2

by Zoey Marcel

  “You know who I am?” she practically squeaked.

  “I do. It’s a small town.”

  Not that small, but at least he noticed me.

  “Oh. I don’t think I caught your name.”

  He extended his hand to her with an eager smile on his rugged, bearded face. “It’s Dane.”

  “It’s good to meet you, Dane.”

  She swallowed a gulp of saliva over the way his massive hand consumed her smaller one. Her hand was feminine, but not really dainty. It sure looked dainty in his great big manly one. The heat from his skin was scintillating and it made her very aware of her rapid pulse tripping through her.

  “It’s an absolute pleasure.” Dane was beaming. He looked way too happy for a man at work. Maybe he’d gotten a raise.

  “So is my cunt—car fixed yet?” She blushed hard, hoping he hadn’t heard her mistake.

  His lips twitched and his eyes laughed at her faux pas, but he was gracious enough not to call her on it.

  “Yeah, it’s all fixed for you and running smoothly. It was good of you to turn to me when you needed help, Amber. I want you to.”

  Well, that was an interesting way of phrasing it. Of course, her repressed mind conjured ulterior meanings in his harmless remark.

  “Sure. I didn’t really know who was going to work on the car. I’m just glad it’s fixed.”

  He nodded once. “You can take it home today…as long as you have dinner with me.”

  Her ears rang like an explosion had gone off. The moment was surreal. “W–what?”

  “Dinner,” he said with a certain gleam in his dark eyes that she couldn’t resist. “The restaurant my brother, Carson, and I own is opening tonight. Tiger’s Eye, it’s a Chinese restaurant. We co-own it with Nathan. He’s a friend of ours.”

  Her mouth watered, but whether it was for some crispy egg rolls or the manly individual standing in front of her was a toss-up. “I appreciate the offer, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to.”

  “Why not?”

  She had two reasons, but they weren’t really information she wanted to divulge. “I’ve got a lot going on and—”

  “What’s the real reason?”

  She squirmed. “I’d be embarrassed.”

  He appeared genuinely confused. “Of me?”

  “For you.” Her head bowed and her eyes blurred with mist. “I’m a little heavier than I’d like to be, but there’s this new diet I want to try and—”

  Her words evaporated at his nearness once he bridged the gap between them with his calm, confident steps.

  He touched a finger to her lips and murmured “don’t.”

  His elegant, masculine essence wafted up her nose. The musky fragrance boasted of fresh greens and herbal notes with citrus undertones and a hint of white flowers. The scent screamed of sexy alpha male.

  He touched a finger gently beneath her jaw and directed her head up. His hushed voice swam over her skin like rippling silk falling over her flesh. “You’re a beautiful woman, Amber. I love that you’re voluptuous. Don’t put yourself down. I won’t stand for it.”

  Amber blinked at him, but the natural impulse to protest was strangely absent. She was used to doing what she was told, but there was something calming, even enticing about the idea of offering no protest to this man.


  “Is that the only reason?”

  She averted her eyes, growing glummer still over the other reason. “I just…I shouldn’t—”

  “Is it because of your guardian?” Dane asked. “I heard he was overprotective of you. No disrespect intended.”

  She grimaced. “He is, but I live alone. I mean, on my own.”

  “Look at me.”

  If she did she’d probably topple over and faint. Her focus returned to him.

  “You shouldn’t tell random people you live alone. It’s not a good idea, even in a small town.” His thumb brushed her jawline with the pressure of a scant breeze. “I need you safe, girl.”

  Something inside her melted when he called her “girl.” Did he even realize he said it? Could he have meant anything by it other than acknowledging her gender?

  It occurred to her that it was her turn to say something. Words failed her when he gazed down into her eyes like that in a docile, intriguing manner that left her curious. Tenderness softened his swarthy eyes to a rich mocha shade, but there was intensity, a fierceness that made them flicker with an untamed fire. If she’d been forced to pin a name to it she might label it possessiveness.

  “I’ll pick you up at seven.”

  Oh hell no!

  What if her guardian just happened to pop into Temptation to pay her a surprise visit? He’d done that from time to time and it had really freaked her out for fear of getting caught sucking Austin Kensington’s cock back when they’d dated.

  Then there was her first boyfriend, Oliver. Amber never let her mind go there. What happened to him, it scared her to tears, rendered her guilty and hopeless. She wouldn’t do that to herself or she’d go insane with fear and confusion, asking why to a question with an answer that remained ambiguous.

  She peered up into Dane’s handsome face. Would he ever really go for her terms? He’d probably never fall for her, but the vast fortune that was promised to her might tempt him.

  Yeah, ‘cause that’s a real flattering thought. I guess I could just be honest with him if he actually wants to go steady eventually. It’s probably just a dinner date. Enjoy it for what it is.

  Amber gulped nervously, wishing that the small town was a bustling city the way she often did when she was up to mischief her guardian wouldn’t approve of. “Will there be a lot of people there?”

  “Probably. It’s the grand opening. We’re expecting a crowd.”

  She cringed. Her guardian loved Chinese food. Hell, if the restaurant got rave reviews or word got around that it was open he just might drive down from his secluded hilltop and into Temptation for a taste.

  “Could you maybe pick me up sometime after eight, please?”

  “Why is that? Do you have other obligations?”

  “No. It’s not that.” It would be too embarrassing to convey that she wanted to hide on the date in case her guardian happened to be there. “I just don’t know if I’ll be ready in time.”

  Dane smiled and released her chin. “You’ll be ready on time or I’ll take you to the restaurant anyway, even half undressed and with curlers in your hair.”

  She giggled nervously and then snorted. Oh god, she snorted. She’d had that habit since she was a little girl and hadn’t ever managed to break it when she was really laughing her ass off.

  Dane grinned, but it wasn’t an “okay then” kind of look. The smile he cracked struck her as spontaneous and meaningful, in the way that he found her blunder endearing.

  Amber blushed like a beet that had just been rinsed off under running water. “I’ll be ready. I have to go decide what to wear.”

  She didn’t know why she was telling him this, but that swoon-worthy smile was going to make her cream right through her panties if she didn’t get away from him fast.

  “Wear a dress.”

  Her stomach knotted and she almost said, “yes, Sir.” The words were right there on her tongue, but she chickened out last minute and said, “Okay.”

  His smile became subtle and closemouthed, but his formerly mocha eyes lost their softness and turned to pure espresso again. “Good girl.”

  Her lips parted as a warm rush of liquid spilled into her panties, and she quickly snapped her mouth closed to conceal the pleading whimper.

  Dane’s eyes darkened considerably. Now they were murky and thick with heat like Armenian coffee.

  “Mine,” he whispered, a low growl emerging from deep in his throat.

  Who the hell growled at someone when conversing with them?

  Creeping warmth became penetrating heat that told Amber to leave before she let the hot-ass mechanic make a woman out of her all over the hood of one
of those cars. She turned to leave, feeling light on her feet and woozy.

  “Amber.” He practically choked her name out, sounding almost hoarse.

  Her stomach did somersaults and her breasts swelled at the intoxicating way he said her name, like the feel of it rolling off his tongue took his breath away.

  “I’ll see you tonight,” she blurted as she hurried away.

  If there weren’t people outside she’d have done a little happy dance.

  Oh my god, I have a date with the sexiest man alive! Well, one of them.

  * * * *

  Carson McCann couldn’t think straight worth a damn today. The restaurant he and Dane co-owned with their friend Nathan Preston was opening tonight. If the business the other restaurants in town all got was anything to go by, the place would be jam-packed tonight. It was the only Chinese restaurant in Temptation and all the hungry little villagers knew it.

  For as much brain space as the grand opening occupied in his head, Amber Donovan was the primary thing he mulled over today. The lush brunette had her hooks in him without even realizing it. She wasn’t very tall, but her curvaceous body looked scrumptious and soft. He had to see it, touch her, and taste her.

  Too bad Dane wanted to take it slow with her.

  Of course they would. They would give Amber a free dinner and talk with her and then take her back to their place and fuck her brains out. She was their true mate. It was meant to happen, and his rigid cock demanded it happen ASAP.

  One of their waiters, Kyle Levitt, was inspecting the tables and setting condiments and other necessities out on them for later tonight once the customers arrived.

  “So you know that curvy chick that works at Jitterbug Coffeehouse?” Kyle asked. “You think I have a shot with her?”

  “What?” Carson lost it. “You touch her and you’re dead.”

  No one was touching his mate save him and Dane.

  Kyle appeared startled. “Geez, calm down. I was only asking.”

  Nathan walked by with an entertained smile. “Easy, Carson. There’s more than one woman working at the coffee shop.”

  “I meant Brenda, the owner,” Kyle specified. “You don’t like her, do you? Ah crap, you do. You want her. Don’t make a move on her until I graduate the police academy, all right?”

  Carson relaxed, feeling relieved that Kyle didn’t have a thing for his mate.

  Nathan chuckled. “Now why is that, Kyle? Is it because you know Brenda has a thing for men in uniforms?”

  Kyle’s attempt to hide his sheepish smile was for nothing. “Maybe. What’s it to you?”

  Nathan shrugged and continued to sweep. “Not a thing to me. I’m keeping my options open at present.”

  “Good,” Carson growled. “For a while there I thought you wanted Amber.”

  Nathan looked up at him. “Just because I noticed she was pretty doesn’t mean I want her. She’s too sweet for me. I like them wild and slutty.”

  Now his good friend was insulting Amber? Why he ought to—

  “There’s nothing wrong with being sweet.” Carson gritted his teeth.

  Kyle smirked. “Chill, boss. People are going to notice the apple of your eye. Everybody stay away from Brenda until I get my uniform. Afterward you guys won’t stand a chance.”

  “Unless you get your ass kicked by Mark Montego again,” Nathan muttered under his breath.

  Kyle spun around to face him, looking embarrassed and irritated. “Hey, that bar fight was a tie.”

  Carson grinned. “You were in a barroom brawl?”

  Nathan nodded with a crooked smile. “Rumor has it Kyle here insulted shifters to impress his girlfriend, Chanel, at the time. Mark’s a wolf shifter and he kicked Kyle’s ass to defend his alpha’s honor or some kind of shit.”

  “I was winning,” Kyle argued, rolling his eyes.

  “So I take it you’re not still going out with this Chanel?” Carson asked.

  “No. We broke up.”

  “She dumped his ass after he lost the fight,” Nathan divulged. “Now she’s married to the three Taylor brothers. She’s in the hospital giving birth actually.”

  Kyle shot him an annoyed look. “Thanks, man.”

  Nathan laughed.

  Carson smiled. “No wonder you’re desperate to wear the uniform. Got to earn back your balls, don’t you, little man?”

  “Piss off, man.” Kyle moved to a different table, but the slight flush in his cheeks was amusing.

  “Isn’t that going to be awkward for you having to work with the guy who beat you up?” Carson asked, trying not to smile too much at his friend’s predicament.

  Kyle didn’t look at him and continued working. “Who says I have to work with Mark? For all I know I’ll work in Jackson or another nearby town.”

  Carson threw him a wink when Kyle looked at him. “But you’ll buy all your coffee here in Temptation I assume.”

  A slow grin eased onto Kyle’s boyish face. “Exactly. Nothing wrong with supporting Brenda’s livelihood.”

  Nathan smirked. “I heard that one gets around.”

  Kyle frowned. “Thanks for that, jerk.”

  Carson slapped Kyle on the back and left his hand there for a sec in a firm bro hold. “Nah, our man Kyle is going to pull his nuts together and impress the hell out of the sassy barista.”

  Kyle puffed up slightly like a territorial lizard.

  “Just make sure no shifters imprint on her or you’ll have a hell of a battle on your hands,” Nathan advised.

  Kyle shook his head and thumped the bottle of sauce onto the table with excessive vigor. “Nobody’s going to imprint on my Brenda.”

  Carson smiled. His little employee was clearly smitten. He hoped no buff-ass competition got in Kyle’s way, but the uniform would do a lot to make the boyish-looking young man appear more virile.

  Nathan grinned. “Your Brenda, huh?”

  Kyle blushed. “I meant Brenda.”

  Carson tapped Nathan on the arm to get him to leave the poor kid alone. “I think he said what he meant. Now get your slacker ass in the kitchen and start prepping.”

  Nathan snickered. “And what exactly are you going to do, partner?”

  “Oversee everything,” Carson teased.

  Nathan rolled his eyes, but he was smiling as they headed toward the kitchen together. “That’s what I thought. Speaking of imprinting, is that Amber Donovan girl your mate?”

  “Yeah, Dane and I are going to claim her tonight. We’re going to let her sample the food here and then take her back to our place.”

  “Moving a little fast, aren’t you, Car? I hear her guardian is real protective of her.”

  Carson scowled. Nobody, not even a fucking guardian was going to keep him and Dane from their mate. “He’s not stopping a damned thing. Dane and I will introduce ourselves to him at the right time, but if he’s got a problem with us that’s too stinkin’ bad. Amber’s our mate and we’re claiming her.”

  Chapter Three:

  Tiger’s Eye

  Amber decided on a halter-style dress with an empire waist that accentuated her generous bust even more because of the black band that circled her ribcage and wound upward, separating her breasts like an erotic frame. The flirty little dress was splashed with big blue and lime-green flowers with long, narrow petals that reminded her of Gerbera daisies, but they were something else. The backdrop was white and there were a couple of yellow butterflies resting on some of the flowers.

  She wore nifty lime-green heels with it that were open like sandals, and her favorite perfume. It was an exotic blend of apples, freesia, and musk. Hopefully Dane liked the way it smelled.

  Then it dawned on her how displeased her guardian would be if he saw her get into a car with a man. She hadn’t even asked for Dane’s phone number or given him hers. Hell, he probably didn’t even know where she lived unless someone had told him.


  Ah, but there was her excuse. She could drive herself to the restaurant early and claim she’d
had to take herself rather than wait for him since he couldn’t possibly know where she lived. It was rude, but it would work. She could kick herself for not thinking to give him her address, but then again, in retrospect it had kind of paid off for her. She’d left the garage in a hurry before Dane could ask.

  She drove herself to the restaurant at six, grimacing at how crowded it was. Goodness, was the whole damned town here?

  “Excuse me. Do you know if Dane McCann is here?” she asked the hostess.

  “He is, but he’s working.”

  “Do you think I could talk with him for a minute? It’s kind of important.”

  The hostess frowned. “Miss, he’s extremely busy right now.”

  Kyle Levitt approached, looking attractive in his white button-down shirt and black pants. “It’s okay. Dane is expecting her, but not this early. Follow me, Amber.”

  Amber followed him through the hustle and bustle, torn between looking around and making eye contact with him while they made the socially expected small talk customary for casual greetings.

  The ambiance was a masterpiece of epic proportions with all the incandescent, colored paper lanterns, verdant plants in oversized pots, antique vases from lord knew what dynasty, and beautiful Asian paintings. The dim lighting cast a romantic glow over the eating area that gave her a giddy feeling when she thought of eating with Dane in such a sensual atmosphere.

  Strangely, Kyle led her past the crowded main dining areas and took her down a hall to a more private area. The tables were each sectioned off into small rooms with three walls. A fancy arbor framed each open room with an artistic elegance she appreciated.

  The walls inside the room were a warm caramel-macchiato color and there were lovely Asian watercolor paintings hanging up.

  Kyle opened his hand, directing her attention to the table like a magician revealing the missing object he’d chanted away. “Dane will be along in a minute. He saw you come in and said you should go ahead and order your food so it’ll be ready by the time he comes. Can I get you something to drink?”

  “Water, please.”

  “All right. I’ll be right back.”


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