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Page 6

by Kirsten Osbourne

  “I’ll do just that.” She walked slowly away from him, making sure her hips swayed under her full skirt, because she knew he had his attention on her and nothing else. When she got to the bedroom door, she turned around and looked at him, mouthing the word, “Hurry.”

  Lee grabbed each boy by the hand and dragged them up the stairs. “Hurry and change and I’ll tuck you in.”

  “What’s wrong, Papa?” Joey asked.

  “Nothing’s wrong. I’m just tired.” He wasn’t at all tired. He hadn’t felt so alive in years. His pants were stretched tight over his erection, and he wasn’t sure he could wait to get to his new wife. What was she thinking acting that way while the boys were still up? He’d have to have a talk with her about her behavior. After.


  Jasmine waited until she could hear their footsteps on the stairs before she let the giggle escape her. She quickly undressed and folded her clothes neatly. She opened the drawer she’d put her nightgowns into, stared down at them, and closed it. She didn’t need a nightgown tonight.

  She climbed under the covers, carefully leaving one shoulder bare as she lay on her side waiting for him to join her. How long would it take to put the boys to bed?

  Not long apparently. She could hear his footsteps on the stairs just moments later. He knocked on the door, and when she didn’t respond quickly enough he opened it, his eyes scanning the room for his new bride. The lanterns were both still lit, and she was lying under the covers. Judging by the bare shoulder he could see she was completely naked.

  Dear Lord, let him be able to wait until she found her pleasure. He wasn’t sure if it was possible, but he would do his very best. He’d never wanted anything in his life as much as he wanted Jasmine at that moment. All the teasing touches while he was reading had driven him wild. Not that he hadn’t been wild for her before. Their buggy ride had let him know in no uncertain terms how she would feel about physical intimacy. How had he lived his life without a woman like this beside him?

  He quickly shucked off his clothes while she watched. A more modest woman would turn her head away, but she seemed to think he was undressing just to put on a show for her. He hoped she never changed. After removing his belt, he debated whether he should take his pants off with her watching the way she was or leave them on for later.

  He moved his hands to the buttons at the front of his pants to see if she’d turn away, but she didn’t. His little bride sat up in bed instead, keeping the quilt over her breasts, but just barely. She wanted to see him, and she didn’t have a problem showing it.

  He shook his head for a moment as his shaking hands unbuttoned the front placket of his pants and he pushed his pants down and to the floor, stepping out of them, like he wasn’t at all embarrassed of his nudity. He was though. No woman had ever looked at him that way. Gloria had always kept her eyes closed while he undressed. How could he have married two women who were such opposites?

  He stalked toward the bed, where she was laying right smack in the middle. He would be close to her whichever side he chose to take as his own. He came down onto the bed, sitting facing her.

  Jasmine’s eyes were glued to his erection, staring at it with wide eyes. “Is it going to fit?” she asked as her hand reached out to stroke it.

  His hand moved quickly and he caught her wrist before she could touch him. “That’s not a good idea right now.” He didn’t want to finish before they even started. His new wife would not be happy with him.

  Jasmine pouted. “But I want to see what it feels like. I’ve never touched one.” Surely he could understand her curiosity.

  He shook his head. “You can feel it later. Not now.” Would she always be this bold? He certainly hoped so.

  Jasmine sighed. “I can touch your chest now, though, right?”

  Lee couldn’t believe how aggressive his little virgin bride was being. She certainly didn’t hold back anything. “Only if I can touch yours.”

  She grinned, and moved her arms a bit to let the quilt that was covering her breasts drop down. “Be my guest.” She knew she was probably supposed to be shy about her body, but she knew he was interested in her, so why should she pretend something that wasn’t there?

  His eyes went to the small perfect globes she’d uncovered. He leaned down and licked one of her nipples, feeling her jump in surprise. “Very pretty,” he murmured as he caught it between his lips and suckled her.

  She wound one hand through his hair and used the other to reach down and pet his chest. Her fingers found his nipple and she pinched as she had in the parlor and heard him groan around her nipple. “I can’t believe you did that with the boys right there.” He sat up to look directly into her eyes. “What if they had seen?” She had no sense of propriety at all…and he couldn’t decide if he was upset about it or thrilled.

  “I had a story all planned out if they noticed.” Her eyes went to his lips. “Are you going to kiss me?” She licked her bottom lip to moisten it as she stared at his.

  He couldn’t resist leaning forward and kissing her passionately. She wrapped her arms around his back and stroked his shoulders. What was it about this woman that made her so comfortable with her sensuality? He stroked her breasts while he kissed her before abruptly moving the blanket from between them. “I don’t want to be separated from you, even by a blanket,” he said.

  She smiled, moving closer to him and feeling him thrusting against her belly. “That feels so good,” she moaned. When was he going to do what Daisy had talked about? Wasn’t it time yet?

  He kissed her again while one hand moved down between her thighs, testing her readiness for him. He hoped she was ready, because with all the teasing she’d done, he needed to be inside her soon.

  He pulled back for a moment to watch her face as his fingers probed. “Does that hurt?”

  She shook her head. “But that’s not what’s supposed to go there. Daisy said it was your…man part that goes there.” He had to know how it was supposed to work, though. He’d been married before.

  “I’m just making sure you’re ready.” He added one more finger, carefully moving them inside her. When she let out a moan of pleasure, he knew he didn’t have to worry. “Lay down.” He moved back to give her room to stretch out on her back on the bed.

  She shook her head. “No. I liked how it felt when I was sitting on your lap in the wagon the other night. We can do it that way, can’t we?” Daisy had said they could when she’d questioned her, but she didn’t tell him that. It was none of his business how her sister and her husband were with each other.

  He swallowed hard. With Gloria, it had always been with him on top and her on her back. She’d always turned her head away, and pretended it wasn’t happening. It had made him self-conscious about making love. He slowly nodded, moving to where his back was against the headboard. “Like this?” he asked.

  She nodded, crawling toward him. She carefully straddled his lap, kissing him again. “I have no idea what I’m doing, so you’re going to have to help me.”

  How had she become the aggressor? His little bride was anything but shy. He’d expected her to be at least a little embarrassed once their clothes came off, but not Jasmine. She was ready to throw him down and figure it out for herself if that’s what it took. He cupped her hips in his hands and pulled her over him, positioning himself at her entrance. “It’s going to hurt a little,” he warned her as he held her poised thrusting at her entrance.

  “I know,” she whispered, leaning forward to kiss him.

  He took advantage of her distraction with the kiss and thrust upward, breaching her maiden-head and burying himself inside her.

  She gasped against his mouth, shocked at the feeling of fullness, but not feeling the overwhelming pain her mother had led her to believe would be there. She pulled away and looked into his eyes. “You’re inside me.” Her voice sounded half-surprised at the fact that he was actually making love with her.

  He smiled. “I am. Are you okay?”

; She nodded. “It feels strange, but good. I think I like it.” She leaned forward again to kiss him. Her hands going to his shoulders as she wiggled her hips a little to see how it would feel.

  Lee took over then, thrusting inside her, praying he could hold out until she finished.

  Being Jasmine, she moaned loudly, the noises filling the room. Thank God the boys slept upstairs. He kissed her again, trying to keep her quiet enough that she wouldn’t wake the twins. His hands kneaded her soft breasts as she rode him.

  She felt something tightening in her belly and she let out a loud moan that was captured by his lips as she tightened around him. She collapsed against him, feeling as if she could never move again.

  Lee couldn’t wait another moment. He groaned deeply as he emptied his seed into her waiting body, holding her tightly against him.

  He closed his eyes, burying his face in her neck, as he breathed in great gulps of air. He wasn’t certain he would ever recover from her. He wasn’t certain he ever wanted to.

  Jasmine sighed contentedly against his throat. She wiggled a little, feeling him still inside her, but smaller now. “That was nice. Can we do it again?”

  He laughed softly. “Only you, Jasmine.” He lifted her face for his kiss. “Yes, we will do it again, and we’ll do it often. Not right this second though.” He helped her off him and down onto one side of the bed, laying down beside her and pulling her into his arms.

  Jasmine grinned happily. “I liked that a lot.” She kissed his chin. “When can we do it again?” She’d made the smart choice by marrying him. She knew it then. How could she have ever thought of doing anything else?

  “It’s going to be an hour or two. Go to sleep. We’re going to have to rest between rounds or I’ll never be able to work again.”

  She giggled. “Do you want to work?” She stroked her hand along his belly. “Really?”

  Lee shook his head. “I’d rather stay in bed with you all the time.” He pulled her even closer, holding her tightly.

  “The boys would be scandalized.” She giggled at the idea of never leaving the bed.

  “We could tell them we both have the plague and we don’t want to make them sick,” he suggested with a grin.

  “You know? I think that’s a brilliant idea!” Her hand stroked his chest and down over his body, going to the part of him she’d wanted to touch earlier. “It’s soft.”

  He nodded. “For now. That’s why we have to wait.” He closed his eyes with a smile, content that she was in his arms and so willing. “What was the story you had ready for the boys anyway?”

  Jasmine yawned. “I was going to tell them my hands were cold and you were warming me up.”

  He grinned and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

  She sighed, closing her eyes. She knew she’d wake up later and they’d do it all over again. Could she have picked a more perfect man to marry? Her life would be wonderful now.


  Her life was utter chaos. What had she been thinking marrying a man with seven year old twin boys with a penchant for mischief?

  She’d gotten up early, her thighs more than a little tender, and gone to the kitchen to make breakfast. She’d heard an “oink” behind her, only to see Hamm eating out of a bowl of scraps right there in the kitchen. She’d let out a low scream surprised at finding him in the house, and the pig had run from the kitchen and up the stairs, obviously going to the boys bedroom.

  She closed her eyes and counted to ten breathing deeply. There would be no pigs in her house. None! The boys would understand. When they woke up, she’d tell them that Hamm needed a pen to live in. There was no reason for him to stay in the house. He would be happier outside with the other animals. Why had Lee allowed a pig in the house, even if he was bathed daily?

  She cut up some potatoes to fry and made bacon and eggs as well. The bacon made her wrinkle her nose. Would Hamm be on her plate some day? If he kept coming in the house, she’d make sure of it.

  By the time Mrs. Banks arrived, Jasmine had breakfast cooked and the dishes half done. “Won’t you have breakfast with us, Mrs. Banks?” Jasmine hoped the older woman would say ‘no,’ because she had no desire to eat with her, but she needed to at least offer.

  The older woman glared at her as she looked around the clean kitchen. “It’s my job to cook for this family!”

  Jasmine sighed. “I was trying to help you. Now that there’s an extra person here, your chores will be heavier. Why don’t you let me do all the cooking, and you can do the cleaning?” She did her best to offer the solution in a way the older woman wouldn’t take offense to.

  “Do you have a problem with my cooking?”

  Jasmine looked at the older woman for a moment, afraid to offend her, but refusing to lie. “I prefer my own.” There that was honest and not at all rude. She was proud of herself for coming up with the answer.

  Mrs. Banks’s eyes widened with surprise. “Fine. Do all the cooking then! I won’t help with it at all!”

  Jasmine smiled. “Thank you. I appreciate your understanding.” She put the last dish away before going to wake the boys. She was thrilled to be told to do all the cooking after tasting the other woman’s food the previous night. There was no way she was going to let her continue to cook for her sweet family.

  She climbed the stairs and went into their room, seeing Hamm settled on the pillow at the foot of Jacob’s bed. Why had they been allowed to keep a pig in the house? What was wrong with their father?

  “Joey, Jacob. Time to get up. I made breakfast.”

  Both boys sat up in their beds rubbing their eyes. “Breakfast?”

  “I made bacon and eggs and fried potatoes. How does that sound?” She hoped the boys liked eggs, but she’d soon find out. If they could eat Mrs. Banks’s cooking, they were obviously willing to eat just about anything.

  They jumped up. “We usually just have toast for breakfast,” Joey told her, rushing to get dressed.

  “Hurry down.” She left their room, closing the door behind them. Toast for breakfast every morning? She was going to have to make a lot of changes.

  She opened the door to her own bedroom and saw Lee still face down, sprawled across the bed. “Lee. I made breakfast.”

  He rolled to his side and looked at her. The sun wasn’t even up yet, and she’d kept him awake half the night with her shenanigans. Why was she up? “Breakfast?”

  “Yes, breakfast. Fried potatoes, eggs and bacon.”

  He bounded out of bed, kissing her distractedly as he pulled on his pants and shirt. “You made it? Not Mrs. Banks?”

  Jasmine chuckled. “Yes, I made it.”

  He rushed from the room to go sit at the table, which she’d already set. She carried in two platters with the food on them and placed them on the table. “I found a bucket of milk on the work table in the kitchen when I got up. Do you want milk?”

  They all three nodded, and she poured milk for them. “Who brought the milk?” she asked. Who had come into their house while they were sleeping?

  “Oh, one of the ranch hands milks the cows and brings in the eggs every morning.” Lee was so busy serving himself he didn’t even look at her as he answered her question.

  “Oh.” Eli had ranch hands, but he had milked the cows himself. She took her seat beside him. “Don’t forget to pray for us, Lee.”

  Lee stared down at the feast on his plate and closed his eyes, said a quick prayer, and took his first bite of food. “This is excellent!”

  The boys were shoveling the food into their mouths so quickly she was surprised they didn’t choke. “I’m glad you like it,” she said warily as they continued to stuff their faces. All three of them needed to learn table manners. She had her work cut out for her.

  She ate one egg, a few pieces of potatoes, and a strip of bacon. She’d never been much of a breakfast eater, but she knew it was an important meal for most people.

  Lee took two helpings, and when he’d polished off the second, he looked at the platters in disa
ppointment. “I had no idea you were such a good cook!”

  Both boys nodded enthusiastically as they ate their last few bites. “Good food,” Jacob said with his mouth full of egg and potatoes.

  “Great,” Joey agreed as he wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

  Jasmine had placed napkins at each place setting, hoping they’d use them, but none of them even seemed to realize they were there. “I’ll be sure to make more tomorrow.”

  Lee looked at her with surprise. “You’re going to make breakfast again tomorrow?”

  She nodded. “I’m going to cook three meals a day every day.” She smiled at the enthusiasm all three of them showed for her cooking.

  He used his sleeve to wipe his mouth, showing her where the boys had learned the habit. “Have you told Mrs. Banks?”

  Jasmine nodded. “I don’t have to clear what meals I cook with the housekeeper, but yes, I did tell her. She knows that I prefer my own cooking, and I’ll be handling all the meals from now on.”

  He choked on the milk he was drinking. “You told her you prefer your own cooking?”

  She shrugged. “Well, I do.” She gestured to the table where there was not one tiny bit of food left. “Apparently you all do as well.”

  Joey looked at the table suddenly upset. “What’s Hamm going to eat?”

  Jasmine closed her eyes, trying to keep her temper calm. “Hamm is going to start living in the pen with the other pigs. He’s not a house pet. Pigs do not sleep on pillows in little boys’ rooms.”

  Jacob glared at her. “Hamm likes sleeping in our room. He gets cold and scared at night with the other pigs. We wash him every day, so he’s clean!”

  “I’m your new ma, right?”

  Both boys nodded. “Yes,” Joey slumped as he agreed.

  “That means this is my house, right?”

  Jacob stared down at the table. “Yes.”

  “ewill be no pigs living in it. Now take your plates into the kitchen and place them in the basin.” Jasmine wanted a minute alone with their father to talk to him about allowing pigs to live in the house.


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