Barefoot Bay: A Soldier's Surprise (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Beyond Valor Book 2)

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Barefoot Bay: A Soldier's Surprise (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Beyond Valor Book 2) Page 5

by Lynne St. James


  The resort was everything Logan had hoped for and more, and Chloe’s face glowed with excitement. She was chattering just like Lexie did when she was excited. It did his heart good to see her beautiful smiles. Her constant exhaustion, since he’d been home, worried him. Usually, a ball of energy, Chloe normally would have registered super-sonic on the excitement gauge for something like this trip, yet she’d fallen asleep almost as soon as they’d hit the highway. Very unlike her. When they returned home from the weekend, he was going to encourage her to see a doctor. But for now, it was going to be forty-eight hours of fun in the sun.

  The villa looked like a little Moroccan home with white stucco and a red tile roof, and more of the pretty tropical plants that had edged the walkway. With a little imagination, it would be easy to believe they’d left the country and traveled to a far off exotic land. He put down their luggage, unlocked the door, and turned to Chloe. She was about to step inside when he stopped her.

  “Oh no, you don’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because.” He didn’t finish his sentence. Instead, he scooped her up into his arms and carried her over the threshold, just as he had ten years earlier when they’d gotten married. He was proud of himself for thinking of it. This place was bringing out his romantic side.

  “Wow. I didn’t see that coming.”

  “Good. I still have a few surprises up my sleeve.”



  “You’re not wearing sleeves, well not long ones, so it would be kinda hard to hide something up there.” She giggled and looked just like she did when he met her in college.

  “Funny woman. We’ll see.”

  “I guess we will.”

  He put her down in the entryway and grabbed their bags, closing the door behind him.

  “This is gorgeous. I can’t believe we’re actually here. Oh my God. Best anniversary ever.”

  “And we’re just getting started.” As she wandered through the villa, he took their luggage to the bedroom when he heard her screech. His ‘instant on’ took over, and he ran down the hallway expecting to see a snake or some kind of animal confronting his wife.

  “What the hell, Chloe, you scared the shit out of me.”

  “Sorry. But look?” She was holding a huge basket filled with fruit, cheese, crackers and chocolate. “The card says ‘Happy Anniversary, compliments of Lacey and Clay Walker.’ How awesome is that?”

  Grinning, he took the basket and placed it on the table, and pulled her into his arms. “I love you, Mrs. Mitchell. You are the reason I get up every day. I hope you know that no matter how far away I am when I open my eyes in the morning you’re the first person I think of and always will be.” He hadn’t intended to make her cry, but her eyes welled up with tears. Holding her face in his hands, he wiped them away with his thumb and touched his lips to hers.

  He didn’t plan on the kiss being passionate, only to pour his love into her. But as soon as they touched the fire ignited and raced down his spine. With a groan, he carried her to the bedroom. Pulling back the covers he deposited her on the bed with a bounce and a smile.

  Chloe’s surprise quickly turned to desire and her eyes went from their usual hazel to a dark green. Pink colored her cheeks as she sat back up and undressed.

  “That’s my job.”

  “You waited too long,” she said and tossed her shirt at him.

  “Game on, baby.” Pulling his polo shirt over his head, he kicked off his Docksides and dropped his shorts. Then was rewarded with her indrawn breath when she saw he’d gone commando.

  “Do you do that often?” She looked up at his face and back down, licking her lips.

  “Nope, it only happens for you, princess.” It was his turn to groan as she wrapped her soft hands around him, then slid them up and down making him shudder.

  “I meant not wear your boxers, silly. It better only happen for me.” He laughed but the time for conversation was over, and soon they were lost in each other. Before he totally lost his mind, he made a mental note to thank Alex the next time he saw him.


  After unpacking, they changed into their bathing suits and went out onto the patio. The late afternoon sun reflected on the pool surface like a thousand tiny diamonds and took Chloe’s breath away. It was probably hormones, but everything about this place filled her with happiness, or maybe it was having Logan all to herself. It was the best present of all. She’d been completely serious when she’d said an overnight stay in the local hotel would have been fantastic. She loved her children more than anything, but being alone with the man who owned her heart…she just couldn’t imagine anything better.

  “What are you thinking about, baby?”

  “You, the girls, how beautiful it is here. And you some more.” He grinned and she loved how his eyes crinkled at the corners. The sun caught a few gray hairs at his temples she hadn’t seen before. They were getting older, but definitely better, as the last couple of hours proved.

  “Do you want to do anything this afternoon, or just relax?”

  “I think relaxing here by the pool with that basket of snacks sounds like an excellent idea.”

  “I can take the hint, be right back.” She watched as he walked through the French doors into the villa. His body had changed from their college days; it was more solid—muscular—but life had taken its toll on him too. The six-inch scar on his right shoulder reminded her of the danger he lived with on a daily basis. She tried not to think about it much, it just had to be accepted as the wife of a military man.

  Shaking her head, she went over to the pool and dipped her toe. Warm as bathwater. It was life in Florida, the water of the Gulf would probably be close to the same temperature.

  “How is it?” Logan asked as he returned with arms full of water bottles and snacks. She was glad he hadn’t grabbed the bottle of wine. He knew she loved it and turning it down would trigger a red flag for sure.

  “Perfect. I’m thinking snacks in the pool instead of beside it?”

  “Works for me.”

  When she’d put on her suit, she was surprised to see how much of the baby bump showed. She’d hoped the fabric of the suit would have hidden it more. At only a little over four months pregnant, she figured she’d have more time before she had to transition into the dreaded maternity clothes. Ugh. But the bump reminded her she needed to tell Logan before he went back to Afghanistan.

  Cracking open a bottle of the water, he handed it to her, and as their fingers touched a tingle ran up her arm. From the look on his face, he must have had a similar reaction. It was like college again, when they couldn’t keep their hands off each other.

  As the afternoon passed, they laughed, and shared cheese and crackers, and popped grapes and pieces of melon into each other’s mouths. Each time she fed him he nibbled on her fingertips, and it sent a sizzle of electricity to her core. Happiness filled her soul, and she made the decision she’d tell him about the baby tomorrow. Today they’d play and relax. Their love was so strong, everything would have to be alright.

  Chapter Seven

  Logan stepped off the edge into the deep end, totally submerging himself in the pool that was warm enough to be a bathtub. Coming up for air next to Chloe, he shook the water off his face. For a moment he thought she was asleep. Eyes closed, arms resting on the pool edge, as she floated effortlessly. The sun picked up the reddish highlights in her hair and kissed her skin with a golden glow against her turquoise swimsuit.

  “Hey, beautiful.”

  “Mmm. Hi, lover boy. I can’t believe how peaceful it is here.”

  “No kids and no machine guns, just you. It can’t get any better.”

  Her eyes popped open, and she gave him an odd look, almost like worry. What had he said? Was it the machine gun reference? Maybe she was thinking about when he would head back.

  “I wonder what the girls are doing right now?”

  “Probably terrorizing Lily.”r />
  “Maybe, or she could be terrorizing them.” Thinking about Lily running around chasing after the girls in her fuzzy bunny slippers made them laugh, and he was happy to see her frown disappear.

  “I hope she gets pregnant the next time Alex comes home. She wants a baby so much.”

  “Maybe we can give her one of ours. It would make life easier for you with only one.” She looked at him oddly, and a shadow crossed her features. What the fuck was going on with her? It was time to step away before he really stuck his foot in his mouth. “I’m going to do a couple of laps so I can keep my trim physique.” Giving her a quick kiss, he turned and slid through the water.

  The steady strokes slicing through the water helped him think. Water always had. He wasn’t sure why or when he realized it, but it worked. Even showers helped when he had to reason out a problem. But after six laps, he still couldn’t figure out what he’d said to upset his wife. She was usually so easy going, but she’d seemed on edge. At home he could understand, the girls probably got to her after a while, but here, he thought she’d be relaxed and happy. Was he being a typical male and missing all the clues?

  Not finding any answers, he came up for air planning on just asking her if he’d said or done something wrong. But she wasn’t there. Chloe wasn’t in the pool or on the patio. He grabbed a towel and went inside.


  Watching Logan’s arms slice through the water was like watching poetry in motion. There wasn’t anything he didn’t excel at, from sports, to Trivial Pursuit, to making love. But after his remarks, innocent as he might have intended them to be, she couldn’t shake off the dread that he wasn’t going to be pleased when he found out she was pregnant again. Waiting until after they got back home sounded like a better idea as each minute passed. You’re a chicken shit, Chloe. You already decided to tell him, now you’re backing out. She didn’t want to spoil their weekend. It might be another ten years before they could do it again.

  Unfortunately, she was never good at being able to put things out of her mind. She dwelled on stuff, worried it to death until she came up with a solution. It was one of the few things they fought over during their marriage. Stress was her middle name while he was calm and level-headed. It was a good balance, except at times like this.

  Not sure how long he’d be swimming, she got out of the pool, grabbed some crackers, and went inside to take a shower. She hadn’t spent a lot of time in the sun this spring so her skin was already a light shade of pink, and the last thing she wanted was sunburn. As the water rained over her body, she ran through the conversation with Logan about the baby. It could go a few ways. Obviously, the outcome she wanted was for him to be thrilled and decide that he didn’t need to stay overseas. If he’d ask to be stationed at home, her life would be perfect. But she couldn’t bring herself to ask him to give up career advancement for them. He’d worked so hard and made so many sacrifices, not that she hadn’t. Being a single mother sucked wind, but at least he came home. She had too many friends whose husbands would never return, and it scared the shit out of her.

  “Who are you talking to?”

  “What?” Startled by Logan’s voice in the bathroom, she almost slipped. Had she been talking out loud? Crap. What had she said?

  “You were talking. I heard your voice and thought you were on the phone until I heard the shower. As far as I can tell you’re alone in there. I could remedy that if you want?”

  “C’mon in, and I was just singing. I didn’t even realize I was doing it out loud.”

  “If you say so. I was worried you were feeling sick or something when you weren’t in the pool still.”

  “Nah. My shoulders started to feel hot. I figured it was time to go inside or be a lobster later.”

  “I prefer my wife in non-lobster form.”

  “That’s what I thought too.” Giggling, she playfully punched him in the stomach, and he pretended to be mortally wounded. Then he scooped her into his arms and held her under the shower head.

  “Put me down, brute!”

  “No way. You’re my prisoner now. What should I do with you, hmmm?” Pulling her out of the water, he turned so it ran down his back. His grin changed from playful to seductive as he took possession of her mouth. His tongue swept the inside, and their tongues dueled in a dance they’d practiced for years.

  Her breath hitched as his hands traveled her body, knowing just where to touch her to drive her wild. He lifted her and she wrapped her legs around his hips without ever breaking the kiss. She grasped his shoulders and slid her hands over his shoulders, stopping at the roughened skin of his scar.

  As if he knew what she was thinking, he spoke against her lips, “Stop, don’t think about it. I’m here now…” She knew he was right, live in the moment. It was something Lily tried to make her do. Ugh. Her mind started to wander, and as if he knew, Logan touched her most sensitive spot and bit her lip at the same time. All coherent thought dissipated like smoke in the wind.


  “Why don’t we have dinner here tonight. It’s been a long day, and I’m sure you must be tired. I know I’m exhausted. This way you don’t have to get all dressed up. Unless you want to?”

  “It’s a perfect idea. I bet there’s enough stuff in the basket to feed us without ordering a thing.”

  “Maybe for you but I’m a growing man.”

  Laughing, Chloe threw a pillow at him. “Seriously? What’s growing on you except your beer belly.”

  “Hey, I don’t have a beer belly.” To prove it, he ripped off the towel that was tucked around his waist. Catching his reflection in the mirror, he turned sideways to check. “Besides,” he said as he waggled his eyebrows. “I think I you just experienced what grows.” He loved that she still blushed, and the color racing up her chest to her cheeks was like seeing a sunset over the ocean, the slow crawl of color until the entire sky was painted pink.


  “Them’s fighting words. You don’t want to go back in the shower do you?”

  “Oh no. Don’t you dare. I’m waterlogged already.” Instead, he chased her around the bed and tickled her until she collapsed in a fit of giggles. This was the Chloe he’d fallen in love with, snarky, shy, and incredibly passionate. He couldn’t have asked for a more perfect partner.

  Pulling on a t-shirt and a pair of shorts, he followed her into the main room of the villa. She’d already set out the rest of the food from the gift basket, and must have found other food stocked in the kitchen because there was a plate with cold cuts, and rolls in a basket.

  “You found us a feast.”

  “Yeah, this place is beyond impressive. I’ve never stayed somewhere where your every need is anticipated. And the bath products. Oh my God. They sell them at the spa here. I might have to get some to bring home.”

  “Sounds good to me. Actually, that’s part of your surprise. I arranged for a full spa day for you while I’m giving the briefing on Monday. You’ll be pampered from head to toe.”

  “Seriously? You did not.” She ran to him and hugged him so hard it took his breath away.

  “I see where the girls get it from now.”

  “Huh? Oh, sorry.”

  “Don’t you dare. I love that I’ve made you so happy. It was the plan. Lily and Alex might have started it off, but I wanted to make sure you really got to enjoy yourself.”

  “I am, baby. You have no idea.”

  “Hmm, I might have a little idea.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  “Are we going to start this again?”

  “Only if you can catch me.”

  “Damn, I should have brought one of the kid’s super soakers. You’d be sorry then.”

  “Neener, neener. Too bad you didn’t think of it before. Now you’re just stuck.”

  “Don’t underestimate me, I’m a well-trained soldier of the United States of America. We are always prepared.”

  “Well, soldier. Why don’t you sit your butt down and have some dinner with me
and then we can walk on the beach and watch the sunset.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Soft music played as they enjoyed their dinner. Once again feeding each other, as Chloe filled him in on some of the girl’s antics over the past few months. It was unbelievable the trouble they managed to get into. He couldn’t stop laughing though when she told him about the leak in the kitchen and the look on Lexie’s face as the water shot up like a fountain.

  “I’m glad you think it’s funny, you didn’t have to clean it up. And the plumber guy that Lily recommended? Holy crap! What a freakin’ character. But at least he was cheap.”

  “That’s good. Remind me to take a look at it when we get home.”

  After they had finished eating and putting everything away , they headed out to the beach. The location of their villa couldn’t have been better and after a short walk, they were digging their toes in the sand.

  Chloe’s hair was loose for a change, when she was in mommy-mode, it was usually pulled back in a ponytail. He was glad she’d left it down. They held hands as they walked the beach and the sun slowly set over the Gulf of Mexico. Multiple shades of golds, pinks and purples painted the sky as the sun slid down and the violet and lavender of the evening sky took over.

  Dragging him to the water’s edge, Chloe searched for shells in the fading light. Again he was taken aback by her beauty, she practically glowed. When she caught him staring she kicked sand in his direction. “C’mon help me find some shells, they’re the cheapest souvenirs we’re going to get.”

  “I’m sure we’ll have more luck if we try in the morning when the sun is up.”

  “The moon is almost full, there’s plenty of light.”

  Another couple walked by at that moment, and he overheard them talking about the hot air balloon ride. He’d remembered seeing it in the brochure but had forgotten about it. He needed to call the front desk and see if they could make arrangements for tomorrow.

  “Why don’t we go back to the villa. I want to see if I can get reservations for a hot air balloon ride tomorrow. They only go at dusk or dawn so we won’t have a lot of chances.”


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